Вопросы для самоподготовки:
1) Какие группы лексики принадлежат к разряду безэквивалентной лексики? Означает ли безэквивалентность непереводимость? Назовите основные приемы перевода безэквивалентной лексики. Приведите примеры. 2) Дайте определение «реалии». Приведите основные классификации национально-культурных реалий. Назовите основные приемы перевода реалий. Как переводчик решает проблему сохранения национально-культурного колорита, с одной стороны, и обеспечения понимания текста людьми, обладающими иными фоновыми знаниями, с другой?
Рекомендуемые источники:
1. Влахов, С.И. Непереводимое в переводе / С.И. Влахов, С.П. Флорин. – М.: Р.Валент, 2012. – 406 с.
2. Дмитриева, Л.Ф. Английский язык. Курс перевода / Л.Ф. Дмитриева, С.Е. Кунцевич и др. – М.: Ростов-на-Дону: МарТ, 2008. – 304 с.
3. Комиссаров, В.Н. Практикум по переводу с английского языка на русский / В.Н. Комиссаров, А.Л. Кораллова. – М.: Высшая школа, 1990. – 127 с.
4. Крупнов, В.Н. Курс перевода. Английский язык / В.Н. Крупнов. – М.: Междунар. отнош., 1979. – 232 с. (с.26 – 30)
5. Крупнов, В.Н. В творческой лаборатории переводчика / В.Н. Крупнов. – М.: Междунар. отношения, 1986. – 182 с.
6. Томахин, Г.Д. Реалии-американизмы. Пособие по страноведению: учеб. пособие для ин-тов и фак. иностр. яз. / Г.Д. Томахин – М: Высшая школа, 1988. – 239 с.
7. Томахин, Г.Д. Реалии в языке и культуре / Г.Д. Томахин // ИЯШ. – 1997. – № 3. – С. 13-18.
Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения. Определите, какие единицы в них являются безэквивалентными. Предложите возможные варианты перевода этих единиц и мотивируйте свой выбор.
1. The ‘Woopies’ … live up to their nickname, looking for activity rather than rest and relaxation.
2. Madonna wannabees look pretty much the same in Tokyo as their counterparts in London and New York.
3. This two-pound battery cartridge will power up your laptop for a bit longer: eight hours. It’s a must-have if you’re flying with DVDs.
4. Springtime… is a welcome time for workaholics, and perhaps a better time for “resolutions” than during the cold grim days of January and February. And the recent studies on SAD seem to confirm this.
5. The first Ride & Tie, sponsored by Levi Strauss, was held in 1971 between Saint Helena and Sonoma in the wine country of northern California. Now there are hundreds of others all over North America and Europe.
6. A year ago, 10,000 foreigners [in Japan] briefly refused to be finger-printed, as part of an organised campaign against the exasperating practice. About 200 hard-core refusenics are left, four times as many as before last autumn’s campaign.
7. A feast may await couch potatoes in the early 1990s. The viewer browses through a dozen channels on tiny preview screens and picks one.
8. In contrast to his brothers and many of his friends, he doesn’t use drugs, drink or smoke – instead, he chain-chews peppermint gum – and has stayed out of trouble with the law.
9. When it comes to dealing with daily obstacles, he says, we have a tendency toward catastrophizing and awfulizing.
10. The Terrence Higgins Trust is in need of volunteers to wok as ‘buddies’ for people with Aids, particularly in the West London area.
11. [Isabella Rossellini’s] current romance with Lynch is bicoastal. “It’s difficult but David wants to live in Hollywood,” she says. “I have my daughter in New York.”
12. The Barbour jacket, traditional attire for the hunting upper classes, has more recently been taken up as the yuppies’ weekend favourite.
13. A Brymon Airways pilot flying 40 passengers to Paris from London City airport missed colliding with a light aircraft by only 50 feet. … The airmiss was one of two in three days which led to the suspension of the services by the Civil Aviation Authority at the end of last week.
14. JFK’s death is a huge event in memory. It may or may not have been a truly major event in history.
15. Surely many intelligence agencies in the world are trying to penetrate inside the Holy See.
1. Health minister Edwina Currie seems to be credited with inventing the term ‘Woopies’ for well-off older people, and others in the government seem to have fallen for the sound of it.
2. Behind closed doors at the Carlton Inter-Continental, an architectural wedding cake on the Croisette, video rights are traded, scripts are sold, wannabees become stars and once-weres get a second (or a third, or last) chance at success. (Cannes: Sun and Cinema)
3. The hiker died of exposure after becoming lost in the snowstorm.
4. I apologize for stepping on your toe.
5. The British cannot do kiss-and-tell books the way Americans do.
6. Nowadays its Balkan neighbours speak of Romania’s “Albanianization”.
7. Although many residents feared looting and riots during the blackout, the Big Apple remained pretty peaceful in the darkness.
8. The conventional pleasantries over, the elderly solicitor removed a brown file from his battered Gladstone bag.
9. Some still mention him as a possible Supreme Court nominee in a future GOP administration.
10. From FDR’s death to D-Day to the signing of the declaration on July 4, dates mark crises and celebrations.
11. The plans… include keeping the “footprints” of the Twin Towers empty and clearing more public spaces – especially a tree-lined memorial promenade – billed as Manhattan’s own Champs-Elysees – that could be built atop a submerged highway west of the site, linking the new WTC to Battery Park City.
12. In one of his whistle-stop speeches the Presidential nominee briefly outlined his attitude towards civil rights programme.
13. Fifty new agony aunts will be recruited by the Women’s Royal Voluntary Service. … The ladies… will listen to the problems of young soldiers.
14. Young Cheltenham ladies and gentlemen in striped shirts and Barbours quaffed their drinks and guffawed loudly.
15. From Dubbo, where they have just experienced their first dry afternoon in a fortnight, reports have come of 1,000 shearers cooling their heels, waiting for the Big Wet to pass so they can get back to fleecing the sheep.