Component Parts. Accessories

Государственное образовательное учреждение

Высшего профессионального образования




Радио и телевидение


Часть 3

Учебно-методические материалы для студентов II курса отделения английского языка переводческого факультета

Нижний Новгород 2004

Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета НГЛУ им. Н.А.Добролюбова


УДК 802.0 (075.83)



Radio and Television (Vocabulary). Радио и телевидение (словарь): Учебно-методические материалы для студентов II курса отделения английского языка переводческого факультета. – Нижний Новгород: НГЛУ им. Н.А. Добролюбова. - 47 с.


Настоящие учебно-методические материалы предназначены для развития у студентов лексико-грамматических и коммуникативно-прагматических навыков в использовании иностранного языка в ряде типовых ситуаций общения.



Составитель: канд. филол. наук, доцент С.И. Жолобов


Рецензенты: канд.пед наук, доцент Г.В. Ильина

канд.пед. наук, доцент О.М. Шолкович



© Издательство ГОУ НГЛУ им. Н.А. Добролюбова, 2004




This booklet is the third of three dealing with radio and television. It is a vocabulary covering a wide range of specific areas. Its entries are arranged in groups of semantically related words and phrases. Each headword is supplied with a definition, a translation and variety of illustrative examples showing its collocational properties and the grammatical relations into which it can enter. Special emphasis is put on grammatical variation (i.e. the choice between alternative constructions), the stylistic characteristics of words and aspects of situationally appropriate usage, covering both the major varieties – British and American English. By providing this kind of information the vocabulary aims to help students learn to understand these words and phrases in particular contexts as well as to use them correctly and appropriately in speech or writing.





1. Types of Sets 5


2. Component Parts. Accessories 6


3. Operations 14


4. Processes. States. Properties 20


5. Listening and Watching 26


6. Broadcasting 28


7. Programmes 31


8. Production and Presentation of Programmes 36


9. Participants in Programmes 43




Types of Sets

1. apparatus (pl. –tuses or –tus) – a set of instruments or other mechanical appliances

unit put together for a purpose – аппарат

2. transmitter – an apparatus that sends out radio or television signals –

радио/телепередатчик; передающая радиостанция

3. the latest types/models/makes of radio – the kinds of radios which have

recently been designed and manufactured – новые/последние

модели/марки радиоприемников

4. radio (set) – an apparatus made to receive sounds broadcast through the air by

(radio) receiver means of electrical waves – радиоприемник; радио

receiving set

wireless (set) (BrE) (becoming rare)

5. transistor (radio) – a radio set that has transistors instead of valves –

transistor (set) транзисторный радиоприемник; радио

6. portable radio – a radio set that can be (easily) carried about –

портативный /настольный/ переносной радиоприемник

7. mains-operated set – a radio set to be connected to the mains (a chief wire

supplying electricity) for current, not a battery set –

радио-приемник, работающий от сети

all-mains set – a radio receiver adaptable to all voltages – радиоприемник,

работающий от сети любого напряжения

The radio is operated from the mains.

8. battery-operated set – a radio set which works on batteries – радиоприемник,

battery set работающий на батареях

This radio works on batteries.

9. wire broadcasting – a system whereby radio programmes are received at

a wire radio central point whence they are distributed by wire to

listeners and viewers

10. stereo (set) - стереофонический радиоприемник; стереоприемник

stereophonic set (formal)

11. mono set – монофонический радиоприемник

monaural set (formal)

12. high fidelity – (of radio, records, taps and equipment for reproducing sound)

giving faithful reproduction by the use of a wide range of

sound waves – высокая точность воспроизведения звука hi-fi (set)

When you listen to my hi-fi (set), it’s like sitting in the concert hall!

13. television (set) – a boxlike apparatus for receiving pictures and sounds –

TV (set) (informal) - телевизор

(television) receiver

telly (BrE) (informal)

box (BrE) (informal)

boob tube (slang)

14. black-and-white television (set) – черно-белый телевизор; телевизор

черно-белого изображения.

15. colour television (set) – цветной телевизор; телевизор цветного


Component Parts. Accessories

1. design – several arrangement of planning (of a picture, book, building machine, etc.) – конструкция

The building seats 2000 people, but is poor in design.

a machine of faulty design will not sell well

a minor defect is the design of a loudspeaker

2. (component) part – a necessary or important piece of a machine or other

component apparatus – составная часть; деталь

3. spare part – an extra piece to be used when needed, when sth. breaks or wears

replacement part - запасная часть

4. cabinet – a plastic, wooden or metal container for radio, television, record-

playing or recording equipment – корпус

5. panel – a board on which controls or instruments of various kinds are fastened

- панель

control panel – a panel on a radio or television set – панель управления

front panel – передняя панель

rear panel - задняя панель

6. control – (usu. pl.) – means by which a machine, etc. is operated or regulated

регулятор; орган регулировки /элемент управления/

the controls of a transistor radio

7. knob – a round handle or control button – регулятор /ручка/ кнопка

(круглой формы)

to turn the knob clockwise to switch the set on

8. switch – a device for making or breaking an electric cirouit; a device used for

operate switch turning on and off an electrical apparatus –

(power) on/off switch переключатель; выключатель

9. button – a small, round button–like object, esp. one that, when pushed,

makes an electrical contact, a device used

for switching on and off an electrical

apparatus – кнопка

(power) on-off button

to press/push/touch a button

10. tuning control – регулятор настройки диапазона

tuning knob

11. fine-tuning control - регулятор плавной настройки;

fine tuning knob - регулятор подстройки частоты

fine tuning – it rejects frequencies close to the required frequency - плавная

настройка; подстройка частоты

coarse tuning – it accepts the required frequency and other frequencies close

to it – грубая настройка

12. volume/sound control - регулятор громкости

volume/sound knob

13. contrast control – регулятор контраста

contrast knob

14. brightness contrast – регулятор яркости

brightness knob

15. focus (ing) control - регулятор фокусировки

focus (ing) knob

16. colour control – регулятор насыщенности цвета

colour knob

17. colour-balance control – регулятор цветового баланса; регулятор

colour-balance knob цветового тона

18. tone control – регулятор тембра

tone knob

19. base control - регулятор тембра низких частот

20. tremble control – регулятор тембра высоких частот

21. loudspacker - this part of a radio, record player, etc., from which the sound

speaker comes out – громкоговоритель; акустическая система

22. selector – a person or instrument that selects

wave-band selector – a device used to change from one hand to another

band selecting switch in order to choose the desired one –

переключатель диапазонов

channel selector – a device used to change from one channel to another to

choose the desired one – переключатель / селектор

(телевизионных) каналов

to work the selector

voltage selector – a device used to choose the required voltage –

переключатель напряжения сети

The voltage selector is located at the bottom of the unit.

Be sure to check your local power (mains) voltage. Turn the voltage selector to your desired power (mains) voltage with

a screwdriver until the selector clicks.

23. dial – a plate, disc, etc., on a radio set with names or numbers (wavelengths

tuning dial of broad-casting stations), for tuning into broadcasting

dial scale stations – шкала волн

wavelength scale

The frequencies available with each band are marked on

the corresponding dial scales.

24. aerial – that part of a radio or TV system which receives or sends out signals, usu. a wire or rod, or a number of wires or rods – антенна

telescopic aerial - an aerial which is made of parts that slide over one

another to make the whole shorter –

подвижная/телескопическая антенна

He pulled out the telescopic aerial fully.

built-in aerial – внутренняя антенна

indoor aerial - комнатная антенна

outdoor aerial – наружная антенна; внешняя антенна

parabolic aerial – параболическая антенна

25. remote control unit – a device for controlling machinery from a distance by

radio signals - блок дистанционного управления

26. screen - a white or silver surface on the white slides, film transparencies,

cinema film, TV pictures, etc. are projected; a surface upon

which an image is seen on a cathode ray tube - экран

27. headphones – an apparatus made of two parts of metal, plastic, etc. which

earphones fits over the ears and is used to receive radio messages, etc. -

headsets наушники, головной телефон


phone jack – a jack used to connect headphones to the apparatus - гнездо

для подключения наушников

28. (main lead) – (a piece of) wire with a protective covering, for joining

(flexible) cord electrical apparatus to a supply of electricity – сетевой

flex (esp. BrE) шнур, шнур питания

(AC) power cord

29. (AC) plug – adaptor/adapter – something that adapts, esp. an apparatus

(plug) that makes it possible to use more than one piece of

electrical machinery from a single supply point (socket) -

адаптер; соединительное переходное устройство

Use an AC plug adaptor if the plug of the AC power cord does

not match the outlet.

30. earth (wire) (BrE) – (an additional safety wire which makes) a connecting

ground (wire) (AmE) between an electrical apparatus and the ground -


to earth (BrE) –(v.t.) – the make an electrical apparatus safer by connecting

to ground (AmE) it to the ground with a wire - заземлять

31. plug – a device to which the conductors of a cord may be attached and that

establishes contact by insensioning a jack or being screwed into the

receptacles – штепсельная вилка; штекер

two-three-pin plug

standard multi-pin plug

to put/insert/push a plug into socket

The plug fits into this socket.

32. socket – a device placed in a wall to receive a plug that makes an electrical

wall socket connection with supply wiring – штепсельная розетка

(wall) outlet


33. jack – a connecting device in an electrical circuit designed for the insertion

of a plug – штепсельное гнездо

phone jack – a jack used to connect headphones to the apparatus – гнездо

для подключения наушников


aerial input jack/socket – a jack/socket used to connect an serial to the

apparatus – гнездо для подключения антенны

(external DC) power jack – a jack used to connect the apparatus to a supply

of electricity – гнездо для подключения сетевого шнура

34. power source – a point of supplying electricity - источник питания

(local) power supply

(local) mains supply

(public) electricity supply

supply of electricity

(supply/power) point (esp. Br.E)

35. main (usu. pl.) – a chief pipe or wire supplying water, gas, electricity –

электросеть; сеть питания

an electric/gas/water/sewer main

The radio is operated from the mains.

We take our electric current from the mains.

mains (adj.) – supplied from a main

mains electricity/voltage

a mains (-operated) set

36. battery – a group of connected electric cells from which current will flow –

(аккумуляторная) батарея

battery life

battery compartment

to install batteries

These batteries are weak.

These batteries are flat/dead.

The radio works on batteries.

37. (safety) fuse – (in an electric circuit) a short piece of wire which melts and breaks the circuit if the circuit is overloaded - плавкий предохранитель


cut-out (fuse) – a device that interrupts or disconnects a circuit (e.g. to avoid

too heavy a load) – предохранитель

The fuse has blown (cut).

Don’t blow (cut) the fuse.

38. rectifier – a device which converts alternating current to direct current –

выпрямитель тока

39. amplifier – an instrument, as used in radios and record players, that makes

amp (informal) electrical current or power stronger,

music louder, etc. - усилитель

40. valve – a closed glass tube with no air in it, used for continuing a flow of

tube (AmE) electricity, as (esp. formerly) in radio or television –

twelve-valve set электронная лампа

41. (cathode ray) tube – a glass instrument in which streams of electrons from

the cathode (cathode rays) are directed onto a flat surface

where they give out light, as a television receiver –

кинескоп; электронно-лучевая трубка

I’m afraid the tube’s going.

42. (wave) band – a range of frequencies that may be tuned in together –

band of radio waves диапазон; полоса частот

the long/medium/short wave band

the 19-metre band

Radio 2 can be heard on/in the long wave band.

spread band – растянутый диапазон

band spread

wave – a form in which some forms of energy, such as light and sound,

move - волна

This radio Station broadcasts on short waves.

long/medium/short/ultrashort waves

a short-wave transmitter

wavelength – a radio signal sent out on radio waves that are a particular

distance apart – длина волны

This radio station broadcasts on the same wavelength.

frequency – a particular number of radio at which a radio signal is broadcast

- частота

This radio station broadcasts on three different frequencies.

(very) low/(very) high frequency

a VHF radio

frequency modulation (FM) – a system of broadcasting, usu. on VHF, in

which the signal comes at a varying number of times per second

43. channel – a band of radio waves for broadcasting television; a television

station - (телевизионный) канал

Two channels show sport on Saturday.

This show is on Channel 4.

44. (instruction) manual – a (small) book of information about how to do sth.,

instructions or use esp. a machine – руководство по эксплуатации

operating manual/instructions

a book of instructions

If you have any question or problem concerning your unit that is

not covered in this (instruction) manual, please consult your nearest

Sony dealer.

45. (radio/TV) repairman/engineer – специалист по ремонту радиоприемников /

repair people телевизоров; ремонтный мастер; телевизионный мастер

repair shop – мастерская по ремонту чего-либо

service shop

He took his radio set to the service shop for a thorough check-up.


1. to install – (v.t.) – to set (an apparatus) up, ready for use – устанавливать;


installation man

Do not install the unit near heat sources.

2. to operate – (v.t.) (v.i.) – to (cause to) work, be in action, have an effect,

manage - управлять; работать

He could not operate the radio/television.

You can’t operate the unit on these batteries.

This unit operates on AC power.

The radio/television was not operating properly.

ITV operates for 24 hours a day.

3. to connect (up) (v.t.) – to join sth. to sth. else; to join sth. to a supply of

hook up (v.t.) electricity – соединять; подключать; включать

to plug in (v.t.)

to plug into (v.t.) (v.i.)

to put/insert/push a plug into a socket

He connected his radio/TV set (up) to the serial/electricity supply.

He connected up the radio/TV set.

The TV set has arrived but it hasn’t been hooked up to the

electricity supply yet.

He plugged in the TV set.

No wonder the lamp didn’t come on, it’s not plugged in!

He plugged the lamp into this receptacle.

The lamp plugs into this receptacle/the mains.

4. to disconnect (v.t.) – to remove (sth.) from being joined by or as by a wire to

to unplug (v.t.) (sth. such as electricity), to remove a plug from –

to remove/pull out the plug отключать; отсоединять; выключать


He disconnected the TV set (from the electricity supply) before he

made adjustments inside it.

Unplug the unit (from the wall outlet) when it is not to be used for

as extended period of time.

5. to play (1) (v.i.)– to produce esp. musical sounds – работодатель; играть

The radio was playing very loudly.

(2) (v.t.) – to cause sth. to produce esp. musical sounds – слушать

He played the radio all evening.

6. to adjust (v.t.) – to change slightly, esp. in order to set right or make suitable for a particular job or new conditions – регулировать; настраивать

Please do not adjust sets. (A warning on a TV screen)

To adjust sound level and tone quality, adjust the VOLUME and TONE.

He adjusted the tuning dial to the correct wavelength.

He adjusted the set to a particular frequency.

adjustment – adjusting; an act of adjusting – настройка; регулировка

an adjustment of the aerial/aerial adjustment

The repairman made all the necessary adjustment in/inside the unit.

Volume adjustments will not affect recording level.

No volume adjustment is necessary.

7. to fiddle with (v.t.) – to move the parts of a machine in an undirected way, so

to tinker with (v.t.) as to discover a fault

to twiddle with (v.t.)

Sometimes when the television set doesn’t work, you can fiddle

with the wires inside and it comes right!

He always had the ability to tinker with an engine and set it going

again, even when he didn’t know what was wrong.

Perhaps if you twiddle with the controls for a few minutes you

could make the television work better.

8. to switch on (v.t.) (v.i.) – (to cause sth. electrical) to start working -

to turn on (v.t.) (v.i.) включать(ся)

to put on (v.t.)

to stick on (informal) (v.t.)

to snap on (v.t.) – to put (a light) on suddenly

He switched the light/radio/television on.

He switched on the light/radio/television.

We switch on to the nine o’clock news.

We turn on the TV set at news time.

Note: The phrasal verbs SWITCH ON, PUT ON, STICK ON, SNAP ON are used only with reference to electricity, whereas the phrasel verb TURN ON is used in regard to electricity, water, gas, etc.

9. to switch off (v.t.) – to cause (sth. electrical) to stop working -

to switch out (v.t.) включаться

to turn off (v.i.)

to turn out (v.t.)

to put off (esp. Br.E) (v.t.)

to put out (v.t.)

to shut off (v.t.) (v.i.)

He switched the light/ radio /television off.

He switched off the light/radio/television.

The machine shuts off by itself at the end of the recording.

to snap off (v.t.) - to turn off (a light) suddenly

Note. The phrasal verbs SWITCH OFF/OUT, PUT OFF, SNAP OFF are used only with reference to electrical equipment, the phrasal verb PUT OUT is used in regard to electrical equipment and fires, and the phrasal verbs TURN OUT, TURN OFF are used with respect to electricity, water, gas, etc.

10. to switch over (v.t.) – to charge the current in (an electrical machine)

The power machine will be switched over at midnight.

11. to warm up (v.t.) (v.i.) – (of a machine, radio, etc.) to (cause to) become

fully ready to work - греть(ся); нагревать(ся)

If the unit has not been used for a long time, set it in (the) playback mode and warm it up for a few minute before inserting a cassette.

This radio has always taken a long time to warm up!

12. to tune in (to sth.) (v.i.) – to listen (to a radio station); to move the switch (of a

to get/catch a station radio) to choose a certain station – настраивать

He tuned in to the BBC World Service.

You are not properly tuned in.

Tune in again tomorrow to hear the continuation of our

exciting story.

We always tune in at 10 o’clock to hear the news.

13. to turn up (v.t.) – to increase (a flame, sound, etc.) - усиливать (звук)

to increase/amplify the volume/sound level

He turned the radio up.

He turned up the radio.

14. to turn down (v.t.) – to reduce (a flame, sound, etc.) usu. by moving a switch

or other control – убавлять (звук)

to reduce the volume/sound level

He turned the radio down (very low).

He turned down the radio.

15. to change/turn/shift/switch (informal) (v.t.) (v.i.) – to (cause to) move from

(sb. or sth.) to (sb. or sth. else) –


He changed/switched/turned/shifted (the television) from one

channel to another.

He changed/switched/turned/shifted (the television) to a different


He changed/switched/turned/shifted (the radio) to another station.

16. to set (v.t.) – to put sth. in a certain position – устанавливать в

to position (v.t.) определенное положение

He set the unit in the play/made mode.

Set this switch to the position that corresponds to the band in which

the programme you want to listen to broadcasting.

He set it in a raised position.

According level is automatically set.

Pull out the telescopic aerial fully and position it for the best

possible reception by adjusting the length and direction.

to set in the switched-on/switched-off position

17. to slide (v.t.) (v.i.) – to (cause to) move smoothly over a polished surface –

slide control двигать(ся) плавно

He slid the control upwards to increase the sound level.

The control slides upwards vary smoothly.

18. to press/push/touch a button – to operate a button – нажать кнопку

19. to replace (v.t.) – to change (sth. or sb.) for (sth. or sb. else), often better,

newer, etc. - заменять

We’ve replaced the old adding machine with/by a computer.

In the event of mechanical failure, the makers will replace any

faulty part free.

20. guarantee – the formal declaration that sth. will be done, esp. a written

guaranty agreement by the maker of an article to repair or replace

(legal word) it if it is found imperfect within a period of time -

гарантия качества

warranty (technical) a year’s guarantee with a watch

a two-year warranty on a new radio

a guarantee against me chanical defects

A guarantee/warranty expires/ runs out.

The radio has a two-year guarantee/warranty.

The TV set is less than a year old, so it is still under


to guarantee - (v.t.) – to give a guarantee for (sth. or sb.) - гарантировать;

to warrant (the less usual word) давать/ иметь гарантию

The radio is guaranteed for one year.

It is guaranteed to last ten years.

The makers guarantee this special glass against breakage.

The swimmer bought a special watch guaranteed against water


21. to maintain (v.t.) - to keep in good repair after sale -

to service (v.t.) - обслуживать; содержать в хорошем состоянии;

производить осмотр и техническое обслуживание

to maintain/service a radio/ TV set/car

to have a radio/TV set/car serviced

maintenance - обслуживание; уход (за оборудованием);

servicing – содержание и техническое обслуживание

radio/TV set/car maintenance/ servicing

preventive/routine maintenance

22. to dim (v.t.) (v.i.) – to make or become dim (=not bright; not clear) –

ослаблять(ся), притуплять(ся)

to dim the interference

The lights in the theatre began to dim.

23. to charge (v.t.) (v.i.) – to (cause to) take in the correct amount of electricity –

to recharge (v.t.) (v.i.) заряжать; повторно заряжать

The battery is flat and needs recharging.

My car battery charges easily.

rechargeable – (esp. of a light-weight storage battery) capable of being charged repeatedly from ordinary household electric current



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