Португальский (Portuguese) 10 глава

E79 «The Thought of the Heart». In Eranos Jahrbuch 1948—1979, pp. 133—182. Frankfurt a/M: Insel Verlag, 1981. Reprinted as A84, and in A92.

E81 «The Imagination of Air and the Collapse of Alchemy». In Eranos Jahrbuch 1950—1981, pp. 273—333. Frankfurt a/M: Insel Verlag, 1982.

E82 «The Animal Kingdom in the Human Dream». In Eranos Jahrbuch 1951—1982, pp. 279—334. Frankfurt a/M: Insel Verlag, 1983.

E85 «On Paranoia». In Eranos Jahrbuch 1954—1985, pp. 269—324. Frankfurt a/M: Insel Verlag, 1987. Reprinted as A88.

E87 «Oedipus Revisited». In Eranos Jahrbuch 1956—1987, pp. 261—307. Frankfurt a/M:Insel Verlag, 1989. Reprinted in B90.

E90 «Concerning the Stone: Alchemical Images of the Goal». Sphinx 5 (1993): 234—265. London. Convivium for Archetypal Studies.

F. Предисловия, переводы, заметки

F57 «Editor's Preface» to The Transcendent Function, by С G. Jung, translated by A. R. Pope (privately printed). Zurich: Students' Association of the С G. Jung Institute, 1957.

F63a «Foreword» (with A. K. Donoghue) to The Cocaine Papers, by Sigmund Freud, pp. iii — viii. Vienna/Zurich: Dunquin Press and Spring Publications, 1963.

F63b «Freunde und Feinde» (with Adolf Guggenbuhl-Craig). Schwei-zer Spiegel 38 (1963): 21—26.

F63c «Editor's Introduction» to The Logos of the Soul, by Evangelos Christou, pp. i — iv. Vienna/Zurich: Dunquin Press, 1963. Reissued Dallas: Spring Publications, 1987.

F67a «Preface to the American Edition of Evil. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1967.

F67b «Preface» to Satan in the Old Testament, by Rivkah Scharf Kluger. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1967.

F67c «Preface to the American Edition» in Ancient Incubation and Modern Psychotherapy, by С A. Meier. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1967.

F67d «De psychologie van het kwaad». Elseviers Weekblad 23, Amsterdam (1967): 33—34.

F68 «Editor's Preface to the American Edition» of Timeless Documents of the Soul, by S. Hurwitz, M.-L. von Frans, and H. Jacobsohn. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1968.

F69 «Ein Kampf auf Leben und Tod? Bemerkungen zum Aufstand der Jugend» (with Adolf Guggenbuhl-Craig). Schweizer Spiegel 44 (1969): 16—22.

F70a «An Introductory Note: С G. Cams — С G. Jung» in Psyche (Part One), by Carl Gustav Carus. New York/Zurich: Spring Publications, 1970.

F70b «Preface to the American Edition» of Conscience. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1970.

F70c Translation from German of «Must Analysis Fail through Its Destructive Aspect?» by Adolf Guggenbuhl-Craig. Spring 1970: 133—145.

F71 «Avant Propos» to the Catalogue of Cecil Collins: Recent Paintings. London: Arthur Tooth and Sons, 1971.

F76 «Publisher's Prefatory Note» to The Visions Seminars, by С G. Jung. Zurich/New York: Spring Publications, 1976.

F77a «Letter» (on Jung's style compared with T. S. Eliot's). Journal of Analytical Psychology 22 (1977): 59.

F77b «Publisher's Preface» to Hermes and His Children, by Rafael Lopez-Pedraza. Zurich: Spring Publications, 1977.

F79 «Letter from the Editor for a Tenth Anniversary». Spring 1979: i — ii.

F80a «The Children, The Children! An Editorial». Children's Literature 8 (1980): 3—6.

F80b «Editor's Preface» to Facing the Gods (C80), p. iv.

F80c «Letter to the Editor». D Magazine (December 1980): 8.

F80d «Compagnon d'Eranos, communion invisible». In La Galaxie de Vimaginaire, derive autour de Voeuvre de Gilbert Du-rand, edited by M. Maffesoli, pp. 217—220. Paris: Berg International, 1980.

F81a «Entertaining Ideas». The Institute Newsletter 1/1 (The Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture) (1981): 5—7. Reprinted in Stirrings of Culture, edited by R. Sardello and G. Thomas, pp. 3—5 (Dallas: The Dallas Institute Publications, 1986).

F81b «Letter to Tom Moore». Corona 2 (1981): 115—120.

F81c «Vorwort zur 2. Auflage in deutscher Sprache» to Die Suche nach Innen, pp. i — ii. Zurich: Daimon Verlag, 1981. See GeA67.

F82a «A Contribution to Soul and Money». In Soul and Money, by Russell A. Lockhart, James Hillman et al., pp. 31—43. Dallas: Spring Publications, 1982. Reprinted in Money, Food, Drink and Fashion and Analytic Training: Depth Dimensions of Physical Existence (The Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress for Analytical Psychology), edited by J. Beebe, pp. 52—59 (Fellbach: Verlag Adolf Bonz, 1983).

F82b «On Culture and Chronic Disorder». The Institute Newsletter 1/2 (The Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture) (1982): 12—17. Excerpted in Stirrings of Culture, pp. 15—21.

F82c «City Limits». In Imagining Dallas, pp. 55—63. Dallas: The Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture, 1982.

F83a «Interiors in the Design of the City: The Ceiling». The Institute Newsletter 2/1 (The Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture) (1983): 11—18. Reprinted as «Interior and Design of the City: Ceilings», in Stirrings of Culture, pp. 78—84. Excerpt published as «One Man's Ceiling Is Another Man's Norror», Utne Reader 8 (1985): 104.

F83b «Buffalo's Inner City: A Conversation between Paul Kugler and James Hillman». Buffalo Arts Review 1/1 (1983): 1 and 6—7.

F83c «Letter to the Editor» (with Paul Kugler). Buffalo Arts Review 1/2(1983).

F83d Translation from German of «Jottings on the Jung Film Matter of Heart», by Adolf Guggenbuhl-Craig. Spring 199—202.

F84a «Talking as Walking». The Institute Newsletter (The Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture) (Fall 1984): 10—12. Reprinted in Stirrings of Culture, pp. 12—14.

F84b «Souls Take Pleasure in Moisture». The Institute Newsletter (The Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture) (Fall 1984): 35—38. Reprinted in Stirrings of Culture, pp. 203—205.

F84c «The Spirit of the City». Buffalo Arts Review 2/1 (1984): 3 and 5.

F85a «The Wildman in the Cage». Voices: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists (1985): 30—34. Reprinted as «The Wildman in the Cage: Comment», in New Men, New Minds: Breaking Male- Tradition, edited by F. Abbott, pp. 182—186 (Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1987).

F86b «In Memoriam Robert Grinnell», edited by С Goodrich (privately printed). Santa Barbara, 1985.

F85c «James Hillman on Animals: A Correspondence with John Stockwell». Between the Species 1/2 (1985): 4—8. Excerpted in Utne Reader 19 (1987): 66—67.

F85d «Prefazione» to Trame perdute, pp. xi — xiii. Milan: Cortina, 1985. See It85.

F86a «Selling out to Developers» (Letter to the Editor). Putnam Observer Patriot, 9 March 1986, p. 9.

F86b «Soul and Spirit». In Carl Jung and Soul Psychology, edited by E. M. Stern, pp. 29—35. New York: Haworth Press, 1986. Also in Voices: The Art and Science of Psychotherapy 21/3 & 4 (1986): 29—35. Excerpts from A64, pp. 43—47, and A75b, pp. 67—70.

F87a «Bureaucratic Buck Passing» (Letter to the Editor). Putnam Observer Patriot, 25 February 1987, p. 5.

F87b «Behind the Iron Grillwork» (for Clayton Eshleman). Temblor 6 (1987): 100.

F88a «Prefazione» to Saggi sul puer, pp. xi — xiii. Milan: Cortina, 1988. See It88.

F88b «Foreword» to Inscapes of the Child's World, by John Allan, pp. xiii — xx. Dallas: Spring Publications, 1988.

F89a «Delivering the Male» (Canadian Broadcasting Company Ideas with Robert Bly and Tim Wilson). Journal of Wild Culture, Toronto (Spring 1989): 6—13.

F89b «La faillite du mouvement spirituel» (Letter). Guide Ressour-ces 5/1, Montreal (1989): 9.

F90a «Creativity Symposium» (with Bly, Campbell, and Pozzo). In С G. Jung and the Humanities: Toward a Hermeneutics of Culture, edited by K. Barnaby and P. d'Acierno, pp. 153—161. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1990.

F90b «Jung and Postmodernism Symposium» (with Casey, Kugler, and Miller). In С G. Jung and the Humanities, pp. 331— 340.

F90c «An Education in Psychology...» (Address). Pacifica Newsletter 1/1 (1990): 3, 9, 12.

F90d «Reply» (to critics of H90b). L. A. Weekly, June 15—21, 1990, p. 6.

F90e «Dialogue Continues...» (Letter responding to critics of D89e). Common Boundary (March — April 1990): 5.

F91a «Reply» (to Ralston's Letter). The Sun 188 (1991): 4—5.

F91b «Perche vengono?» Preface to It91, pp. vi — ix.

F91c «A Note on 'Soul' in Painting». Tema Celeste, International edition 32/33 (1991): 82.

F92a «Two the Corpse» (Poems). Exquisite Corpse 34 (1992): 5.

F92b «Preface: A Memoir from the Author for the 1992 Edition» of Re-Visioning Psychology. See A75b.

F92c «Preface» to Emotion. See A60.

F92d «The Heart-Break of America». Concluding Remarks, Multicultural Men's Conference, 25—30 January, 1992, Malibu, CA (privately printed, p. 48).

F92e «Is Therapy the Antithesis of Activism?» The Phoenix, Minneapolis, September 1992. Excerpts from B92.

F92f «Some Psalms of Davis» (Four Poems). In Walking Swiftly: Writings and Images on the Occasion of Robert Bly's 65th Birthday, edited by Thomas R. Smith, pp. 245—249. St. Paul, MN: Ally Press, 1992.

F92g Excerpts from A83a in Jungian Literaty Criticism, edited by R. P. Sugg, pp. 129—138. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1992.

F92h «J. Hillman on J. Edgar: Food and Fingerprints» (Letter). Exquisite Corpse 38 (1992): 4.

F92i «The Politics of Self-Pity». Excerpts from B92 Family Therapy Networker (Nov/Dec 1992): 38—44.

F93a «Substance Abuse and Soul in Things». Impuls 2 (1993): 79— 85. Blindern, Oslo. (Excerpt from B92).

F93b «My Hero». Uthe Reader 57 (1993): 98.

F93c «Letter to the Editor», (re: Katha Pollitfs piece on gender issues) Uthe Reader 60 (1993): 11—12.

F94a «Preface to the 1994 edition», and «Postscript — A Critical Review of his Book by the Author». Insearch (2nd rev. ed. of A67) (1994). 3—4 & 127—141. Woodstock, CT. Spring Publications.

F94b «Psychotherapy and Aesthetic Justice». Earth Ethics 512 (1994): 6—7 Washington, DC. (Excerpt from B92.)

F94c «The Dark Side of Typing». Who am П Personality Types for Self- Discovery (1994): Ed. Robert Frager, 112—116. New York: Putnam's (Excerpt from E76.)

F95a «Points To Ponder». Readers Digest (January 1995): 16. (Excerpt from B92.)

F95b «A Psyche the Size of the Earth». In Ecopsychology (1995). Ed. Roszak, Gomes, & Kanner: pp. xvii — xxiii, San Francisco:

Sierra Club; and in Recurgence, 168, (Jan/Feb 1995): 4—6.

Bideford, Devon. F95c «Let there be dark». Visionfest Remarks, Utne Reader 70 (July/

Aug. 1995): 36—37.

F96a «Award Address». New York Open Center. In Lapis (1996): 7. F96b «This Question of Images». In Saga (1996): Ed. Jonathan

Young, pp. 16—19. Ashland, OR; White Cloud Press.

G. Неопубликованные работы

G65 «The Courage to Risk Failure». Graduation address delivered June 1965 at the American International School of Zurich.

G67a «Life and Death in Analysis». Paper delivered at an international conference on suicide, October 1967, San Francisco State University.

G67b «Symbols of Dying». Paper delivered at an international conference on suicide, October 1967, San Francisco State University.

G70 «The Problem of Fantasies and the Fantasy of Problems». Lecture held November 1969 in Brighton. Mimeographed. London: Centre for Spiritual and Psychological Studies, 1970.

G71 «Guidelines for the Future». Lecture held 24 April in Malvern, England. Mimeographed. London: Centre for Spiritual and Psychological Studies.

G77 «Archetypal Therapy» (with Patricia Berry). Paper presented January 1977 at the «First International Seminar of Archetypal Psychology», University of Dallas, Irving, TX.

G79a Goals for Dallas: Dallas for Goals». Lecture delivered June 1979 to department heads and subheads of the City of Dallas.

G79b «On Graduate Despond». Graduate Dean's opening semester address, September 1979, to the Institute of Philosophic Studies, University of Dallas, Irving, TX.

G80 «Respect for Air». Contribution to a panel on inspection and maintenance of automobile exhaust emissions, September 1980, Dallas City Hall.

G81 «Imagination Is Bull». Lecture delivered March 1981 at the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture.

G83a «Myth and Aging. April 1983, The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Center for Twentieth-Century Studies.

G83b «Academia, the Soul, and the City». December 1983, American Academy of Religion, Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX.

G83c «On Dreaming of Pigs: A Jungian View of Interpretation». Lecture delivered November 1983 under the auspices of the Department of English, Yale University, New Haven, CT.

G87a The Open City». Keynote address at «The Soul of Pittsburgh» conference, May 1987, Urban Redevelopment Authority and С G. Jung Center, Pittsburgh, PA.

G87b «Notes on AIDS». October 1987, Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture, Dallas, TX.

G88a «Broken Voices, Healing Voices: Sounding the Deeps» (with Michael McClure and Enrique Pardo). 20 May 1988, San Francisco.

G88b «The Art of the Soul». Keynote talk at the symposium «Embodying the Spiritual in the Art of the Future», September 1988, San Francisco Art Institute.

G89a Master of Ceremonies Introduction. Jean Erdman Dance Benefit, 8 June 1989, Marymont Theatre, New York.

G89b Talk on the Opening Evening. The Shadow in Children's Literature, 17 July 1989, Simmons College, Boston.

G90a «Figuring the Future». In honor of C. West Churchman, Systems Philosophy Conference, July 1990, Portland, OR.

G90b «Jane Pratt: In Memoriam». August 1990, Bridgewater, CT.

G90c «Anthropos Phusei Politikon Zoon (Man Is by Nature a Political Animal) or Patient as Citizen». Lecture delivered October 1990 at the Freud Museum Conference «Speculations», London.

G90d «Your Emotions Are Not Yours: Artst Therapy and the Handicapped». Keynote address, «La Sapienza». University of Rome Conference, 7 November 1990, Rome. Partly included in F92c.

G91 «Soul and Beauty in Today's Urban World». Keynote lecture, Konan University, 40th anniversary symposium «Man and Soul in Modern Times». December 1991, Kobe, Japan.

G92 «Lustful Images: A Necessary Defense of Pornography». Welcoming address, Festival of Archetypal Psychology, 7 July 1992, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN.

G93 «Concerning the Stone: Alchemical Images of the Goal». Lecture delivered at the Eranos Conference, August 1990, in press for publication in German translation. Forthcoming in English in Sphinx 5, London (1993).

G94a «Geography at the End of History». Lecture, Moorhead State University, Moorheat, MN. October 1994.

G94b «Mind, Memory, Narrative». Lecture, Montana State University, Bozaman, MT. October 1994.

G94c «In the Garden: A Psychological Memoir». For Festschrift in honor of Toshihiko Izutsu. 1994.

G95a «Ageing». Lecture, sponsored by С G. Jung Society, St. Louis, MO. April 1995.

G95b «The Seduction of Black», (Extended version of IT95b.)

G95c «Memorial Reading for Etheridge Knight». Teachers & Writers Collaborative, NYC. November 1995.

G95d «Case History — Evolution or Revelation». Address, Evolution of Psychotherapy Conference, Erickson Foundation, Las Vegas, NV. December 1995.

G95e «The Segregation of Beauty». Lecture, Ninth Annual Meeting, International Skye, NYC. December 1995.

G95f «Architecture, City, Soul». Talk, Conference on City Planning, Trento, Italy. December 1995.

G96a «Can there be Ethics without Aesthetics — Aesthetic Response as Political Action». Talk at Tikkun Summit for Ethics and Meaning, Washington, D. C. April 1996.

G96b «Nature, City, Soul». Talk on the occasion of «Citizen of Chia-vari» Award. Chiavari, Italy. April 1996.

G96c «Psychology — Monotheistic or Polytheistic: Twenty-Five Years Later». Lecture Casa Machiavelli, Firenze, April 1996.

G96d «Hermetic Intoxication». Address, University of Torino. May 1996.

G96e «Milennial Psychology». Public Lecture, Banco Popolare Com-mercio, Milano. May 1996.

G96f «Hera, Goddess of Marriage». Public Lecture, (Revised from similar lectures, Omaha, NB, October 1994, & Berkeley, June 1994) Santa Barbara, CA. February 1996.

G96g Interview on the Language of Therapy, with Joe Coppin, Auburn, CA, February 1996.

G96h «The Natural, the Literal, and the Real». Talk at the conference The Challenge of Realism, Newington-Cropsey Foundation, NYC. June 1996.

H. Интервью

H68 «A Psychologist Talks about...» (Interview by Kenneth L. Wilson). Christian Herald 91 (1968): 22—28, 54—58.

H83a «Jungian Psychology and Oriental Thought» (with Toshihiko Izutsu and Hayao Kawai). Translated into Japanese by Mrs. Izutsu. Shiso 8/708 (1983): 1—35.

H83b «Let the Creatures Be» (Interview by Thomas Moore). Parabola: Myth and Quest for Meaning 8/2 (1983): 49—54.

H84 «Une psychologie archetypale, entretien James Hillman/Michel Cazenave». In Carl G. Jung, Cahier de l'Herne 46, pp.. 491—499. Paris: l'Herne, 1984.

H86a «A Dialogue with James Hillman» (by Shaun McNiff). Art The-rapy 3/3 (1986): 99—110.

H86b «Part One of a Discussion on Psychology and Poetry» (by Clayton Eshleman). Sulfur: A Literary Tri-Quarterly of the Whole Art 6/1 (1986): 56—74. Reprinted as «A Discussion with James Hillman on Psychology and Poetry», in Anti-phonal Swing by Clayton Eshleman, pp. 205—216 (New York: McPherson, 1989).

H86c «II nemico numero uno? L'Aspirina» (Interview by Silvia Lago-rio). L'Unita, Rome edition, 10 December 1986.

H87 «Conversation with James Hillman». In The Search for Omm Sety, by Jonathan Cott, pp. 221—225. New York: Double-day, 1987.

H88a «James Hillman on Soul and Spirit: An Interview by Barbara Dunn». Common Boundary 6/4 (1988): 5—11.

H88b «Spezziamo quel lettino: Hillman risponde ai suoi critici» (Interview by Caterina Cardona). L'Espresso, 4 December 1988, pp. 192—197.

H88c «Imagination in Education» (Interview by Brian Nicholson). Dartington Hall, Bideford, Devon, November 1988.

H89a «Conversation avec James Hillman» (Interview by Ginette Paris). Guide Ressources 4/3, Montreal (1989): 50—56.

H89b «The Erotics of Publishing» (Interview by Clarissa Pinkola Estes). The Bloomsbury Review 9/5 (1989): 6—7.

H89c Therapy and Society» (Interview by Michael Ventura). L. A. Weekly, 1989. First part reprinted in Men's Council Journal! (1990): 6—8, 16. Expanded in B92.

H89d «L'Anima del Mondo» (Interview by Silvia Lagoria). L'Unita, Milan edition, 6 December 1989.

H90a «The Myth of Therapy» (Interview by Andrew Dick). Eats-West (February 1990): 68—72.

H90b «Could Psychology Be Part of the Disease, not Part of the Cure?» (Conversation with Michael Ventura). L. A. Weekly 12/26 (1996): 16—25. Reprinted in Men's Council Journal 7 (1990).

H90c «Vent di guerra» (Interview by Claudio Rise). Vanity Fair {Italia) (November 1990): 238—242.

H91a «The Myth of Therapy» (Interview by Sy Safransky). The Sun 185 (1991). Excerpted in Utne Reader 49 (1992): 98—99. Reprinted in «Is Psychotherapy a Waste of Time?» Yoga Journal 104(1992): 52—54, 56, 110.

H91b «Hillman on Sense of Community» (Interview by Forrest Cra-ver). Wingspan (October — December 1991): 10—12. Excerpted in In Context 30 (1991): 20. Reprinted in full in Edges 412, Toronto (1991): 23—26, 36, and in Wingspan: Inside the Men's Movement, edited by Christopher Harding, pp. 242—248 (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992).

H91c «Intervista a James Hillman su Wallace Stevens» (by Vittorio Lingiardi). Poesia 4/36, Milan (1991): 10—11.

H91d «Nel regno di Marte» (Interview by Maria Nadotti). Linea d'Ombra 59, Milan (1991): 17—19.

Н92а «Interview» (by Suzanne Ramljak). Sculpture (March — April

1992): 14—17. H92b «Knocking Psychotherapy» (Interview by Bruce McCabe).

Boston Globe, 27 July 1992, pp. 30—34. H92c «We've Had a Thousand Years of Love, and the World's Getting

Worse». Conversation w/Michael Ventura. LA Weekly

(May 22—28, 1992). H93a «Youth and the Yearning for Myth» (w/Michael Meade). By

Vaughan Hawthorne. Kindred Spirit 2/11. Totnes, Devon. H93b «Making Connections (what older people have to offer the

young)». By Emma Coyle. Vantage (Nov./Dec. 1993).

Cade Communications: Chicago, IL. H93c «Hvalfangst, teknologi og psykologisk aktivisme» By Espen

Stoknes. Impuls 4 (1993). Psykologiskinstitutt, Oslo. H94a «Animal Precence». In Talking on the Water (1994): Fd Jonathan White, pp. 121—135. San Francisco: Sierra Club. H94b «Arianna's Virtual Candidate». By Maureen Orth. In Vanity

Fair (Nov. 1994): 198/col. 3. H94c «100 Years—The Eldera Remember». By Ulfried Geuter. (Sept.

29, 1994) Transcript of German Radio Program. H95a «How the Soul is Sold». By Emily Yoffe. New York Times Magazine (April 23, 1995): 44—49. H95b «The Soul of the Matter». By Wes Nisker. Inquiring Mind 11/2

(1995): 8—10. H95c «When you're Healed, Send me a Postcard». By Suzi Gablik.

Conversations Before the End of Time (1995): 176—201.

New York: Thames and Hudson. H95d «Profile». By Jon Spayde in «100 Visionaries». Utne Reader 67

(1995): 67. H96 «Bisogno di Bellezza». By Cristina Guarinelli. In Marie-Claire

(July 1996): 61—64. Milano.

Приложение 3 Переводы

Первые две буквы кода в разделе указывают на язык перевода, остальные литеры — на вид издания: монография, статья и т. д. (см.: «Полный список работ Дж. Хиллмана»). В переводах, где не обозначен вид издания, код указывает только язык перевода и дату публикации. Эти работы расположены в конце раздела.

Чешский (Czech)

CzA64 Praha: Sagittarius. Transl. Ludvik Fojtik (Forthcoming).

Датский (Danish)

DaA64 Selvmord og sjaelelig forvandling. Translated by Dita Mendel (Afterword by Eigil Nyborg). Copenhagen: Rhodos, 1978.

Голландский (Dutch)

DuA67 Zelfonderzoek. Translated by Frits Lancel. Rotterdam: Lem-niscaat, 1969.

Du75a Verraad en verlangen: beelden uit de archetypische psycho-logie (only Parts 1—5). Translated by Els Pikaar. Rotterdam: Lemniscaat, 1984. See also F67d.

Французский (French)

FrA64 «A la Rencontre du Risque de Suicide» (only Chapter 5). Translated by Claude Lagedec. Frontieres (2 parts) 3/1, Montreal (1990): 27—46; 3/2 (1990): 31—35.

FrE67 «Kronos — Senex et Puer». Translatd by Monique Salzmann. Cahiers de psychologie jungienne 18 (1978): 36—55.

FrA72 Le mythe de la psychanalyse. Translated by Philippe Mikri-ammos. Paris: Imago, 1977. Also, excerpts from Part III in «Le retour de Dionysos dans la conscience». Art et therapie 32/33, Blois (1989): 90—98.

FrB72 Pan et le cauchemar. Translated by Th. Auzas, Marie-Jeanne Benmussa, and Monique Salzmann. Paris: Imago, 1979.

FrD73a «Anima». Translated by Viviane. Thibaudier. In Anima et

Animus (with D74a Emma Jung, pp. 109—221. Paris: Seghers, 1981.

FrF77b «Preface» to Hermes et ses enfants dans la psychotherapie, bu Rafael Lopez-Pedraza. Translated bu Marie-Jeanne Benmussa andTh. Auzas. Paris: Imago, 1980.

FrF82b «La culture et la chronicite du desordre». Translated by Mic-hele-Isis Brouillet. La petite revue de philosophie 9/2 (1988): 11—25.

FrB85 La cuisine de Freud (with Charles Boer). Translated by Anne Ledoux-Mabille and Micheline Drain. Paris: Payot, 1985.

FrD89e «Du miroir a la fenetre, Guerir la psychanalyse de son narcis-sisme» Heresies 5 (1994): 29—46, Bruxelles. Transl. An-toine Pinterovic.

FrH89c «La Therapie serait-elle une maladie?» Translated/adapted by Michel Saint-Germain/Bellefeuille. Guide Ressources 7/2, - Montreal (1991): 14—23.

FrB89 La beauti de Psyche — L'ame et ses symboles. Montreal: Le Jour — Sogides 1993. Preface by Ginette Paris.

FrB92 Paris: Fleurs Essences et Harmonie. (Forthcoming.)

Fr82 Le polytheisme de l'ame. Translated by Thomas Johnson. Paris: Mercure de France — Le Mail, 1982. Includes C80, pp. 1 — 38, D76a, and the expanded version of D71a published in The New Polytheism. See also D80a, D82b, F80d, F89b, H84, H89a.

Немецкий (German)

GeA64 Selbstmord und seelische Wandlung. Translated by Hilde Binswanger (Foreword by Adolf Guggenbiihl-Craig). Zurich: Rascher Verlag, 1966. Zurich: Schweizer Spiegel Verlag, 1979.

GeD64 «Verrat». Translated by Wolfgang Giegerich and Ruth Horine. Analytische Psychologie 10 (1979): 81—102.

GeA67 Die Begegnung mit sich Selbst. Translated by Marianne von Eckhardtlaffe. Stuttgart: Klett Verlag, 1969. 2d edition, with new foreword, under the title Die Suche nach Innen: Psychologie und Religion. Zurich: Daimon Verlag, 1981.

GeD70c «Uber das Senex Bewusstsein». Translated by Giesel Hen-ney. Gorgo 3 (1980): 23—42.

GeB71 «Das Gefuhl und die Fuhlfunktion». In Zur Typologie С G. Jungs (with Marie-Louise von Franz), pp. 105—214. Fellbach: Verlag Adolf Bonz, 1980.

GeD71a «Die Psychologie: Monotheistisch oder polytheistisch?» Translated by Gudula Herrmann. Goro 1 (1979): 1—21.

GeB72 Pan und die natiirliche Angst — uber die Notwendigkeit der Alptraume fur die Seele. Translated by Trude Fein. Zurich: Raben Reihe, Schweizer Spiegel Verlag, 1981.

GeD73a «Anima». Translated by Hildegard Thevs. Gorgo 5 (1981): 45—81.

GeD74a «Anima II». Translated by Gert Quenzer. Gorgo 6 (1981): 56—89.

GeA79 Am Anfang war das Bild: Unsere TraumeBrilcke der Seele zu den Mythen. Translated by Doris Engelke. Munich: Kosel, 1983.

GeF82a «Seele und Geld». Translated by Wolfgang Giegerich. Gorgo 4(1980): 31—40.

GeA83a Die Heilung erfmden: Eine psychotherapeutische Poetik. Translated by Kami Staufer-Zahner. Zurich: Raben Reihe, Schweizer Spiegel Verlag, 1986. An excerpt from Part III was published as «Was will die Seele?» Analytische Psychologie 17 (1986): 160—185.

GeD84 «Die Welt des Mars. Uber die Liebe zum Krieg und im Kri-eg». Translated by Wolfgang Giegerich. Gorgo 15 (1988): 29—46.

GeB85 Sigmund Freud: Mein Kochbuch (with Charles Boer). Translated by Doris Engelke. Frankfurt a/M: Eichborn Verlag, 1986.

GeD85c «Die autonome Psyche» (with Paul Kugler). Translated by

Wolfgang Giegerich. Gorgo 10 (1986): 3—23. GeH86a «Dialog mit James Hillman». Translated and abridged by

Bettina Egger. Forum fur Kunsttherapie 2/2, Bern (1989):

32—37. GeD87a «Eine Psychologie der Uberschreitung: gewonnen aus einem

Inzesttraum». Gorgo 13 (1987): 27—39. GeD89e «Vom Spiegel zum Fenster; den Narzissmus der Psychanaly-

se heilen». Gorgo 16 (1989): 5—18 (together with excerpts

of interviews from Italian press and responses by A. Gug-

genbiihl-Craig, N. Micklem, M. Jacoby, pp. 19—34). See also D63, E75, F63b, F69, F81c, G92c. GeB92 Hundert Jahre Psychotherapie und der Welt Geht's immer

schlechter. Solothurn/Diisseldorf: Walter. Transl. Clemens

Wilhelm, 1993. GeE90 «Uber den Stein — Bilder vom alchemistischem Ziel». In

Auferstehung und Unsterblichkeit (1993): 53—83. Eranos

New Series 1. Miinchen: Wilhelm Fink. Transl. Susanne

Schreiner. GeD91 «Die Kraft der Schonheit». Der Zeitpunkt 11/12 (Sep./Dez.:

1993): 6—13. Bellach, Switz.

Венгерский (Hungarian)

HuA64 «A Halalelmeny» (only Chapter 4). Translated by Gyula Kololanyi. Magyar Szemle II/1 (1993): 48—62.

Итальянский (Italian)

ItF63c «Editor's Preface» to П Logos dell'Anima, by Evangelos Chris-

tou. Translated by Emilio di Domenico. Rome: Citta Nuova,

1987. ItA64 Л suicidio e I'anima. Translated by Aldo Giuliani. Rome: Ast-

rolabio, 1972. ItD64 «II Tradimento». Rivista di psicologia analitica 2/1 (1971):

177—198. AlsoinItE67.

ItD66 «Modello archetipico di inibizione alia masturbazione». In

Problemi di psicologia analitica: una antologia post-jung-


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