Португальский (Portuguese) 11 глава

hiana, edited by L. Zoja, pp. 80—98. Naples: Liguori,

1983. ItA67 «Vita interiore. L'inconscio come esperienza» (only Chapter 3).

Rivista di psicologia analitica All (1973): 67—98. ItB67 «Commento psicologico». In Kundalini, by Gopi Krishna.

Translated by Paolo Colombo. Rome: Astrolabio, 1971. ItE67 Senex et Puer, e il tradimento. Translated by Matelda Giuliani

Talarico. Padua/Venice: Marsilio, 1973; reprinted 1990. See

also ItD64. ItE68 «Linguaggio della psicologia e linguaggio dell'anima». Rivista

di psicologia analitica 3/2 (1972): 308—374. ItD70d «Psicologia Archetipica». Translated by Paola Donfrancesco

and Roberto Tamarri and edited by Bianca Garufi. L'imma-

ginale 6, Lecce (1987): 23—59. ItD71a «Psicologia: Monoteistica о Politeistica». In П Nuovo Politeis-

mo (with David Miller), pp. 115—154. Translated by Mau-

ro Bonnacci and Paola Donfrancesco and edited by Bianca

Garufi. Milan: Comunita, 1983. ItA72 П mito dell'analisi. Translated by Aldo Giuliani. Milan: Adel-

phi, 1979; new edition 1991. ItB72 Saggio su Pan. Translated by Aldo Giuliani. Milan: Adelphi,

1979. ItD72b «Analisi e fallimento». Rivista di psicologia analitica 3/1

(1972): 211—219. ItD73a «Anima» (first part). Rivista di psicologia analitica 21

(1980). ItD74a «Anima» (second part). Translated by Luciana and Gianni

Baldaccini. Rivista di psicologia analitica 27 (1983):

101—140. ItD74c «C. G. Jung e la teoria archetipica». In Problemi di psicologia

analitica, pp. 50—79. Also in ItD66.

ItD74d «Pothos, la nostalgia del puer aeternus». Translated by Francesco and Paola Donfrancesco. Prassi e Teoria 4 (1980):

123—136. Also in Saggi sul Puer, edited by Francesco

Donfranceso and Bianca Garufi. Milan: Cortina, 1988.

ItE74 «Ananke e Atena. La Necessita della psicologia anormale». Translated by Adriana Bottini. In La Vana fuga dagli del Milan: Adelphi, 1991. See ItA88.

ItA75b Re-visione della psicologia. Translated by Aldo Giuliani. Milan: Adelphi, 1983.

ItD76b «Carl Gustav Jung ed Helene Preiswerk». Anima 2/2 (1994): 128—139. Firenze.

ItD77a «Ricerche sull'immagine» (first part). Translated by Ada Bian-chi Maffei. Rivista di psicologia analitica 20 (1979): 31— 63.

ItD77b «II pandemonio delle immagini.H contributo di Jung al 'co-nosci te stesso'». Translated by Paola Donfrancesco. Testi-monianze 23, Florence (1980): 61—90. See E75.

ItD78b «II valore terapeutico del linguaggio alchemico». Rivista di psicologia analitica 17(1978): 143—161.

ItA79 II Sogno e il Mondo infero. Transl. Paola Donfrancesco. Mila-no: Saggiatore, 1996. (Reprint).

ItD89a «La misura degli eventi». Translated by Francesco Donfrancesco. Anima 2 (1989): 114—126.

ItD81a «Blu alchemico e unio mentalis». Translated by Milka Ventura and Veronica Park and edited by Bianea Garufi. L'immdgi-nale 7, Lecce (1986): 33—46.

ItD81b «II Sale: un capitolo di psicologia alchimistica». Translated by Sergio Rinaldelli. Hellas: rivista di letteratura sul mito 8/9 (1985): 67—86. Published also as «Sale: un capitolo della psicologia alchemica» in L'Intatta, translated by Marta Cohen Hemsi, pp. 132—164 (Como: RED, Studio Redazionale, 1987).

ItD82a «Anima Mundi, il ritorno dell'anima al mondo». Translated by Paola Donfrancesco. Testimonianze 24, Florence (1981): 123—140. Reprinted in L'immaginale 5, Lecce (1985): 5— 25, and in ItA92.

ItD82b «Delia certezza mitica». L'immaginale 6, Lecce (1986): 63— 80. First published in Fr82.

ItA83a Le storie che curano. Translated by Milka Ventura and Paola Donfrancesco and edited by Francesco Donfrancesco and Bianea Garufi. Milan: Cortina, 1984.

ItB83 Intervista su amore, anima e psiche (with Marina Beer). Bari: Laterza, 1983. Expanded in B83. Chapter 9 of B83 is published as «Sul mio scrivere», translated by Maria Rosario Buri, L'immaginale 2, Lecce (1984): 5—17.

ItA85 Anima, anatomia di una nozione personificata. Translated by Adriana Bottmi. Milan: Adellphi, 1989.

HB85 La cucina del dottor Freud (with Charles Boer). Translated by Pierre Denivelle a. k. a. Vittorio Serra Boccara. Milan: Cor-tma, 1986.

ItD86b «Sulla supremazia del bianco». Translated by Beatrice Rebecchi Cecconi and edited by Bianea Garufi. L'immaginale 10, Lecce (1988): 5—35. «La Supremazia del Bianco». Translated by Paola Donfrancesco. Anima 5, Florence (1991): 93—111; part two in Anima 6, Florence (1992): 92—111.

ItD87a «Da un sogno d'incesto una psicologia della trasgressione. Im-maginando un caso». In Trappole Seduttive (1996): Ed. Maria Irmgard Wuehl, pp. 111—127. Milano: Vivarium.

ItD87c «II demoniaco come eredita di Jung». In Presenze ed eredita culturale di С G. Jung, edited by L. Zoja, pp. 93—102. Milan: Cortina, 1987.

ItD87d «Del diritto a non parlare». Translated by Beatrice Rebecchi Cecconi and edited by Bianea Garufi. L'immaginale 9, Lecce (1987): 19—33.

ItA88 «Sulla paranoia». Translated by Adriana Bottini. In La Vana fuga dagli dei, together with If£74. Milan: Adelphi, 1991.

ItD88d «Potere e sentimento sociale». In General Aspects of the Analytic Process. Turin: Saiga, 1990.

ItD88h «Una cosmologia per l'anima. Al di la deH'umanismo». Translated by Beatrice Rebecchi Cecconi and edited by Bianea Garufi. Aut aut 229—230, Milan/Florence (1989): 270— 284.

ItB89 «Sul Sogno» (Chapter 10 only, less the prefatory note). No translator listed. Edited by M. T. Colonna and Bianea Garufi. Rivista di psicologia analitica 43 (1989): 71—94.

ItD89b «...ed enorme ё brutto». Translated by Paola Donfrancesco, with illustrated letters by Mimmo Paladinno. Tema Celeste 37—38 (Autumn 1992): 42—47.

ItD89e «Dal narcisismo alia finestra...» No translator listed. In Itinera-ri del Pensiero Junghiano, edited by Paolo Aite and Aldo Carotenuto, pp. 21—32. Milan: Cortina, 1989. Excerpts also in «Oltre il giardino». Epoca 13 (1988): 170—175.

ItB90 «Edipo rivisitato». Translated by Alessandro Serra. In Variazi-oni su Edipo (with K. Kerenyi), pp. 73—143. Milan: Cortina, 1992.

ItA92 L'anima del mondo e il pensiero del cuore. Translated by Paola Donfrancesco. Milan: Garzanti, 1993. Includes also D73d and F93a.

ItA96 Forme del Potere. Transl. Paola Donfrancesco. Milano: Garzanti, 1996.

ItB92 100 Anni di Psicoterapia e il Mondo va sempre peggio. Milano: Garzanti. Transl. Paola Donfrancesco, 1993.

ItD88a «L'Ereditademonica di Jung». In Anima 2/4 (1996): 129— 136. Firenze: Selfpublished by Giovanni Donfrancesco. Transl. Paola Donfrancesco.

ItD94e «La repressione della bellezza». Archivio 2 (1994): 37—48. Fiesole: Prato & Amalthea.

ItG96d «Ermes domina il mondo». Milano: П Sole — 24 Ore 170: 28, with Commentary by Luigi Zoja.

It85 Trame perdute. Translated by several hands and edited by Francesco Donfrancesco and Bianca Garufi. Milan: Cortina, 1985. Selections from A75a and also containing B71, D70b, D75b, D83a, F82b.

It88 Saggi sul puer. Translated by Paola Donfrancesco, Milka Ventura, and Silvia Lagorio and edited by Francesco Donfrancesco and Bianca Garufi. Milan: Cortina, 1988. Includes D73c, D74d, D76a, D79b, D79c, F88a.

It91 Animali del sogno. Translated by Alessandro Serra and David Verzoni. Milan: Cortina, 1991. Contains an original preface (F91b)andD88e, D90a, E82.

It92 «Emozione, immagine, simbolo». Translated by Clotilde Calabi. In Estetica 1992: Forme del simbolo, edited by S. Zecchi, pp. 67—91. Bologna: il Mulino, 1992.

See also D73d, D81d, D91a, F85d, F88a, F91b, F93a, H86c, H88b, H89d, H90c, H91c, H91d.

It93a «Le nostre emozioni non sono nostre». Anima 2/1 (1993): 15—

25. Firenze. Transl. Paola Donfrancesco. (Partially adapted

from F92c.) It93b «Prefazione: Esilo, Nostalgia e Bellezza». Memorie di Luce by

Francesco Donfrancesco (1993): 7—12. Firenze: Ponte Alle

Grazie. Transl. Paola Donfrancesco. It95a «Psicoterapia: Civilizzazione о Cultura?» Anima 2/3 (1995):

8—19. Firenze. Transl. Paola Donfrancesco. It95b «II colore 'non-colore'». / colon della vita (1995): Ed. P. Bia-

nucci, pp. 19—26. Torino: La Stampa. It96 Oltre I'Umanismo. Transl. Paola Donfrancesco. Bergamo: Moretti

& Vitali, 1996. (Contanis D89a, D82b, D88h, D89e, D70d.)

Японский (Japanese)

JaA64 Jisatsu to Tamashii. Translated by Kazuhiko Higuci. Osaka: Sogensha, 1982.

JaA67 Niteki Sekai e no Tankyu. Translated by Kazuhiko Higuchi. Osaka: Sogensha, 1990.

JaA79 (The Dream and the Underworld). Osaka: Sogensha, forthcoming.

JaA83b (Archetypal Psychology). Osaka: Sogensha, forthcoming.

JaD83a «Warui Hahaoya, Yoi Kodomo» (Bad Mother, Good Child). Translated by Tsuneko Matsuo. In Oya to Ко No Kizuna (Parents — Child Bonding), edited by Kawai, Kobayashi, andNakane, pp. 257—276. Osaka: Sogensha, 1984.

JaA85 (Anima: An Anatomy of a Personified Notion). Osaka: Sogensha, forthcoming.

JaB85 Furoito no Ryori Dokuhon. Translated by Sadamu Kimura and Yoshiaki Ikekura. Tokyo: Seidosha, 1991.

Ja89 «Tamashii no kusumologii». In Kosumosu-seimei-shukyo. Nara: Tenri University Press, 1989. See D88h and D89d.

See also D83b, D88h, G91, H83a.

Португальский (Portuguese)

PoA64 {Suicide and the Soul). Petropolis: Ed. Vozes, forthcoming, 1993.

PoA67 Una Busca interior em psicologia e religido. Translated by Araceli Martins and Jose Joaquim Sobral. Sao Paulo: Edi-tora Paulinas, 1985.

PoB67 «Comentarios Psicologicos» to Kundalini, by Gopi Krishna. Translated by Ernesto Bono. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Record., n. d.

PoB71 «A Funcao Sentimento». Translated by Adail Ubirajara Sobral with technical revision by Lucia Rosenberg and Gustavo Barcellos. In A Tipologia de Jung. Sao Paulo: Editora Cult-rix, 1990.

PoA72 О Mito da Analise. Translated by Norma Telles. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Paz e Terra, 1984.

PoD73c «A Grande Mae, seu Filho, seu Heroi, e О Puer». Translated by Pedro Penteado Kujawski. In Pais e Maes, pp. 97—153 Sao Paulo: Simbolo, 1979.

PoA75a Estudos de Psicologia Arquetipica. Translated by Pedro Ra-tis e Silva. Rio de Janeiro: Achiame, 1981.

PoD76a «Picos e Vales». Translated by Adelaide Petters Lessa. In No Caminho de Autoconhecimento, pp. 91—118. Sao Paulo: Editora Pioneira, 1982.

P0C8O Encarando os Deuses. Translated by Claudio Giordana. Sao Paulo: Cultrix/Pensamento, n. d.

PoA83b Psicologia Arquetipica. Translated by Lucia Rosenberg and Gustavo Barcellos. Sao Paulo: Editora Cultrix, 1991.

Р0В8З Entre vistas: conversas com Laura Pozzo sobre psicotera-pia, biograjia, amor, alma, sonhos, trabalho, imaginacao e о estado da cultura. Translated by Lucia Rosenberg and Gustavo Barcellos. Sao Paulo: Editora Summus, 1989.

PoA85 Anima: Anatomia de uma Nocao Personificada. Translated by Lucia Rosenberg and Gustavo Barcellos. Sao Paulo: Editora Cultrix, 1990.

PoB85 О Livro de Cozhina do Dr. Freud (with Charles Boer). Translated by Silvio Cancellotti. Sao Paulo: Editora Paz e Terra,, 1986.

PoB91 Edipo e Vanacoes. Petropolis: Vozes. Transl. Gustavo Barcellos, 1995.

PoB92 Cem anos de psicoterapia... e о mundo esta cada vez pior. Sao Paulo: Summus Editorial. Transl. Norma Telles, 1995.

Po93 Cidade e Alma. Edited and translated by Lucia Rosenberg and Gustavo Barcellos. Sao Paulo: Editora Studio Nobel, forthcoming, 1993. Includes D78a, D79d, D80b, D82a, D84, D85b, D89b, D91b, F82a, F82b, F83a, G90c. See also F93b.

Русский (Russian)

RuA83a Isezeliajuschij Viemysel. St. Petersburg: B.S.K. Publ. Co.,

Transl. J. Donetz, V. Zelensky. 1996. RuA83b Archetipicheskaya psichologia. St. Petersburg: B.S.K. Publ.

Co., Transl. J. Donetz, V. Zelensky. 1996.

Испанский (Spanish)

SpF77b «Prefacio a la Edition en Lengua Hispanica» to Hermes у sus Hijos, by Rafael Lopez-Pedraza. Translated by Carlos Valbuena. Caracas: Editorial Ateneo, 1980.

SpB92 Gien anos de psicoanalisis.. у todo sigue igual. Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamericana. Transl. Jaime Collyer, 1995.

Sp94 La Cultura el Alma Animal. Caracas: Fundacion Polar. Transl. Maria J. Bustamante, 1994.

SpE73 «El Sueno у el Inframundo». Arquetipos у Simbolos Colecti-vos (1994): 135 — 219. Circulo Eranos I. Barcelona: Anth-ropos. Transl. Jesus Casquete у Josetxo Beriain.

Шведский (Swedish)

SwA64 Sjalvmordet och sj'alen. Translated by Gudrun Ullman. Stockholm: Raben och Sjogren, 1967.


В. Зеленский. Слово о Хиллмане — «созидателе души»............ 6

Джеймс Хиллман. Архетипическая теория: К. Г. Юнг........... 20

Идея и природа личности................................................. 21

Личность в своем контексте............................................. 27

Структура личности......................................................... 34

Личность в психотерапии................................................. 49

Литература.............................................................. 53

Джеймс Хиллман. Архетипическая психология.

Эссе........ 55

Предисловие..................................................................... 56

Предисловие к пятому изданию........................................ 57

1. Источники архетипической психологии....................... 58

2. Образ и душа: поэтическая основа разума................... 62

3. Архетипический образ.................................................. 67

4. Душа............................................................................. 72

Анима и риторика.................................................... 75

Душа и миф.............................................................. 76

5. Душа, метафора и фантазия......................................... 76

6. Душа и дух................................................................... 80

7. Созидание души............................................................ 82

8. Глубина и вертикальное направление.......................... 84

9. Культурный центр (локус): Север и Юг....................... 86

10. Политеистическая психология и религия................... 88

11. Психопатология.......................................................... 93

12. Психотерапевтическая практика................................ 97

Чувство.................................................................... 102

13. Эрос............................................................................ 104

14. Теория личности: персонификация............................. 106

15. Биографическая часть................................................. 108

Приложения.................................................................... 113

Приложение 1. Литература.............................................. 114

Приложение 2. Полный список работ Джеймса Хилл-

мана.......................................................................... 123

Приложение 3. Переводы................................................. 145

Серия «Библиотека аналитической психологии» Редактор серии В. В. Зеленский


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