Pattern: If I could ask you to change a pound?

1) You have to carry some heavy boxes upstairs. Ask someone to help you. 2) You’re on a train. The woman next to you has just finished reading a newspaper. You’d like to have a look at it. 3) You need to light your cigarette. You haven’t got a lighter. But the man sitting next to you is smoking. 4) There is a concert on tonight. You want to invite your friend. 5) You’re in the post-office. You want to buy an envelope and 3 stamps. 6) You’re sitting in a crowded bus. There is an old lady standing. Offer her your seat. 7) You are driving a ear. You see a friend of yours on the road. Offer him a lift. 8) A friend has just come to see you. Offer him a drink.


Exercise 9. Analyze and translate the following sentences paying attention to the objective participle construction.

A. 1) I heard him speaking at the meeting. 2) They observed us making experiments. 3) I found him writing a report. 4) We saw the device tested. 5) We watched the car being examined.

B. 1) I want the data of my observations discussed. 2) I had the results of my observations published. 3) We want our translations corrected. 4) He wishes these photoplates developed. 5) She got her photo taken. 6) He got the engine of his car examined.


Exercise 10. Translate the following sentences and explain the use of the participles.

1) In the computer lab one can watch the electrode computer handling a variety of calculations. 2) Yesterday we heard the operator explaining to a group of students the principles of operation of the input section of a computer. 3) We also heard the students asking him to explain the function of the computers memory. 4) While I was listening to the operator’s explanations, Ifelt someone touching my arm. 5) I turned round and saw ay friend standing behind me. 6) I heard him saying: “I beg your pardon. More aside, please, and let me see the machine working”. 7) I want to have this problem solved by the computer. 8) I put the coded instruction into the input section and soon I got my problem solved.

UNIT 19.

Test No. 1

1. Use the proper forms of the verbs in brackets and make the text complete.



Dear Peter,

You by any chance (know) where Bob (be)? I (like) (find out) because I just (hear) of a job that exactly (suit) him, but if he (not apply) fairly soon of course he (not get) it.

I last (see) him about a month ago, when he just (leave) his job with the film company. He sail he (go) to Prance for a holiday and (promise) to send me a postcard with his French address as soon as he (find) a place (stay). But I(hear) nothing about him since then and (not know) even whether he went to Prance or not.

If you (know) his address I (be) very grateful if you (phone) me. I have tried to phone you several times but your phone doesn’t seem (be) working.

Yours Jack


2. Choose the variant which you think fits best.

21. He won’t... study this problem if he doesn’t join the research team.

a) have to b) is allowed to c) be d) be able to

22. The problem is so complicated that it... be solved immediately.

a) can b) can’t c) might d) must

23. You... dedicate all your spare time to science, if you want to become a true scientist.

a) can b) may c) needn’t d) should

24. Some scientists occupy... with the problems which have direct bearing on the lives of people.

a) them b) ours c) themselves d) themself

25. This argument will convince... who doubts this point.

a) anything b) any c) anywhere d) anyone

26.... phenomena ought to be observed.

a) this b) these c) a d) that

27. Scientists thought that the problem... solved lately.

a) has b) will be c) had been d) is

28. They believed that these data... of much use.

a) would be b) was e) have been d) is being

29. Everybody knows that to predict future is... task.

a) more difficult b) the difficultest c) the most difficult d) much difficult

30. This device is... than the old one.

a) bad b) worst c) more bad d) worse

31. The hypothesis... as the result of the experiments.

a) discarded b) is discarded c) were discarded d) has discarded

32. The problem... a careful consideration in the next chapter.

a) gave b) gives c) is given d) was given

33. The experimental data... with the help of the computer.

a) analyzed b) was analyzed c) were analyzed d) had analyzed

34. The periodical table... more than 100 chemical elements.

a) list b) listing c) lists d) list's

34. The library... as many as 5000 volumes.

a) number b) to number c) numbers d) a number:

36. Over a hundred papers... at this conference.

a) present b) presents c) were presented d) is presented

37. New approach brought... serious difficulties.

a) to b) about c) into d) by

38. The post-graduate students are greatly interested... research.

a) in b) with c) by d) on

39. This substance is characterized... a number of properties.

a) with b) of c) by d) for

40. The experiments presented are typical... our research.

a) for b) of c) with d) to


Test No. 2

1. Use the proper forms of the verbs in brackets and make the text complete.

Invitation for Dinner

Dear Ann,

You (be) free to come to dinner here on Sunday next at 8.00? My brother Paul (come) and (bring) a friend of his (call) Tom Edwards. You (not meet) Tom but I (think) you (like) him. He is an assistant stage manager at the Gate Theatre and will be able to tell you about the actors. Paul says Tom (not receive) much salary and often (not get) enough (eat), so he (ask) me (have) roast beef and Yorkshire pudding for dinner. He probably (ring up) between now and Saturday (say) that it (be) a good idea (start) with soup. I know you usually (not eat) such meals, but I hope you (enjoy) the conversation. Anyway, (come) if you (be able).

Love, Mary.


2. Choose the variant which you think fits best.

21. The task... be done without any preliminary work.

a) have to b) need c) were to d) can

22. You... prove your hypothesis if you collect enough data.

a) will be able to b) could c) were allowed d) mustn’t

23. A popular scientific article... include, where possible, some news.

a) should b) mustn’t c) can’t d) is allowed

24. He confined... to a few general remarks when he was discussing the new program.

a) his b) himself c) themselves d) him

25.... people seem to be disappointed in science.

a) any b) some с) every d) anywhere

26.... data should be summarized.

a) this b) that c) those d) a

27. Scientists expected that the device... widely used in practice.

a) would be b) is e) has been d) will be

28. He explained that the main procedures... already described.

a) have been b) had been c) had d) would have

29. There is nothing... than the thirst for knowledge.

a) more strong b) stronger c) the most strong d) the strongest.

30. It iscommon knowledge that talents of scientists are... natural resource for each nation.

a) of value b) the most valuable c) more valuable d) the valuablest

31. Several factors should... when we evaluate the experimental results.

a) consider b) be considered c) be considering d) have con­sidered

32. World science... all-important problems.

a) faces b) faced c) has faced d) is faced

33. The theory... upon the data obtained in the laboratory.

a) was based b) based c) was basing d) had based

34. We take... every day.

a) reader b) read c) readings d) reading

35. The present study... in a clearer interpretation of previous experiments.

a) results b) result c) resulting d) to result

36. Computers... the data stored in its memory.

a) process b) processes c) processing d) processings

37. Great difficulties arose when we were applying this method... practice.

a) on b) in c) to d) for

38. We cannot make progress in our research if we don’t take... account the results of other observers.

a) with b) into c) for d) on

39. It is characteristic... the present century that new discoveries are put to use very fast.

a) for b) of c) by d) with

40. The research work must be completed... the end of the month.

a) for b) by e) to d) in


Рекомендуемая литература

1. Learn to read science / Курс английского языка для аспиран­тов. - П.: Наука, I960. - 295 с.

2. Learn to speak science / Интенсивный курс английского языка
/ Сост. И. Н. Бибанова идр. - М.: Наука, 1995. - 268 с.

3. Afanasyeva O. V., Saakyan А. S.. “What” or “That”? Which word to
choose? / A self-reference book with keys. - M., 1995. 176 p.



Ольга Вячеславовна Леднева

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ПРОБЛЕМЫСОВРЕМЕННОЙ НАУКИ /тексты для дискуссии/


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