Disintegration of the Golden Horde and foundation new states on the territory of the Kazakhstan - Mogolistan


History of Kazakhstan I year students

Lecture 8 All departments

Instructor: 2013-2014 academic year

Taichikova K.T. Winter trimester

Disintegration of the Golden Horde and foundation new states on the territory of the Kazakhstan - Mogolistan

The objective of the lecture: To show of reasons of disintegration of the Golden Horde. Ulus of Chagatai. Foundation of Mogulistan.


Outline of the lecture:

1. Foundation of Mogolistan.

2. Political history of Mogulistan.

Mogulistan. In the middle of XIV c. State of Chagataids disintegrated: on the western part was founded Maveranakhr, on the eastern part Mogulistan. Mogulistan on the east bordered with lands of Kalmyks, on the north bordered lake Balkhash, on the west with Turkestan and Tashkent, on the south with Fergana, Kashgar, Aksu and Turfan. So, Mogulistan occupaied the territory of south-eastern Kazakhstan and northern Kirgizia.


Borders of Mogulistan changed during 150 years of existing of Mogulistan. In the ruling of Togluk-Timur it was a territory of south-eastern Kazakhstan and Eastern Turkestan was a vassal of Mogulistan. Later Eastern Turkestan was occupied by Timurides. In 80-s of XV c. Mogul khhans conquered Tashkent and Sairam, but lost Semirechyye. In the beg. Of XVI c. Mogul khan Said sultan occupied only the territory of Kashgaria.


What means the term “Mogulistan”. Term “Mongol” was written and pronounced in turkic and Iranian sources as “mogol”.


Mogulistan were inhabited by duglats, kangles, kereits, uisuns, argyns and others. Duglats played the main role in political life of Mogulistan. The main part of this tribes, who occupied the territory of Semirechey participated in the forming of Kazakh people. Some tribes, who occupied the territory of Pritjanshanye and Eastern Turkestan participated in the forming of Kirgizes and Uigurs.


Almalyk was the first capital of Mogulistan. First mogul khans kept ulus system. They conducted new taxes and taxation reforms.


Political history of Mogulistan. Togluk-Timur (he belonged to Chagataid dynasty) was the first khan of Mogulistan (1347-1362). Togluk-Timur and his son Iljas-khodja (1362-1380) tried to join Chagataid state and submit Maverankhr. The first campaign for unification began in 1360. Emirs of Maveranakhr didn’t resist him, because feuds were spreaded all over state. One of the emirs – future conqueror – Timur was obeyed to Togluk-Timur and gained Kesh for obedience. But Togluk-Timur couldn’t conquer Maveranakhr, because the biggest uprising began in Mogulistan. Togluk-Timur came back in Mogulistan for suppresion rebelion. After suppression of rebelion Togluk-Timur began new campaign to Maveranakhr in 1361 and fixed his son – Iljas-khodja a ruler of Maveranakhr.


After death of Togluk-Timur Iljas-khodja returned to Mogulistan and was declared a khan of Mogulistan In 1365 he undertook new campaign to Maveranakhr. The battle was on the bank of Syrdarya. Army of Timur was defeated and during the retreat more than 10 thousand warriors were trampled down and this battle was called “dirty battle”. This victory opened the road to Maveranakhr. But Moguls couldn’t take Samarkand because dwellers of town resisted to them.


In 70-80 of XIV c. other khans Hyzr-khodja, Enge-tore, Kamar-ad-din fought with Timur. As a result Mogulistan disintegrated into numerous small parts.


But in the ruling of Mukhammad-khan (1408-1416) Mogulistan consolidated and became independence from Timurides, he released territory Chu and Talas. He spread Islam in Mogulistan by force.


In the ruling of Vais-khan (1418-1428) the eastern borders of Mogulistan exposed to offensive of Oirats. Vais-khan fought with them many times and he transferred his capital from Turfan to Ilibalyk in Semirechey. Son of Vais-khan Esen-Buga (1433-1462) tried to unite Mogulistan, but it was useless and he ruled only on the territory of Eastern Turkestan.

  1. Glossary
Conduct проводить  
Resist сопротивляться  
Obey слушаться, повиноваться  
Rebellion мятеж, восстание  
Retreat отступать  
Plunder ограбить  
Fix назначать  
Set free отпустить на волю  
Trample down затоптать  
Capture захватить  


  1. Tasks for IWS: Make up a table: “Political history of Mogulistan”
  2. Task for IWS under a teacher’s control: Write a short report: “Timur’s invasion to Mogulistan”.
  3. Home tasks: Compare economics and political history of Ak-Horde and Mogulistan.
  4. List of the reference on the theme

1. Асфендияров С.Д. История Казахстана (с древних времен): Уч. Пособие / Под ред. А.С.Такенова. – Алма-Ата, 1993. – 2-е изд.

2. История Казахстана с древнейших времен до наших дней. Очерк. – Алматы: Дэуир, 1993.

3. История Казахстана: Пособие для студентов. – Алматы: Казинтерграф, 1998.

4. Кан Г.В. История Казахстана: Учеб. Пособие. – Алматы: ВШП Эдилет, 2000.

5. Оразбаева А.И. Курс лекций по истории Казахстана для студентов неисторических факультетов. Часть 1. Древняя и средневековая история Казахстана. – Алматы: Казак университетi, 2001.


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