упражнения, данные после текста, письменно.


(1) The main causes of accidents in the workplace are not dramatic fires and

explosions, but very ordinary accidents that can be easily prevented by workers looking

out for their own safety and the safety of others. Many of these accidents are minor, but

some cause death or serious injury. The most common cause of accidents is from slips,

trips, and falls, followed by lifting and carrying. Accidents involving cuts, burns,

dropped objects, falling from height, and collisions are also common but often


(2) The main preventable measure is safety training. All employees in the oil and

gas industry go through regular safety training courses to encourage a strong safety

culture. For hazardous areas, employees will be issued with Personal Protective

Equipment (PPE) which must be worn in signed areas. Safety boots, hard hats, overalls,

gloves, and safety glasses are usually a standard issue.

(3) In addition, ear protectors and special trades' equipment such as welding

shields, goggles, and gloves will be issued. Safety signage has to be followed. Signs are

classified with different shapes and colours to denote whether they are mandatory,

warnings, or giving information. Most signs are independent of language and use

standard symbols as ideograms. The meaning of some of these signs is not always

immediately obvious and so they should be learnt. Following information signs is

practised in fire drills where workers must follow signs to safe areas. Those working

offshore will attend special courses on helicopter escape, use of life jackets and survival

craft, and escape through smoke. There are often opportunities for workers to volunteer

as fire officers or first aiders, and special training is given.

(4) Safety cultures are different in every country and those workers from

countries with a high safety culture may not be sure how to act when they see unsafe

conditions or acts where the safety culture is lower. A good guide is never to intervene

unless there is imminent danger, but always to report to your supervisor or to an agreed

point of contact.

(5) When workers are assigned particular tasks, it is good practice for supervisors

to give toolbox talks. These are talks at the working area usually at the beginning of a

shift. Supervisors have the opportunity-to point out particular hazards and remind

workers of current safety initiatives. Most tasks will require the supervisor to carry out a

generic or a specific risk assessment for a task. If special hazards are involved, a task

may require a Permit to Work, where special procedures may need to be followed. A

permit would be required where there is the risk of exposure to petroleum vapour and a

source of ignition such as a welding operation.

(B) Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов

и фраз:

1. обычные несчастные случаи - ordinary accidents

2. привести к смерти или серьезным травмам – to cause death or serious injury

3. столкновение - collision

4. обучение технике безопасности - safety training

5. средства индивидуальной защиты - personal protective equipment

6. защитные очки - safety glasses, goggles

7. неминуемая опасность - imminent danger

8. производственное совещание, пятиминутка - toolbox talks

9. источник возгорания - source of ignition

10. допуск для выполнения работ - Permit to Work

(C) Письменно переведите на русский язык абзацы 3,5 из текста A

(3) In addition, ear protectors and special trades' equipment such as welding

shields, goggles, and gloves will be issued. Safety signage has to be followed. Signs are

classified with different shapes and colours to denote whether they are mandatory,

warnings, or giving information. Most signs are independent of language and use

standard symbols as ideograms. The meaning of some of these signs is not always

immediately obvious and so they should be learnt. Following information signs is

practiced in fire drills where workers must follow signs to safe areas. Those working

offshore will attend special courses on helicopter escape, use of life jackets and survival

craft, and escape through smoke. There are often opportunities for workers to volunteer

as fire officers or first aiders, and special training is given.

Кроме того, должны быть выданы защитные наушники и специальное оборудование, такое как сварочные щитки, защитные очки и перчатки. Необходимо следовать указаниям знаков безопасности. Знаки различаются по формаме и цветам, чтобы указать, являются ли они обязательными, предупредительными или предоставляют информацию. Большинство знаков используют стандартные символы в качестве идеограммы и не зависят от языка. Значение некоторых из этих знаков не всегда можно сразу определить, поэтому такие знаки необходимо изучить. Следующие информационные знаки применяются при тренировках по эвакуации людей в случае пожара, когда рабочие должны следовать указателям, чтобы выбраться в безопасную зону. Те, кто работает на шельфе, должны пройти специальное обучение по эвакуации на вертолетах, использованию спасательных жилетов и спасательного судна, и эвакуации при задымлении. Рабочие часто имеют возможность добровольно оказать помощь в тушении пожара или первую помощь: для этого предоставляется специальное обучение.

(5) When workers are assigned particular tasks, it is good practice for supervisors

to give toolbox talks. These are talks at the working area usually at the beginning of a

shift. Supervisors have the opportunity-to point out particular hazards and remind

workers of current safety initiatives. Most tasks will require the supervisor to carry out a

generic or a specific risk assessment for a task. If special hazards are involved, a task

may require a Permit to Work, where special procedures may need to be followed. A

permit would be required where there is the risk of exposure to petroleum vapour and a

source of ignition such as a welding operation.

Когда работникам поручают определенные задания, хорошей практикой для руководителей будет проведение рабочих совещаний. Это совещание в производственном помещении, которое обычно проводится в начале смены. Руководители имеют возможность обратить внимание работников на определенные факторы риска и напомнить им о текущих мерах безопасности. Большинство задач потребует от руководителя оценки общих и специфических рисков для выполнения задачи. Если присутствуют особые факторы риска, для выполнения задачи может потребоваться допуск для выполнения работ, что может повлечь за собой ряд специальных процедур. Разрешение будет необходимо в тех случаях, когда существует риск воздействия паров нефти или источник возгорания, например, сварочные работы.




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