Технологическая карта урока №56

Урок английского языка на тему

"Знаменитые английские путешественники", 9 класс

Полторадина Н.Л., учитель английского языка

Unit: Travelling

Topic: Famous English Travellers

Цели обучения Научить извлекать нужную информацию из текста. Учить выделять главное в прочитанном тексте. Учить отвечать на вопросы, задавать вопросы к тексту. Употреблять изученный материал для выражения своих суждений. Взаимодействовать с одноклассниками в группе.
Ожидаемые результаты Все учащиеся смогут: знать лексику по теме - понимать с малой поддержкой или без нее основные идеи текста
  Большинство учащихся смогут: - выделять главное в прочитанном тексте - отвечать на вопросы по прочитанному тексту
  Некоторые учащиеся смогут: - составить специальные вопросы по прочитанному тексту - общаться на языке по теме, высказывая свои суждения

Оснащение урока: раздаточный материал: текст «Francis Drake» с заданиями


Ход урока


Организационно-мотивационный этап.

T. Do you like travelling? Is it necessary to travel? Why do people travel?

Have you ever been to the sea? Do you like sea? Have you ever travelled by ship? What are your impressions? (PPP)

- GB used to be a great sea empire. English seamen sailed a lot and made plenty of discoveries. What great English travellers do you know? (Ps' ideas)

Выход на тему урока: Students are given parts of pictures. They should find other parts of their pictures, they make 3 groups. (pictures related to travelling)

Ss, what are we going to study today? Francis Drake is one of famous navigators of the world. Is his name marked on the map?

T. introduces learning objectives.

Операционно-деятельностный этап.

Reading and speaking

Group work. Ss in groups read the same text “ Francis Drake ” and do differentiated tasks.

G1 – Read and find descriptions. (Task 1)

G2 – Make poster about the route. Fill in the table. (Task 2)

G3 – Ask questions to the following answers. (Task 3)


T: Work in groups. First you should share your duties within the groups (facilitator, reporter, recorder, time keeper).



FRANCIS DRAKE (1540-1596)


sailor – моряк Cape Horn — мыс Горн voyage - морское путешествие

pirate - пират island Java – осторов Ява

to sail – плыть под парусом Cape of Good Hope — мыс Доброй Надежды

Spanish – испанский attack - нападать


1) Francis Drake was a famous English sea-captain. He was born in Plymouth – a seaport in the south of England. The boy spent much time near the sea. He looked at the ships and listened to the talks of the sailors. At 15 the boy was taken as a sailor on a small ship and worked there for some years. Francis did his work so well that the captain said he was born to be a great sailor. When Drake was 25 years old he began to help the captain of the ship. He crossed the Atlantic Ocean many times with the captain and then was made captain of another ship. Spanish ships carried much gold from South America to Spain. English ships often attacked Spanish ships and took the gold. Francis Drake became a pirate too.


2) In November 1577 Francis Drake with five ships left Plymouth. He wanted to cross the Atlantic Ocean and find the way to the Pacific Ocean. The ships came to South America in winter, the wind was very strong and it snowed, so Drake lost some of his ships. At last the sailors saw the Pacific Ocean. In August 1578 they came to Cape Horn and then had a short rest on some islands near Cape Horn.


3) After some rest in 1579 the ships crossed the Pacific Ocean and in the same year visited the island Java in the South of Asia. Then the ships crossed the Indian Ocean and in June 1580 they came to the Cape of Good Hope in the South of Africa. Drake did not stop there but sailed north and in September 1580 the sailors saw England again. The voyage took almost three years, Francis Drake was the first Englishman who sailed round the world.



1) Find in part 1 and read 2-3 sentences about:

1. When Francis Drake was a boy, he liked the sea.

2. Drake was a good sailor.

3. Drake was made captain of a ship.

Name the route of Drake's voyage. Make a table.


Year What they crossed Stops



3) These are the answers. Ask questions to the following answers:


1) English ships often attacked Spanish ships to take the gold. (Why?)

2)...to cross the Atlantic Ocean and find the way to the Pacific Ocean. (Why?)

3) so Drake lost some of his ships. (How?)

4)The voyage lasted almost three years. (How long?)



Kаждая группа представляет результат

3) Tell about F.Drake's voyages: P-P-P-P





Ss stick their stickers to the appropriate picture:

- sun – if they understood everything and felt good

- cloud – if they did not understand everything and need more time

night – if they are still struggling to understand the topic



Hometask: make a report about J.Cook, Livingstone (15 sentences)

Технологическая карта урока №56

ФИО учителя: Семенова Кристина Сергеевна

Дата: 18.12.2017

Класс: 6

Учебник: “Starlight” 6 – Дженни Дули, Вирджиния Эванс.


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