Noise landscape in the school.

Internet lesson

In connection with its great potential, the Internet soon after its appearance attracted the attention of teachers - practitioners and methodologists. The Internet is used now for teaching a variety of subjects. The Internet has tremendous information capabilities and no less than impressionable services. In preparing for the next lesson, it is important for the teacher to keep in mind the didactic properties and functions of each of the selected training aids, clearly imagining that for some methodological task this or that teaching tool can be most effective. If we bear in mind the subject of our discussion - the Internet, it is also important to determine for what purposes we are going to use its capabilities and resources. For example: - to include network materials in the content of the lesson; - for independent search of information of students in the framework of work on the project; - to fill gaps in knowledge; Inclusion of the network materials in the content of the lesson allows students to better understand life on our planet, to participate in joint, research, scientific and creative projects, to develop the unconditionality and skill.

The simplest application of the Internet is to use it as a source of additional materials for the teacher in preparation for the lesson. Materials can be printed and used later in the course of a traditional lesson.

Video lesson

The advantage of the video is its emotional impact on students. Therefore, attention should be directed to the formation of the schoolchildren's personal relationship to what they saw. The use of the video helps also the development of various aspects of the mental activity of students. and above all, attention and memory. During the viewing in the classroom there is an atmosphere of joint cognitive activity. In these conditions, even the inattentive student becomes attentive.

Psychological features of the impact of educational videos on students contribute to the creation of favorable conditions.

Practice shows that video lessons are an effective form of learning.

Integrated lesson.

Interdisciplinary integration makes it possible to systematize and generalize the knowledge of students in related subjects. Training in the "integrated" composition is focused on the diversified development of students, their general education and upbringing; helps to form a more holistic picture of the world for students.

Lesson - game

Recently, gaming methods of teaching have become increasingly popular. Educational, business or activity games are based on the principle of simulation of situations of real professional activity in combination with the principles of problem and joint activity.

The advantage of the game is that, through the emotions of empathy, the attention of the students is concentrated on the answer of the "strong" student who passed the qualification round, as a result of which the learning material is better absorbed and fixed. And the installation at the beginning of the lesson that they themselves will have to evaluate their knowledge and knowledge of classmates, causes a sense of responsibility for each team member for the overall result, encourages more strict self and mutual control


1) Formation of skills of introspection, self-and mutual control.

2) Development of cognitive activity and self-reliance aimed at the search, processing and assimilation of information.

3) Education of responsibility to the team, a critical attitude towards the achieved result.


The project methodology differs in the cooperative nature of the tasks when working on the project, activities. which in this case is carried out, is inherently creative and student-centered. When selecting the topic of the project, the teacher should be guided by the interests and needs of the students, their possibilities and personal significance of the forthcoming work, the practical significance result of work on the project.

The completed project can be presented in a variety of forms: articles, recommendations, album, collage. Various forms of presentation of the project are various: an article, recommendations, an album, a collage. Various forms of the presentation of the project are diverse: a report, a conference, a contest, a holiday, a play.

The lesson-project forms the skills of independent work.

The main result of the work on the project will be the actualization of the existing and acquisition of new ZUNUs and their creative application in the new conditions.


In our time, when the ties between different countries and peoples are developing more and more widely, acquaintance with Russian national culture becomes an indispensable element of the learning process.

Teachers, conscious of the stimulating power of regional and cultural motivation, strive to develop cognitive needs for students through non-traditional conduct of the lesson.



A productive and productive form of education is a lesson-performance.

Preparation of the performance is a creative work that promotes the disclosure of individual creative abilities in children. Students receive satisfaction from this kind of work.


A very interesting and fruitful form of conducting lessons is a lesson-holiday. This form of the lesson expands the child's knowledge of traditions and customs. existing both in Russia and in other countries. Creates, holding such a lesson, a pleasant, warm climate in the classroom.

Interview lesson

Lesson - an interview is a kind of dialogue on the exchange of information.

Depending on the objectives, the topic of the lesson may include separate subtopics "Free time", "Plans for the future", "Biography". In all these cases we dealt with the exchange of meaningful information. This form of the lesson requires careful preparation. Students independently work on the assignment, prepare questions for which they want answers.

Musical lesson

It is known that in ancient Greece many texts were practiced by singing, and in many schools of France it is practiced now. In India, elementary school now teaches alphabet and arithmetic with singing.

The lesson-musical promotes the aesthetic and moral education of schoolchildren, more fully reveals the creative abilities of each student.

Thanks to the singing of the musical in the lesson, a favorable psychological climate is created, fatigue is reduced. In many cases, it also serves as a discharge, reducing tension and restoring the efficiency of students.

Didactic game

The didactic game from the game is generally distinguished by the presence of a clearly stated learning goal and the corresponding pedagogical results.

The didactic game consists of the following main components: game design, game actions, cognitive content or didactic tasks, equipment, game results.

The didactic game has a definite result, which acts in the form of solving the assigned task and evaluating the actions of the students. All the structural elements of the didactic game are interrelated and interdependent. A characteristic feature of the lesson with the didactic game is the inclusion of the game in its construction as one of the structural elements of the lesson.


The school does not attach importance to the world of smells. Smells - a kind of world of colors that can intoxicate, lull, awaken, morally suppress, cheer, cause irritation reactions.

The Russian doctor VA Manassein suggested applying some smells to treat certain diseases; in the 30 years of the last century, the doctor AA Kuntsel was one of the first in our country to propose the term "aromatherapy", i.e. "Treatment with smells."

Aromatherapy is a treatment with natural essential oils that enter the circulatory system and thus spread throughout the body. There are plants that give off pleasant aromas. Room plants not only soften the interior of the room, enrich it with oxygen, calm the optic nerve with green, but also aromatize the atmosphere. But it should be remembered that children prone to asthmatic diseases can react painfully to essential oils of aromatic plants. In this case, the plants should be removed from the class.

Color therapy

The color scale is a kind of school, where you can learn about the mood, tastes, habits, character of a person. Color can interfere and help, repel and attract and even cure. The color climate of the whole room is of great importance for interior design. The choice is largely due to character of psycho-physiological effects on a person. According to this parameter, all colors are divided into 3 groups: exciting, inhibitory, neutral.

A university professor in the Canadian province of Alberta-Uholfort established that a change in color and lighting in schools led to an increase in academic performance, a reduction in school absences and a strengthening of discipline. The colors were changed: yellow, red, orange to white, beige, brown, and daylight lamps to incandescent lamps.

French physician Ferre investigated the relationship between labor productivity and color. He found that when working for a short time, the productivity of labor increases with red light, and with blue it decreases.

With prolonged work, the increase in labor productivity is facilitated by green light, while indigo and violet reduce it.

The Romanian doctor Stefaniku-Goang explored the effect of color on breathing and heart rate. The pulse and respiration rate increases with purple, red, orange and yellow colors, while when exposed to green, indigo and purple, the pulse and breathing slow down. Physiological impact should be reduced to the power of expressiveness, that is, the colors themselves cause certain physiological reactions. Steel supports should be painted in light colors, low rooms can become "higher" if you paint the ceilings in a light-green, light-blue color.

Contrast colors (yellow, black) are particularly suitable for marking hazardous areas.

Noise landscape in the school.

Sounds of a certain strength, frequency and color are useful and necessary for us. A person can not live in absolute silence (40 hours in absolute silence and a person loses a sense of reality) - hallucinations arise, the pulse decreases. According to Austrian researchers, noise pollution in cities reduces life expectancy person for 8-12 years.

Infrasound - sound oscillations with a frequency below 20 Hz. It causes a disease similar to seasick attacks.

An inaudible sound can cause common ailments, dizziness.

Noise worsens a person's sleep, narrows blood vessels and causes a headache, significantly lowers the level of adrenaline in the peripheral blood; blood pressure increases, heart rhythm slows down, secretion of salivary and gastric glands decreases, thyroid and adrenal cortical functions are disrupted, electrical activity of the brain changes.

Pupils and school teachers do not attach serious importance to the fight against noise pollution in school buildings.

Calling the children to order in the corridors, we will not only protect ourselves from noise and dust, but also bring certain ethical standards. For noisy games, yard areas should be allocated and landscaped.

There are sounds that heal or contribute to creative activity. Successfully chosen musical accompaniment is a reliable way to overcome fatigue. The use of music is also a very effective means of developing the emotional world of the individual. The use of music as a psychotherapeutic tool has become widespread in production, in medicine, in sports.

Schools in Rostov-on-Don have accumulated experience in using music as a means of emotional impact on students. In school number 2, music as a background of lessons in painting, natural history, reading in primary classes until recently was widely practiced by teachers IA Ledovskaya, Yu.V.. Fisenko.

The Russian physiologist IRTarkhanov proved by his original that melodies delivering joy to a person slow the pulse, increase the strength of heartbeats, promote vasodilation and normalize blood pressure, music that is eagerly listened stimulates the secretion of digestive juices and increases appetite.

According to the researches of the doctor-psychotherapist S.Mamulov, the clarinet influences solely the circulation of blood. Violin and piano are best calmed. The flute is the most relaxing action.

Music activates much more brain areas than speech, emotions caused by symphony, lead to hormonal and biochemical changes, affect the metabolic processes, respiratory and cardiovascular system, the tone of the brain.

Music can be used in class and change.

As elements of the influence in the modeling of mood in musical images, fragments from the following works can be included: in case of overwork, nervous exhaustion, "The Morning" by E. Grig, "Polonaise" by M.Ochinsky; with a melancholy mood - "To Joy" by Beethoven; with a pronounced irritability - "The Chorus of Pilgrims" by V. Wagner, "The Sentimental Waltz" by P. Tchaikovsky, "The Lunar Waltz" by K.Debusin, "The Dreams" by R.Shuman.

At the lesson, as well as on the change in the whole school building, the musical sound should be quiet.


List of used literature


1Konyushko VS, Chubaro SV, Pavlyuchenko SE Methodology of learning biology

2 Non-traditional forms of lessons in the Russian language.http: // revolution \ pedagogics \ 000-12295 o httml.

3Sinyagina M.Yu. Kuznetsova IV How to preserve and strengthen the health of children. Psychological attitudes and exercises. P.3-4, p.11, p.27-28, p.53, p.112

4Smirnova EO, AbdulovaEA.. The art of education - the path to healthy development

5 SorvanovaMAFormirovanie health culture at the lessons of technology / / School and production № 7.2007g., P.64-66.

6 Titov SV, Shabaeva GI Thematical games on the safety. The methodical manual for the teacher.- M.; TU Sphere, 2005.-176c.

7 Chernikova TV Health-saving potential of profile education-M.2005 p.5-6.

8 http: // kursovya - 25161 html


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