The Probfems of Teenagers

The Problems of Teenagers

It is said that the most beautiful period in the life is when you are teenagers.

It seems that teenagers have no problems as they do not have to work, care about their families. They don't think what to eat and where to live. And they are too young to see onlybad sides of life.

But still they have a lot of problems. The first problem is school. Young people have to learn a lot.Of course, it's very important, but it's not possible to learn all the time, especially if every teacher considers his subject as the most important one. After school they come home and have to do homework again. Teachers and parents think that doing homework develops a pupils' ability to work without assistance and to prepare for a high, school education more successfully. But many teenagers think that homework in some subjects is totally unnecessary, and they don't have time for developing their personal interests, like playing computer games, listening to the music, etc.

Another problem of teenagers, is their parents, they don't understand the problems of young people. It is the so-called generation gap. Generation gap is.the difference in ideas, feelings and interests between older and younger people, it's lack of understanding. Parents forget what they did when they were young. They give advice young people too often and they treat teenagers as they are still in a nappy. Sometimes parents and children-don't talk to each other, do not share their problems do not express their expectations and feelings. And that's the main reason of the conflicts in the families. Parents think that their problems such as work, family life, etc. more important and serious than those, which their children have. Teenagers look for their own identity and life goals. They are busy with themselves. Then the generation gap becomes wider and wider.

Another thing that is very important for teenagers is to be accepted by their friends. They try to wear strange things which are fashionable among young people. They speak in a way which is accepted among the teenagers. But it's difficult for the parents and teachers to understand this style. As for me, I also have some of these problems. For example, my parents don't understand the music I love. They disapprove some of my clothes and jewellery. They also want me to be more careful and attentive with my homework;

When we have one of these situations my parents and I try to make a compromise. For example, they don't object me to listen to the music I love, but I switch it on not very loud, When I go for a walk with my friends 1 always wear clothes and jewellery I like. But when we visit museums and theatres I try to put a proper clothes on. As for my homework they trust and rely on me in many cases. Ithink if both generations cooperate, living together will be easier and more pleasant.


Topical Vocabulary

teenager – подросток

to consider- считать, полагать

to develop - развивать

ability - способность

assistance – помощь

successfully - успешно

the so-called, - так называемый

generation gap – конфликт поколений

to give advice – давать совет

nappy- пеленки

reason- причина

identity- личность, индивидуальность

to accept- принимать

to disapprove- не одобрять

jewellery - драгоценности

to make a compromise – идти на компромисс



proper – подходящий, соответствующий

to rely on- полагаться


to cooperate- сотрудничать

lack- отсутствовать

demand- требовать


The Probfems of Teenagers

Teenagers are young people of between thirteen and nineteen years old. They say, it's the most beautiful period of life as young people usually experience their first great love and they have many friends. They don't have to work and take care of their families. And they are sure they will have a long and happy life. But at the same time it is the most difficult period, as teenagers have many problems at school and at home.

The first problem is school. The last year at school is especially very difficult. Young people learn a lot not only at school, but they also attend different kinds of courses, which will help them to enter colleges and universities. They spend much time to prepare their school homework and to do different assignments for the courses. They don't have much time for fun and entertainment, as usually every teacher considers his subject as the most important one.

Another problem is a generation gap. It is misunderstanding and difference in views, feelings and interests between younger and older people. It is the eternal problem. Elderly people usually compare their childhood and youth with the present. They always talk about "The good old days". The young, on the other hand usually think that their times are the best. Young people look at the. world with fresh eyes. Everything is new, interesting for them, they have no responsibilities and sometimes they can't solve their everyday problems. But they want to be treated like adults. And adults do not want to accept this point of view and act sometimes like dictators, choosing clothes, books, even friends for their children. Adults grumble about what teenagers do and what they wear. But they have their own fashion, which parents and teachers very often criticize. Teenagers always try very hard to be accepted by their friends. They want to be "one of them". That's why they follow their special teenager's style in clothes, speech, behaviour. They pay much attention to their appearance. Zits, bad hair, gaining weight- all these things are very serious problems for teenagers.

At these ages young people wanted to be liked and, to have friends. Those who make fun of others or laugh if someone makes a mistake can't be the best friend..But those who share things with friends and give them help when in need make others like them. And it's good for a teenager to know that his friend always keeps promises and tries to do his best if it's necessary for him. Another thing about teenagers is their first love. There is no right age to begin dating. Dating may begin as young as 13-14 years old, but becomes common around 16-18. Teenagers generally date people of they own age, though girls sometimes date boys two or three years older than they are. They may go out with one person one week and someone else the next one. Young people may date several friends at the same time. They go to parties, cinema, dances together. And they are very proud of having a girl or a boyfriend. Dating is not very expensive, but still they should have some money to go to the cinema, disco, to have a cup of coffee, etc. Some teenagers ask their parents for money, others try to earn themselves, doing, different kinds of work two or three times a week.

Love is such a wonderful feeling, especially the first love. It can make you the happiest person in the world. But sometimes it can bring you real sufferings. Teenagers can get upset or depressed very much. That's why it's so important to help teenagers and not to leave them alone in such a situation.

Unfortunately, nowadays we have very serious problems for the young people such as violence, AIDS, drugs and alcohol. A lot of teenagers who have drug or alcohol addiction almost never believe that they are dependent. These things are often combined with family and school problems.

No doubts, that the teenager's problems will increase. And it is necessary for adults to find a mutual language with young people and help them in such a beautiful and not so simple life'.


Topical Vocabulary


to experience - испытывать

assignment - задание

fun - веселье

entertainment - развлечение

eternal - вечный

to compare - сравнивать

The good old days – старые добрые времена

responsibility - ответственность

to solve - решать

to treat like adults – общаться как со взрослыми

dictator - диктатор

to grumble - ворчать

fashion - мода

to criticize - критиковать

to accept -принимать

behaviour - поведение

appearance - внешность

zit -прыщ

to gain weight – набрать вес (поправиться)

to keep promises- держать обещания

to do one's best – сделать всевозможное

to date – назначать свидание

expensive – дорого




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