Падеж – это грамматическая категория, которая отражает взаимосвязь существительного с другими словами предложения. В древнеанглийском языке присутствовали именительный, винительный, родительный, творительный и дательный падежи. Со временем они отмирали, и теперь в современном английском языке существует только два падежа – общий и притяжательный.
Общий падеж (common case) английских существительных ничем не обозначен, то есть существительные в этом падеже имеют нулевое окончание (chair, car). Его значение очень размыто, и в зависимости от контекста существительное в общем падеже может выполнять самые разные функции.
Притяжательный падеж (possessive/genitive case) чаще всего выражает принадлежность.
Притяжательный падеж образуется при помощи знака апострофа и буквы s (‘ s) или просто апострофа (‘). Последний способ используется для существительных во множественном числе (pupils’ work, cars’ colour) и греческих заимствований, оканчивающихся на [ -iz ] (Xerxes’ army, Socrates’ wife).
Однако если форма множественного числа образована не по обычному правилу (men, children), то в притяжательном падеже к ней прибавляется ‘ s:
men’ s work, children’ s toys
Если существительное – составное, то ‘ s прибавляется к последнему его элементу:
mother-in-law’ s advice, passer-by’ s surprise
Иногда ‘ s может относиться к нескольким существительным или целой фразе:
Peter and Sally’s kids; the girl I helped yesterday’s face.
Дети Питера и Сэлли; лицо девушки, которой я вчера помог.
Нужно учесть, что притяжательный падеж одушевленных существительных в английском языке строится при помощи окончания ‘ s, а для неодушевленных – при помощи предлога of:
Kevin’ s hat, income of the company
шляпа Кевина, доход компании.
Однако среди неодушевленных существительных есть исключения, которые можно поставить в форму притяжательного падежа через ‘ s:
· Существительные, обозначающие время и расстояние: today’ s newspaper, a mile’ s distance
· Названия стран и городов: Germany’ s industry, New York’ s streets
· Названия газет и организаций: the Guardian’ s article, Red Cross’ s volunteers
· Слова nation, country, city, town: country’ s treasures
· Слова ship, car, boat: ship’ s name, car’ s speed
· Слова nature, water, ocean: ocean’ s temperature, nature’ s beauty
· Названия месяцев и времени года: January’ s frosts, summer’ s days
· Названия планет: Saturn’ s rings
· Некоторые устойчивые выражения: at death’ s door, at arm’ s length, a hair’ s breadth, at a snail’ s pace и другие.
1) Add five more apostrophes to the text.
I live with my parents, my brother and my two sisters. My parents’ names are Paul and Emily. My brothers name is Tim. My sisters names are Helen and Megan. They like animals. They have got Two pets: a dog and a cat. The cat is Megans pet. The dogs name is Toffee and he is Helens pet.
2) Underline the correct words.
1. Hi! I’m Jill. I’m Tims / Tim’s / Tims’ sister.
2. My fathers / father’s / fathers’ name is Peter.
3. Our parents / parent’s / parents’ names are Fiona and Peter.
4. Eva is my father’s / fathers’ / father mother. She is my grandmother.
5. Frank and Martas / Frank and Marta’s / Frank and Martas’ son is Simon. He’s my cousin.
6. Max and Eva are my grandparents’ / grandparent’s / grandparents.
3) Read the sentences. What does ‘s mean in each sentence? Underline is, has or possessive.
1. Peter’s moustache is dark. is / has / possessive
2. Jill’s got long, fair hair. is / has / possessive
3. I’ve got a pet. It’s a cat. is / has / possessive
4. My cat’s name is Blackie. is / has / possessive
5. Frank’s my uncle. is / has / possessive
6. I am my parents’ son. is / has / possessive
7. She’s my sister. is / has / possessive
8. Tom’s hair is brown. is / has / possessive
Family members (члены семьи): father – отец mother – мать parents – родители husband – муж wife – жена child \ children – ребенок \ дети daughter – дочь son – сын sister – сестра brother – брат aunt – тетя uncle – дядя cousin – кузен (двоюродный брат), кузина (двоюродная сестра) | grandfather – дедушка grandmother – бабушка grandparents – бабушка и дедушка grandchildren – внуки granddaughter – внучка grandson – внук great-grandfather – прадедушка great-grandmother – прабабушка great-granddaughter – правнучка great-grandson – правнук nephew – племянник niece – племянница |
Other relatives: father-in-law – тесть, свекор mother-in-law – теща, свекровь sister-in -law – золовка, свояченица brother-in-law – деверь, шурин daughter-in-law – невестка son-in-law – зять godparents – крестные родители | godfather – крестный отец godmother – крестная мать godchildren – крестники goddaughter – крестница godson – крестник stepfather – отчим stepmother – мачеха stepson – пасынок stepdaughter – падчерица |
1) Complete the table:
son | |
niece | |
stepfather | |
wife | |
brother-in-law | |
goddaughter | |
stepson | |
great-grandfather | |
father-in-law |
2) Find the correct word for the given phrase.
Example: My father and my mother are my parents.
The father of my father is my ______________________
The mother of my mother is my _______________________
The brother of my mother is my ________________________
The wife of my uncle is my ________________________
The son of my sister is my __________________________
The daughter of my brother is my ______________________
The child of my uncle is my ________________________________
The wife of my brother is my ___________________________________
3) Rewrite the sentences using the possessive case.
Example: My father’s father is my ….
4) Read the text and answer the questions.
Bob and Betty Peterson are married.
Betty is Bob’s wife. Bob is Betty’s
husband. Betty and Bob are parents of
three children. David is 18 years old.
David is Bob and Betty’s son. Lisa and
Pam are Bob and Betty’s daughters.
David is Lisa and Pam’s brother. Lisa and
Pam are David’s sisters. Bob is their
father. Betty is their mother.
1. Who is the husband? _________________________
2. Who is the wife?_____________________________
3. Who are the parents?__________________________
4. Who is the son?______________________________
5. Who are the daughters?________________________
6. Who are the children?_________________________
7. Who are David’s sisters?_______________________
8. Who is Pam and Lisa’s brother?_________________
5) Answer Yes or No to the following statements. Correct the false statements.
1. Bob is married to Pam.
2. Bob and Betty are the parents.
3. Pam and Lisa are brothers.
4. David is Bob and Betty’s daughter.
5. David is the father of three children.
6. Bob Peterson is fifty years old.
7. David, Lisa, and Betty are the children.
8. Betty and Pam are sisters.
6) Look at the family tree and write sentences.
Example: George is Tom's father. George and Mary have three children.
7) Make your own family tree and describe it using the verb have got and the possessive case.
Example: I have got a mother, a father and two sisters. My mother's name is Elena.
8) Read the text.
I am Zhilin Andrey. Andrey is my name and Zhilin is my surname. I am seventeen years old. My family is not large. I have got a mother, a father and a grandmother. There are four of us in the family. My mother is a teacher of biology. She is a good-looking woman with brown hair. She is forty-four. My father is a programmer. He is forty-six. My father often sings and when we are at home and have some free time I play guitar and we sing together. He is also handy with many things. My father is fond of tennis too. My parents have been married for 18 years. They have much in common, but they have different views on music, books, and films. For example my father likes horror films and my mother likes soap operas. My parents are hard-working people. My mother keeps house and takes care of my father and me. She is very good at cooking. My grandmother is a pensioner. She lives with us and helps to run the house. She is fond of knitting.
Make your own text about your family.