с кириллицы на латиницу – в стандарте BGN)

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Authors, Abstract, Key words

Anna B. Andreeva – Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Moscow Pedagogical State University (Moscow, Russia)


Yulya V. Ivanova – Doctor ofEconomics, Professor, Smolensk State University (Smolensk, Russia)



Currently, there is a large number of studies in the field of socio-economic development of the regions, which assesses the quality of life of the population. The development of methods for measuring the quality of life of the population has been in demand in many countries. In most cases, it is based on the use of a large list of indicators recorded by official statistics. Often the level of socio-economic development is made dependent on the development of the economic parameters of the region, in particular those related to the category of “production potential”. However, such relationships are usually based on indicators reflected in official statistics, that is, explicit, visible indicators presented in the dynamics over the years. In reality, in the depth of economic processes are rather implicit (latent) variables (factors, causes), which lead to a particular value of the statistical indicators of the region. The attempt to find them is very interesting and lies in the plane of factor analysis. On the basis of factor analysis can be obtained algorithm not only to assess the quality of life, but also to assess the relationship with the development of productive capacity. The article hypothesizes the existence of the dependence of the quality of life on the level of development of production potential. Methods of cluster and factor analysis are used to test this hypothesis and form conclusions and proposals aimed at normalizing the indicators of the development of production potential.


Quality of life, production potential, region, assessment, factor analysis, cluster analysis, socio-economic development, standard of living.



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Пример оформления рисунка

Рис. 1. Оценка респондентами степени взаимосвязанности регионов российско-белорусского приграничья по элементам бизнес-среды


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Пример оформления формул


К1=АО/ТО (1)

где: ОА – оборотные активы;

ТО – текущие обязательства.


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