Task 1. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box.
Prosecutors, in-house counsel, research, civil law, smuggling, guilty, appeal, judges, fine, common law, research, notaries, court |
1. Some lawyers may work as ___________________________________________.
2. ___________is contrasted against common law.
3. _________ is a judge-made law developed by custom (historical legal precedents) over hundreds of years.
4. A person who is found ________of smuggling may be taken to Court and either punished by a ________ or jailed.
5. Many lawyers are employed by the law offices of enterprises, ministries and agencies as __________(jurisconsult).
6. In accordance with the Customs Regulations one of the main duties of the Customs officer is to prevent traffic of __________.The person accused has the right to _________ within ten days
7. The decision of the _________ is final and binding.
8. Lawyers may serve as ________or_________________________________________.
9. Legal careers also include teaching law and academic ________work.
Task 2. Translate the sentences into English
1. Суды не издают законы, а только применяют их.
2. Я посоветуюсь с юристом.
3. Закон всегда наказывает преступников.
4. Эта информация только для юридических лиц.
5. Какие факторы повлияли на Ваше решение?
6. Решение суда является окончательным и обжалованию не подлежит
Task 3. Match these words with their meaning
money laundering валюта
defendant evidence
drugssyn. narcotics таможенные правонарушения
dispute ответчик, обвиняемый, подсудимый
customs violations спор
evidence наркотики
currency отмываниеденег
Task 4. Use the right modal verb from the box and translate the sentences:
сan, could, may, might, to be able to,to be allowed to |
1. Well, he _____ have smuggled drugs into the country, but I don’t believe it. We’ve got a very effective Customs Service.
2. They ________still be negotiating the contract.
3. I think the meeting ________be over now.
4. We _______sign the contract yesterday.
5. That passenger is so nervous! He _____ be concealing something from customs control.
Task 5. Put these questions into reported speech.
Model: “Where do you work?” – They asked me where I worked.”
1. “Where have you arrived from?”
2. “How long are you planning to stay in this country?”
3. “How much do you spend on traveling per year?”
4. “Have you declared all your currency?”
5. “Can you write in block letters?”
6. “Where will you go to get an exit permit?”
Task 6. Read and translate the text and answer the question:
What problem does the article focus on?
New ageism laws let older bankers sue for millions
New employment laws have been introduced in the European Union that will help middle-aged and older workers. The Employment Equality Age Regulations became law on October 1 as part of an EU-wide initiative to stop ageism in the workplace. Legislators decided discrimination against older workers and older job seekers was on a par with sex discrimination and that against ethnic minorities. The new laws mean staff can claim significant levels of compensation from employers found guilty of firing staff for being “too old”. Sam Mercer, chief executive of the Employers’ Forum on Age told The Guardian newspaper: "Ageism is still seen as not that bad like speeding. While racism and sexism are viewed like drunk driving - totally unacceptable."
However, not everyone is happy with the new laws. Those likely to most benefit from the new laws are middle-aged bankers, who are often “let go” by their employers for being less dynamic than their younger and more ambitious counterparts. In effect, this means the law will give greater protection to white middle-aged men - called "pale, stale males" by human resource departments. Before the new law was passed, these workers had a very hard time reconstructing their lives after being wrongly fired by companies. Compensation for unfair dismissal claims was capped at around $110,000, which is a fraction of the income for many bankers in their 40s.
This often meant financial ruin for many middle-aged bankers. The new laws change that. Companies now need to be extremely careful when “releasing” older workers, or risk multi-million-dollar payouts to disgruntled staff.
Task 1. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box.
Prosecutors, in-house counsel, research, civil law, smuggling, guilty, appeal, judges, fine, common law, research, notaries, court |
1. In accordance with the Customs Regulations one of the main duties of the Customs officer is to prevent traffic of __________.
2. Many lawyers are employed by the law offices of enterprises, ministries and agencies as __________(jurisconsult).
3. Legal careers also include teaching law and academic ________work.
4. ___________is contrasted against common law.
5. Some lawyers may work as ______________________________________________.
6. Lawyers may serve as ________or_________________________________________.
7. _________ is a judge-made law developed by custom (historical legal precedents) over hundreds of years.
8. The person accused has the right to _________ within ten days
9. A person who is found ________of smuggling may be taken to Court and either punished by a ________ or jailed.
10. The decision of the _________ is final and binding.
Task 2. Translate the sentences into English
1. Законы обязательны для всех.
2. Этот адвокат не занимается уголовными делами.
3. Наша фирма всегда нанимает самых лучших адвокатов.
4. Таможенный инспектор может произвести личный досмотр, если у него есть основание полагать, что пассажир имеет при себе предметы, подлежащие изъятию.
5. Протокол личного досмотра подписывается инспектором, понятыми и досматриваемым лицом.
6. Работа в полиции связана с риском.
Task 3. Match these words with their meanings
коллегияадвокатов спор
case тяжбасудебногоспора
crime коллегияадвокатов
dispute дело
in-house counsel присяжные
jury юрисконсульт
litigation спор
Task 4. Use the right modal verb from the box and translate the sentences:
сan, could, may, might, to be able to,to be allowed to, couldn't |
1. _____ you show me your passport?
2. When I worked аt the customs I _____ seize contraband every day.
3. I have explained the rules to her twice. She _____ have failed to understand them.
4. In 3 months this dog _____ detect drugs and explosives.
5. They _____ be examining the containers. Look! It’s raining.
Task 5. Put these questions into reported speech.
Model: Where are you from?” They asked me where I was from.
1. “When did you seize the largest concealment of cocaine?”
2. “What are you talking about?”
3. “Do you know anything about this man?”
4. “Did you forget to phone her?”
5. “Will you be near the office in ten minutes?”
6. “What cargo are you carrying?”
Task 6. Read and translate the text and answer the question:
What problem does the article focus on?
Apple Suing Samsung for Copying
Apple Inc. is suing Korea’s Samsung Electronics Co. for copying the design, look and even the packaging of its iPhone and iPad products. Apple alleges that Samsung’s Galaxy phones and tablet computers infringe the patents of its products. Included in the list of infringements are the use of the hand gestures used on Apple’s touch screens, the colour and shape of Samsung’s devices, and even the design of the boxes in which Samsung’s gadgets are sold. Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, accused Samsung of violating Apple trademarks and patents. He included the Korean tech giant in a list of companies making tablets that would make 2011 the “Year of Copycats.”
Steve Dowling, an Apple spokesperson, said the company had to protect its intellectual copyright. Samsung executives are not happy at having to fight Apple in court. The two companies are dependent on each other in many ways. Samsung supplies many of the parts for Apple’s iPhone. A Samsung spokesperson said his company’s “development of core technologies and the strengthening of our intellectual property portfolio are keys to our continued success.” He added: “Samsung will respond actively to this legal action taken against us through appropriate legal measures to protect our intellectual property.” The courtroom battle is set to last months, perhaps years. A lot is at stake. Industry analysts predict tablet computers will soon overtake personal computers in global sales. Apple is determined the iPhone, introduced in 2007, and the iPad, which came in 2010, will continue as market leaders.
Task 1. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box.
Prosecutors, in-house counsel, research, civil law, smuggling, guilty, appeal, judges, fine, common law, research, notaries, court |
1. Many lawyers are employed by the law offices of enterprises, ministries and agencies as __________ (jurisconsult).
2. Some lawyers may work as ______________________________________________.
3. Lawyers may serve as ________or_________________________________________.
4. Legal careers also include teaching law and academic ________work.
5. ___________is contrasted against common law.
6. _________ is a judge-made law developed by custom (historical legal precedents) over hundreds of years.
7. In accordance with the Customs Regulations one of the main duties of the Customs officer is to prevent traffic of __________.
8. The decision of the _________ is final and binding.
9. A person who is found ________of smuggling may be taken to Court and either punished by a ________ or jailed.
10. The person accused has the right to _________ within ten days.
Task 2. Translate the sentences into English
1. В Англии существует суд присяжных.
2. Предметы, сокрытые от таможенного контроля, считаются контрабандой и могут быть конфискованы.
3. Протокол личного досмотра подписывается инспектором, понятыми и досматриваемым лицом.
4. Если вы не везете запрещенные товары, вы пойдете через зеленый канал.
5. Лицо, нарушившее таможенные правила, подлежит наказанию в соответствии с законом.
6. Инспектор проверил паспорт и визу пассажира и задал вопрос о цели его визита.
Task 3. Match these words with their meanings
false оружие и боеприпасы
to resolve a dispute мошенничество
аdvocate приговор, решение суда
judgment судья
commercialfraud принимать решение по спору
judge защитник, адвокат
arms and ammunition фальшивый, поддельный
Task 4. Use the right modal verb from the box and translate the sentences:
сan, could, may, might, to be able to,to be allowed to |
1. _________ I have a look at your visa?
2. __________ I help you with your luggage?
3. You ________ find forms on the table in the middle of the hall.
4. I _____ attend the meeting yesterday, because I was ill.
5. They _____ have cleared all the cargo! They have just started!
Task 5. Put these questions into reported speech.
Model: “Where do you work?” – They asked me where I worked.”
1. “Will you be X-raying my camera too?”
2. “Did you buy this watch in Russia or abroad?”
3. “Why did you try to misrepresent this article?”
4. “Have you declared all your currency?”
5. “Can you write in block letters?”
6. “Have you got a vet certificate?”
Task 6. Read and translate the text and answer the question:
What problem does the article focus on?
U.S. Hit by Russian Pirate Sales
Sales of pirated films, software and books in Russia cost U.S. copyright holders billions of dollars. Only China surpassed Russia in piracy.
Increasing the penalty for counterfeiters and using special labels to make pirated merchandise easier to recognize are among the suggestions put forward by the lawmakers.
Deputy Prosecutor General called for a crackdown on manufacturers and retailers of counterfeit merchandise, as on those who provide floor spaces, equipment or other support for pirates.
Unauthorized copies of the latest Hollywood hits as well as pirated business software are easy to find throughout the country and it results in the large losses for copyright holders.
Counterfeit goods account for 35 to 90 percent of turnover in certain market segments, but the most troubling are food and medicine.
Task 1. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box.
Prosecutors, smuggling, jailed, property common law, judge-made law, punished, judges,, common law, notaries,, accused, binding, private practice, binding, certifies |
1. A notary is a public officer who ________the document.
2. Lawyers in _________in Russia work mostly within colleges of advocates
3. One of the main duties of the Customs Service is to prevent the traffic of_________.
4. Some lawyers may work as ___________________________________________.
5. Lawyers may serve as judges or __________
6. Common law is a ___________________developed by custom (historical legal precedents) over hundreds of years.
7. Civil law __________is contrasted against ___________,
8. Smuggled goods are confiscated and turned into federal___________.
9. A person who is found guilty of smuggling may be taken to Court and either __________by a fine or jailed.
10. The decision of the Court is final and__________.
11. The person __________has the right to appeal within ten days
Task 2. Translate the sentences into English
1. Президент может наложить вето на законопроект
2. Серьёзные уголовные дела слушаются коллегией присяжных.
3. Как устанавливается виновность человека?
4. В случае конфискации вещей или ценностей составляется протокол задержания.
5. Преступления расследует полиция.
6. Конституция гарантирует права и свободы граждан.
Task 3. Match these words with their meanings
law закон, право
drugs мошенничество
prosecutor наркотики
commercialfraud ` контрабанда
smuggling судебное дело, иск
lawsuit cудья,
judge прокурор, обвинитель
Task 4. Use the right modal verb from the box and translate the sentences:
сan, could, may, might, to be able to,to be allowed to |
1. ________you help me, please? May I use your phone, please?____you write this for me, please?
2. ___________ just interrupt you for a moment?
3. In 3 months this dog _____ detect drugs and explosives.
4. The professor says we _____ only use dictionaries at the exam while translating the articles.
Task 5. Put these questions into reported speech.
Model: “Where do you work?” – They asked me where I worked.”
1. “Will you be X-raying my camera too?”
2. “How long are you planning to stay in this country?”
3. “Why did you try to misrepresent this article?”
4. “Shall I need an exit permit for this painting?”
5. “Can you write in block letters?”
6. “Do I need to go through the Red channel?”
Task 6. Read and translate the text and answer the question:
What problem does the article focus on?
Drug Smuggler Arrested
Customs officials at a Sheremetyevo-2 airport have arrested a Columbian man accused of smuggling a record amount of cocaine inside his stomach. The man was transporting over a kilo of cocaine to Hong Kong via Russia. The Colombian approached a customs officer and asked him for medical help. The officer suspected drug smuggling and the man was taken to a hospital where an X-ray showed that his stomach was packed with special containers filled with cocaine. It turned out that the man was trying to transport 1148 grams of the drug in 86 containers. If sold, it could bring him over one million dollars. Usually, drug smugglers do not swallow more than 600 grams.
This way of transporting is considered to be especially dangerous as it can kill the smuggler if the covers of containers are destroyed in the stomach.
If found guilty, the man might face up to 20 years in a Russian prison. He smuggle drugs by the Columbian mafia.
Task 1. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box.
Prosecutors, research, notaries, court, in-house counsel, research, civil law, smuggling, guilty, appeal, judges, fine, common law |
1. A person who is found ________of smuggling may be taken to Court and either punished by a ________ or jailed.
2. Some lawyers may work as ___________________________________________.
3. Lawyers may serve as ________or_________________________________________.
4. _________ is a judge-made law developed by custom (historical legal precedents) over hundreds of years
5. also include teaching law and academic ________work.
6. ___________is contrasted against common law.
7. Legal careers In accordance with the Customs Regulations one of the main duties of the Customs officer is to prevent traffic of __________.
8. Many lawyers are employed by the law offices of enterprises, ministries and agencies as __________(jurisconsult).
9. The decision of the _________ is final and binding.
10. The person accused has the right to _________ within ten days
Task 2. Translate the sentences into English
1. Основные отрасли права: Гражданское, Уголовное, Административное, Налоговое, Страховое и Международное право. (и т.д.)
2. Предметы, сокрытые от таможенного контроля, считаются контрабандой и могут быть конфискованы.
3. Как давно вы работаете в таможне?
4. Если вы не везете запрещенные товары, вы пойдете через зеленый канал.
5. Она обратилась в суд
6. Решение суда является окончательным и обжалованию не подлежит
Task 3. Match these words with their meanings
criminal responsibility наказан
action действие
penalty штраф
punished наказание
offence взрослые
adults нарушение
guardianship криминальнаяответственность
Task 4. Use the right modal verb from the box and translate the sentences:
сan, could, may, might, to be able to,to be allowed to |
Passenger: Good morning! _____ you help me?
Customs officer: Good morning! What _____ I do for you?
P.: I don’t see where I _____ find any declaration forms.
C.o.: You _____ to find forms if you go straight to the table in the middle of the
P.: _____ I fill in one declaration form for all my family members?
C.O.: Yes, if your children are under 16.
P.: Thank you for your help.
C.O.: You are welcome.
Task 5. Put these questions into reported speech.
Model: “Where do you work?” – They asked me where I worked.”
1. “Was the box full or empty?”
2. “How long are you planning to stay in this country?”
3. “Did you buy this watch in Russia or abroad?”
4. “Have you declared all your currency?”
5. “Can you write in block letters?”
6. “Have you got a vet certificate?”
Task 6. Read and translate the text and answer the question:
What problem does the article focus on?
Teacake Wrangle
The European Court of Justice has ruled that British retailer, Marks & Spencer, can claim back £3.5mln in overpaid VAT on teacakes. For years, the British authorities defined a chocolate teacake as a biscuit- which attracts a sales tax- rather than a cake, which does not. So when is a cake not a biscuit?
Teacakes are made of a shortbread base, a marshmallow filling and a chocolate shell. The British tax authorities decided it was a biscuit, a luxury food liable to sales tax. The supermarket insisted it was a cake, a basic food which is exempt from tax.
The argument has been through many courts and the latest decision has been on the cake side of the argument. Marks & Spencer should get a tax refund, said the judge.
Task 1. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box.
Prosecutors, private practice, smuggling, accused, jailed, property common law. judge-made law, punished, judges, common law, notaries, binding, binding, certifies |
1. The person __________has the right to appeal within ten days Lawyers in _________in Russia work mostly within colleges of advocates
2. A notary is a public officer who ________the document.
3. Civil law __________is contrasted against ___________,
4. Common law is a ___________________developed by custom (historical legal precedents) over hundreds of years.
5. Smuggled goods are confiscated and turned into federal___________.
6. One of the main duties of the Customs Service is to prevent the traffic of_________.
7. A person who is found guilty of smuggling may be taken to Court and either __________by a fine or jailed.
8. Some lawyers may work as ___________________________________________.
9. Lawyers may serve as judges or __________
10. The decision of the Court is final and__________.
Task 2. Translate the sentences into English
1. Частное право также называют гражданским правом.
2. Контрабандисты могут использовать различные места сокрытия.
3. В Великобритании действуют законы Евросоюза.
4. Если вы не уплатите пошлину сейчас, товар останется на складе на все выходные и праздничные дни.
5. Президент может наложить вето на законопроект.
6. Английская правовая система основана на общем праве.
Task 3. Match these words with their meanings
law закон, право
drugs мошенничество
prosecutor наркотики
commercial fraud контрабанда
smuggling судебноедело, иск
lawsuit cудья,
judge прокурор, обвинитель
Task 4. Use the right modal verb from the box and translate the sentences:
сan, could, may, might, to be able to,to be allowed to |
1. I _____ attend the meeting yesterday, because I was ill.
2. _________________ you show me your passport?
3. In 3 months this dog _________________ detect drugs and explosives.
4. You _____ bring these items into the country. They are prohibited by law.
5. _______________ have cleared all the cargo! They have just started!
Task 5. Put these questions into reported speech.
Model: “Where do you work?” – They asked me where I worked.”
1. “Do you understand the question or not?”
2. “How long are you planning to stay in this country?”
3. “Why did you try to misrepresent this article?”
4. “Will you be X-raying my camera too?”
5. “What cargo are you carrying?”
6. “Are you traveling on business?”
Task 6. Read and translate the text and answer the question:
What problem does the article focus on?
Court Jails Pirate Bay File-Sharers
The four founders of the file-sharing website The Pirate Bay have been sent to prison. A court in Sweden sentenced the four men to a year behind bars. Their crime was to help millions of people around the world break international copyright laws. The court also ordered them to pay nearly one million dollars each in damages to major music companies and film studios. This falls far short of the $17 million demanded by the entertainment industry. The site Pirate Bay is the world’s most popular file-sharing site. Over 20 million people use it to download music, movies and computer games for free. Pirate Bay does not have any copyrighted material on its web servers; instead it acts as a search engine so visitors can find files on other computers. The court’s decision may be the beginning of many more file-sharing sites being closed. The ruling has divided people.
The entertainment industry praised the court for protecting the rights of singers, actors and other artists who made their living from their creativity. Industry spokesman John Kennedy said the decision sent a clear message to pirates. "The Pirate Bay did immense harm….There has been a perception that piracy is OK…This verdict will change that," he said. Swedish people are angry over the verdict. There is even a political party that supports The Pirate Bay. Its chairman Rickard Falkvinge said the courts and politicians “have declared war against our whole generation". He called for "file-sharing for the people”.
Приложение № 2
к приказу Российской таможенной
от ___________ № ______
Контрольная работа – это письменная учебная работа, выполняемая студентом самостоятельно. Основная цель контрольной работы – проверка и оценка качества усвоения студентами программного материала учебной дисциплины.
Контрольная работа является одним из видов текущего контроля успеваемости, способствует выявлению формируемых компетенцийстудентов, а также оцениванию уровня их самостоятельности и активности.
Контрольная работа, как правило, имеет аналитическую или описательную части, может предусматривать решение проблемных ситуаций, практических задач, задач с проведением численного моделирования, иметь характер расчетов, алгоритмов, программ и т.д. на основе использования рекомендуемой основной и дополнительной литературы, других информационных источников по изучаемой дисциплине.
Учебно-методические указания по выполнению контрольной работы разрабатываются по каждой учебной дисциплине, в рабочей программе которой предусмотрено выполнение контрольной работы студентами заочной формы обучения.
Учебно-методические указания по выполнению контрольной работы утверждаются заведующим кафедрой до начала изучения дисциплины. Они должны своевременно перерабатываться и переутверждаться, учитывая при этом изменения и дополнения, вносимые в рабочую программу учебной дисциплины.