What do you enjoy about your work

Task 1.

accountant бухгалтер
day-to-day повседневный
accounting ведение бухгалтерских книг, расчёт
cash book расчётная книга
ledger главная книга, гроссбух
to tackle энергично браться, приниматься
be up against находиться против чего-либо
deadlines предельные сроки
fascinating приводящий в восторг, притягательный
to generate производить, делать
system administration управление системами
trouble-shooting kind of job чрезвычайно беспокойная работа
back up of data сохранение данных, информации
a loose cable обвислый кабель
hectic беспокойный, активный
be confronted with сталкиваться с
the out of hours concept понятие ненормированного рабочего дня
at the extreme в крайности
encounter первое знакомство столкновение, схватка
to resolve решать
to do hands on приложить руку к …
applications применение, использование

Task 2. Read the text.

(L. Jones, A. Richard, Teacher’s book,)

Ian: My name’s Ian McShane and I’m the group accountant for Small World-wide. I’m responsible for the day-to-day accounting for the group, covering financial management, management accounting, cash books, purchase ledger, sales ledger, credit control and so on.

Virtually every day you’ve got a different kind of...er... job to tackle, it’s alwayswithout exception urgent. I’m always up against deadlines and therefore I’m never bored. I find the whole of finance fascinating anyway and the whole exercise is very, very interesting.

It’s not very pleasant being difficult, or having to be difficult with people to get money out of them. I don’t particularly like doing that.

Lesley: My name’s Lesley Trigg. At Small World I work as an administrator for the international business development group. My responsibilities are responding to correspondence, making sure that meetings are scheduled for the right rooms at the right places. Um... also I deal with organizing people’s travel in the company to various different countries throughout the world.

The most important thing that I enjoy is actually the people that are here in Small World. The people are very friendly and I enjoy the work.

I wish at times I was a little bit more busier. Um... I have to wait for people to generate work for me and, as working within the international business development group most of the people actually work in...within other countries, because they’re going out into other countries to find partners that will assist Small World. And when they’re out of the country they’re not generating the work for me back in the office, theygenerate the work when they’re back in the office for me to deal with.

Patrick: My name is Patrick Verdon. I deal with the systems administration for Small World. I think the best description of systems administration is that it’s a trouble-shooting kind of job, there are all kinds of responsibilities, such as back-up of data, installation of new machines, installation of the operating system and the installation of the product that...er...Small World actually produces. It’s quite a challenge, because there’s such a variety of problems: sometimes it’ll be a loose cable on a...on a machine that’s a problem, another time it’ll take hours to solve.

I think the nice part of systems administration is the challenge. Um...sometimes it’s very quiet, but on the other hand you can have a day when it’s completely hectic and all kinds of different problems come up. So y...you’re always being confronted with...with different problems, which is nice.

The things I don’t enjoy are the routine back-ups of all the data, these take a bit of time. The other thing that I don’t quite like is the...the out of hours concept of system... systems administration, because the best time to actually fix problems is when people aren’t working, which means that ideally we should do that after six when everybody’s gone home, so, yes, we can be here until the early hours of the morning at the extreme.

Paul: I’m Paul Lockwood, and I’m one of the training officers at Small World and my job is to...um... run and provide training courses for our customers and agents.

The thing I enjoy most about my work is...um...being able to have direct contact with customers and...er...direct knowledge of the sort of problems they encounter and how to resolve them.

The things I don’t enjoy so much is that I feel that I...I... um...tend to be spending a lot of time either teaching or preparing training material, and I don’t get enough chance to do hands on programming that I would like to do. I do have to have the skills of programming but what I don’t get the opportunity to do at the moment is to actually use them to develop real applications for customers, I’ m just so showing other people how to do it.

Generally speaking, I… I enjoy my job. I… I enjoy the company that I work for. It’s a very good environment, a very stimulating environment.

Task 2. О каждом персонаже напечатать (кратко, ключевыми словами) – He is a …

He is responsible for … He enjoys … He doesn’t enjoy …


He is a Ian McShane. He is responsible for the day-to-day accounting for the group, covering financial management, management accounting, cash books, purchase ledger, sales ledger, credit control and so on. He enjoys job to tackle, it’s alwayswithout exception urgent. He doesn`t enjoy pleasant being difficult, or have to be difficult with people to get money out of them.

Her is a Lesley Trigg. Her is responsible for responding to correspondence, making sure that meetings are scheduled for the right rooms at the right places. She enjoys actually the people that are here there in Small World. She doesn`t enjoy when people are out of the country and they’re don’t generate the work for her back in the office. Theygenerate the work for she her to deal with when they’re back in the office.

He is Paul Lockwood. He is responsible for running and providing training courses for our their customers and agents. He enjoys being able to have direct contact with customers and direct knowledge of the sort of problems they encounter and how to resolve them. He doesn`t enjoy to be spending a lot of time either teaching or preparing training material, and he don’t doesn’t get enough chance to do hands on programming that I he would like to do.

He is Patrick Verdon. He is responsible for there are all kinds of responsibilities, such as back-up of data, installation of new machines, installation of the operating system and the installation of the product that Small World actually produces. He enjoys solve is the challenge. He doesn`t enjoys are the routine back-ups of all the data

Task 3. Fill in the words from the list. Then tell about the job you most like to do yourself.

Ledger, Ian McShane, books, responsible, difficult, pleasant, Lesley Trigg, rooms, scheduled, travel, times, busier, responding, world, business, contact, officers, work, courses, problems, Paul Lockwood.


Ian: My name’s Ian McShane and I’m the group accountant for Small World-wide. I’m responsible for the day-to-day accounting for the group, covering financial management, management accounting, cash books, purchase ledger, sales l edger, credit control and so on.

It’s not very pleasant being difficult, or having to be difficult with people to get money out of them. I don’t particularly like doing that.

Lesley: My name’s Lesley Trigg At Small World I work as an administrator for the international business development group. My responsibilities are responding to correspondence, making sure that meetings are scheduled for the right rooms at the right places. I deal with organizing people’s travel in the company to various different countries throughout the world.

The people are very friendly and I enjoy the work.

I wish at times I was a little bit more busier.

Paul: I’m Paul Lockwood and I’m one of the training officers at Small World and my job is to run and provide training courses for our customers and agents.

The thing I enjoy most about my work is being able to have direct contact with customers and direct knowledge of the sort of problems they encounter.




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