Тесты по теме Спальная комната

Designing your seating

How seating is arranged in a room or living space is pivota l to the success of the room, from both practical and style viewpoints. In small or awkward spaces such as those under stairs, housing a free-standing piece of seating furniture would be difficult, but a built-in wooden box structure covered with l oose cushions would make good use of this kind of space, transforming it into a won­derful 'cubbyhole' seating area for quiet reading. Give the box seat a lid and, of course, you have storage space too!

Long, narrow living rooms need careful planning, with groups of items strategically placed so that the entire room can be used, especially if different activities have to take place in the same space. If the entire living space is one room - whether in a vast ware­house or a more modestabode - an element of flexibility is important. Mix smaller items such as stools and side chairs with larger, more imposing pieces. Combine period-inspired furniture with a modern piece or a simple item found in a junk shop. Don't be intimidated at the thought of larger items, such as sofas or benches, being positione d in the middle of the floor. Set chairs at inter­esting diagonals to 'break up' space. And if the key to your space is a good desk, a chair and a computer, then put them centre stage!



A Furniture has been carefully placed to fill out - but not clutter-this area of a large converted warehouse. The day-bed, sited in the middle of the room rather than predictably hugging a wall, affords dual seating. The position of the lamp next to the sofa and of the large floor rug by the day-bed anchors the furniture.


I. Match the words and their meanings.

  1. To pose
  2. efficiency
  3. convenience
  4. fresh
  5. forward-looking
  6. modern
  7. flexible
  8. to fit
  9. to accommodate
  10. urban
  11. surface
  12. gadget
  13. important
  14. ceramics
  15. to surface
a) какое-л. приспособление или устройство (новое), техническая новинка b) обеспечивать, снабжать; подгонять, приспосабливать(ся) c) городской d) легко приспосабливающийся, гибкий; податливый e) эффективность, производительность, продуктивность f) важный, значительный g) удобство, преимущество; выгода h) передовой i) свежий, чистый, натуральный j) приспосабливать, соответствовать k) излагать, формулировать (вопрос, проблему) ставить, предлагать (вопрос, задачу) l) поверхность; земная поверхность m) отделывать поверхность; стесывать; покрывать поверхность (with -чем-л.) n) керамика, гончарное искусство; (употр. с гл. во мн. ч.) керамические изделия, керамика o) современный  

II. Match the words and their synonyms.

  1. efficiency
  2. convenience
  3. fresh
  4. forward-looking
  5. modern
  6. flexible
  7. urban
  8. surface
  9. important
  10. to fit
  11. to accommodate
  12. to pose
a) utility, usefulness, handiness, b) notable, significant, serious, c) elastic, plastic, adaptable, tensile d) new, resent, latest, renewed, original, e) advanced, progressive, leading, up-to-date f) exterior, façade, top, coating g) civic, municipal, metropolitan, town, city h) performance, productivity, effectiveness, productivity, output i) contemporary, current, novel, stylish, fashionable j) to stand, to model, to arrange k) to adapt, to alter, to modify l) To settle, to adapt, to suit, to fit

III. Fill in the gaps with the words from exercise II.

1. It would improve our … if we used more up-to-date methods.

2. Our country life was quieter than … one.

3. It was a dynamic … little company.

4. What do you think of … art?

5. We can visit you on Saturday or Sunday. Our plans are very…..

6. It’s … to people to learn to read.

7. The … of the lake was quite still.

8. Are those pears … or frozen?

9. He asked his uncle to … him.

10. The high cost of oil … serious problems for industry.

IV. Make up 10 \sentences with words from exercise I.

Тесты по теме Гостиная


  1. поверхность
  2. гладкий
  3. покрывать
  4. завершать проект



  1. удобства
  2. керамика, гончарное искусство;
  3. излагать, формулировать
  4. завершать



  1. эффективность, производительность, продуктивность
  2. важный, значительный
  3. удобство, преимущество; выгода
  4. передовой


Don't come to my place tomorrow. I … a composition the whole evening.

1. shall be writing

2. shall write

3. writes

4. wrote


1. civic, municipal, metropolitan, town, city

2. performance, productivity, effectiveness

3. contemporary, current, novel, stylish, fashionable

4. to stand, to model, to arrange



What …. tomorrow?

  1. are you doing
  2. are you do
  3. is you doing
  4. am you do



1. Элементы декора кухни 20-21 вв, Керамика

Berta Sander (1901-90)

Pen and ink wash on tracing paper

V&A: E.1392-1986

Berta Sander studied at the School of Arts and Crafts in Cologne, where she was taught by Philipp Hausler, who in turn had been a student of Josef Hoffman (1870-1956). One of the founding members of both the Vienna Secession and the Wiener Werkstatte, Hoffman was a key promoter of International Modernism in the 1920s. In 1923 Sander spent a year at the Wiener Werkstatte before returning to Cologne, where she set up a workshop as an interior designer specialising in wallpaper, furniture design and single-person dwellings. It was during this period that she made this drawing. Sander was heavily influenced by architects and designers of the new International Modernist style in Germany, Austria and various Eastern European countries, who were concerned with developing a rational aesthetic for the new technologies. This design shows the separation of the kitchen from the eating area, which was key to new kitchen-planning in mass housing. Sander's obvious interest in flat pattern is seen in the dividing draperies and the matching patterns on the chair seats and lampshade. There is a strong Modernist influence in the furniture with its slim, tapered legs and the simple squareness of the forms, in the lack of decoration on the walls and floor, and in the choice of the crisp and spiky forms of the cacti on the windowsill.


eating area

1. столовая зона

2. стол

3. обеденный стол

4. площадь кухни


1. обои

2. стена

3. газеты

4. настенные приспособления



1. образец, модель, рисунок

2. партнер

3. примерный план действий

4. наброски


This design …the separation of the kitchen from the eating area

1. shows

2. showing

3. are showing

4. were showing


1. Стили спальных комнат

'Bedroom for Miss Faye Dunaway', 1985







This highly theatrical version of the late 1980's baroque revival is particularly appropriate for its actress patron, Faye Dunaway. Part of the New Romantic rediscovery of 18th- and early 19th-century styles, it is also highly expressive of the user's character. It is not simply another historical revival but an ironical Postmodernist take on historicism. For example, the drapes over the bed bear no functional relation to their historic precedents, and the rings are an unusual, unhistorical idea. The pedimented form of the bed-head was a key Postmodern motif. The overall result is of a romantic and feminine bedroom with more than a touch of the dramatic given by the layered and juxtaposed window drapes, typical of Roos's work. The tall iron-work candlesticks on spindly bedside tables brought a modern feel to the bedroom, which was executed in Faye Dunaway's London house.

Design for a bedroom interior, с. 1973

Allan Day (b.1939) for Zeev Aram & Associates

Pencil, crayon, watercolour and collage V&A: E.820-1979

Highly influenced by American models, this spacious bedroom with large, low-lying bed was the height of sophisticated

luxury in the mid-1970s. The extensive use of warm chocolate-brown combined with passionate-red details was particularly common in bedrooms at this time. The clean lines of the floor-to-ceiling storage and shiny surfaces contrast with the fluffy bed cover.

There is also the use of floor-to-ceiling mirroring on the far wall to accentuate the impression of space. Recessed ceiling lighting and

metallic lamps fixed to the walls on extendable arms were seen as part of the hi-tech look, although particularly in the area of lighting

they were based on Modernist originals from the late 1920s and 1930s. However, the compulsory addition of the television at the end of

the bed makes this a quintessential 1970s bedroom.


Слова по тексту

Spacious bedroom – просторная спальня

low-lying bed – низко расположенная кровать

the height – верх

sophisticated - утонченный

luxury – роскошь

extensive use- частое использование

combined with – сочетающиеся с …..

The clean lines- четкие линии

floor-to-ceiling storage – шкаф от пола до потолка

shiny surfaces – свергающиеся поверхности

the fluffy bed cover – пушистое покрывало

floor-to-ceiling mirroring on the far wall – задняя зеркальная стена от пола до потолка

to accentuate – делать акцент, создавать

. Recessed ceiling lighting – подвесной потолок

extendable arms- двигающийся держатель

the hi-tech look- образ стиля хайтэк

they were based on-основывались на

compulsory – обязательный

addition- дополнение в виде телевизора в конце кровати дополнение

a quintessential- характерны


2. Повторение времен группы Perfect Passive Voice.



Вопросы для самостоятельной работы

1.Разработка и описание проекта, используя лексику на тему: Спальная комната

Тесты по теме Спальная комната

fluffy bed cover

1. пушистое покрывало

2. покрывало кровати

3. покрывало

4. пушистый

floor-to-ceiling mirroring

  1. зеркала, установленные от пола до потолка
  2. зеркало, отражающее пол и потолок
  3. большое зеркало
  4. щирокое зеркало


spacious bedroom

  1. просторная спальня
  2. широкая гостиная
  3. просторная гостиная
  4. просторная прихожая




  1. подсвечник
  2. подставка
  3. прихожая
  4. входная зона


shiny surfaces

1. сверкающая поверхность

2. блестящее отражение

3. улыбающиеся гости

4. продолговатая прихожая



Гостиная читать переводить, презентации гостиная или комната, кухня или детская или кабинет.




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