Agriculture and industry


Wales is a part of the United Kingdom. The country borders on England in the east and is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea in the west. The entire area of Wales is about 20,779 km². It is about 274 km long and 97 km (60 miles) wide. Wales has over 1,200 km (750 miles) of coastline and is famous for its beaches. Wales has a varied geography with strong contrasts. In the south, flat coastal plains give way to valleys, then to ranges of hills and mountains inmid and north Wales. The longest rivers are the Severn and Wye, which both empty into the Bristol Channel.

Wales [ weɪlz ] n Уэ́льс castle [ ˈkɑːsl ] за́мок, кре́пость sheep [ ʃiːp ] овцы national [ ˈnæʃənl ] adj национа́льный park [ pɑːk ] n парк geography [ dʒɪˈɔgrəfɪ ]геогра́фия border [ ˈbɔːdər ] граничить, соседствовать

east [ iːst ] n восто́к wash [ wɔʃ ] мыть, омывать ocean [ ˈəuʃən ] n океа́н Irish [ ˈaɪrɪʃ ]ирла́ндский sea [ siː ] n мо́ре west [ wɛst ] n за́пад entire [ ɪnˈtaɪər ] adj весь area [ ˈɛərɪə ] о́бласть,пло́щадь about [ əˈbaut ] около, примерно

long - вдлину wide [ waɪd ]вширину coastline – береговаялиния famous [ ˈfeɪməs ] знамени́тый beach [ biːtʃ ] пляж varied [ ˈvɛərɪd ] разнообра́зный strong [ strɔŋ ] си́льный contrast [ ˈkɔntrɑːst ] контра́ст south [ sauθ ] юг flat [ flæt ] пло́ский coastal [ ˈkəustl ] прибре́жный plain [ pleɪn ] равнина

giveway – вмещают valley [ ˈvælɪ ] доли́на range [ reɪndʒ ] n ряд hill – холм, возвышенность mountain [ ˈmauntɪn ]гора́ both [ bəuθ ] оба emptyinto - впадают channel [ ˈtʃænl ] n кана́л

Much of Wales's landscape is mountainous, particularly in Snowdonia and the central Cambrian Mountains. The highest mountains in Wales are in Snowdonia, and include Snowdon ("YrWyddfa" in Welsh), which, at 1,085 m, is the highest peak in Wales. The 14 (or possibly 15) Welsh mountains are over 3,000 feet (914 m) high.There are several islands off the Welsh mainland, the largest being Anglesey in the northwest.

landscape [ ˈlændskeɪp ] пейза́ж mountainous [ ˈmauntɪnəs ] adj гори́стый particularly [ pəˈtɪkjuləlɪ ] осо́бенно

high [ haɪ ] adj высо́кий toinclude [ ɪnˈkluːd ] vt включа́ть peak [ piːk ] n верши́на, пик possibly [ ˈpɔsɪblɪ ] возмо́жно

Welsh [ wɛlʃ ] уэ́льский, валли́йский several [ ˈsɛvərl ] не́сколько island [ ˈaɪlənd ] n о́стров

mainland [ ˈmeɪnlənd ]материк, большая земля large [ lɑːdʒ ] большо́й; northwest - северозапад

The whole Wales is the same size as the American State of Massachusetts, so it is more than surprising to find three national parks in it.

In the Snowdonia National Park, climb Snowdon - the tallest mountain in England and Wales - or take a historic steam railway to the summit. Explore the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park and see the rich nesting grounds for millions of seabirds. In the distance, spot dolphins in Cardigan Bay, or journey between islands watching seals basking in the sun. Tour the Brecon Beacons National Park on horseback, bicycle or on foot. The Brecon Beacons National Park shelters Europe's largest cave system.

The landscape is beautiful. Many English people move to Wales when they retire.

Harry Potter, Robin Hood and Snow White and the Huntsman were filmed in Wales.

whole [ həul ] це́лый, весь same [ seɪm ] adj тако́й же, одина́ковый size [ saɪz ] n разме́р; state [ steɪt ] штат

morethansurprising [ səˈpraɪzɪŋ ] больше, чем удивительно tofind [ faɪnd ] находи́ть,найти

climb [ klaɪm ] поднима́ться, забираться tall [ tɔːl ] adj высо́кий steam [ stiːm ] n паровой railway [ ˈreɪlweɪ ] желе́знаядоро́га

summit [ ˈsʌmɪt ] верши́на, пик toexplore [ ɪksˈplɔːr ] иссле́довать, изучать rich – богатый nestingground - гнездовье

seabird – морскаяптица Inthedistance [ ˈdɪstns ] вдалеке, в отдалении tospot – увидеть, заметить

dolphin [ ˈdɔlfɪn ] дельфи́н bay [ beɪ ] n зали́в; tojourney [ ˈdʒəːnɪ ] путешествовать between [ bɪˈtwiːn ] ме́жду

seal [ siːl ] тюле́нь tobask [ bɑːsk ] inthesun гре́ться на со́лнце totour [ ˈtuər ] объезжать, обходить

onhorseback - верхомналошади bicycle [ ˈbaɪsɪkl ] велосипе́д onfoot – пешком toshelter [ ˈʃɛltər ] скрывать, укрывать

cave [ keɪv ] пеще́ра system [ ˈsɪstəm ] систе́ма moveto – переезжают toretire [ rɪˈtaɪər ] уходи́ть на пе́нсию

Snow White and the Huntsman – БелоснежкаиОхотник to film -сниматькино


Wales has the sort of climate often described as "temperate". This means that it never gets very hot or very cold. May, June, July and August are the sunniest and driest months.

climate [ ˈklaɪmɪt ] кли́мат sort – вид, разновидность todescribe [ dɪsˈkraɪb ] опи́сывать temperate [ ˈtɛmprət ]уме́ренный

tomean [ miːn ] значить hot - жарко cold – холодно thesunniest – самыйсолнечный thedriest – самыйсухой

Agriculture and industry

Wales is primarily an agricultural country. There aren’t many big cities in Wales.The largest cities are Cardiff, Swansea, and Newport. Wales is a land of small farms. Sheep farming is predominant in the mountains and moorlands, dairy and mixed farming - around the coast. The old heavy industries which once made the port of Cardiff (the capital city) the busiest in the world have declined to such an extent that even coal mining has almost ceased in Wales.

agriculture [ ˈægrɪkʌltʃər ] се́льскоехозя́йство industry [ ˈɪndəstrɪ ] промы́шленность Cardiff [ ˈkɑːdɪf ] n Ка́рдифф

small [ smɔːl ] ма́ленький farm [ fɑːm ] фе́рма sheepfarming – овцеводство predominant [ prɪˈdɔmɪnənt ] домини́рующий, преоблада́ющий

moorland [ ˈmuələnd ] ве́ресковаяпу́стошь dairy [ ˈdɛərɪ ] моло́чныйmixed–смешанный coast [ kəust ] бе́рег,побере́жье

old [ əuld ] ста́рый heavy [ ˈhɛvɪ ] тяжёлый once [ wʌns ] когда́-то, одна́жды thebusiest –самый занятый

capitalcity [ ˈkæpɪtl ] столица world [ wəːld ] мир, свет decline [ dɪˈklaɪn ] приходить в упадок

to such an extent that [ ɪksˈtɛnt ] дотакойстепени,что… coal mining [ kəulˈmaɪnɪŋ ] добычаугля almost [ ˈɔːlməust ] почти́

seased [ siːzd ] прекратилась

The capital

The capital of the country is Cardiff. It was chosen as the capital of Wales in 1955, mainly because of its size. Cardiff is home to Cardiff Castle, the National Museum of Wales and Welsh National Opera. Cardiff used to be the world's biggest exporter of coal and iron. The city's Coal Exchange, established in 1886, used to determine the price of the world's coal. The Royal Mint of the United Kingdom is situated inLlantrisant, near Cardiff.

country [ ˈkʌntrɪ ] страна́ Itwaschosen [ ˈtʃəuzn ] он был выбран mainly [ ˈmeɪnlɪ ] гла́внымо́бразом, преимущественно

becauseof [ bɪˈkɔz ] из-за size [ saɪz ] n разме́р; museum [ mjuːˈzɪəm ] музе́й usedtobe – когда-то был

coal [ kəul ] у́голь iron [ ˈaɪən ] желе́зо coalexchange – угольная биржа established [ ɪsˈtæblɪʃt ] основанный

todetermine [ dɪˈtəːmɪn ] устана́вливать, определять price [ praɪs ] цена́ TheRoyalMint – королевский монетный двор

tobesituated [ ˈsɪtjueɪtɪd ] располагаться, находиться near [ nɪər ]рядом, бли́зко

People and culture

The population of wales is about 3 million people. Although the English have ruled Wales for many centuries,Wales has its own interesting culture including language, customs, holidays and music. The National Eisteddfod of Wales, a festival of literature, music and performance held in the Welsh language, is the largest festival of competitive music and poetry in Europe.There are two languages in Wales - Welsh and English.Welsh is the oldest living language in Europe.It is of Celtic origin. In the 60's Welsh was given equal status with English as an official language. It is taught in school and some TV programs are broadcast in Welsh.Road signs in Wales are usually written in both Welsh and English. However, only about 20% of the population speaks Welsh.Most of all, you’ll experience a friendly “croeso.” That’s Welsh for “welcome,” and you’ll feel it everywhere you go in Wales.The symbol of the country is the red Welsh Dragon, which is depicted on the national flag.

people [ ˈpiːpl ] лю́ди culture [ ˈkʌltʃər ] культу́ра population [ pɔpjuˈleɪʃən ] n населе́ние although [ ɔːlˈðəu ] хотя́

theEnglish – англичане torule [ ruːl ] управлять, править century [ ˈsɛntʃurɪ ] век own – свой, собственный

including – включающий language [ ˈlæŋgwɪdʒ ] язы́к custom [ ˈkʌstəm ] тради́ция, обы́чай holidays –праздники

literature [ ˈlɪtrɪtʃər ] литерату́ра performance [ pəˈfɔːməns ] выступле́ние, представле́ние;

held [ hɛld ] прошед. времяот hold – ведется, проводится competitive [ kəmˈpɛtɪtɪv ] осно́ванный наконкуре́нции;

poetry [ ˈpəuɪtrɪ ] поэ́зия Europe [ ˈjuərəp ] n Евро́па livinglanguage – живой язык Celtic [ ˈkɛltɪk ] ке́льтский

origin [ ˈɔrɪdʒɪn ] происхожде́ние equal [ ˈiːkwl ] ра́вный,одина́ковый official [ əˈfɪʃl ] adj официа́льный

itistaught [ tɔːt ] его преподают tobroadcast [ ˈbrɔːdkɑːst ] передавать, транслировать

roadsigns [ rəudsaɪnz ] дорожные знаки arewritten [ ˈrɪtn ] both [ bəuθ ] оба however [ hauˈɛvər ] хотя, одна́ко

mostofall – большевсего experience [ ɪksˈpɪərɪəns ] испытать, узнать на опыте friendly [ ˈfrɛndlɪ ] дружеский

welcome [ ˈwɛlkəm ] добро пожаловать feel [ fiːl ] чувствовать everywhere [ ˈɛvrɪwɛər ] везде́, повсю́ду

symbol [ ˈsɪmbl ] символ depict [ dɪˈpɪkt ] vt изобража́ть


The Romans occupied Britain for 400 years but never succeded in entirely subduing Wales. Following the Romans came the Anglo-Saxons, Picts, Vikings and Normans. The Welsh are the direct descendants of the Roman-era inhabitants of England and Wales, who were displaced and confined to the hilly and rocky western fringe of Britain by the Anglo-Saxons in the 5th and 6th centuries.The English name for Wales originates from the Germanic word Walha, meaning stranger or foreigner. Wales is not an independent nation. In 1292, the English king, Edward I, invaded Wales and built fourteen huge castles to control the Welsh people. His son, Edward, became the first Prince of Wales, since then all the kings and queens of England have given their eldest sons the title Prince of Wales. Prince Charles became the twenty-first Prince of Wales.Acts of parliament between 1536 and 1543 unified Wales with England.The official currency of Wales is the British Pound.

history [ ˈhɪstərɪ ] исто́рия theRomans – римляне tooccupy [ ˈɔkjupaɪ ] занима́ть, захватывать

tosucceed [ səkˈsiːd ] преуспевать, иметь успех entirely [ ɪnˈtaɪəlɪ ] по́лностью tosubdue [ səbˈdjuː ] vt подавля́ть

following [ ˈfɔləuɪŋ ] cледом, вследза Anglo-Saxons англо-саксы Picts – пикты Normans –норманны

direct descendants [ daɪˈrɛktdɪˈsɛndənt ] прямыепотомки inhabitant [ ɪnˈhæbɪtnt ] n жи́тель displace [ dɪsˈpleɪs ] замеща́ть, изгонять confine [ kənˈfaɪn ] запира́ть hilly - холмистый rocky - скалистый

fringe [ frɪndʒ ]край, окра́ина tooriginate [ əˈrɪdʒɪneɪt ] from происхо́дить,произойти́ stranger [ ˈstreɪndʒər ] незнакомец

foreigner [ ˈfɔrɪnər ] иностра́нец-нка independent [ ɪndɪˈpɛndnt ] незави́симый nation [ ˈneɪʃən ] на́ция

invade [ ɪnˈveɪd ] вторга́ться, захватить built [ bɪlt ] построилhuge [ hjuːdʒ ] огро́мный son [ sʌn ] n сын

thePrinceofWales принц Уэ́льский sincethen [ sɪns ] с тех пор all – все king – король queen [ kwiːn ] n короле́ва;

eldest [ˈɛldɪst] (са́мый) ста́ршийtitle [ˈtaɪtl] титул Actsofparliament[ˈpɑːləmənt] парламентские акты

unify [ ˈjuːnɪfaɪ ] объединя́ть currency [ ˈkʌrnsɪ ] валюта Britishpound [ paund ] британский фунт


This history of struggle against invaders from within and without mainland Britain has left Wales with more castles than any other country in Western Europe.In Wales there are more medieval castles than in any other country of the world.Wales is home to 641 castles.

Chepstow Castle in Monmouthshire is the oldest surviving post-Roman stone fortification in Britain (in other words, the oldest medieval castle made of stone). Its construction began in 1067.

The ruined Flint Castle is the only British castle with two donjons. It is famous for having the thickest walls (7 m) of any castle anywhere.

struggle [ ˈstrʌgl ] n борьба́; against [ əˈgɛnst ] против invader [ ɪnˈveɪdər ] захва́тчик within [ wɪðˈɪn ] внутри́

without [ wɪðˈaut ] снаружи mainland [ ˈmeɪnlənd ] материк, большая земля left – прошед. вр. от leave - оставлять

more [ mɔːr ] больше oldest – самый старый surviving [ səˈvaɪvin ] уцелевший post-Roman – построманский stone [ stəun ] каменный fortification [ fɔːtɪfɪˈkeɪʃən ] укрепле́ние medieval [ mɛdɪˈiːvl ] adj средневеко́вый construction [ kənˈstrʌkʃən ] строительство began – началось(прошед. вр. от begin) ruined [ ˈruːɪnd ] разрушенный

theonly [ ˈəunlɪ ] единственный donjon – главная башня thickest [ θɪkest ] самый толстый wall [ wɔːl ] n стена́

anywhere [ ˈɛnɪwɛər ] где бы то ни было



In 1804, theworld’sfirstrailwaysteamlocomotive, "TheIronHorse", launchedonitsfirstjourneyfromfromPenydarren to Abercynon in Glamorgan.

MerthyrTydfil boasts the world's earliest surviving iron railway bridge, the Pont-y-Cafnau, built in 1793, as well as the world's first railway tunnel.

Founded in 1832, the Festiniog Railway is the oldest independent railway company in the world. In 1863, Ffestiniog became the first narrow-gauge railway in the world to carry passengers. One of its original steam engines, the Prince, is still running, making it the world's oldest steam locomotive in service.

In 1951 was founded the first railway preservation society. Due to its activity The Talyllyn Railway road along with many others was protected from dismantling. Nowadays, the Welsh steam railway roads are still in operation carrying tourists throughout the country and easily earns money for being serviced and the personnel paid.

railway [ ˈreɪlweɪ ] желе́знаядоро́га steam [ stiːm ] n паровой iron [ ˈaɪən ] железный horse [ hɔːs ] n ло́шадь launch [ lɔːntʃ ]запускать,начинать journey [ ˈdʒəːnɪ ] пое́здка, путешествие boast [ bəust ] vt горди́ться, хвастаться

early [ ˈəːlɪ ] ра́но surviving [ səˈvaɪvin ]уцелевший bridge [ brɪdʒ ] мост aswellas – также как и

tunnel [ ˈtʌnl ] тунне́ль founded [ faundid ] основанный independent [ ɪndɪˈpɛndnt ] незави́симый

became – стала narrowgauge [ geɪdʒ ] узкоколейная engine [ ˈɛndʒɪn ] дви́гатель, мото́р, локомоти́в

inservice [ ˈsəːvɪs ] - работающий preservation [ prɛzəˈveɪʃən ] сохранение, охрана society [ səˈsaɪətɪ ] n о́бщество

dueto [ djuː ] благодаря activity [ ækˈtɪvɪtɪ ] деятельность alongwith – вместе с… наряду с…

toprotect [ prəˈtɛkt ] защища́ть todismantle [ dɪsˈmæntl ] разбира́ть, демонтировать

nowadays [ ˈnauədeɪz ] в на́ши дни still – все еще, до сих пор inoperation – в действии

throughout [ θruːˈaut ] везде́, повсю́ду earn [ əːn ] зараба́тывать toservice [ ˈsəːvɪs ] обслуживать

personnel [ pəːsəˈnɛl ] n персона́л, штат paid – прошед. время от pay [ peɪ ] платить



The Old Bridge in Pontypridd, built in 1756, has the longest single stone arch (40 m / 130 ft) in the world.

The Menai Bridge, linking the Isle of Anglesey to mainland Britain, the first modern suspension bridge in the world. Upon completion in 1826 it was the longest bridge on Earth, with a total length of 386 metres and a main span of 176 metres. It was damaged by the wind and rebuilt twice, in 1893 and 1940, and is now 417 metres long.

The Newport Transporter Bridge, constructed in 1906, is the largest of the nine surviving historic transport bridges in the world. Its span is of 196.5 metres.

bridge [ brɪdʒ ] мост singlestone – из целого камня arch [ ɑːtʃ ] n а́рка, свод linking – соединяющий isle –остров

suspension [ səsˈpɛnʃən ] bridge – подвесноймост Uponcompletion [ əˈpɔnkəmˈpliːʃən ]по завершении

earth [ əːθ ] земля́ (планета) totallength – общая длина mainspan [ spæn ] главный пролет

damage [ ˈdæmɪdʒ ] повреждать, портить rebuild [ riːˈbɪld ]перестра́ивать


The national Welsh sports game is rugby. The Millennium Stadium in Cardiff is the home stadium of the national rugby team. It has the sliding roof to protect rugby and football fans from bad weather.It has the largest sliding(retractable) roof of any sports arena in the World.

rugby [ ˈrʌgbɪ ] ре́гби millennium [ mɪˈlɛnɪəm ] тысячелетие team [ tiːm ] кома́нда; slide [ slaɪd ] скользить, сдвигаться

retractable [ rɪˈtræktəbl ] убира́ющийся roof [ ruːf ] кры́ша arena [ əˈriːnə ] аре́на


You might very well think of rugby when it comes to Wales and nothing moves the nation like rugby internationals at Principality Stadium,that was until 2016...

Over recent years the passion for Welsh international football has been renewed, with Wales reaching UEFA's EURO 2016 Semi-Finals, it was the first Welsh major championship since 1958!

The Football Association of Wales (FAW), established in 1876 is the third oldest National football Association in the world. The FAW govern the sport in Wales and oversees the Wales national team.

The long history of the game in Wales is illustrated by the fact that the first ever substitution in a football game took place during a Wales v Scotland game in 1889.

Swansea city football club is the first Welsh team to compete in the Premier League.

might [ maɪt ] возможно think [ θɪŋk ] думать whenitcomesto – когда речь идет о

nothingmovesthenationlike - ничтотакневолнуетнациюкак… overrecentyears[ ˈəuvərˈriːsntjɪər ]за последние годы

passion [ ˈpæʃən ] страсть torenew [ rɪˈnjuː ] vt возобновля́ть reach [ riːtʃ ]достигать, добираться

semi-finals полуфинал major [ ˈmeɪdʒər ] главный championship [ ˈtʃæmpɪənʃɪp ] чемпиона́т; association [ əsəusɪˈeɪʃən ]

toestablish [ ɪsˈtæblɪʃ ] учрежда́ть, основывать govern [ ˈgʌvən ] управля́ть oversee [ əuvəˈsiː ] следи́ть illustrate [ ˈɪləstreɪt ] иллюстри́ровать substitution [ sʌbstɪˈtjuːʃən ] замена totakeplace – иметь место, происходить compete [ kəmˈpiːt ] соревнова́ться premierleague [ ˈprɛmɪərliːg ] премьер лига



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