So let’s get started. Just remember – tell them three times:

(А) Tell them what you’re going to tell them (your introduction).

(B) Tell them (the body of your report).

(C) Tell them what you told them (your conclusion).


First of all we shall deal with the main sections of the introduction given below and their functions.

Opening Signals of the start To gain the attention of the audience or the people near you in the presidium.
  Greeting to the audience To greet the audience.
  Self-identification To introduce yourself or to thank the person who introduced you.
Creating a positive emotional atmosphere To attract attention, to give a smile, to tell a joke, to ask for something, to do something memorable.
Stating the target   To define clearly the purpose of your report.
Providing an overview   To outline the main points of the report.
Stating the rules   To inform the audience of the length of the report, what action, if any, is to be taken, the time and the form of questions.



Signaling the start

Read one of the sentences to signal the start.


v Right. OK. Now then….Let’s start / begin / get started / make a start.

v Good. OK. So.

v Right. OK. Right then…

v Shall we begin?

v Can I have your attention, please?


Say which of them are: a) the most formal; b) the most informal; c) neutral.

Greeting the audience

1. Read the following expressions:


Good morning (afternoon, evening)   Hello, ladies and gentlemen. friends and colleagues. everyone / everybody

On behalf of …………

I’d like to welcome you to …

Welcome to …

I’d like to extend a welcome to …

2. Say which of them are:

A) the most formal; b) the most informal.


NOTE: You usually introduce yourself using the following models:

v Let me introduce myself.

v My name is …

v As you already probably know …,

v I’m … of …

v I represent …

v I work for … as …

NOTE: In order to create a positive emotional atmosphere you can give a smile, tell a joke, put a question or you can say:

v It is my privilege today to be talking to professional experts in this field.




Now introduce yourself to the audience.


Stating the target


NOTE: It is necessary to define the purpose of your report at the beginning to help the audience to follow you.

Speaking about the target we can use the words: target, goal, objective, purpose, main aim.

v My goal today (now, this morning …) is to analyze (to present) …

v The goal of my (this) report (my (this) presentation) is to inform (to discuss, to review, to consider, to identify, to report) …

v Besides, I’m going to … / I would like to … / I’m here to …




You are a participant of an international scientific conference and represent your university. Greet the audience, introduce yourself and state the target of your report as a beginning of your presentation. Don’t forget to give its title.

Providing overview


NOTE: It is a good if it is possible to structure your report. You can use the following language to inform your listeners about it:

I’ve divided my report into three parts (sections) as follows: …

I’ll be developing the following problems in my report …

My report will be in three parts: …


Stating the rules

NOTE: At the beginning of your report it is good to inform your listeners of the time the report will take, whether handouts will be provided and the slides demonstrated, when questions can be asked.


The report will take about   I’m going to speak for about 10 minutes a quarter of an hour half an hour


2.If you have any questions I will be glad to answer them at the end of my report.

3. If you don’t understand please stop me.


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