Exercise 1. Read and learn main dosage forms:
Dosage form ['dəusɪʤ] – лекарственная форма Pharmacy, chemist’s ['fɑːməsɪ] - аптека Pharmacist ['fɑːməsɪst]– провизор, фармацевт Prescription [prɪs'krɪpʃ(ə)n] - рецепт Prescription department – рецептурный отдел To dispense drugs (medicines) [dɪ'spen(t)s] – отпускать лекарства Adverse effect of a drug ['ædvɜːs]– побочное дествие лекарственного средства Therapeutic(al) action of a drug [ˌθerə'pjuːtɪk((ə)l)]] – терапевтическое действие лекарственного средства Drug for internal (external use) – лекарственное средство для внутреннего (наружного) применения To take a drug – принимать лекарство Every hour [auə]– каждый час On an empty stomach ['stʌmək] - натощак Before meals – перед едой After meals – после еды A table-spoonful twice a day - ['teɪblˌspuːnful] – по одной столовой ложке 2 раза в день Drops - капли To drop seven drops – накапать семь капель | Coated tablet – таблетка, покрытая оболочкой To powder drug – растирать лекарство в порошок Ointment ['ɔɪntmənt] - мазь To put the ointment on – намазать мазь Mixture ['mɪksʧə] - микстура To shake the bottle with mixture before use – встряхнуть бутылку с микстурой перед использованием Tincture ['tɪŋkʧə] - настойка To take 10 drops of the tincture – принять по 10 капель настойки Decoction [dɪ'kɔkʃ(ə)n] - отвар To give decoction three times a day after meal – давать отвар 3 раза в день после еды Pill - пилюля Pain-relieving pill – обезболивающая пилюля Powder ['paudə] - порошок Compound powder – сложный порошок Dust, powder [dʌst] - присыпка Solution [sə'luːʃ(ə)n] - раствор To give solution according to the doctor’s instruction – давать раствор в соответствии с предписание врача Suppository [sə'pɔzɪt(ə)rɪ] - свеча To use suppositories – применять свечи Tablet - таблетка A half tablet - полтаблетки To take tablets three times a day – принимать таблетки 3 раза в день |
Exercise 2. Match the sentences with Russian translation:
1. Do not take drugs without a doctor’s advice. 2. Are you sensitive to Novocain? 3. Order this ointment in the chemist’s. 4. Shake this mixture before use. 5. Take this tincture a tablespoonful twice a day before meal. 6. Take this tablet one every four hours. 7. Keep the suppositories in a cool place. 8. Take this pill with milk. 9. Do not take these drops on an empty stomach. 10. Prescribe medicine for heartache. 11. All drugs are for internal use. | 1. Храните свечи в прохладном месте. 2. Закажите эту мазь в аптеке. 3. Принимайте эту настойку по столовой ложке два раза в день. 4. Ну принимайте лекарства без назначения врача. 5. Все лекарственные средства разделяются на лекарственные средства для внутреннего и наружного применения. 6. Не принимайте эти капли натощак. 7. Вы хорошо переносите новокаин? 8. Выпишите лекарства от болей в сердце. 9. Взболтайте эту микстуру перед употреблением. 10. Принимайте эти таблетки по одной каждый день. 11. Запивайте эту пилюлю молоком. |
Exercise 4. Read and translate the text
On receiving a prescription from a doctor or on following a home treatment all of us need medicine, which are ordered or bought at a chemist’s.
There are usually two departments in a large chemist’s at the chemist’s department one can have the medicine immediately, other drugs have to be ordered at the prescription department.
At any chemist’s all the drugs are kept in drug cabinets. Each medicine has a label on it. White labels indicate drugs for internal use, yellow – for external use and blue - for injection. The doze to be taken and the directions for the administration are also indicated on label. It is very important for chemists, nurses, doctors and patients themselves. It prevents confusing different remedies, some of which are poisonous. Their over dosage may cause unfavorable reaction and even death.
At the chemist’s one can buy different drugs for intramusculary and intravenous injection, for oral administration and for external use.
Pharmacy is the science which treats of medicinal substances. It deals not only with medicines and the art of compounding and dispensing them, but with their combination, analysis and standardization.
The word “pharmacy” is also used to define the place where medicines are compounded, dispensed and sold. The title “pharmacist” is conferred upon a person who demonstrates that he is scientifically and professionally capable to engage in the practice of pharmacy. The compounding of medicines which requires the scientific combination of two or more ingredients and their dispensing demand special, knowledge, experience and high professional standards. To become a pharmacist one should achieve knowledge of different subjects, such as physics, chemistry, botany, etc.
Exercise 5. Translate into English:
При получении; домашнее лечение; покупать в аптеке; рецептурный отдел; для внутреннего применения; упаковка лекарств; этикетка; шкаф с лекарственными средствами; указывать; инъекция; медсестра; путать; медикамент; ядовитый
Exercise 6. Fill the gabs with the words:
To treat, prescription, medicine, to choose, sedatives, ointments.
1.... has various treating methods for people suffering from a disease.
2. Some medicines and drugs are used...chronic conditions which have no cure such as
diseases of the central nervous system.
3. I have ordered the medication on my....
4..... are administered in case of neurological disorders.
5. In any pharmacy you can... any drug you need.
6.... heal wounds.
Exercise 7.Translate the words given in brackets:
1. The (фармацевтический) service in our country is an unseparable part of the health protection.
2. In the hall you can see special glass (прилавки).
3. On the stalls and shelvings you can find all kinds of (успокоительных средств), vitamins and (перевязочный материал).
4. In the chemist’s department you can buy (принадлежность) for personal hygiene and even (парфюмерия).
5. Through a small window in this partition you hand in your (рецепт) to a pharmacist.
6. A pharmacist (назначать) a special time to come for the drug.
Exercise 8. Answer the questions:
1. Where can we order or bought medicine?
2. How many departments are in a large chemist’s?
3. What are these departments?
4. What can we order at the prescription department?
5. What are drug cabinets?
6. What does indicate white label?
7. Why these medicine labels are very important?
8. What type of drug can you buy at the chemist’s?
Exercise 9 Read the dialog and translate:
- Good evening! May I help you?
- Good evening, sir. I’ve got a prescription from my doctor.
- OK, madam. Would you like this medicine in syrup or in tablets?
- Well. Actually I find it easier to take it in syrup. I can’t swallow the whole tablet, unfortunately. And please, give me a complete dosage for 2 months.
- Sure. Here it is. Please mind the precise dosage according to the prescription: 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, just after your meals.
- Thank you. Certainly. By the way, are there any side effects?
- Yes. You might feel a bit sleepy, so be careful when driving. Anything else?
- Yes. Can you recommend me something for these spots on my neck? They are very itchy.
- Let me see. I think you should consult a doctor first.
- It’s Saturday today and I can’t get an appointment until Monday.
- I see. Try this cream to stop the itching. It’s for external use only.
- Thank you for your help and understanding. Oh. I completely forgot! Can I have some painkiller for my severe headache, please?
- OK. But I can give you only an over-the-counter painkiller. Are you allergic to aspirin?
- No, I’m not.
- Take these. They are really effective and will relieve your pain. You can take 1 tablet with water every 4 hours.
- OK. I’ll take it. How much do I owe you?
- It’s ten euros forty, please.
- Here you are. Good-bye.
Exercise 10. Translate into English:
1. В любой аптеке все лекарственные средства хранят в лекарственных шкафчиках.
2. В рецептурном отделе можно заказать лекарство по рецепту.
3. В отделе ручной продажи вы можете купить лекарственное средство сразу же
4. Все сильно действующие лекарства хранят в лекарственных ящиках, маркированных буквой В.
5. Этот порошок для наружного применения.
6. Успокоительное средство принимают перед сном.