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1/23 Предлоги места и направления Конструкция have got

1/24 Тематический словарь по теме «In the city»ЛМ по теме «Мой колледж»

industries ['ındʌstri:z] промышленность a street [strıt] улица
a factory ['fæktərı] фабрика a sidewalk ['saıdwɔ:k] тротуар
a plant [plænt] завод an intersection [i:ntə'sekʃn] перекрёсток (AE)
works ['wɔ:ks] завод, заводы a crossroad ['krɔsrɔud] перекрёсток (BE)
a workshop ['wɔ:kʃɔp] мастерская a corner ['kɔ:nə] угол
religion [re'lıʤn] религия safety ['seıftı] - безопасность
church [ʧɜ:ʧ] церковь a police station [pɔ'li:s 'steıʃn] отдел полиции
mosque [mɔsk] мечеть a fire station [faıə 'steıʃn] пожарная станция
synagogue ['sınəgɔg] синагога a courthouse [kɔ:t'haus] здание суда
education [edju:'keıʃn] образование car infrastructure [ka: ınfrə'strʌkʧə] авто инфраструктура
kindergarten [kındə'ga:tn] детский сад a garage ['gærəʤ] гараж
school [skul] школа a parking place ['pa:kıɳ pleıs] открытая парковка
college ['kɔlıʤ] колледж a parking garage ['pa:kıɳ 'gærəʤ] крытая парковка
institute ['ınstıtju:t] институт a car dealership [ka: 'di:lɜʃıp] автосалон
university [ju:nı'vɜ:sıtı] университет a gas station [gæs 'steıʃn] заправочная станция
recreation and entertainment [rekri:'eıʃn ənd i:ntə:'teınmnt]– отдых и развлечения
a stadium ['steıdjəm] стадион a theater ['ɵıətə] театр
a museum [mju:'zıəm] музей a movie theater ['mu:vi: 'ɵıətə ] кинотеатр (AE)
a hotel [hɔutl] гостиница a library ['laıbrərı] библиотека
a park [pa:k] парк a mall [mɔ:l] молл
other words ['a:ꝺə wɔ:dz] – прочие слова
a city hall a town hall ['sıtı hɔ:l] [taun hɔ:l] здание мэрии an office building ['ɔfıs 'bıldıɳ] офисное здание
hospital ['hɔspıtl] больница a high-rise [haı raız] «высотка» (AE)
post office [pɔust 'ɔfıs] почтамт a scyscraper [skaı'skræpə] небоскрёб (BE)




Задание 12.1

Пользуясь тематическим словарём, назовите объекты, изображённые на иллюстрации

Задание 12.2

Вместо пропусков вставьте предлоги места


· Alexander goes … college five days a week.

· We have modern workshops ….. the second floor and a computer classroom … the third floor.

· He meets a lot of students … the conference every year.

· Tom comes … the room and sits down …. the table.

· His family likes to go … of town … the weekends.

· The dog is … on the sofa and we can’t see him.

· His picture hangs … the divan bed.

· We have a beautiful vase … the table with a lot of flowers …. it.

· I see the schoolyard …. the window.

· The seminar starts in10 minutes, … the hall.

Задание 12.3

Вставьте подходящий предлог места.


· There's a woman ____ a tree. (под)

· There's a motorbike ____ the car (перед) and a bicycle ____ it (позади), so the car is _____ the yellow motorbike and the bicycle (между).

· There's a bus ___ a bus stop (на).

· There's a bag____ the desk. (под)

· Do you see my camera ____ the table? (на)

· There's a large picture _____ (на) the wall ___ a lot of small pics (среди).

· There are two bedrooms ____ the flat (в).

· Santa Monica is ___Southern California (в).

· I have a poster _____my wall (на).

· Heidelberg is____the River Neckar (на).




Задание 12.4

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From my point of view, our college is modern and well-designed. It’s a three-storey building with a sports ground behind it. I really think it’s the best educational institution in our country. We even have an inside swimming pool!

On the ground floor, there are the classrooms for the first-year students, workshops and a library. There are all kinds of tools and machines. In the library two librarians help students to find the books they need. In the reading room there are laptops which we can use during the breaks and after classes.

Our canteen is spacious, light and clean. We have our meals there during the long break at midday.

The physical training lessons take place in the gym or in the swimming pool. We like to go there even after the classes. To the left of the gym there is a hall and a staircase. The staircase leads to the first floor.

The classrooms are well-equipped. Each room has a teacher’s table, students’ desks, a board, a computer and a multimedia projection unit. There are special classrooms for Chemistry, Physics, Biology, History, Geography, English and Russian. My English classroom is on the second floor. It has three big windows. There are lots of potted plants on the window sills, and we take good care of them. The board in our classroom is magnetic. We write with markers on it and attach our projects to it with magnets. Next to the board, there are maps of Russia and Great Britain, various grammar tables and charts. There is a computer in the right-hand corner. We often listen to original English texts, songs and watch films on a big screen which make our lesson interesting.

I like my college. It provides us with everything to help us become good specialists.

Задание 12.5


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