Decide if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false sentences.

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Прочитать Text A. CIVIL LAW

Прочитать Text B. CRIMINAL LAW

И выполнить упражнения к текстам письменно



Introduction: There are basically two types of law, civil law and criminal law and there are some differences between the two.


Text A.

Civil cases are usually disputes between two individuals or an organisation and an individual. The party who starts the case is usually called the claimant, and another party is called the defendant. The claimant takes action against the defendant who will then be liable or not liable for a form of compensation. It is usually a payment of a sum of money awarded to the claimant. This decision is usually made by a judge.

Civil law is the section of law that deals with activities such as:

• property disputes

• work related disputes

• consumer disputes

• contractual disputes

• copyright

• defamation

The burden of proof is lower in a civil case. When a verdict is reached in a civil case it does not necessarily mean that it is the end of the claim. The case may be appealed and heard in the Court of Appeal or transferred to the House of Lords.

Civil cases are usually dealt with in the County Court or the High Court. The main purpose of civil law is to uphold the rights of individuals. A civil case can be held in different courts. It depends on the amount of money that is involved.

• Less than £100,000 cases are always heard in County Courts.

• More than £100,000 cases are heard in the High Court.

• Less than £5,000 cases are normally heard in County Courts using a fast track system that cuts down the costs and time involved in resolving smaller disputes.


Active Vocabulary:

civil law - гражданское право

dispute - конфликт, спор

to resolve disputes - разрешать споры

party - сторона (по делу)

claimant - истец

claim - иск

defendant - ответчик

to take action against - возбудить против кого-л. судебное дело

to be liable for - быть ответственным за что-либо

payment - платеж

to award - присудить; взыскать в пользу

property dispute - имущественный спор

consumer dispute - потребительский спор

contractual dispute - спор, вытекающий из гражданско-правовых договоров

copyright - право интеллектуальной собственности

defamation - клевета

the burden of proof - бремя доказывания

to reach a verdict - вынести вердикт

to hear a case - рассмотреть дело в суде

to uphold the rights - отстаивать права

to cut down - сокращать

fast track - ускоренная процедура рассмотрения дела


Answer the questions.

2. What is the definition of a civil case?

3. How is the party who starts a civil case called?

4. What is a defendant?

5. Who is liable for a form of compensation?

6. What is a compensation?

7. Who usually takes a decision in civil cases?

8. What kind of disputes does civil law deal with?

9. Where can a case be appealed?

10. What courts deal with civil cases?

11. What is the main purpose of civil law?

12. What is a fast track system in courts?


Decide if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false sentences.

1. Civil cases are usually disputes between organisations.

2. The party who starts the case is usually called a defendant.

3. The defendant is always liable for a form of compensation.

4. The decision in civil cases is usually made by a judge.

5. Civil law is the section of law that deals with property disputes, defamation and murders.

6. The burden of proof is lower in a civil case.

7. The case may be appealed and heard in the Court of Appeal or transferred to the House of Commons.

8. Civil cases are usually dealt with in the County Court or the High Court.

9. Less than £100,000 cases are always heard in County Courts.




The main purpose of criminal law is to maintain law and order, protect society as a whole and to provide punishment for those who break the laws. Criminal law deals with individuals that have committed a crime against the state. The case is filed by the government, usually referred to as the state and represented by a prosecutor against a defendant.

The defendant may be found guilty or not guilty and criminal cases are almost always decided by a jury. The final decision made must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt.

Criminal law is the section of the law that deals with serious crimes such as:

• Rape

• Murder

• Manslaughter

• Treason

• Assault

• Stealing

Criminal cases are usually heard at first instance in Magistrates Court. If the case is serious, it is transferred to the Crown Court. Punishments include imprisonment, a fine or in some occasions death penalty.

Active Vocabulary:

criminal law - уголовное право

to maintain law and order - поддерживать закон и порядок

to protect society - защищать общество

to break the law - нарушать закон

to commit a crime - совершить преступление

to file a case - подать иск

government - государственная власть; правительство

prosecutor - должностное лицо, осуществляющее уголовное преследование; обвинитель

to represent - представлять

guilty - виновный

prove - доказывать

beyond a reasonable doubt - в полной мере без сомнений

rape - изнасилование

murder - убийство

manslaughter - непредумышленное убийство

treason - государственная измена

assault - нападение, посягательство

at first instance - в первой инстанции

to transfer a case - перепоручать дело

imprisonment - тюремное заключение

fine - штраф

death penalty - смертная казнь


Answer the questions.

1. What is the main purpose of criminal law?

2. What does criminal law deal with?

3. Who is the case filed by in criminal law?

4. Who represents a case against the defendant in criminal law?

5. Does a judge decide criminal cases?

6. What types of crime does criminal law deal with?

7. What courts are criminal cases usually heard in?

8. When can a case be transferred to the Crown Court?

9. What types of punishment does criminal law include?


Decide if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false sentences.

1. The main purpose of criminal law is to provide punishment for those who break the laws.

2. The claimant may be found guilty or not guilty and criminal cases are almost always decided by a judge.

3. Criminal law is the section of the law that deals with property disputes and consumer disputes.

4. Criminal cases are usually heard at first instance in Magistrates Court.

5. Criminal law deals with organisations that have committed a crime against the state.

6. The case is filed by an individual, usually referred to as the state and represented by a prosecutor against a defendant.

7. The defendant is always found guilty.

8. Punishments include imprisonment, a fine or in some occasions, death penalty.



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