Дети ищут свою половинку, и выстраиваются в пары.

Конспект внеклассного мероприятия «Книги - наши лучшие друзья»

(подготовила учитель МБОУ НОШ № 17 Чечкова Л.Н.)

Цели мероприятия:

Обучающая: - формирование лингвострановедческой компетенции учащихся путем

ознакомления с зарубежной литературой;

- формирование навыка выражения своего мнение о любимой книге;

Развивающая: - развитие творческих способностей и умения работы в команде;

Воспитательная: - воспитание интереса к английскому языку и культуре страны изучае-

мого языка;
- развитие интереса к чтению



- повысить мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка, совершенство-

вать монологическую речь, развивать творческие способности уча



Форма проведения: - литературно познавательная викторина.

План мероприятия: - организационный момент 5 мин;

- демонстрация проектов 15 мин;

- литературная викторина 15 мин;

- заключительный этап (подведение итогов) 10 мин.


Ход мероприятия

Запускаем ролик № 1 «Читали всегда»

Teacher: Good afternoon children, good afternoon our guests!

I'm glad to see you at our special lesson. Today we gathered to speak about books. And the name of our lesson is: “The Books are our true Friends”

Now I want to ask you: “Do you like to read?” Well, I'm sure a lot of children in our school like to read and have some favourite books for reading. Now I would like to invite the main guest of our lesson. It's … a book!


- Children, do you know who I am?

- Right, I am a book.

- You know, there are a lot of kinds of books in the world. They are: historical and adventure books, detective stories and fairy-tales.

The books help us to be clever. They teach us to be kind, brave and curious.

The world of books is the world of fantasy and magic!

Teacher: Thank you very much, Miss Book. Stay with us and take your seat.

And now, children, please look at the screen. I want you to listen to an English song. This is a funny children song about books. I hope you will enjoy it!

Запускаем ролик № 2 Песенка львят.

Teacher: Did you like the song? Children, you know there are a lot of beautiful poems about books. And our students want to recite some of them.

Student 1

Please don't bend me, if you do I don't want to talk to you; But we will both be friends together, If you protect me from the weather And keep me clean so that I look A tidy, neat and happy book.  
A Book Speaks

When you drop me on the floor

I get stepped on - my sides are sore;

Torn-out pages make me groan;

I feel dizzy if I'm thrown;

Every mark and every stain

On my covers gives me pain;


In a Story Book

At night when sunshine goes away,

And it's too dark for me to play,

I like to come inside, and look

For new friends in a story book.




The more you read,

The more you know.

The more you know,

The smarter you grow.

The smarter you grow,

The stronger your voice,

When speaking your mind

or making your choice.


T: Thank you very much, girls. Please, take your seats.

Well, everyone has some favourite book. For example, when I was a child my favourite book was a book about Robinson Crusou by Daniel Defoe. Today our students prepare the presentations. They will tell us about their favourite books and show us their presentations.

Ролик № 3 St1: “The Adventures of Chipollino”

Ролик № 4 St2: «Harry Potter»

Ролик № 5 St3: «Nina is the girl of the sixth Moon.»

Ролик № 6 St4: «Gulliver”s Travels»


T: And now we'll play the game “What book is it?” I shall show you the animated cartoons based on the books and the students will tell you the short plot of these books. And you should guess the name of the book. Please be attentive!

Ролик № 7 St1:

The writer of this story is James Barrie. The story is about one boy who doesn't want to grow up. He lives in some fairy tale land called Neverland.

This is some extract from the story. Listen to and try to guess what is the name of this story.

Wendy, John, and Michael Darling lived in London. One night, Wendy woke to find a strange boy sitting on the floor who was crying.

"My name is Wendy," she said. "Who are you? Why are you crying?

"I'm Peter Pan," the boy replied. "I'm crying because my shadow won't stick to me."

"Don't cry," Wendy said. "We can fix that." And she sewed Peter's shadow to the tips of his shoes. Peter was delighted.

T: Children, what book is it?

Ролик № 8 St2:

This story was written by a British writer Alan Alexander Milne. The main characters of the story are: Winnie the Pooh, Tigger, Rabbit, Piglet, Owl, Eeyore, Kanga, Roo and Christopher Robin. They are good friends and help each other.

The friends have a lot of adventures. Theн are very funny, especially Winnie the Pooh.

You know that A. Milne wrote this story about his son's favourite toys.

T: Children, what book is it?

Ролик № 9: St3

This book was written by an English writer Rudyard Kipling. The book is about a boy who lives among wolves in the jungle.

His friends are the black panther Bagheera, the bear Baloo who teaches him the low of the jungle and the Python Kah.

There is an enemy the tiger Shere Khan who is very angry and doesn’t like the boy.

But the boy becomes the Master of the Jungle. He can speak the jungle languages and understand animals.

T: Children, what book is it?

Ролик № 10 St4:

This story was written by an English writer Lewis Carroll. It is about a girl called Alice. She is a seven-year old English girl with lots of imagination.

One day she followed a white rabbit down a rabbit-hole and found herself in Wonderland, a very unusual place indeed.

Alice met some strange creatures the White Rabbit, the Cheshire Cat, the Caterpillar, the Mad Hatter and the White Queen there.

She is polite and well-raised. But sometimes she makes wrong remarks and upsets the creatures in Wonderland.

T: Children, what book is it?

Ролик № 11 St5:

The fairy-tail was written by German writers the Brothers Grimm. There are some main characters in this book. They are: the wicked Queen, the beautiful and kind girl, seven dwarfs and the brave Prince.

The wicked Queen asks her magic mirror:

- Magic mirror on the wall

- Who is the fairest of them all?

- And the mirror answers:

- Queen you are full fair, it is true

- But Snow White is fairer than you.

The girl hides from the wicked Queen in the forest and meets there seven dwarfs. They help her to survive in the forest and become her friends.

T: Children, what book is it?

Ролик № 12 St6:

This book was written by H.C. Andersen. The story is about one girl who was no bigger than your thumb! And her name is Thumbelina.

She is very little. Her bed is in a walnut shell. And the boat is made from a tulip petal.

But the ugly toad kidnaps and gives her to the old, blind mole. The mole wants to marry her.

At last she meets a fairy elf- prince who loves her very much.

T: Children, what book is it?

Ролик № 13 St7:

This story was written by a French writer Charles Perrault. The fairy tale is about a very hardworking and kind girl. She has got a stepmother and two lazy stepsisters.

One day the Prince invites all the young ladies in the land to the ball. He wants to choose a wife.

The girl wants to go to the ball too. But she hasn’t got any nice dresses and shoes. Her godmother helps her. She turns a pumpkin into a golden carriage, mice into horses and a rat into a coachman. And then she turns Cinderella’s rags into a beautiful dress and a pair of glass slippers. But she says that Cinderella must return before midnight.

T: Children, what book is it?

Well, good job. I see you like to read and you know a lot of books.

And now children let’s play the game. It will be the quiz. I have two types of papers in my hands. On one of them you can read the title of the book and on the other paper the author’s name is printed. You should match the title with the author who wrote the book. I will give these papers to the several students and you should find your partner.

Дети ищут свою половинку, и выстраиваются в пары.

T: Well, children, now please come to me and show your papers to the audience and we will check you.

So, children, stand in pairs and show your pieces of paper to our guests. And we shall check if you are right.

OK thank you very much, I see you were attentive and choose the right partner. Please, take your seats.

Children our lesson is over, thank you for your attention.

Итак, ребята, наш урок закончен, спасибо за внимание. Но это еще не все, под занавес нашего мероприятия я хотела бы показать один видеоролик. Думаю, он будет интересен и гостям, и моим коллегам, и нашим юным читателям. Но сначала я расскажу вкратце его предысторию. Перед началом очередных летних каникул у учителей одной из американских школ штата Орегон в очередной раз встал ребром вопрос, который в принципе актуален как для учителей российских школ, так и для учителей школ любого государства на нашей планете.


Немного посовещавшись учителя этой школы, достаточно творчески подошли к решению задачи. Они сняли видеоролик, в котором был задействован практически весь коллектив учителей школы, и показали его своим ученикам. И что самое интересное, наплыв читателей в библиотеку заметно вырос.

На этой веселой ноте я хочу попрощаться с вами и сказать огромное спасибо всем ребятам и родителям, принявшим участие в подготовке нашего мероприятия.

Read more books!

Goodbye and enjoy the watching.

Ролик № 14



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