Education in Russia
Every boy and girl must get secondary education. Before going to school children under the age of three attend nurseries. Children from 3 to 6 attend kindergartens. They go to school at the age of six or seven and must stay there until they are 14-17 years old. At school pupils study academic subjects, such as Russian, Literature, Mathematics, History, Biology, Foreign Language and others.
After finishing 9 formsof a secondary school young people can continue their educationin the 10th and the 11th form. Children can also go to colleges or vocational and technical schools, where they study academic subjects and receive a profession.
After finishing the 9th and 11th forms children must pass Unified State Exams. USE is the exam that every student must pass to enter a university or a professional college.
Educational establishments of higher learning train specialists indifferent fields. Since the mid-90s, many universities have introduced limited educational programs allowing students to graduate with a Bachelor's degree (4 years) and then earn a Master's degree (another 1–2 years). In October 2007 Russia enacted a move to two-level education in line with Bologna Process model.
Many universities have extra-mural departments. There are educational establishments of higher learning in Russia which provide distance education. Institutes, universities and academies usually have graduate courses which give Master’s, Candidate and Doctoral degree.
Education in our country is freeat most schools. There are also private primary and secondary schools where pupils have to pay for their studies. Full-time students of institutes, academies and universities get scholarships. At many institutes, academies and universities there are also departments where students have to pay for their education.
to get secondary education – получать среднее образование
attend – посещать
nurseries – ясли
a kindergarten – детский сад
Unified State Exam – Единый государственный экзамен
to train a specialist – готовить специалиста
Bachelor's degree – степень бакалавра
Master's degree – степень магистра
two-level education – двухуровневое образование
Bologna Process – Болонский процесс
graduate courses – магистратура, аспирантура, докторантура
a private school – частная школа
1) Найдите эквиваленты следующим словосочетаниям:
1. an academic subject техникум
2. a vocational school учебный предмет
3. a technical school давать профессиональные знания
4. to receive a profession профессиональное училище
5. to give a profound knowledge получать профессию
6. an extra-mural department начальная школа
7. distance education получать стипендию
8. a primary school заочное отделение
9. to get a scholarshipдистанционное обучение
2) Подберите по смыслу окончание предложений:
1) At school pupils study academic subjects, such as ……
2) After finishing 9 formsof a secondary school young people can continue…
3) Children can also go to colleges or vocational and technical schools, where …
4) Unified State Exams is the exam …
5) There are also private primary and secondary schools where …
6) At many institutes, academies and universities there are also departments
a) … their education in the 10th and the 11th form.
b) … they receive a profession.
c) … that every student must pass to enter a university or a professional college.
d) … Russian, Literature, Mathematics, History, Biology, Foreign Language and others.
e) pupils have to pay for their studies.
f) where students have to pay for their education.
3) Составьте предложения:
1. secondary boy every must girl education and get
2. under to children the school three age of nurseries going before attend
3. to can children colleges or also vocational go and schools technical
4. professional enter or a student USE that every must is the pass to a exam university college
5. fields specialists higher establishments educational of learning train in different
6. departments extra-mural universities many have
7. educational higher there establishments are of Russia learning in
8. free our schools education in is at country most
9. pupils private to there primary and for schools have where secondary pay their studies are also
10. get full-time of and institutes academies students universities scholarships
4). Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
1. What age do children attend nurseries?
2. What age do children attend kindergartens?
4. What age do children begin school?
5. What subjects do pupils study at school?
6. What exams must school graduates pass after the 9th and the 11th form?
7. Do students in our country have to pay for education?
5) Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения:
1. Каждый мальчик и каждая девочка обязаны получить среднее образование.
2. До того, как пойти в школу, дети до трёх лет посещают ясли.
3. Школьники изучают такие учебные предметы, как русский язык, литература, математика, история, биология, иностранный язык и другие.
4. После 9-го и 11-го классов дети должны сдать Единые государственные экзамены.
6. Во многих университетах есть отделения заочного обучения.
7. Студенты дневного отделения в институтах, академиях и университетах получают стипендии.
6) Прочтите диалог по ролям и поймите его содержание:
– Hello, Kate. Have you got a minute?
– Sure, yes. What can I do for you?
– I’ve read a number of books about the Russian system of teacher’s training education but I can’t make a head of it.
– Mm … no wonder. What’s the problem?
– A lot of problems. Please, tell me about the difference between a university and a college where the future teachers study.
– It’s like this… The programme is different. At a university it is much wider. Great attention is paid to scientific subjects.
– It sounds as though most people prefer a university. Did you study at university?
– Yes…
– What was it like?
– Well, a big grey building surrounded by trees. There were lecture halls, classrooms and a number of laboratories.
– Any facilities for sport?
– Yes. A gymnasium with changing rooms and showers, a tennis court… What else… A playing field for netball and football…
– Well, Kate. Thank you very much. You’ve been most helpful.
Составьте аналогичный диалог по теме.