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The governmental model that operates in Britain today is usually described as constitutional monarchy, or parliamentary system. While a monarch still has a role to play on some executive and legislative levels, it is Parliament, which possesses the essential power, and the government of the day, which governs by initiating and controlling political policy and legislation. The correct constitutional definition of Parliament is "Queen-in-Parliament", and all state and governmental business is therefore carried out in the name of the monarch by the politicians and officials of the system.

In constitutional theory the British people hold the political sovereignty to choose their government, while Parliament, consisting partly of their elected representatives in the Commons, possesses the legal sovereignty to make laws.

The various branches of this political system, although easily distinguishable from each other, are not entirely separate. The monarch is formally head of the executive, the legislature and the judiciary.

The legislature, which consists of both Houses of Parliament and formally the monarch, is for most purposes the supreme law-making body.

The executive comprises the sitting government and its Cabinet, together with government ministers of departments headed by ministers or secretaries of state, who all act formally in the name of the monarch. The judiciary is composed mainly of the judges of the higher courts, who determine the common law and interpret Acts of Parliament.

The judiciary is supposed to be independent of the legislative and executive branches of government.


2. Письменно ответьте на вопросы.

1. What role does the sovereign play in constitutional monarchy?

2. Why are the branches of the British political system not entirely separate?

3. What are the functions of the three branches of power?


Закончите предложения.

1. A monarch has a role to play on some executive and legislative levels, and Parliament...

2. The correct constitutional definition of Parliament is...

3. To choose their government the British people...

4. The legislature consists of...

5. The judiciary is independent of...


4. Верны или неверны следующие предложения:

1. The governmental model in the UK is described as parliamentary system.

2. All state and governmental business isn't carried out in the name of the monarch.

3. Parliament possesses the legal sovereignty to make laws.

4. The monarch is the head of the executive, the legislature and the judiciary.

5. The various branches of the UK political system are entirely separate.


Перепишите и переведите предложения, определяя видовременную форму глаголов.

1. I have never been to any court, criminal or civil.

2. They explained how they had planned the robbery.

3. How long has this man been in jail?

4. She will have given evidence by that time tomorrow.


6. Вставьте вместо точек необходимый артикль: "a/an", "the" или нулевой.

1.... defendant is... person against whom a legal action is brought.

2. Bill Clinton was... President of... USA.

3. It is... serious statement. I cannot support it.... statement contradicts... facts.

4. One of... problems they discussed concerned... arrest of... soldier.


Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму.

1. Не... (to study) law at the University.

2. I'm sure he... (to make) a good lawyer.

3. They often... (to publish) information on economic crimes.

4. In 1984 the average salary of experienced lawyers... (to be) 88,000 dollars

5. The murder rate... (to change) since 1969 yet.


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Many people think of a federal bureaucrat as a pencil pusher shuffling papers in Washington, D. C. This image, however, is not accurate. First of all, only 11 percent of all federal government employees work in Washington, D. C. Most of them work in regional and local offices scattered across the United States and the world. Second, FBI agents, forest rangers, and air-traffic controllers are as much part of the federal bureaucracy are as secretaries and file clerks. Their activities have little to do with bureaucratic paperwork.

Federal government employees play a vital role in assuring the smooth functioning of the United States government. Who are the people who work for the many departments and agencies that make up the federal bureaucracy? The typical man or woman in the federal service is about 43 years old and has worked for the government for a total of about 15 years. Federal workers are better educated than workers in the general population. More than a half of them have some college training, while a quarter have done graduate work at universities.

Federal workers hold a great variety of jobs. Besides administrative workers, the government also employs doctors, veterinarians, lawyers, cartographers, scientists, engineers, accountants, and many other professionals.

The way the civil servants get their offices is also important. During the first years of democracy, George Washington declared that he appointed government officials according to "fitness of character." Another president, Andrew Jackson argued that long service in the same jobs by any group of workers would only promote tyranny.


2. Письменно ответьте на вопросы.

1. What common features do federal workers have?

2. What kind of jobs do government employees hold?

3. How did civil servants get their offices in the first years of American democracy?

4. How were governmental officials appointed in the first years of American democracy?


3. Закончите следующие предложения:

1. Most of federal government employees work...

2. The typical man or woman in the federal service has worked for the government for...

3. George Washington appointed government officials according to...


4. Верны или неверны следующие утверждения:

1. The image of a federal bureaucrat as a pencil pusher shuffling papers is accurate.

2. The activities of FBI agent, forest rangers, and air- traffic controllers have little to do with bureaucratic paperwork.

3. Federal workers are worse educated than workers in the general population.

4. Andrew Jackson said that long service in the same jobs would promote tyranny.



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