Exercises for strengthening of muscles of legs

Exercises for strengthening of muscles of hands and a humeral belt

1. In an emphasis lying:
a) to bend and unbend hands,
b) to alternately bend each hand,
c) the same exercises at a support fingers.
2. In an emphasis lying with the raised basin slowly to bend hands, lowering a basin and giving a trunk forward. The movement is made in the opposite direction up.
3. Costing legs separately on width of a step or пря to walking around, hands in the parties:
a) to do the small springing movements by hands in the perednezadny direction;
b) to do the small springing movements by hands up-down;
c) to do small circular motions by hands;
d) to sharply cramp hands forward and to slowly part them in the parties.
4. When walking by a wide step it is vigorous to wave the straightened hands up and down:
a) at a step the right leg — a move the left hand up, right — down;
b) at a step of left — on the contrary.

5. Standing on "bridge", to rock here and there or to bend the head in various directions at the conceding and overcoming muscle work of a neck by means of own hands or the partner's hands.

Exercises for strengthening of muscles of a stomach

6. Costing legs separately on width of a step, hands are extended in the parties — to vigorously turn a trunk to the right and on the left.

7. When walking by a wide step alternately to turn a trunk with the hands extended in the parties. To do turn of a trunk towards the pacing leg.
8. Sitting widely having placed legs separately, to alternately get each palm a foot of a heteronymic leg with turn of a trunk.
9. Lying on a back, having extended hands along a body or having connected them under a nape "in the lock" and having raised legs:
a) to bend and unbend legs in knee joints;
b) to do the fast circular motions by legs reminding movements of the cyclist;
c) to reduce and part legs in the parties;
d) to part and cramp legs with circular motions;
e) to raise the straightened legs before contact with floor socks behind the head;
e) to raise a trunk and to incline forward, holding at the same time legs straightened and connected together.
10. Lying on a back, hands in the parties (resting palms against a floor), legs are raised to vertical position — to lower and raise legs here and there.
11. Lying on a back, hands are extended behind the head, to sit down with the swing movement by hands forward and to bend forward, getting foot palms. Legs at the same time are straightened and connected together.

Exercises for strengthening of muscles of a back

12. Lying on a stomach with the hands extended forward, to cave in back with the springing movements of hands and legs. The same, lying on a gymnastic bench across, to lower hands before contact of a floor with brushes.

Exercises for strengthening of muscles of legs

13. Standing, hands on a belt, to squat on tiptoe.
14. Standing on one leg, to squat, raising hands and a free leg forward.
15. Standing, legs at shoulder length, to squat, without tearing off heels from a floor and extending hands forward.

There are exercises for muscles of a humeral belt with application of burdenings which are convenient for carrying out in house conditions. To pump over the top humeral belt it is always difficult. Physical activities for strengthening and development of muscles of top have to be systematic and diligent. It is important to use convenient weight and to carry out movements in the correct equipment. It is necessary to train few times in a week. Beefy shoulders and hands, a beautiful breast, a strong back and a neck — each athlete dreams of it. To train shoulders, hands, a back, a breast and a neck it is necessary not only to those who set the task to pump up a relief body. These movements are effective for weight loss, power loadings allow to burn excess calories and to remove several centimeters volume.

The set of exercises for women and men differs a little since representatives of different floors often set before themselves the excellent purposes. Besides, to make the effective program, it is necessary to consider physiological features of the person, his force and ability.

Men's program of trainings

To pump up the top humeral belt, it is necessary to involve during the training muscles of deltas, necks, breasts, trapezes, forearms and even a press. Tension and relaxation of muscles perfectly trains and strengthens bunches of muscle fibers.

Before starting exercises for a humeral belt, without fail it is necessary to execute warm-up, to pull muscles, to warm joints. Having given 10-15 minutes preparation, it is possible to reduce risk of traumatism significantly. Having prepared an organism for the forthcoming loading, it is possible to start the main exercises.

It is necessary to include the following effective and checked by time movements in your program for the top belt of muscles:

- Arnold's press. This reception is loved by Iron Arney. Technology of performance is simple. It is necessary to take dumbbells, to bend hands in elbow joints so that the stock was near a neck. Palms are developed to themselves, and thumbs look outside. We take a breath and smoothly we raise hands up. When the stock is parallel to the top, it is necessary to develop palms carefully. We continue to straighten hands, we fix the top point for 1-2 seconds, we come back to situation with which began the movement. - Raising of hands forward. For performance it is necessary to become directly, to take dumbbells in hand, to develop palms to itself. We take a breath and we raise the extended extremities forward. The maximum point — is slightly higher than the line of shoulders. It is important not to change distance between dumbbells. Available option — to raise hands serially. - Cultivation of hands in the parties. Exercise perfectly studies trapezes and deltas. A starting position — we cost directly, legs separately at the level of shoulders, in hands of weight, extremities are relaxed along the case. After a breath we raise hands in the parties, having created a small corner in an elbow. It is necessary to lift until brushes do not appear in one plane with shoulders. We stop for couple of seconds and we lower hands. We do not take a break, and we repeat the movement.. - Pullings up on a horizontal bar. To give load of different groups a muscle, change width of the successful fellow. - Extensions lying on a bench with a weight. This exercise is very useful for a neck. It is necessary to lay down on a horizontal bench, to put pancake from a bar on a neck behind, holding with hands. Slowly it is necessary to bend and unbend a neck, gradually increasing amplitude.

Initially use the minimum weight. It is necessary to increase loading gradually in process of adaptation of an organism. Do not train every day, give to muscle fibers time for restoration.

Female program of trainings

Secrets of a women's training of the Woman during the trainings do not set the purpose — to build up muscle bulk, on the contrary, to them important to lose weight and emphasize beauty of a body. For this reason during exercises it is important not to place emphasis on weight, concentrate attention on the frequency of repetitions. The optimum weight of dumbbells is 1.5-4 kg. Before the occupation surely make moves hands, rotation in a shoulder, bend and unbend several times elbows, knead brushes. If the girl pumps up the top humeral belt the accented exercises, it will be much simpler to it to cope with load during the training of other groups of muscles, the organism will become much more hardy and is stronger.

Useful exercises for pumping of hands, shoulders and trapezes at women are the same movements, as at men. The difference consists only in the weight and the number of repetitions.

It is impossible to train before full failure of muscles and strong fatigue. Exercises have to bring pleasure. Carry out 3-4 approaches till 10-12 of repetitions. Also you watch video:

Do not forget to eat and observe water balance properly. systematically train and the result will not keep itself waiting long — muscles of the top humeral belt will become beautiful, roundish and relief.






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