English Meals and Mealtimes

Дисциплина: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)

Группа31 ТПП27.09.2021

Тема занятия № 4: Еда в Британии.

Цели занятия:


студент должен знать: лексические единицы и речевые образцы по теме “Meals in Britain”, речевые формулы для ведения диалогической и монологической речи;

студент должен уметь: правильно использовать в устной и письменной речи лексико-грамматический материал занятия для выполнения поставленных коммуникативных задач; вести и поддерживать беседу на данную тему.

Развивающая: развивать умение работать самостоятельно с иноязычными источниками, анализировать и обобщать информацию; повышать интеллектуальный уровень студентов.

Воспитательная: воспитывать любовь к выбранной профессии.

Работу выполнить в тетради и сдать по окончанию карантина. Фотоотчет о выполнении присылать на электронную почту glorya8@mail.ru либо в личные сообщения в ВК https://vk.com/glorya8

Задания для студентов:

Good morning!

1. Write down today's date and topic of the lesson: "Meals in Britain".

Write down the words.

Do exercises 2, 3 orally. Read and translate the text.

Do exercises 4,5,6 in writing.

Homework: Compose a short message (up to 10 sentences) about Meals in Britain, using text or additional sources.


Запишите в тетрадь сегодняшнюю дату и тему занятия: «Meals in Britain».

Запишите слова в тетрадь.

Устно выполните упр.2,3. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Письменно выполните упр. 4,5,6.

Д/з: Составьте краткое сообщение (до 10 предложений) о еде в Британии, используя текст либо дополнительные источники.

1. Выучите слова и словосочетания:

cuisine [kwi:'zi:n] n кухня

soup [su:p] n суп, бульон

cream soup суп-пюре

clear soup бульон

thick soup густой суп

thin soup жидкий суп

meal [mi:l] n еда, трапеза

substantial [sab'stænʃəl] а сытный, питательный

porridge [рогіʤ] п (овсянная) каша

oatmeal ['outmi:l] n овсянная крупа

corn-flakes ['ko:nfleiks] n кукурузные хлопья

lunch [lʌnʧ] n ленч, второй завтрак

pickles [piklz] n соленья, маринады

mixed pickles овощное ассорти

appetizer ['æprtaizә] n закуска

entree ['ontrei] n закуска


2. Прочитайте и переведите слова и словосочетания:

1. soup [su:p]: cream soup, fish soup, tasty soup, clear soup, thick soup;

2. meal [mi:l]: to take a light meal, to have four meals a day, to rest after a meal, substantial meal, simple meal;

3. lunch [lʌnʧ]: to have lunch, to lunch, lunchroom;

4. substantial [sab'stænʃl]: substantial food, substantial dinner, substantial meal, substantial breakfast.

3. Make questions to the following answers:

1. Supper is not an obligatory meal. 2. Yes, lunch is the most substantial meal in the families that are accusto­med to having light breakfast. 3. Yes, there are some people who prefer weak tea with jam or white coffee. 4. They dine between 7 and 8 o'clock.

4. Insert suitable words, given below:

1. English... is not bad. Meat and fish are …, but English deserve less praise. 2. Scotland is the... of porridge. 3. They may have a mutton chop, or steak and chips biscuits and cheese. 4. In the afternoon,..., they have a cup of tea and a cake or... or two of bread and butter. 5. Tea is... in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening. 6. Would you like some... or a cake? No, thank you.

Home, welcome, cookery, slice, followed by, biscuits, soups, about 4 o'clock, delicious

5. Finish the sentences:

1. The usual English meals are.... 2. Breakfast time is between.... 3. English people eat porridge with.... 4. The two substantial meals of the day are.... 5. The
English drink tea with or without sugar but....6. In the evening they have.....

6. Choose the appropriate word given in brackets:

1. There is not (much, many) variety in English cuisine. 2. Some people like a (continental, English) breakfast of rolls, butter and coffee. 3. The English like (strong, weak) tea. 4. In the evening they have the much (simpler, bigger) supper. 5. The English drink tea with or without sugar, but always (with, without) milk.

7. Read and translate the texts:

English Meals and Mealtimes

There is not much variety in English cuisine, though it is not bad at all. Meat and fish are excellent, but English soups, vegetables and sweet dishes are much worse than those on the Continent.

The usual English meals are breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner; or in some families breakfast, dinner, tea and supper. The English are very particular about their meals and strictly keep to their meal times.

The traditional English breakfast is a substantial meal. It doesn't just consist of a cup of coffee with milk and sugar, and bread or toast with butter and jam. As a rule it be­gins with porridge (oatmeal boiled in water or milk). It can also be corn-flakes with milk instead of the porridge. Then ham and eggs or eggs and bacon come, marmalade (usually made of oranges) with buttered toast, and tea or coffee. But many English workers have neither time nor money to enjoy this traditional English breakfast every day. They have it Only on Sundays or when they are on holiday. And very often they have just a cup of tea and a slice of bread or toast.

Lunch time is about one o'clock. It is a simple meal. Many people go to a cafe or a restaurant, where they can find fish, steak and chips, or cold meat, boiled or fried potatoes. Many people like some mixed pickles or a piece of chee­se with it.

Dinner is a principal meal in England. A menu usually consists of an appetizer course (hors-d'oeuvre), a soup, an entree, the main dish and a dessert. A small dinner consists of an appetizer or soup, a main dish and dessert. Those who take an "early" dinner (at noon) have supper in the evening. So supper isn't an obligatory meal in England.

Supper is a cold meal. It consists of all kinds of sausages, cold meat, tinned fish, cheese, mixed pickles and some bread and butter.

At five o'clock Englishmen have tea. But it is not a substantial meal; it is simply tea when they chat over a cup of tea with one's friends or family. As a rule Englishmen like strong tea with two or three lumps of sugar, with milk of cream. Some prefer "Russian tea" —with a slice of lemon. Usually they have their tea with buttered rolls, pastries, cream or sponge cakes.


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