Назовите грамматическое значение, объединяющее следующие группы слов. В каждой группе есть одно лишнее слово (3 балла).

Контрольная работа по теоретической грамматике английского языка

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Направление 45.03.01

Направленность «Русский язык и литература, английский язык»


1. Определите, к каким уровням языка относятся следующие языковые единицы (2 балла):

(1) a wonderful girl, (6) if he were here now, he would help us,

(2) un-, (7) – hood,

(3) /t/, (8) language,

(4) bachelor, (9) a blue sky,

(5) this is my husband, (10) /ei/.

Назовите грамматическое значение, объединяющее следующие группы слов. В каждой группе есть одно лишнее слово (3 балла).

a) jump, cry, tent, speak, sing, read; b) red, blue, nice, desk, brown; c) table, horse, animal, wild, forest, snow.

3. Определите грамматическую форму следующих языковых единиц (2 балла): is reading, children, decided, Anna’s, was having.

4. Назовите типы оппозиций, найдите маркированного члена оппозиции. Среди примеров есть пары единиц без оппозиции (6 баллов).

a) speak – spoke; b) speak – speaks; c) speak – have spoken; d) has spoken – had spoken; e) speak – let us speak; f) speak – are speaking; g) to speak – to have spoken; h) speak – was speaking; i) girl – cry; j) they – we; k) he – she; l) am – are.


5. Проанализируйте морфемный состав слова по непосредственным составляющим (3 балла):

Mountains, oxen, grandfather’s tie, overhear, unseen, argument, childhood.


6. Определите значение «s» в каждом случае и скажите, является ли это алломорфом множественного числа существительного или словообразующей морфемой (7 баллов): Part – parts, spade- spades, water – waters, ship – ships, air – airs, art – arts, custom – customs, spectacle – spectacles, wage – wages, work – works, sand – sands, fish – fishes, tea – teas, colour – colours.


7.Определите, к какой части речи относятся выделенные слова в предложениях (4 балла):

a) The government upped the customs tax.

b) She could hardly hear his voice.

c) I bought some nice clothes yesterday.

d) Stop smoking! The room is full of smoke which is coming from your pipe.

e) Be particularly careful when buying a used car from a private individual

f) I was able to change an earlier decision about my studies

g) I am happy to have an active social life while at college.

h) It was a warm summer evening as Tim walked slowly down the center of the lonely country road.


8. Определите морфологическую структуру следующих существительных (8 баллов):

nurse, misdeed, wisdom, blackbird, attention, policeman, merry-go-round, girlhood, usefulness, fortune, friendship, statesman, brother-in-law, population, fellow-boarder, smelling-salt.

9.Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на употребление/опущение артиклей с географическими названиями (7 баллов):

1.Кордильеры находятся в Северной Америке. 2. Берега Рейна очень живописны. 3. Эльбрус – очень красивая гора. 4. «Пиковая дама» была написана Чайковским во Флоренции в 1890 г. 5. Средиземное море находится между Европой, Азией и Африкой. 6. Венеция расположена на берегу Адриатического моря. 7. Ливингстон погиб в Центральной Африке.

10.Определите морфологическую структуру следующих прилагательных (10 баллов):

well-timed, homeless, shaky, courageous, panic-stricken, blindfold, Portuguese, newly-baked, antique, peace-making, forlorn, illegible, abundant, red-haired, small, deep-blue, bookish, snow-white, respectable-looking, beautiful.

11.Укажите в следующих предложениях разновидность глагола: смысловой, вспомогательный, модальный, глагол-связка (5 баллов):

She went into the drawing-room and lighted the fire; then, picking up the cushions, one by one, that Mary had disposed so carefully, she threw them back onto the chairs and the couches. That made all the difference; the room came alive at once. As she was about to throw the last one she surprised herself by suddenly hugging it to her, passionately, passionately. But it did not put out the fire in her bosom. Oh, on the contrary!

The windows of the drawing-room opened onto a balcony overlooking the garden. At the far end, against the wall, there was a tall, slender pear tree in fullest, richest bloom; it stood perfect, as though becalmed against the jade-green sky. Bertha couldn't help feeling, even from this distance, that it had not a single bud or a faded petal. Down below, in the garden beds, the red and yellow tulips, heavy with flowers, seemed to lean upon the dusk. A grey cat, dragging its belly, crept across the lawn, and a black; one, its shadow, trailed after. The sight of them, so intent and so quick, gave Bertha a curious shiver. Really – really – she had everything. She was young. Harry and she were as much in love as ever, and they got on together splendidly. She had an adorable baby. They didn't have to worry about money. They had this absolutely satisfactory house and garden. (Mansfield)

12.Определите морфологическую структуру следующих союзов (3 балла):

For, as well as, unless, now that, and, neither... nor, while, although, not only... but also, provided, as though, supposing.

13.Определите морфологическую структуру следующих предлогов (3 балла):

in view of, outside, off, into, until, across, according to, with, along, up, inside, out of, owing to, at, regarding.

14.Укажите в следующих предложениях модальные слова и определите их значение (3 балла):

1. Over the ridge she would find him. Surely she would find him. (Wells) 2. He had stopped their mouths, maybe, but at what a cost. (Galsworthy) 3. She’s just engaged to him. Of course she is frightfully excited about it, and naturally he wants her to come away and marry. (Wells) 4. Winifred could barely get a word out of him, he ate nothing, but he certainly took his liquor and his face kept getting whiter. (Galsworthy) 5. She was probably dissatisfied just as he was. (Dreiser)

15.Определите тип вопроса (4 балла):

1. "Who is he?" I said. "And why does he sit always alone, with his back to us too?" (Mansfield)

2. "Did she have a chill?" he asked, his eyes upon the floor. (Cronin)

3. You have Mr. Eden's address, haven't you, Mr. Ends? (London)

4. Is literature less human than the architecture and sculpture of Egypt? (London)

5. We shall be having some sort of celebration for the bride, shan't we, Mr. Crawley? (Du Maurier)

6. "Can I see the manager?" I said, and added politely, "alone." (Leacock)

7. When had the carriage been back from taking Miss June to the station? (Galsworthy)

8. What is the meaning of that? She is going to live in the house, isn't she? (Galsworthy)

9. He couldn't understand what Irene found wrong with him: it was not as if he drank. Did he run into debt, or gamble or swear? (Galsworthy)

10. Were you talking about the house?



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