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Academic word list

1. Abandon – a) to leave someone or something somewhere, sometimes not returning to get them - покидать, оставлять


Ø They were forced to abandon the car.

b) to stop doing something before it is finished, or to stop following a plan, idea, etc - отказываться (от чего-л.), прекращать (что-л., делать что-л.)

Ø The match was abandoned because of rain.

2. Abstract – a) relating to ideas and not real things – абстрактный

Ø They had no abstract ideas; in their minds all was concrete, visible and tangible.

b) Abstract art involves shapes and colours and not images of real things or people.- абстрактный


Ø I have difficulty understanding abstract modern art, especially Mondrian

3. Academy - a) a college which teaches people the skills needed for a particularjob – академия;

Ø I am going to put you in the academy there.

b) an organization whose purpose is to encourage and develop an art, science, language, etc – академия

Ø In 1808 he was elected a member of the French Academy in place of Cabanis, and in 1832 he was also named a member of the Academy of Moral Sciences on its reorganization

4. Access - a) when you have the right or opportunity to use or see something – доступ

Ø I don't have access to that kind of information.Do you have Internet access?

b) the way in which you can enter a place or get to a place – подход

Ø The only access to the village is by boat.

5. Accommodate a) to have enough space somewhere for a number of things or people - вмещать

Ø We need more roads to accommodate the increase in traffic.

b) to do what someone wants, often by providing them with something - удовлетворять потребность

Ø He requires special equipment and, where possible, we've accommodated those needs

c) to provide someone with a place to live or stay - предоставлять жилье

Ø The athletes will be accommodated in a special Olympic village.

6. Accompany – a) to go somewhere with someone – сопровождать


Ø We accompanied her back to her hotel.

b) to happen or exist at the same time as something else - сопровождать(ся)

Ø The teachers' book is accompanied by a video cassette.

c) to play a musical instrument with someone else who is playing or singing – аккомпанировать

Ø I accompanied her on the piano

7. Accumulate –a) to increase in amount over a period of time, or to make something increase over a period of time - накапливать(ся)


Ø The chemicals accumulate in your body.

Ø In this manner the field plates accumulate charges of opposite sign.

Ø When a number of such characters accumulate, we further honour them by assigning a new generic name.

8. Accurate - a) correct or exact – точный


Ø She was able to give police a fairly accurate description of the man.

Ø Annual rings gives an accurate result.

Ø Obtaining accurate and timely information continued to be our Achilles heel.

9. Achieve – a) to succeed in doing something good, usually by working hard – достигать

Ø I've achieved my ambition

Ø I've been working all day but I feel I've achieved nothing.

Ø She would be helping them achieve a miracle and they would be helping her with a financial problem.

10. Acknowledge –a) to accept that something is true or exists – признавать

Ø He acknowledged that there was a problem.

b) to tell someone, usually in a letter, that you have received something they sent you – подтверждать

Ø Send a letter acknowledging receipt of his application.

c) to let someone know that you have seen them, usually by saying hello – приветствовать

Ø She didn't even acknowledge my presence.

11. Acquire – a) to get something – приобретать


Ø I managed to acquire a copy of the report.

Ø His poor vision was acquired as the result of a head injury.

b) to learn something – усваивать

Ø His newly-acquired skills were tested!

Ø His knowledge of the sport was acquired gradually, enjoyably and largely informally in the course of an active life.

12. Adapt – a) to change your behaviour so that it is suitable for a new situation – приспосабливаться


Ø It takes time to adapt to a new working environment.

b) to change something so that it is suitable for a different use or situation – адаптировать

Ø Courses have to be adapted for different markets.

c) to change a book or play so that it can be made into a film or television programme – инсценировать

Ø Both novels have been adapted for television.

13. Adequate – a) enough – достаточный


Ø I didn't have adequate time to prepare.

Ø The money we have put aside should be adequate for your first year of university.

b) good enough, but not very good – достаточный

Ø The sound quality isn't exceptional but it's adequate for everyday use.

Ø The prince's character was not attractive, and the king refused to make him an adequate allowance.

14. Adjacent - a) if two things are adjacent, they are next to each other.- примыкающий

Ø The fire started in an adjacent building.

Ø They live in a house adjacent to the railway.

Ø Adjacent pixels creates smooth, natural curves.

15. Adjust – a) to change something slightly so that it works better, fits better, or is more suitable - регулировать, подгонять


Ø You can adjust the heat using this switch here.

Ø The figures need to be adjusted for inflation.

b) to change the way you behave or think in order to suit a new situation – приспосабливаться

Ø They found it hard adjusting to life in a new country.

Ø I'm just trying to adjust to being alone again.


16. Administrate – a) to manage or direct (the affairs of a business, institution, etc) – управлять


Ø The government will try to administrate and the administrators will want to govern, and so it will go on.

Ø Personally, although this is looking some way ahead, I would like to see the English take over and administrate the Congo.

Ø Don't Amazon and Rackspace require you to administrate things?

17. Adult – a) a person or animal that has finished growing and is not now a child - взрослый


Ø I've now located and examined three different homes that list five adult occupants.

Ø Fifteen grains constitute an exceedingly dangerous dose for an adult male of average weight

Ø He's an adult, or nearly so

18. Advocate – a) to express support for a particular idea or way of doing things – поддерживать


Ø I certainly wouldn't advocate the use of violence.

Ø When you have visited a place, you will find it harder to advocate its destruction.

19. Affect - a) to influence someone or something, or cause them to change-

Влиять, затрагивать

Ø It's a disease which affects many older people

b) to cause a strong emotion, especially sadness- волновать, трогать

Ø I was deeply affected by the film.

20. Aggregate – a) a total - совокупность, целое

Ø UK Liverpool won 2-0 on aggregate (= in total).


21. Aid – a) money, food, or equipment that is given to help a country or group of people - помощь

Ø Emergency aid was sent to the flood victims.

aid workers

n aid of sb/sth UK

b) in order to collect money for a group of people who need it - в помощь кому-либо/чему-либо

Ø a concert in aid of famine relief

with the aid of sth

c) using something to help you - при помощи чего-либо

Ø She can walk with the aid of a stick.

come/go to sb's aid

d) to go to someone and help them - приходить кому-либо на помощь

Ø Luckily a policeman came to my aid.

22. Albeit – a) although- хотя

Ø He tried, albeit without success.

Ø Once again, we abided by his wishes, albeit reluctantly


23. Allocate –a) to give some time, money, space, etc to be used for a particular purpose - выделять

Ø The government has promised to allocate extra money for health care.

Ø More police time should be allocated to crime prevention.

24. Alter – a) to change, or to make someone or something change - изменять(ся)

Ø We've had to alter our plans.

Ø He pronounced the words that would forever alter her life.

25. Alternative – a) one of two or more things that you can choose between -


Ø It's a low-fat alternative to butter.

Ø After the public protests the government had no alternative but to change its policy.


26. Ambiguous – a) having more than one possible meaning - двусмысленный

Ø an ambiguous statement

Ø Her songs are intentionally ambiguous.

Ø The classification is ambiguous on this point.

Ø This is a morally ambiguous world yet he never lets us forget that the other side is worse

27. Amend – a) to slightly change the words of a document - вносить изменения

Ø The contract has now been amended.

Ø Some people want to amend the constitution.

Ø We'll need to amend the contract so that we can pay you more.

28. Analogy – a) a comparison that shows how two things are similar - аналогия

Ø She draws an analogy between life's events and a game of chance.


29. Analyse – a) to examine the details of something carefully, in order to understand or explain it - анализировать

Ø To analyse information

Ø Blood samples were analysed in the laboratory.


30. Annual - a) happening or produced once a year- ежегодный

Ø an annual meeting/report

Ø Our annual meeting has been canceled this year.

Ø The Winter Festival is an annual event at our school

b) measured over a period of one year - годовой

Ø annual rainfall

Ø He has an annual income of over $100,000

31. Anticipate – a) to expect something, or to prepare for something before it happens - предвидеть

Ø We anticipate that prices will fall next year.

Ø t was uncanny the way he could anticipate trouble


32. Apparent – a) obvious or easy to notice - очевидный, видимый

Ø It soon became apparent that she had lost interest in the project.

Ø Suddenly, for no apparent reason (= without a reason) he started screaming and shouting.

b) seeming to exist or be true - явный

Ø I was a little surprised by her apparent lack of interest.

33. Append – to ​add something to the end of a ​piece of writing - добавить,присеодинять

Ø The secretary appended a note at the end of the memo, asking people to verify reception.

Ø The director's name is appended to all official documents.

34. Appreciate – a) to understand how good something or someone is and be able to enjoy them – ценить

Ø There's no point buying him expensive wines - he doesn't appreciate them.

b) to feel grateful for something - быть признательным

Ø I'd really appreciate your help.

c) to understand something about a situation, especially that it is complicated or difficult - понимать

Ø I appreciate that it is a difficult decision for you to make.

d) to increase in value - повышаться в цене

Ø Houses and antiques generally appreciate with time.

35. Approach – a) a way of doing something - подход

Ø Liam has a different approach to the problem.

Ø We've decided to adopt/take a new approach.

b) when you speak or write to someone, often asking to buy something or offering them work – обращение


c) when something or someone gets nearer, in distance or time- - приближение

Ø the approach of winter

Ø The approach of the crisis was heralded by many signs.

d) a path or route that leads to a place – подступ

Ø A harbor seal is capable of maximum dive depths approaching 1000 feet.

36. Appropriate – a) suitable or right for a particular situation or person -

- подходящий

Ø Is this film appropriate for young children?

37. Approximate – a) not completely accurate but close - приблизительный

Ø Do you have an approximate idea of when he's arriving?

38. Arbitrary – a) not based on a system or principles and often seeming unfair -

- произвольный

Ø an arbitrary decision

Ø The assumption was arbitrary, based on no valid evidence.

Ø And the farther we go back in examining events the less arbitrary do they appear

39. Area – a) a region of a country or city - район

Ø an industrial area

Ø a mountainous area

Ø the London area

Ø This area is ten square miles, though.

Ø She avoided looking in the area where she had seen the color, and tried to look undisturbed.

b) a part of a building or piece of land used for a particular purpose -

- площадка, место

Ø a play/picnic area

c) a part of a subject or activity - область

Ø Software is not really my area of expertise.

d) the size of a flat surface calculated by multiplying its width by its length - площадь

Ø See also catchment area, no-go area

40. Aspect – a) one part of a situation, problem, subject, etc - аспект

Ø His illness affects almost every aspect of his life.

41. Assemble – a) to join other people somewhere to make a group, or to bring people together into a group - собирать(ся) (в группу)

Ø They assembled in the meeting room after lunch.

b) to build something by joining parts together- собирать (из частей)

Ø I believe that if we could assemble a number of homogeneous elements, we would obtain excellent results.

42. Assess – a) to make a judgment about the quality, size, value, etc of something - оценивать

Ø The tests are designed to assess a child's reading skills.

43. Assign – a) to give someone a particular job or responsibility - поручать

Ø UN troops were assigned the task of rebuilding the hospital.

Ø The case has been assigned to our most senior officer.

44. Assist - a) to help - помогать

Ø The army arrived to assist in the search.

Ø He's assisting the police with their investigation.

45. Assume – a) to think that something is likely to be true, although you have no proof - предполагать

Ø Everything was quiet when I got home so I assumed that you had gone out.

b) to take a position of control/power/responsibility, etc - - брать на себя управление/руководство/ответственность и т. д.

Ø He has assumed the role of spokesman for the group.

c) to pretend to have a feeling that you do not have -

притворяться, напускать на себя


d) to pretend to be someone else - принимать чужое обличье/вымышленное имя и т. д.

Ø an assumed name


46. Assure – a) to tell someone that something is certainly true, especially so that they do not worry - заверять

Ø She assured them that she would be all right.

b) to make something certain to happen - обеспечивать

Ø This loan should assure the company's future.

47. Attach – a) to join or fix one thing to another- прикреплять, присоединять

Ø She attached a photograph to her letter.

b) to think that someone or something has importance/value, etc -

- придавать значение/значимость и т. д.

Ø You attach too much importance to money.

c) to include something as part of something else - включать, прилагать

Ø There were too many conditions attached to the deal.

48. Attain – a) to achieve something, especially after a lot of work - достигать

Ø She's attained a high level of fitness.

49. Attitude – a) how you think or feel about something and how this makes you behave - отношение

Ø a positive attitude

Ø He has a very bad attitude to/towards work.

50. Attribute – a) a quality or characteristic that someone or something has

-отличительная черта

Ø Her hair is her best attribute.


51. Author – a) someone who writes a book, article, etc - автор

Ø a popular author of children's fiction

52. Authority – a) the official power to make decisions or to control other people - власть

Ø a position of authority

Ø The investigators have the authority to examine all the company's records.

Ø We need the support of someone in authority.

b) an official group or government department with power to control particular public services - власти

Ø the local housing authority

c) the quality of being confident and being able to control people - авторитет

Ø She has an air of authority.

An authority on sth

d) someone who has a lot of knowledge about a particular subject - авторитет

Ø She is an authority on seventeenth-century English literature.

53. Automate – a) to control something using machines and not people – автоматизировать

Ø A modern factory is totally automated

54. Available – a) If something is available, you can use it or get it - доступный, имеющийся в продаже

Ø This information is available free on the Internet.

Ø The new drug is not yet available to the public.


b) If someone is available, they are not busy and so are able to do something - способный уделить время

Ø No one from the company was available to comment on the accident.

55. Aware – a) be aware of/that

to know about something - сознавать

Ø Are you aware of the risks involved?

Ø She was well aware that he was married.

b) interested in and knowing a lot about a particular subject -

- осведомленный

Ø politically/socially aware

56. Behalf – a) on sb's behalf

If you do something on someone's behalf, you do it for them or instead of them - от чьего-либо имени

Ø We are campaigning on behalf of thousands of refugees.

Ø Will you accept the prize on my behalf?

57. Benefit – a) something that helps you or gives you an advantage - привилегия, преимущество

Ø I've had the benefit of a happy childhood.

b) money that the government gives to people who are ill, poor, not working, etc - пособие

Ø unemployment benefit

c) for sb's benefit

in order to help someone - ради кого-либо

Ø We bought the piano for the children's benefit.


58. Bias – a) when you support or oppose someone or something in an unfair way because you are influenced by your personal opinions - предубеждение, пристрастие

Ø a bias towards/against private education

Ø The news channel has been accused of bias in favour of the government.

59. Bond – a) an interest, experience, or feeling that makes two people feel connected - узы, связь

Ø A love of opera created a bond between them.

b) an official document from a government or company to show that you have given them money that they will pay back with a certain amount of extra money - долговое обязательство

Ø All documented contracts and loan agreements are bonds.

60. Brief – a) lasting only for a short time - краткий

Ø a brief visit

Ø There was a brief pause

Ø In her brief absence I described how Howie squirmed and twisted while sleeping.

b) using only a few words - краткий

Ø a brief description/statement

c) in brief

using only a few words - вкратце

Ø world news in brief

61. Bulk – a) in bulk

in large amounts - оптом

Ø to buy in bulk

b) the bulk of sth

the largest part or most of something - основная часть

Ø He spends the bulk of his money on rent.

c) the large size of something or someone – масса

62. Capable – a) able to do things effectively and achieve results - способный

Ø She's a very capable young woman.

b) capable of sth/doing sth

having the ability or qualities to be able to do something - способный на что-либо

Ø She was capable of great cruelty.


63. Capacity – a) the largest amount or number that a container, building, etc can hold - вместимость

Ø The restaurant has a capacity of about 200.

Ø The stadium was filled to capacity (= completely full).

b) the amount that a factory or machine can produce -


Ø The factory is operating at full capacity (= producing as much as possible).

c) the ability to do, experience, or understand something -


Ø She has a great capacity for love.

d) a position or job - должность

Ø He attended over 100 events last year in his capacity as mayor.

64. Category – a) a group of people or things of a similar type - категория

Ø Our customers fall into two main categories: retired people and housewives.

65. Cease – a) to stop - прекращать

Ø He ordered his men to cease firing.

Ø Her behaviour never ceases to amaze me.

66. Challenge – a) something that is difficult and that tests someone's ability or determination - испытание, сложная задача

Ø Finding a decision that pleases everyone is the challenge which now faces the committee.

b) an invitation to compete in a game or a fight - вызов (на состязание)

Ø I'm sure Paul will race you. He never refuses a challenge.

c) an expression of disagreement with ideas, rules, or someone's authority - постановка под сомнение, оспаривание

Ø a challenge to the authority of the President

67. Channel – a) a television or radio station (= broadcasting company) – канал


b) a long, narrow passage for water or other liquids to flow along -

- канал

Ø an irrigation channel

c) a way of communicating with people or getting something done -

- путь, источник, канал

Ø a channel of communication

d) the Channel

(also the English Channel) the narrow area of water between England and France - Ла-Манш

e) a part of a river or sea that is deep and wide enough for ships to

travel along - фарватер

Ø a navigable channel

68. Chapter – a) one of the parts that a book is divided into – глава

Ø If the story evolves into a book, the chapters will have titles.

Ø Rather than building up the connection behind the idea in the title, the ten chapters in this book dwell with secondary hypotheses whose arguments are haphazardly repeated.

b) a period of time when something happens in history or in someone's life - страница истории

Ø an interesting chapter in Spanish history

Ø They might be able to consign the civil war to a tragic chapter of history

Ø Last year marked a new chapter in the history of information security.

69. Chart – a) a drawing which shows information in a simple way, often using lines and curves to show amounts - схема, план

Ø a sales chart

Ø He dropped her chart on the table.

b) the charts

an official list of the most popular songs each week - список наиболее популярных песен


c) a map of the sea or the sky - морская или аэронавигационная карта

Ø She has explored seas and archipelagoes which had no chart, where no Cook or Vancouver had ever sailed.

70. Chemical – a) relating to chemistry or chemicals - химический

Ø a chemical reaction

Ø chemical weapons

71. Circumstances – a) facts or events that make a situation the way it is - обстоятельства

Ø I think they coped very well under the circumstances.

Ø We oppose capital punishment in/under any circumstances.

b) under no circumstances

used to say that something must never happen - ни при каких обстоятельствах

Ø Under no circumstances should you approach the man.

72. Cite – a) to mention something as an example or proof of something else - ссылаться, приводить пример

Ø The doctor cited the case of a woman who had died after taking the drug.

b) to order someone to go to court because they have done something wrong - вызывать в суд

Ø A local farmer was cited for breaking environmental standards.

73. Civil – a) relating to the ordinary people or things in a country and not to military or religious organizations - гражданский, штатский

Ø They married in a civil ceremony.

b) relating to private arguments between people and not criminal cases - гражданский

Ø a civil court

c) polite in a formal way - вежливый

Ø He and his ex-wife can't even have a civil conversation.

74. Clarify – a) to make something easier to understand by explaining it - разъяснять

Ø The law aims to clarify building regulations.

75. Classic – a) A classic book, film, etc is one that has been popular for a long time and is considered to be of a high quality - классический

Ø the classic film 'Gone with the Wind'

b) having a traditional style that is always fashionable - классический

Ø a classic black jacket

c) typical – классический

Ø Her beauty was cool and classic.

76. Clause – a) a part of a legal document - статья, пункт

Ø a clause in a contract

b) a group of words containing a subject and a verb, that is usually only part of a sentence - предложение (часть сложного предложения)

Ø The basic unit of English grammar is the clause.

77. Code – a) a set of letters, numbers, or signs that are used instead of ordinary words to keep a message secret - код, шифр

Ø It was written in code.

Ø They were trying to break (= understand) the enemy's code.

b) a set of numbers used at the beginning of all the telephone numbers in a particular area – код


c) a set of rules on how to behave or how to do things - свод правил, кодекс

Ø a code of conduct/practice

Ø The club has a strict dress code (= rules about what you wear).

78. Coherent – a) A coherent argument, plan, etc is clear, and each part of it has been carefully considered - связный, логичный, последовательный

Ø I fail to see how that provides a logical, coherent argument for the increase.

Ø Today the politics of these countries become more and more populist: appeals to public opinion rather than to reasoned concepts of coherent policy

b) understand

If someone is coherent, you can understand what they say -


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