Говорящий разборчиво, членораздельно

Ø A military source at Central Command said: ‘She was coherent and was able to give her rescuers the thumbs up.’

Ø By then, he was coherent enough to be able to listen to the twin's conversation.

79. Coincide – a) to happen at the same time as something else - совпадать

Ø The band's American tour coincided with the release of their second album.

b) When people's opinions or ideas coincide, they are the same -


Ø Our ideas coincide, except in certain areas

80. Collapse – a) When someone collapses, they fall down, usually because they are ill or weak - падать, валиться (от болезни, усталости)

Ø Tom collapsed on the floor.

b) to fall down or towards the inside, or to make a structure or object fall down or towards its inside - обваливаться, рушиться

Ø The roof collapsed under the weight of snow.

c) to fail to work or succeed - проваливаться, терпеть крах

Ø The peace talks have collapsed.

81. Colleague – a) someone that you work with - коллега, сослуживец

Ø The businessman wanted to be separated from his noisy colleague.

Ø An example of a colleague is a tutor who works at a center with other tutors.

82. Commence – a) to begin something – начинать

Ø My holidays commence at the beginning of May.

Ø It is best to commence the electrolytic thickening in a silver acetate bath.

83. Comment – a) something that you say or write that shows what you think about something - комментарий, разъяснение

Ø He made negative comments to the press.

b) no comment.

used to say that you do not want to answer someone's question - без комментариев

Ø The Deans, while making no comment on the discovery, realized this was how someone could have entered the mine and altered their markings while they were inside.

84. Commission – a) an official group of people who have been chosen to find out about something and say what they think should be done about it – комиссия

Ø He went to Italy as president of the commission, carrying to the prince at Florence the official news of his election.

b) when you arrange for someone to do a piece of work for you such as painting, writing, or making something - заказ (художнику, писателю)

Ø This was the last commission entrusted to him.

c) money given to someone when they sell something - комиссионные

Ø The staff receive 5% commission on everything that they sell.

Ø Many salesmen work on commission.

85. Commit – a) to do something that is considered wrong, or that is illegal - совершать (что-либо дурное)

Ø He was sent to prison for a crime that he didn't commit.

Ø to commit suicide/adultery

b) to make a firm decision that you will do something - принимать на себя обязательство

Ø He committed himself to helping others.

c) not commit yourself

to refuse to express an opinion about a particular subject отказываться высказывать свое мнение


d) If you commit money, time, energy, etc to something, you use it to try to achieve something - вкладывать

Ø The government has committed thousands of pounds to the research.

86. Commodity – a) a product that you can buy or sell – товар

Ø Well, time is a precious commodity and it's ticking away for both of you.

Ø By far the most important commodity is petroleum, fully one-half of the total value.

Ø I think we will see commodity prices plummet in the coming years

87. Communicate – a) to share information with others by speaking, writing, moving your body, or using other signals - общаться, сообщать, передавать

Ø We can now communicate instantly with people on the other side of the world.

b) to talk about your thoughts and feelings, and help other people to understand them - общаться

Ø He can't communicate with his parents.

88. Compatible – a) compatible equipment can be used together - совместимый

Ø This keyboard is compatible with all of our computers.

b) If people are compatible, they like each other and are happy to spend time together – совместимый

Ø Some people are very compatible with they're relashionships.

c) compatible ideas or situations can exist together - совместимый

Ø Such policies are not compatible with democratic government.

89. Compensate – a) to pay someone money because you are responsible for injuring them or damaging something - компенсировать, возмещать

Ø Victims of the crash will be compensated for their injuries.

b) to reduce the bad effect of something, or make something bad become something good - компенсировать, возмещать

Ø Nothing will ever compensate for his lost childhood.

90. Compile – a) to collect information and arrange it in a book, report, or list - компилировать, составлять

Ø His book is an interesting attempt to compile a system of anthropology from the standpoint of the Christian philosophy.

91. Complement – a) something that makes something else seem good, attractive, or complete - дополнение

Ø This wine is the perfect complement to the meal.

b) the total amount or number of something that is needed to complete a group - полный комплект, нужное количество

Ø Do we have a full complement of players for Saturday's match?

c) a word or phrase which comes after the verb and gives more information about the subject of the verb - дополнение (в грамматике)

92. Complex – a) involving a lot of different but connected parts in a way that is difficult to understand - сложный

Ø complex details/issues

Ø The situation is very complex.

93. Compound – a) a substance that is a combination of two or more elements - соединение

Ø Water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen.

b) an area of land with a group of buildings surrounded by a fence or wall - огороженная территория

Ø a prison compound

c) (compound noun/verb/adjective)

a noun, verb, or adjective that is made by two or more words used together. For example, 'golf club' is a compound - сложное слово


94. Comprehensive – a) including everything - исчерпывающий

Ø a comprehensive study of the subject

95. Comprise – a) to consist of particular parts or members - состоять из

Ø The orchestra was comprised of amateur and professional musicians.

b) to form part of something, especially a larger group – составлять

Ø Women comprise 15% of the police force.

96. Computer – a) n electronic machine that can store and arrange large amounts of information - компьютер

Ø We've put all our records on computer.

Ø computer software

97. Conceive – a) to become pregnant – забеременеть

b) to be able to imagine something - постигать

Ø I cannot conceive of anything more horrible.

c) to think of an idea or plan - задумывать

Ø The original idea for the novel was conceived in Rome.


98. Concentrate – a) to think very carefully about something you are doing and nothing else - концентрироваться

Ø Be quiet - I'm trying to concentrate.

Ø I can't concentrate on my work. It's too noisy here.

b) be concentrated around/in/on, etc

to be present in large numbers or amounts in a particular area - быть сосредоточенным вокруг/в/на и т. д.

Ø Most of the fighting was concentrated in the mountains.


99. Concept – a) an idea or principle - понятие, идея

Ø the concept of free speech

100. Conclude – a) to end something such as a meeting, speech, or piece of writing by doing or saying one last thing - заканчивать, завершать

Ø The concert concluded with a firework display.

Ø I would like to conclude by thanking you all for attending.

b) to decide something after studying all the information about it very carefully - делать вывод

Ø The report concluded that the drug was safe.

c) to complete something, especially an agreement or a business arrangement - заключать

Ø talks aimed at concluding the peace treaty


101. Concurrent – a) happening or existing at the same time - происходящий одновременно

Ø three concurrent prison sentences


102. Conduct – a) the way someone behaves - поведение

Ø a code of conduct (= rules about how to behave)

b) conduct of sth

the way someone organizes or does something - ведение чего-либо

Ø He was criticized for his conduct of the inquiry.

103. Confer – a) to discuss something with other people before making a decision - совещаться, советоваться

Ø I'll need to confer with my lawyers.

b) to give someone something, especially an official title, an honour, or an advantage - присуждать, предоставлять


104. Confine – a) to prevent someone from leaving a place or to prevent something from spreading - заключать в тюрьму, держать взаперти, удерживать от распространения

Ø He was confined to a prison cell for several days.

105. Confirm – a) to say or show that something is true - подтверждать

Ø His wife confirmed that he'd left the house at 8.

b) to make an arrangement certain - подтверждать

Ø Flights should be confirmed 48 hours before departure.

c) be confirmed

to become a member of the Christian Church at a special ceremony - быть конфирмованным


106. Conflict – a) serious disagreement - конфликт

Ø The Government was in conflict with the unions over pay.

Ø The peasants often came into conflict with the landowners.

b) fighting between groups or countries - столкновение

Ø armed conflict

c) when two or more different things cannot easily exist together - противоборство

Ø the conflict between science and religion

d) a conflict of interest

a situation where someone cannot make fair decisions because they are influenced by something - столкновение интересов


107. Conform – a) to behave in the way that most other people behave - приспосабливаться, подлаживаться

Ø I am but too ready to conform to them.

108. Consent – a) permission for someone to do something - согласие

Ø You can't come without your parents' consent.

b) by common consent

used to say that everyone agrees about something - единогласно

Ø He is, by common consent, the most talented actor in Hollywood.

109. Consequent – a) happening as a result of something - являющийся результатом, последующий

Ø the closure of the factory and the consequent loss of 400 jobs

110. Considerable – a) large or important enough to have an effect - значительный

Ø a considerable amount of money

Ø The damage has been considerable.

111. Consist – a) consist of sth

to be formed or made from two or more things - состоять из чего-либо

Ø a dessert consisting of fruit and cream

112. Constant – a) happening a lot or all the time - постоянный

Ø machines that are in constant use

b) staying at the same level - постоянный

Ø The temperature remained constant.

113. Constitute – a) to be or form something - являться, представлять собой

Ø This defeat constitutes a real setback for their championship hopes.

114. Constrain – a) to control something by limiting it - сдерживать, накладывать ограничения

Ø regulations that constrain industry

Ø I'm constrained by decisions made in the past.

115. Construct – a) to build something from several parts - строить

Ø The building was constructed in 1930.


116. Consult – a) to go to a particular person or book to get information or advice - справляться, узнавать

Ø For more information, consult your travel agent.

b) to discuss something with someone before you make a decision - советоваться

Ø Why didn't you consult me about this?

117. Consume – a) to use something such as a product, energy, or fuel - потреблять

Ø These lights don't consume much electricity.

b) to eat or drink something - съедать, выпивать


be consumed with/by sth

c) to have so much of a feeling that it affects everything you do - быть охваченным, снедаемым (чувством)

Ø a dancer consumed by ambition

d) If fire consumes something, it completely destroys it. – уничтожать


118. Contact – a) when you communicate with someone, especially by speaking to them - связь, отношения

Ø We keep in close contact with our grandparents.

Ø Jo and I are determined not to lose contact.

b) when two people or things are touching each other - контакт, прикосновение

Ø She dislikes any kind of physical contact.

Ø Wash your hands if they come into contact with chemicals.

c) someone you know who may be able to help you because of their job or position - связи, знакомства

Ø business contacts

d) (also contact lens)

a small piece of plastic that you put on your eye to make you see more clearly - контактная линза


119. Contemporary – a) of the present time - современный

Ø contemporary music

b) existing or happening at the same time as something - современный, того времени

Ø Most contemporary accounts of the event have been destroyed.

120. Context – a) all the facts, opinions, situations, etc relating to a particular thing or event - контекст

Ø This small battle is important in the context of Scottish history.

b) other words that were said or written at the same time as the word or words you are talking about - контекст

Ø Taken out of context, her remark sounded like an insult.

121. Contract – a) a legal agreement between two people or organizations, especially one that involves doing work for a particular amount of money - контракт, договор

Ø It may be created by contract, by statute or by judgment.

122. Contradict – a)If two things that are said or written about something contradict each other, they are so different that they cannot both be true - противоречить

Ø His account of the accident contradicts the official government report.

b) to say that what someone else has just said is wrong – возражать


123. Contrary – a) to the contrary

saying or showing the opposite - в противоположность

Ø She claimed she hadn't been involved, despite evidence to the contrary.

b) on the contrary

used to show that the opposite of what has just been said is true - наоборот

Ø "You're a vegetarian, aren't you?" " On the contrary, I love meat."


124. Contrast – a) an obvious difference between two people or things - контраст

Ø The contrast between their lifestyles couldn't be greater.

Ø The busy north coast of the island is in sharp contrast to the peaceful south.

b) by/in contrast

used to show that someone or something is completely different from someone or something else - в отличие, в противоположность

Ø She's quite petite, in contrast with her tall sister.

125. Contribute – a) to give something, especially money, in order to provide or achieve something together with other people - делать взнос, жертвовать (деньги)

Ø I contributed $20 towards Andrea's present.

b) to write articles for a newspaper, magazine, or book - сотрудничать (в газете, журнале)

Ø She contributes to several magazines.

126. Controversy – a) a lot of disagreement and argument about something - спор

Ø There is a lot of controversy over mobile phone towers.

127. Convene – a) to arrange a meeting, or to meet for a meeting - созывать, заседать

Ø The committee convenes three times a year.

128. Converse – a) to talk with someone – разговаривать

Ø Learning to converse fluently in another language is an exciting process.

129. Convert – a) to change the appearance, form, or purpose of something - переводить, переоборудовать

Ø The old warehouse was converted into offices.

Ø How do you convert miles into kilometres?

b) to change to a new religion, belief, etc, or to make someone do this - обращать(ся) (в другую веру)

Ø When did he convert to Islam?

130. Convince – a) to make someone believe that something is true - убеждать

Ø He tried to convince me that I needed a new car.

Ø She convinced the jury of her innocence.

b) to persuade someone to do something - уговаривать

Ø I convinced her to go to the doctor's.

131. Cooperate – a) to work together with someone in order to achieve the same aim - сотрудничать

Ø Witnesses are cooperating with detectives.

Ø Several countries are cooperating in the relief effort.

b) to help someone or do what they ask - способствовать, содействовать

Ø We can get there early as long as the children will cooperate.

132. Coordinate – a) to make different people or things work together effectively, or to organize all the different parts of an activity - координировать

Ø My manager is coordinating the new project.

133. Core – a) the most important part of a system or principle - суть, сущность

Ø core values

Ø Better health care was at the core of the senator's campaign.

b) he hard, central part of certain fruits, such as apples, which contains the seeds – сердцевина


c) the centre of a planet - ядро

Ø the Earth's core


134. Corporate – a) relating to a large company or group - корпоративный

Ø corporate finance

135. Correspond – a) to be the same or very similar - соответствовать

Ø The newspaper story does not correspond with/to what really happened.

b) to communicate with someone by writing letters – переписываться


136. Couple – a) two or a few - несколько, пара

Ø I went to New York with a couple of friends.

Ø The weather has improved over the last couple of weeks.

b) two people who are married or having a romantic relationship - пара, чета

Ø a married couple

137. Create – a) to make something happen or exist - создавать

Ø The project will create more than 500 jobs.

Ø The snow created further problems.

138. Credit – a) a way of buying something in which you arrange to pay for it at a later time - кредит

Ø We offer interest-free credit on all new cars.

Ø He bought most of the furniture on credit.

b) praise that is given to someone for something they have done - похвала, заслуга

Ø I did most of the work but Dan got all the credit!

Ø We should give her credit for her honesty.

Ø I can't take full credit for this meal - Sam helped.

c) be a credit to sb/sth

to do something that makes a person or organization proud of you - быть гордостью кого-либо/чего-либо

Ø Giorgio is a credit to his family.

d) to sb's credit

If something is to someone's credit, they deserve praise for it. - к чьей-либо чести

Ø To his credit, Bill never blamed her for the incident.

139. Criteria – a) We have specific criteria and certain limitations


140. Crucial – a) extremely important or necessary - ключевой, решающий

Ø a crucial decision/question

Ø Her work has been crucial to the project's success.

141. Culture – a) the habits, traditions, and beliefs of a country, society, or group of people - культура

Ø American/Japanese culture

Ø It's a good opportunity for children to learn about other cultures.

b) music, art, theatre, literature, etc - культура

Ø popular culture

c) the process of growing things, especially bacteria (= very small living things that can cause disease), for scientific purposes, or the bacteria produced by this process - выращивание, разведение


142. Currency – a) the units of money used in a particular country - валюта

Ø foreign currency

b) when an idea is believed or accepted by many people - распространенность

Ø This view is gaining currency within the government.

143. Cycle – a) a series of events which happen in a particular order and are often repeated - цикл

Ø the life cycle of a moth

b) a bicycle – велосипед


144. Data – a) information or facts about something - данные, факты

Ø financial data

Ø Police time will then be spent collecting together the data and providing statistics that indicate the ethnicity of those stopped.

Ø These programs are used to edit and prepare the collected data for analysis.

b) information in the form of text, numbers, or symbols that can be used by or stored in a computer – данные

Ø How do sense-data differ from other data, e.g. from those of memory or introspection?

145. Debate – a) discussion or argument about a subject - дискуссия, спор

Ø a political debate

Ø There has been a lot of public debate on the safety of food.

146. Decade – a) a period of ten years – десятилетие


147. Decline – a) when something becomes less in amount, importance, quality, or strength - понижение, падение

Ø a steady decline in sales/standards

148. Deduce – a) to decide that something is true using the available information - делать вывод

Ø From the contents of his shopping basket, I deduced that he was single.


149. Define – a) to say exactly what something means, or what someone or something is like - давать определение, устанавливать

Ø Your duties are clearly defined in the contract.

b) to show the outer edges or shape of something - очерчивать

Ø It has sharply defined edges.

150. Definite - a) certain, fixed, and not likely to change - четкий, ясный

Ø We need a definite answer by tomorrow.

b) clear and obvious - явный, видимый

Ø There has been a definite improvement in her behaviour.

151. Demonstrate – a) to show or prove that something exists or is true - демонстрировать, свидетельствовать

Ø The survey clearly demonstrates that tourism can have positive benefits.

b) to show someone how to do something, or how something works - демонстрировать, показывать

Ø She demonstrated how to use the new software.

c) to express or show that you have a feeling, quality, or ability - проявлять

Ø He has demonstrated a genuine interest in the project.

d) to march or stand with a group of people to show that you disagree with or support someone or something - участвовать в демонстрации

Ø Thousands of people gathered to demonstrate against the new proposals.

152. Denote – a) to be a sign of something - обозначать

Ø The colour red is used to denote passion or danger.

153. Deny – a) to say that something is not true, especially something that you are accused of - отрицать

Ø He never denied that he said those things.

Ø He denies murdering his father.

b) to not allow someone to have or do something отказывать в чем-либо, лишать

Ø These children are being denied access to education.

154. Depress – a) to make someone feel very unhappy, especially about the future - приводить в уныние, угнетать

Ø This place really depresses me.

b) to reduce the value or level of something, especially in business - понижать

Ø Competition between stores has depressed prices.

155. Derive – a) derive (sth) from sth

to come from or be developed from something - происходить

Ø The name derives from Latin.

b) derive comfort/pleasure, etc from sth

to get a positive feeling or advantage from someone or something - находить утешение в чем-либо/получать удовольствие от чего-либо и т. д.

Ø I derive great pleasure from gardening.

156. Design – a) the way in which something is planned and made - проект, конструкция

Ø There was a fault in the design of the aircraft.

b) a drawing which shows how an object, machine, or building will be made - чертеж

Ø Engineers are working on the new designs.

c) a pattern or decoration – узор


d) the process of making drawings to show how something will be made - дизайн

Ø a course in art and design

157. Despite – a) used to say that something happened or is true, although something else makes this seem not probable - несмотря на

Ø I'm still pleased with the house despite all the problems we've had.

Ø He managed to eat lunch despite having had an enormous breakfast.

b) despite yourself

If you do something despite yourself, you do it although you did not intend to. - вопреки самому себе

Ø And there's some funny business, although you might occasionally laugh despite yourself.

Ø One of the things that happens when you are in power for a long time is that, despite yourself, you become the status quo.


158. Detect – a) to discover or notice something, especially something that is difficult to see, hear, smell, etc - замечать, обнаруживать

Ø This special camera can detect bodies by their heat.


159. Deviate – a) to do something in a different way from what is usual or expected - отклоняться

Ø The aircraft deviated from its original flight plan.

160. Device - a) a piece of equipment that is used for a particular purpose - устройство, приспособление

Ø A pager is a small, electronic device for sending messages.

161. Devotedevote sth to sb/sth

a) to use time, energy, etc for a particular purpose - посвящать

Ø She devotes most of her free time to charity work.

b) to use a space or area for a particular purpose - посвящать, отводить

Ø Most of the magazine was devoted to coverage of the royal wedding.

162. Differentiate – a) to understand or notice how two things or people are different from each other - отличать, различать

Ø He can't differentiate between blue and green.

b) to make someone or something different - устанавливать различие, разграничивать

Ø We need to differentiate ourselves from the competition.

163. Dimension – a) a particular part of a situation, especially something that affects how you think or feel - измерение, аспект

Ø Music has added a new dimension to my life.

b) a measurement of the length, width, or height of something – размер



164. Diminish – a) to become less, or to make something become less - уменьшать(ся), ослабевать

Ø Your pain should diminish gradually after taking these tablets.

165. Discrete – a) separate and different - отдельный, различный

Ø a word that has two discrete meanings


166. Discriminate – a) to treat someone unfairly because of their sex, race, religion, etc - дискриминировать, быть настроенным против кого-либо

Ø The company was accused of discriminating against people on the basis of age.

b) to notice a difference between two things - различать

Ø Police dogs are very good at discriminating between different smells.

167. Displace – a) to take the place of someone or something - вытеснять, заменять

Ø Many of these workers will be displaced by modern technology.

b) to make someone or something leave their usual place or position - срывать с места

Ø The earthquake displaced thousands of people.

168. Display – a) a collection of objects or pictures arranged for people to look at - выставка, показ

Ø a display of children's paintings

b) on display

If something is on display, it is there for people to look at. - быть выставленным для показа

Ø Many old aircraft are on display at the museum.

c) a performance or show for people to watch - показ, демонстрация

Ø a firework display

d) when something is shown electronically such as on a computer screen - дисплей

Ø The display problems might be due to a shortage of disk space.

169. Dispose – a) dispose of sth

to get rid of something, especially by throwing it away - избавляться от чего-либо

Ø A capital gain is the profit arising to a person when he sells, or disposes of, an asset which he owns.

Ø In the absence of clear evidence that a spouse intends to sell or dispose of an asset or will be forced to do so, a court should not grant a deduction for notional sale or disposition costs.

Ø People now have substantial assets to dispose of after their death

170. Distinct – a) different and separate - различный, разный

Ø This word has three distinct meanings.

b) easy to hear, see, or smell - отчетливый

Ø The voices gradually became louder and more distinct.

c) clear and certain - явный

Ø There's been a distinct improvement in your work.

171. Distort – a) to change the shape, sound, or appearance of something so that it seems strange - искажать

Ø It's a bad recording - the microphone distorted our voices.

b) to change information so that it is not true or realistic - искажать

Ø Newspapers distorted the truth about their marriage.

172. Distribute – a) to give something out to people or places - раздавать, распределять

Ø The books will be distributed free to local schools.

b) to supply goods to shops and companies - поставлять (товары)

Ø The company manufactures and distributes computer equipment worldwide.

173. Diverse – a) including many different types - разнообразный

Ø a diverse collection of music


174. Document –a) a piece of paper with official information on it - документ

Ø Please sign and return the insurance documents enclosed.

b) a piece of text produced electronically on a computer - документ

Ø How do I create a new document?

175. Domain – a) a particular area, activity, or subject that someone controls or deals with - область, сфера, владение

Ø The garden is his domain.

Ø This information should bein the public domain (= known by the public).

176. Domestic – a) relating to the home and family relationships - домашний, семейный

Ø domestic violence

Ø What are his domestic arrangements?

b) inside one country and not international - внутренний

Ø a domestic flight

c) A domestic animal is kept as a pet. – домашний


177. Dominate – a) to control or have power over someone or something - доминировать, господствовать

Ø The US continues to dominate the world politically.

b) to be the largest, most important, or most noticeable part of something - возвышаться, занимать господствующее положение

Ø The cathedral dominates the skyline.

178. Draft – a) a piece of writing or a plan that is not yet in its finished form - проект, набросок, черновик

Ø He made several changes to the first draft.

Ø Since a job description for this office could not be found, I generated a preliminary draft of such a document.


b) the draft US

when people are told that they must join the armed forces - призыв (в армию)

Ø In the mid-1970s the U.S. abandoned the draft and recruited an all-volunteer professional military.

Ø Furthermore, even volunteer recruits, many entering because of the draft, received the same low salaries as draftees.

c) US spelling of draught (= a current of cold air in a room) – сквозняк


Ø Heavy curtains at the windows cut out draughts

Ø He offered her a small wave, then left, shutting the door so quickly that it blew a draught across the room.



179. Drama – a) a play in a theatre or on television or radio - драма, пьеса

Ø a historical drama

b) plays and acting generally - драматургия

Ø modern drama

c) when something exciting happens - драматическое событие

Ø There was a lot of drama in the courtroom.

180. Duration –a) the amount of time that something lasts - протяжение, продолжительность

Ø The singer remained in the hotel for the duration of his stay in the UK.


181. Dynamic – a) full of ideas, energy, and enthusiasm - динамичный, энергичный

Ø a dynamic, young teacher

Ø dynamic leadership

b) continuously changing or moving - динамичный

Ø a dynamic economy

c) A dynamic force makes something move. – динамический


182. Economy – a) the system by which a country produces and uses goods and money - экономика

Ø the German/US economy

Ø a global economy

b) when someone or something does not use much money, fuel, etc - экономия

Ø The car's design combines comfort with economy.

Ø UK We'll need to make some economies when I stop work.

183. Edit – a) to prepare text, film, etc by deciding what to include and making mistakes correct – редактировать


184. Element – a) a part of something - элемент, составная часть

Ø This book has all the elements of a good detective story.

b) an element of sth

a small amount of an emotion or quality - доля, небольшое количество

Ø There's an element of truth in what she says.

c) a group of people of a particular type - слой, группа (людей)

Ø The disruptive element on the committee voted against the proposal.

d) a simple substance which cannot be reduced to smaller chemical parts - элемент

Ø Iron is one of the elements of the Earth's crust.

185. Eliminate – a) to remove something from something, or get rid of something - устранять, исключать

Ø The doctor advised me to eliminate salt from my diet.

b) to defeat someone so that they cannot go any further in a competition - выбывать (из соревнований)

Ø She was eliminated after the first round of the tournament.

186. Emerge – a) to appear from somewhere or come out of somewhere - появляться, возникать

Ø A figure emerged from the shadows.

b) to become known - выясняться

Ø It emerged that she had lied to her employers.

c) to reach the end of a difficult situation - выходить, выбираться

Ø They emerged victorious from the fight.

187. Emphasis – a) particular importance or attention that you give to something - особое внимание

Ø Schools are starting to place/put greater emphasis on passing exams.

b) the extra force that you give to a word or part of a word when you are saying it - ударение

Ø The emphasis is on the final syllable.

188. Empirical – a) based on experience or scientific experiments and not only on ideas - эмпирический, основанный на опыте

Ø empirical evidence

189. Enable – a) to make someone able to do something, or to make something possible - давать возможность, делать возможным

Ø This money has enabled me to buy a new computer.

190. Encounter – a) to experience something unpleasant - наталкиваться (на трудности)

Ø We encounter ed quite a few problems at the beginning.

b) to meet someone, especially when you do not expect it - (неожиданно) встретить


191. Energy – a) to appear from somewhere or come out of somewhere- появляться, возникать

Ø A figure emerged from the shadows.

b) to become known - выясняться

Ø It emerged that she had lied to her employers.

c) to reach the end of a difficult situation - выходить, выбираться

Ø They emerged victorious from the fight.

192. Enforce – a) to make people obey a rule or law - обеспечивать соблюдение

Ø It is the duty of the police to enforce the law.

b) to make a particular situation happen, or to make people accept it - добиваться, принуждать

Ø The new teacher failed to enforce discipline.

193. Enhance – a) to improve something - улучшать, усиливать

Ø Winning that award greatly enhanced her reputation.

194. Enormous – a) extremely large - огромный

Ø This living room is enormous.

195. Ensure – a) to make certain that something is done or happens - обеспечивать, убеждаться

Ø Please ensure that all examination papers have your name at the top.

196. Entity – a) something which exists apart from other things - нечто объективно существующее, объект

Ø They want the area recognized as a separate political entity.


197. Environment – a) the environment

the air, land, and water where people, animals, and plants live - окружающая среда

Ø The new road may cause damage to the environment.

b) the situation that you live or work in, and how it influences how you feel - обстановка, атмосфера

Ø We are working in a very competitive environment.

198. Equate – a) to consider one thing to be the same as or equal to another thing - приравнивать

Ø Many people equate wealth with happiness.


199. Equip – a) be equipped with sth

to include the things that are needed for a particular purpose - быть оборудованным чем-либо

Ø The new trains are equipped with all the latest technology.

b) to give someone the skills they need to do a particular thing - вооружать знаниями

Ø The course didn't really equip me to be a journalist.

200. Equivalent - a) equal in amount, value, importance, or meaning - равноценный, соответствующий

Ø The UK's Brit Awards are roughly equivalent to the Oscars.

201. Erode – a) If soil, stone, etc erodes or is eroded, it is gradually damaged and removed by the sea, rain, or wind. - разъедать, размывать

Ø The coastline is slowly being eroded by the sea.

b) to gradually destroy a good quality or situation - подрывать, портить

Ø Reports of corruption have eroded people's confidence in the police.

202. Error – a) a mistake, especially one that can cause problems - ошибка

Ø a computer error/ human error

Ø to make an error

Ø The documents were destroyed in error (= by mistake) by the police.

203. Establish – a) to start a company or organization that will continue for a long time - основывать

Ø The brewery was established in 1822.

b) establish sb/sth as sth

to put someone or something into a successful and lasting position- утвердиться в качестве кого-либо, создать себе репутацию

Ø He quickly established himself as a talented actor.

c) establish communication/relations, etc

to start having a relationship or communicating with another company, country, or organization - устанавливать связь/отношения и т. д.

Ø The two countries have only recently established diplomatic relations.

d) to decide something - определять, устанавливать

Ø Our first step must be to establish priorities for the weeks ahead.

204. Estate – a) a large area of land in the countryside that is owned by one person or organization - поместье

Ø a country estate

b) an area with a lot of buildings of the same type - участок, территория

Ø an industrial estate

c) the possessions and money that someone owns when they die- имущество, состояние

Ø housing estate, real estate

205. Estimate – a) a guess of what a size, value, amount, etc might be- оценка

Ø a rough estimate

b) a written document saying how much it will probably cost to do a job- смета

Ø Can you give me an estimate for the work?


206. Ethic – a) a belief or idea that influences the way you think or behave - этика, мораль



207. Ethnic – a) relating to a particular race of people - этнический

Ø ethnic minorities


208. Evaluate – a) to consider or study something carefully and decide how good or bad it is - оценивать, определять (качество, количество и т. д.)


209. Eventual – a) happening or existing at the end of a process or period of time- конечный, итоговый

Ø the eventual winner of the competition

210. Evident – a) obvious to everyone and easy to see or understand - очевидный, явный

Ø It was evident from his voice that he was upset.

211. Evolve – a) to develop from other forms of life over millions of years - развиваться, эволюционировать


b) to develop or make something develop, usually gradually - развивать(ся)

Ø rapidly evolving technology



212. Exceed – a) to be more than a particular number or amount - превышать

Ø Sales have exceeded $1 million so far this year.

b) exceed the speed limit

to drive faster than you are allowed to according to the law - превышать скорость


213. Exclude – a) to not allow someone or something to take part in an activity or enter a place - не допускать

Ø Women are still excluded from the club.

b) to intentionally not include something - не включать

Ø The insurance cover excludes particular medical conditions.

c) to decide that something is certainly not true or possible - исключать

Ø We can't exclude the possibility that he is dead.

214. Exhibit – a) to show objects such as paintings to the public - выставлять, экспонировать

Ø She's exhibiting her roses at the local flower show.

b) to show a feeling, quality, or ability - проявлять, показывать

Ø The crew exhibited great courage when the plane crashed.

215. Expand – a) to increase in size or amount, or to make something i


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