Третий блок. Максимальное количество баллов за задание -5.

11. Прочитай записку, посмотри на картинку и ответь правильно на вопрос:

In what house does Sam live?

Hi, friend!

So, you are at the king’s palace. Go out and turn right, then go straight

to the trees and turn left. Go down the street to the house. Turn right.

Go straight to the end of the street. My house is on the left.

See you soon, Sam
А) house A Б) house B В) house C

Г) house D Д) house E

12. Вставь в каждое предложение глагол в соответствующей форме:

1) We _________________ to school every day. a) walked

2) We _______________ to school last Monday. б) are walking

3) We _____________ to school at the moment. в) are going to walk

4) We _________________ to school tomorrow. г) walk

5) Our car is broken, so we _________ to school. д) will walk

А) 1г, 2а, 3б, 4в, 5д Б) 1г, 2б, 3в, 4д, 5а В) 1в, 2б, 3а, 4д, 5г Г) 1г, 2б, 3а, 4д, 5в Д) 1д, 2б, 3а, 4в, 5г


13. Выбери правильные формы слов, пропущенных в тексте:

This is class 4A. John is ______________ boy in class, and Tom is _______________. Polly is a ______________ student than Jane. Jane’s schoolbag is _________________ in class.

А) taller, funnier, best, expensiver Б) The tallest, the most funny, better, the most expensive

В) the most tall, the most funny, more good, the expensivest Г) tallest, most funny, best, more expensive Д) the tallest, the funniest, better, the most expensive

14. Соотнеси слово и картинку:

1) a tent а) б) в)

2) a flashlight

3) matches

4) a map

5) an axe г) д)

А) 1д, 2г, 3в, 4б, 5а Б) 1в, 2г, 3а, 4д, 5б

В) 1д, 2а, 3б, 4в, 5г Г) 1а, 2д, 3б, 4г, 5в

Д) 1а, 2г, 3б, 4в, 5д

15. Какой из этих городов находится НЕ в Великобритании?

А) Edinburg Б) Chicago В) Liverpool Г) London Д) Manchester

16. Соотнеси вопросительные слова, с которых мог бы начинаться вопрос, с возможными ответами на эти вопросы:

1) Why … a) At half past seven

2) How… б) My aunt

3) What time… в) Because it was late

4) Whose… г) Dan’s

5) Who… д) By car

А) 1в, 2а, 3д, 4б, 5г Б) 1д, 2г, 3б, 4в, 5а В) 1в, 2д, 3а, 4г, 5б Г) 1б, 2д, 3г, 4а, 5в Д) 1д, 2г, 3а, 4в, 5б

17. Соотнеси предложения и пропущенные в них слова:

1) My computer monitor has a big _____________. a) mouse

2) Click the left __________button to open the file. б) keyboard

3) Type your name on the ___________________. в) social network

4) Facebook is a popular ____________________. г) screen

5) Save the document to your ________________. д) hard drive

А) 1г, 2а, 3б, 4в, 5д Б) 1г, 2б, 3в, 4д, 5а В) 1в, 2б, 3а, 4д, 5г Г) 1г, 2б, 3а, 4д, 5в Д) 1д, 2б, 3а, 4в, 5г

18. Поставь фразы в правильном порядке, чтобы получился связный рассказ.

1) Finally, he starts building his own car! He tells his parents about it. His father doesn't believe him. He says it's too difficult. His mother says she is worried. She doesn't want him to do anything dangerous. After two months, Kevin invites his parents to see his creation.

2) Kevin likes cars. He reads about cars in magazines and he watches shows about cars on TV. His head is full of cars!
He tells his parents, "Please, please, please, could you buy me a car?"

3) His parents are surprised! It is beautiful! It is red! It is shiny! It is a big toy sports car! Kevin can sit inside it and drive! Kevin's parents are very happy and proud. Kevin's dad says: "I was sure you can do it!" Kevin's mom says: "I was sure it was not dangerous!" Kevin smiles and drives away.

4) He decides to build one! He buys books and reads about the subject. He hangs around at the garage and watches the mechanics fix the cars. It is very interesting for him and he has a lot of fun.

5) "No," says Kevin's mom, "You are too young to drive a car. This is dangerous." "No," says Kevin's dad, "A car is very expensive. We can't buy you a car now." Kevin is very sad. He wants a car. He wants a fast red sports car!

А) 3, 1, 5, 4, 2 Б) 5, 2, 1, 4, 3 В) 3, 4, 2, 5, 1 Г) 1, 4, 2, 3, 5 Д) 2, 5, 4, 1, 3

19. Выбери подходящее название к тексту из задания № 18.

А) Bad parents. Б) Cars are dangerous. В) Cars are not for children!

Г) I can build a car! Д) All sports cars are red.

20. Выбери верное утверждение по тексту из задания № 18.

А) Kevin built a real car Б) The parents buy a car for Kevin В) Kevin built a black sports car

Г) Kevin’s parents like the car that he built Д) Kevin’s dad is worried that the car is dangerous

Ответы на задания 21 – 25 записывай по-английски одним словом, не используя артикли!

Посмотри на изображения и собери слова из букв.





24. Как называется закрашенная часть Великобритании? Ответ пиши по-английски.

25. О чем идет речь? Запиши ответ по-английски: It is a month between December and February.


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