Task 5. Translate the following words and word combinations into English.




Task 1. Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian.

1. kidnapping - pohischenie liudey s tseliu polucheniya vikupa

2. mayhem - nanesenie uvechia

3. Juvenile delinquent - maloletniy prestupnik

4. accessory - souchastnik

5. involuntary manslaughter – neumishlennoe ubiystvo

6. blackmail - shantazh

7. bigamy - dvubrachie, bigamiya

8. to foil a robbery - pomeshat ogrableniyu

9. to jump bail - bezhat ot pravosudia

10. subpoena - vizov v sud, povestka o yavke v sud

11. majority verdict – verdict, vinesenniy resheniem bolshinstva prisiaznih

12. Acquittal - opravdanie

13. Community service - obschestvennie raboty (vid nakazania)

14. Indictment - ofitsialnoe obvinenie

15. Count - punkt obvineniya

16. to pack a piece

17. to plead not-guilty - priznat sebia nevinovnim

18. Behind bars - za reshetkoi

19. Embezzlement - rastrata, hischenie

20. Legal eagle – umniy advocat


Task 2. Insert the necessary prepositions. Translate the phrases into Russian.

1. to grass on smb – donosit v politsiyu na kogo-to 2. assault on smb – napadenie, iznasilovanie 3. sued for diverce – podat na razvod
4. to break out of jail – sbezhat s tiurmi 5. to keep an eye on smb – nabliudat za kem-to 6. take … a good look
7. to be convicted of smth – bit osuzdionnim za 8. to plead guilty of some charges – priznat sebia vinovnim po nekotorim obvineniam 9. to release on bail – otpustit pod zalog
10. to break into a house – proniknut v dom 11. homicide in the line of duty – ubiystvo pri ispolnenii sluzhebnih obiazannostey 12. to be at law – sobliudat zakon
13. to stand trial on charges of smth – predstat pered sudom po obvineniyu v 14. to indict smb for smth – predyavliat of its obvinenie v chem.-to 15. to blame smth on smb - vozlozhit vinu na kogo-to za chto-to
16. to arraign smb on charges of – priblekat kogo-to k sudu po obvineniyu v chem.-libo 17. to charge smb with smth – obvinit kogo-to v chem..-to 18. party to a suit – odna iz storon v sudebnom razbiratelstve
19. to put smb on probation – naznachit ispitatelniy srok 20. to sentence smb to smth – bit prigovorennim k chemu-to  


Task 3. Translate the following words and expressions into English. Find synonyms to them.

1. рецидивист (2) Repeated criminal 2. арестовывать (2) To arrest To seize To take into custody 3. допрашивать свидетелей (2) To interrogate witnesses To question witnesses
4. смягчающие обстоятельства (2) Extenuating circumstances Mitigating circumstances   5. предумышленное убийство (2) Premeditated murder High-degree murder   6. преступник (4) Law breaker Culprit Convict Criminal
7. ответчик (2) defendant   8. смягчить наказание (2) To commute a sentence To lessen a sentence 9. мягкий приговор (2) Light sentence Lenient sentence
10. уголовное преступление (2) Criminal offence Public wrong 11. адвокат (2) Lower Attorney Solicitor Barrister 12. соблюдать закон (2) To obey law To abide law
13. уклонение от уплаты налогов незаконными методами (2) money laundering tax evasion cheating 14. эвтаназия (2) mercy killing euthanasia lethal injection 15. кража (4) Robbery Larceny Theft Burglary
16. мелкая кража (2) Shoplifting Misdemeanor 17. отбывать срок наказания (2) To serve a term To do time 18. вооруженное нападение (2) Armed attack armed hold-up    
19. свидетельские показания (2) Testimony Evidence 20. смертная казнь (2) Death sentence Death punishment Capital punishment  


Task 4. Give definitions to the following words and word combinations.

1. Majority verdict - when decision is taken by more than a half of a jury.

2. Burglary blackspot

3. Have-a-go hero - a person who does something special and brave. For example, who foils a robbery.

4. Litigant - a party of the law case.

5. Drive-by - an attack when offenders usually do not leave their car and commit a crime within it.

6. Allegation - an affirmation (usually which is not proven)

7. Plea bargaining - negotiations between prosecutor and a law breaker about a bargain (usually pleading guilty)

8. Aggravating circumstances - evidence or testimony that makes a crime more severe.

9. Hung jury

10. To catch smb red-handed – to have an unanswerable evidence of guilty of a suspect.

11. Libel - a slander (usually in a written form) that will do harm to the person or organization about which this slander was written.

12. Medical malpractice - a doctor’s fault that can lead to the death of the patient usually caused by its negligence.

13. Long firm - a company that is set with the purpose of the fraud.

14. Identity theft - to pretend to be another person using his name.

15. haul


Task 5. Translate the following words and word combinations into English.

1. оправдывать – to clear, to acquit 2. кража со взломом – burglary 3. нанесение увечий - mayhem
4. заключенный – convict, prisoner 5. стукач – grass 6. уйти ни с чем – to go away empty-handed
7. вымогательство – extortion 8. убийство при исполнении служебных обязанностей - homicide in the line of duty 9. тяжкое уголовное преступление – felony
10. шпионаж – espionage 11. прокурор – prosecutor, attorney 12. сторона в суд. Процессе – party to a suit
13. малолетний преступник – juvenile delinquent 14. повестка в суд – subpoena 15. присяжные – jury
16. растрата, хищение –embezzlement 17. залог – bail 18. соучастник (2) – accomplice, accessory
19. контрабанда – smuggling 20. выписать ордер на обыск – to serve a warrant on smb 21. вымогательство – extortion
22. истец – plaintiff 23. председательствующий судья – presiding judge 24. жулик, мошенник – swindler
25. проводить перекрестный допрос – to cross-examine 26. условное досрочное освобождение – parole 27. отменить приговор – to reverse the verdict
28. пожизненное заключение – life imprisonment 29. общественные работы – community service 30. расстрел – shooting
31.удовлетворить апелляционную жалобу – to uphold an appeal 32. помиловать – to grant a pardon 33. карманная кража – pickpocketing
34. угон автомобиля – carjacking 35. совершать акт вандализма – to vandalize, to commit the act of vandalism  



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