График выполнения и сдачи заданий


Месяцы февраль март апрель май
Дни 16.02 23.02 29.02 07.03 14.03 21.03 28.03 04.04 11.04 18.04 25.04 02.05 09.05 16.05 23.05
Недели Задание                              
Сдача лабораторного задания                              
Задания СРСП * * * *   *   *   *   * * * * * * * *
Эссе/глоссарий                       *   *  
Презентация/кейс-стади             *                
Реферат/ доклад         *                    
Интерактивные задания     *             *          
Составление слайдов                              
Рубежный контроль               *             *
Оценка в процентах                              

Список литературы и WEB сайтов

7.1 Основная:

1 Теоретическая фонетика английского языка: Учеб. Для студентов высш. Учеб. Заведений. 3 еизд., стереотип. / М.А. Соколова, К.П. Гинтовт, И.С. Тихонова и др. – М. Гуманитарный издательский центр ВЛАДОС, 2004.

2 Леонтьева, С.Ф.Теоретическая фонетика современного английского языка: учеб. Для пед. Вузов и университетов. – 3-е изд., испр. И доп. / с.ф. леонтьева. – м. Издательство «менеджер», 2004.

3 Практическая фонетика английского языка: Учеб. Для студентов высш. Учеб. Заведений., М. А. Соколова, К.П. Гинтовт, Л.А. Кантер и др. – М.: Гуманитарный издательский центр ВЛАДОС, 2008. – 382 с.

4 Английский без акцента. Скуланова А.Ю. М.: Эксмо, 2011. – 176 с.

5 Блох, М.Я. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка. A Course in Theoretical English Grammar: учебник, - М.: Высшая школа, 1983., - 383 с.

6 Прибыток И.И., Лекции по теоретической грамматике английского языка, Саратов: Науч. Книга, 2006., - 408 с.

7 М.Я. Блох, Т.Н. Семенова, С.В. Тимофеева Практикум по грамматике английского языка. Theoretical English Grammar: Seminars: учебное пособие,. – М.: Высшая школа, 2010., – 471 с.

8 Худяков А.А., Шевцова Г.В. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка (3-е изд., стер.) Ak учеб. Пособие/– 2009., 256 с.

9 Иванова И.П., Бурлакова В.В., Почепцов Г.Г., Теоретическая грамматика современного английского языка. М.: Высшая школа, 2001., - 285 с.

10 Хаймович Б.С., Роговская Б.И., Теоретическая грамматика английского языка (на англ.яз.), М.:Высшая школа, 2005. – 298 с.

11 Теоретическая грамматика английского языка: учебное пособие для вузов / А.А. Худяков.- 3-е изд., стер.- М.: Академия, 2010.- 256 с.-
12 Теориялық грамматика [Мәтін]: лекция мәтіні / Т.А. Ибрагимова, А.Т. Сакеева.- Шымкент, 2010.- 112б.
13 Сборник заданий по теоретической грамматике. Морфология. Синтаксис [Текст]: учебное пособие для вузов / Л.И. Гришаева.- Воронеж, 2004.- 136 с.
14 Английская грамматика: предложение и слово [Текст] / Л.М. Ковалева.- Иркутск, 2008.- 397 с.
15 Теоретическая фонетика современного английского языка [Текст]=А THEORETICАL COURSE OF ENGLISH PHONETICS: учеб.для студ. Пед. Вузов и ун-тов/С.Ф. Леонтьева.-3- изд., испр., дополн. - М.: Менеджер, 2004.-336 с. (на CD)
16 Теоретическая фонетика английского языка: Учеб. Для студентов высш. Учеб. Заведений. 3-е изд., стереотип. / М.А. Соколова, К.П. Гинтовт, И.С. Тихонова и др. – М. Гуманитарный издательский центр ВЛАДОС, 2004.
17 Практическая фонетика английского языка: Учеб. Для студентов высш. Учеб. Заведений., М. А. Соколова, К.П. Гинтовт, Л.А. Кантер и др. – М.: Гуманитарный издательский центр ВЛАДОС, 2008. – 382 с. (кафедра)
18 Ағылшын тілінің функционалды грамматикасы [Мәтін] / Ф.А. Какжанова.- Алматы: Эверо, 2014.- 404б

7.2 Дополнительная:

19 Практикалық грамматика [Мәтін]: оқу құралы / А.Х. Өтебаева, Р.К. Өтешова.- 2-ші бас.- Астана: Фолиант, 2012.- 172 б.
20 Ағылшын тілінің практикалық грамматикасы [Мәтін]: оқу құралы / И.А. Баймұратова.- Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2012.- 332 б.
21 Лексикология и фразеология современного английского языка [Текст]: учебное пособие для вузов / Е.В. Иванова = Lexicology and Phraseology of Modern English.- СПб.: Академия, 2011.- 352 с.- (Высшее профессиональное образование).
22 Иностранный язык для академических целей [Текст]: учебно-методическое пособие / Г.Н. Акбаева [и др.].- Алматы: Эверо, 2014.- 152с
23 Elementary Language Practice [Текст]: Englesh Grammar and Vocabulary / Michael Vince.- 3rd edition.- Macmillan, 2010.- 295p
24 Macmillan English Grammar in Context [Текст]: Essential with key / Simon Clarke.- Macmillan, 2008.- 232p.
25 Englіsh grammar. Syntax. part I [Текст]: учебное пособие / А.К. Дилдабекова; Д.А. Муталиева, А.Т. Сакеева.- Шымкент, 2010.- 80с
26 Englіsh grammar. Syntax. part II [Текст]: учебное пособие / А.К. Дилдабекова; Д.А. Муталиева, А.Т. Сакеева.- Шымкент, 2010.- 80с
27 English grammar practice: focus on conditionals [Текст]: учебное пособие / Л.В. Голикова.- Шымкент, 2010.- 86с
28 Практическая грамматика английского языка [Мәтін] / А.Т. Қонарбаева, А.С. Асанова.- Шымкент, 2010.- 86с
29 Basics of English Phonrtics.Основы фонетики английского языка: Учебное пособие/ Л.П. Бондаренко, В.Л. Завьялова, М.О. Пивоварова, С.М. Соболева.- М.: Флинта: Наука, 2009.- С. 152 с. (на CD)
30 Ағылшын тілі грамматикасы [Мәтін]: жаттығулар жинағы / Н.Т. Барысова, П.А. Еспенбетова.- Шымкент, 2010.- 80б
31 Практическая фонетика английского языка. Для продвинутого обучения. Е.Б.Карневская, Е.А. Мисуно, Л.Д. Раковская. М: Эксмо, 2009. – 416с.+1 CD (на CD)
32 Практикум по грамматике английского языка [Электронный ресурс] / Ж.А. Кагазбаев [и др.]; Инновационно-технологический центр.- Караганда, 2007.- 1 o=эл. опт. диск (CD-ROM).
33 Superbook. Английская грамматика по шуткам и карикатурам [Текст+CD-R] / А.П. Герасименко.- М.: КНОРУС, 2008.- 118+CD-ROM.

7.3 WEB сайты:

1. Блох, М. Я. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка [Текст]: учеб. для студентов ин-тов и фак. иностр. яз. / М. Я. Блох. – Режим доступа:


2. Иванова, И. П. Теоретическая грамматика современного английского [Текст] / И. П. Иванова, В. В. Бурлакова, Г. Г. Почепцов – Режим доступа:


3. Лекции по теоретической грамматике. – Режим доступа: https://referatw.ru/cgi-bin/main.cgi?level=4&p1=21&p2=8&p3=17128

4. An interactive on-line reference Grammar. – Режим доступа: https://www.alphadictionary.com/rusgrammar/index.html

5. Grammars and other books on the English language. – Режим доступа: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/internet-grammar/root/reading.htm

6. Hasselgård, H. Glossary of grammatical terms used in English Grammar: Theory and Use [Text] / by H. Hasselgård, S. Johansson, P. Lysvåg. – Режим доступа: https://folk.uio.no/hhasselg/terms.html

7. How language works. – Режим доступа: https://www.iub.edu/~hlw/Sentences/intro.html

8. Wikipedia,, the free encyclopedia. – Режим доступа: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grammar

  1. https://sites.google.com/site/theoreticalphonetics20132014/home Вики курса «Theoretical Phonetics»
  2. https://ead.univ-angers.fr/~menan/cerel/english/phonetics/english_phonetics.htm
  3. https://www.linguistics.ucla.edu/people/ladefoge/
  4. https://faculty.washington.edu/dillon/PhonResources/
  5. https://alnazarenko.wikispaces.com/


Вопросы рубежного контроля


Рубежный контроль

Сomment on the following theoretical issues:

The phonetic system of a language. The connection of phonetics with other branches of linguistics and non-linguistic sciences.

The branches of phonetics.

Principles of classification of speech sounds. The articulatory classification of English consonants.

The articulatory classification of English vowels.

Articulation basis. Differences in the articulation bases of English and Russian.

Phonetic interference.

The notion of the phoneme and its allophones, their correlation.

The phoneme: its definition, aspects and functions.

The history of the phoneme theory. Different views on the nature of the phoneme and its definition.

Methods of phonological analysis. The phonemic status of sounds of a complex nature.

Modifications of phonemes in speech (types of variation, causes of allophonic vairiation).

Reducion, accommodation, assimilation, elision.

Sound interchange, its causes and types.

Types of transcription.

The orthoepic norm. National pronunciation variation of English.

English Received Pronunciation (RP). Pronunciation types of British English.

American English pronunciation. The principal differences between RP and GA.

Phonetic styles and the styles of speech.

Spell the sounds:


2. beiz

3. ‘ba: θrum

4. saiz

5. θi:m

6. sauθ

7. ‘fo:ka:st

8. ‘pjuә

9. ‘feәлю

10. ‘mә:t∫әnt

Sound the words:

1. asleep

2. economy

3. birthday

4. former

5. city

6. divide

7. driver

8. rule

9. church

10. more

Read the following words and comment on their pronunciation:

A). В, К, C, D, go, be, he, me, she, we, by, my, spy, try, fly, dry, cry, shy, pry, lo, no, so, Q, P, Z, V, T.

Aid, hail, claim, chain, waist, raise, bay, day, play, pray, stay, pay, sea, tea, beach, feast, breathe, free, tree, feed, beech, sleeve, freeze, die, lie, died, tried, bye, dyed, boat, cloak, foe, sloe, toe, pie, tie, cease, ceiling, week, sweep, dial, phial, bias.

Bake, pale, take, pane, tape, eke, eve, cede, globe, Crete, Swede, lime, mine, mite, side, size, style, hole, home, robe, rape, vote, yoke, duke, dupe, fume, mule, tube, tune.

Cede, seed, lone, loan, bike, bake, Jane, jade, baize, bays, lace, lake, beach, beech, mice, Mike, die, dye, cage, gage, vague, plague, guide, lie, lye, yale, due.

Fatal, vacant, raven, agent, bacon, typist, evil, famous, final, silent, pilot, tyrant, total, open, moment, human, student, pupil, music, cubic, client.

B) Pad, pat, bad, bat, fan, fat, van, vat, cell, tent, dell, den, keg, get, yet, yelp. Kid, kiss, grin, wig, wit, Lynn, Pym, Sod, sop, mod, moss, nod, hot, rod, yon, F, L, M. Nun, nut, hug, hut, ruff, buzz, gulf.

Sac, sack, lac, lack, lacks, lax, tacks, tax, links, lynx, sticks, Styx, cell, sell, cent, sent, hiss, his, lacks, bags, bets, beds, cups, cubs, pence, pens, phlox, flocks, fizz, phiz, fill, Phil, batch, badge, rich, ridge; bank, hang.

Bed, had; led, lad; Ned, pad; bet, net; bend, bent; bat, set, sat; land, lend; fact, pact, plan, flag, act; slap, slab; cup, cap; lit, lid; shot, shod.

жCab, cup, cling, crest, scrub; tacks, sacks, kicks, rocks, ducks, cell, cent, hence, rince, dunce, lick, lack, pick, pack, sick, sack, dick, dig, pick, pig, rick, rig, bank, ink, drink, drunk, fact, sect, back, neck, gem, gent, gin, gist, badge, hedge, bridge, lodge, plunge, as, has, beds, rugs, prism, jam, job, jib, jest, just, yes, yet, yelp, yen, yell, bang, spring, thing, strong, lung, sell, shell, sip, ship, self, shan, shut, shrub, crash, smash, rush, shell, shelf, ship, shift, fish, mesh, smash, chip, chop, chest, rich, such, match, fetch, ditch, Scotch, crutch. Thin, thrift, width, length. That, then, this, thus, with. Phiz, phlox, lymph, nymph. Tax, sex, fix, fox, box, text, next.

Pit, pen, par, pun; fin, fen, fan, fun; tin, ten, tan, tun; red, rest, rent; risk, rim, did, tin, lid, nib, fill, drill, mill, mat, hot, pet, guest, press, stress, string, strong, stretch.

Sandal, vessel, system, children, absent, tempest, bonnet, pocket, commit, public, horrid, dwelling, summit, battle, bottom, seldom, lesson, dinner, waggon, parrot, butter, button, sister, doctor. Lapse, dense, steppe, twelve, bronze, solve.

Рубежный контороль

Сomment on the following theoretical issues:

The phonetic system of a language. The connection of phonetics with other branches of linguistics and non-linguistic sciences.

The branches of phonetics.

Principles of classification of speech sounds. The articulatory classification of English consonants.

The articulatory classification of English vowels.

Articulation basis. Differences in the articulation bases of English and Russian.

Phonetic interference.

The notion of the phoneme and its allophones, their correlation.

The phoneme: its definition, aspects and functions.

The history of the phoneme theory. Different views on the nature of the phoneme and its definition.

Methods of phonological analysis. The phonemic status of sounds of a complex nature.

Modifications of phonemes in speech (types of variation, causes of allophonic vairiation).

Reduction, accommodation, assimilation, elision.

Sound interchange, its causes and types.

Types of transcription.

The orthoepic norm. National pronunciation variation of English.

English Received Pronunciation (RP). Pronunciation types of British English.

American English pronunciation. The principal differences between RP and GA.

Phonetic styles and the styles of speech.

Changes in pronunciation in present-day English.

Syllable as a phonetic and phonological unit. Types of syllables.

The structure of the English syllable. The main rules of syllable division in Modern English.

Theories of syllable formation and syllable division.

The notion of word-stress. The nature of the English word-stress.

Degrees of word-stress in English. Factors determining the place and different degree of word-stress in English.

Spell the sounds:


2 beiz

3 ba: θrum








Sound the words:











Read the following words and comment on their pronunciation:

1. Light, fight, might, straight, caught, daughter, haughty, neigh, sleight, eight, freight; rough, enough, laugh, nigh, Hugh, knight, height, weight, weigh, taught, thought, bought, fought, ought; special, mission, passion, session, nation, action, caution, tradition, mention, collection, dictation, option, demonstration, special, Asia, Russia, Russian, politician, musician, glacial, especial, explosion, corrosion, illusion, collision, vision, confusion; lecture, future, furniture, nature, culture, century; pressure, sure, exposure, measure, treasure, pleasure; when, why, which, white, where, what; who, whom, whose; wrong, write, writer, writ, wring, khight, know, knew, knit, gnat, gnash, monarch, echo, school, chemistry, mechanics, architect, machine, moustache, niche, limb, lamb, bomb, autumn, hymn, guard, guest, guild.

2. Due, dew; muse, mews; tub, tube; fare, far; rede, red; duck, dutch; duke, dark; faint, feint; dot, dote; asp, wasp; has, was; that, what; watch, natch; bar, bare; car, care; her, here; heal, health; on, son; ponder, wonder; home, come; grove, glove; per, peer; fir, fire; sir, sire; mood, blood; rouse, cousin; cut, put; rush, bush; far, fare; cur, cure; ruddy, pudding; go, to, rood, good, rather, father; duty, truly; nude, rude; suit, brute; rout, route; dew, drew; later, water; go, do; rose, lose; duty, truly; nude, rude; dew, drew; stew, strew; strange, haste, steak, speak; riddle, bridle; lost, post; cloth, both; cobble, nobble; now, know; bady, puny, cabin, radish, finish, civil, polish, florin, duty, eight, weight, field; great, break, year, pear; eye, height, either, neither; deed, dead, weather, wealth; pea, peasant; please, pleasant; ear, early, earth; hear, heard; ran, range; has, haste; was, waste; will, wild; mill, mild; pran, plant; can, can't; comma, command; small, smell, slang; sale, salt; face, fast; lace, last; class, clasp; bathe, bath; father, mother, close, cloth; sole, sold; hole, hold; bull, pull, full; moon, too, book, took, shook, poor, door, floor, blood, flood; out, now, how, row, brow, low, blow, meadow; our, four; reply; friend, heart, good; say.

3. Father, man, what, they, girl, first, who, no, son, daughter, child, I, work, learn, boys, works, live, four, fifth, your, Tuesday, Monday, good, food, school, go, do, room, all, small, wall, walk, sun, why, very, light, night, eight, twice, air, shine, young, cou­sin, shut, niece, weak, write, Thursday, chair, those, these, meal, each, year, weather, cook, book, dina, give, live, have, always, third, girl, bread, colour, house, flower, window, warm, fruit. June, August, heat, great, break, pear, feather, finger, longer, friend, also, throw, soon, trees.

4. Grow, how, dead, meadow, eat, weak, water, this, thing, chalk, board, coat, teeth, tooth, thick, thin, white, night, red, nose, low, moustache, eye, blind, tear, learn, hear, ear, year, deaf, head, bed, road, mount, horse, word, board, work, heavy, town, cow, along, among, field, mice, men, country, cousin, young, see, eat, people, we, pure, here, learn, early, crow, now, grow, how, snow, fowl, house, geese, leather, beak, great, head, eat, swallow, straw, call, worm, word, near, hear, early, year, learn, bush, jug, put, such, jam, son, month, fond, catch, saucer, pour, our, your.

5. Yesterday, excite, except, during, run, brought, caught, bite, right, quite, quick, thank, this, thing, those, thin, thirsty, home, early, nearly, clear, bear, learn, six, fox, eggs, go, throw, finger, hunger, longer, book, look, looked, ice, sauce, eyes, thirst, please, freeze, sees, easy, rose, houses, horses, as, this, has, us, is, was, bag, back, alone, saw, sauce, here, hair, dear, who, whose, write, shine, poor, door, pour, heap, heard, clear, early, now, bought, house, town, interesting, evening, several, page, change, hunger, thing, no, know, nose, knows.

6. Smooth, tooth, month, mouth, bright, brought, mighty, caught, daughter, eight, own, blown, town, word, world, tomorrow, whose, froze, grows, nose, throws, write, who, whole, while, wrong, tear, earth, third, learn, work, girl, return, think, true, blue, grew, who, blew, too, wisdom, husband, give, alive, five, live, hive, drive, door, blood, floor, could, good, wood, turn, learn, early, paid, made, laid, said, put, butter, trunk, sure, quite, quiet, want, water, walk, what, remember, understand, invite, arrive, cent, pence, few, knew, you, eleven, even, seven, could, would, stood, right, wrong, guard, hard, move, love, firm, sight, side, stone, ship, sheep, heart.


Теоретические вопросы и практические задания по курсу теории грамматики к итоговому контролю:

The aim of the course of theoretical grammar.

Parts of grammar: morphology and syntax.

Basic units of morphology and difference between them.

Types of morphs and relations between them.

Approaches to the problem of parts of speech classification.

Three main criteria of classifying words into parts of speech.

English noun. The category of number.

English noun. The category of case.

Classifications of verbs.

English verb. The category of tense.

The category of primary time.

The category of prospective time.

English verb. The category of aspect.

The category of correlation or order.

Englis verb. The category of voice.

Medial voices.

The subject-matter of syntax.

Basic syntactic notions. Principal differences between them.

Phrase. Syntagmatic relations within a phrase.

Classifications of phrases.

English sentence. Its definition.

Classification of sentences according to the purpose of communication.

Structural classification of sentences.

Simple sentence and its structure.

Actualdivision of the sentence.

Higher syntactic units.

What is the difference between normative (practical) grammar and theoretical grammar?

What parts of grammar do you know?

What relations are called syntagmatic and paradigmatic?

Find syntactic syntagmas and make up paradigms, using the following sentence: The editor returned the article to the reporter.

What are the basic notions of morphology and what is the difference between them?

Distinguish between root morphemes and affixal morphemes: blacken, quietude, preclusion, disrespect, walking

What morphemes are these lexemes united by, and what meaning do they have?

-foxen, gifts, dresses, girls, data

-played, learned, visited, pressed

What are the main criteria of classifying words into parts of speech?

How Charles Fries classify words?

What features of the noun, the verb and the adjective do you know?

What types of nouns, verbs and adjectives can you enumerate?

Which members of opposition are there in the category of number of the English noun?

What is termed Singularia Tantum, Pluralia Tantum?

Differentiate between collective nouns and nouns of multitude.

What points of view on the category of case exist?

How did professor Barkhudarov single out 6 types of genitive case?

What is the main problem connected with the category of tense?

What are the members of the opposition in the verbal category of primary time?

Describe the category of prospective time.

The category of aspect of the English verb has 2 subcategories. What are they?

How many voices of the English verb do some grammarians distinguish? Provide examples.

What is the subject-matter of syntax?

What are the differences between the phrase and the sentence?

Agreement and government. Types of government in a phrase.

Enumerate criteria of classifications of phrases. Provide examples.

Communicative classification of sentences. The role of exclamatory sentence.

Structural classification of sentences.

Is the sentence the highest syntactic unit? What higher syntactic units do you know?

Morphemic structure of the English word.

Relations between different levels in the language hierarchy.

Various approaches to the parts of speech classification.

Notional and functional parts of speech in the English language.

English noun and its categories.

English adjective.

English adverb.

The tense category of the English verb.

The problem of the category of voice.

English verb and the category of mood.

Various views on the English phrase in modern linguistics.

The sentence in the English grammar.

Actual division of the sentence.

Sentence and the text.


1. Comment on the means of semantico-syntactic cohesion in the following supra-sentential construction...

2. Transform the following base sentence according to the predicative categories, comment on the transformations...

3. Comment on the communicative type of the following sentences...

4. Characterize the following word-combinations...

5. State what grammatically relevant groups the following adjectives belong to, both semantically and functionally...

6. Describe the realization of the following categories...

7. Give your own examples of transposition and neutralization of paradigmatic oppositions (both morphological and syntactical).

8. Identify the meaning of the genitive in the following word-combinations...

9. Comment on the non-finite forms of the verbs...

10. Make a sentence with the verb "..." and use it in all the possible Subjunctive Moods. Comment on the functional meaning and the form of the verb in all the examples.

11. State, what grammatically relevant groups the following verbs belong to...

12. State, what grammatically relevant groups the following nouns belong to...

13. Comment on the grammatical forms of the words...

14. Comment on the following grammatical categories...

15. Comment on the morphemic structure of the words, using the IC-analysis...


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