Mechanisation of agriculture

At the beginning of the 20th century mechanization of such basic processes as ploughing, sowing, grain-harvesting was still by no means complete. Now we can say that it is. The thing now is the full-scale mechanization of jobs requiring more intricate machinery, such as harvesting of sugar-beets, cotton, potatoes, mowing of hay crops, silaging and livestock care. Today our collective and state farms are able to obtain high yields of crops and animal produce because they work in close contact with science.

At the dawn of history we find man practising the most elementary methods of modifying soil conditions. He broke up the surface and prepared a seed-bed, using for this purpose the most primitive of all cultivating devices, a digging implement like a hoe. In early times the principal cropswere cereals and flax.

By the 19th century such a complexity of implements had been introduced as to justify the term «agricultural machinery». In agriculture, as in industry, the use first of water-power and then of steam had immensely stimulated the invention of machinery supplementing or replacing manual labour. A threshing-machine was invented late in the 18th century and was gradually coming into use early in the 19th. It was driven by water or wind, sometimes, by horse labour and later by steam. The mowing-machine, the self-binder and the potato-digger had all been developed in the first instance for horse or manual labour.

Agricultural implements and machines are now very numerous and diversified and may be divided into five main groups:

1) prime movers, i. e. engines of all kinds, tractors, etc.

2) cultivating machinery, including ploughs of all kinds, harrows, rollers, manure-distributors, drills, etc.

3) harvesting machinery, including mowers, self-binders, threshing machines, elevators, potato-diggers, etc.

4) stationary or barn machinery, including such food-preparing machines as chaff-cutters, grinding mills, root- cutters, etc.

5) dairy machinery, including milking machines, separators, sterilizing-machines, etc.

In addition there some other machines, including sprayers and sheep-shearing machines

1.What agricultural processes are mechanized today?

2.What groups may machines and implements be divided?

3.Is there any dairy machinery?

2. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в соответствии с правилом согласования времен, и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Production Director was sure that they (to double) their production capacity soon. 2. The chairman said that they (not/to have) enough money to advertise on television. 3. The supplier said they (to increase) the price by 4.5 % the week before. 4. A negotiator asked you if you (can) reduce the price. 5. The secretary apologised that she (to lose) the price list somewhere. 6. The customers didn’t understand how the equipment (to be damaged). 7. The manager said that the sales (to rise) steadily. 8. In his speech Mr. Cane admitted that the company (to suffer) from industrial unrest greatly at that moment. 9. He said they (cannot) afford new investment. 10. She asked if we (to check) this with the boss.

3. Перепишите следующие предложения, употребляя сложное дополнение вместо придаточного дополнительного предложения. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The chairman expected that we would reach a decision about item 1. 2. The company thinks that they will provide free of charge sale leaflets. 3. The Manager thought that he would pay the distributors the commission. 4. He thought that people were helpful there. 5. She didn’t think that it was convenient to come late. 6. He thought that he would book me a return ticket. 7. She didn’t expect that the flight would be delayed. 8. The passengers think they will buy presents from the duty-free shop. 9. He didn’t suppose he woud pay an excess baggage charge. 10. He didn’t think that she would pass the Customs without difficulties.

4. Поставьте глагол в соответствующее время, форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. He said that the goods (to be lost) in transit. 2. I think I (to give) you a call this afternoon to confirm the appointment time. 3. He said that the equipment (to be) ready for dispatch. 4. When you reach the check-in desk, you (to see) the departure board on your left. 5. What you (to say) to change your reservation? 6. When he (to collect) his boarding pass? 7. I suppose we (not/to accept) your terms. 8. I wonder if you (to find) a way to change your delivery periods. 9. I (to phone) about the job advertised in the newspaper now. 10. You (to put) your application in writing yet?


Variant 3

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст на русский язык. Ответьте на вопросы после текста


The South is famous for tobacco. The moist, warm climate contributes to the extensive growth of tobacco in Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina. Cotton is another important crop for southern farmers, especially in Arkansas and Mississippi. Peanuts are grown in Georgia and citrus fruits, vegetables in Florida. Soybeans is an important crop in Arkansas.

The Great Plains region is considered the «American breadbasket». It yields great quantities of crops, especially wheat. Wheat is important in Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, and the Dakotas. Iowa receives more rainfall than the states in the west, so corn is grown instead of wheat. It is the leading state in the USA in corn production. Texas leads the country in the number of cattle and sheep. Here vegetables and citrus fruit, wheal and cotton are grown too.

The Rocky Mountains region lacks water. So many farmers raise livestock. The cattle and sheep require a lot of land to graze. Many of the ranches are very large. Their sizes can be over 900 hectares.

California leads the Pacific region in farming. It is the leading grower in fruits and vegetables. The farms produce cattle, dairy products, cotton, grapes, tomatoes, and citrus fruits. In Washington cherries and apples are major fruits. Farms in Hawaii grow sugarcane and pineapples.

Now USA agriculture is big business and is a part of the country’s economy.

Agribusiness includes farmer cooperatives, rural banks, shippers of farm products, firms that manufacture farm equipment, food-processing industries and many other businesses. American agriculture exports its crops to Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America. The United States produces half of the world's soybeans and corn for grain, and from 10 to 25 percent of the world's cotton, wheat, tobacco and vegetable oils.

1. What crops are grown in the South?

2. Do all states in the USA grow the same crops? What does it depend on?

3. Where are dairy farms situated?

4. Is agriculture a part of the US economy?

2.Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в соответствии с правилом согласования времен, и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Susan said that she (to study) interior design for 3 years. 2. He asked me if the meeting (to be postponed) or not. 3. Mr. Grey answered that the agreement (not to be signed) yet. 4. He didn’t think that all the questions (to be settled) at the previous meeting. 5. She seemed anaware of the fact that money (not to grow) on trees. 6. The manager thought that there (to be) many visitors if the weather got better. 7. We were told that the results of the experiment (to be published) before all the data had been tested. 8. Rebecca told her boss that a postman (to deliver) a parcel. 9. The Personnel manager knew that I (to work) for the company for ten years already. 10. He was interested to know if it (to arrive) in time if he posted the application right away.

3. Перепишите следующие предложения, употребляя сложное дополнение вместо придаточного дополнительного предложения. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The manager thought that Sallie was an experienced driver. 2. They think that this day will suit them for signing the contract. 3. They believe that the quality of our machines is very high. 4. They expected that they would sign the contract the next day. 5. He expected that they would clarify all the details at the next meeting. 6. She expects they will agree to FOB terms. 7. The Finance Manager supposed that he could accept 2 % discount. 8. He thought they would deliver the first lot in 3 weeks. 9. They expect the Seller will agree to their terms. 10. The supplier thought he would refuse to increase the price.

4. Поставьте глагол в соответствующее время, форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Our company (to produce) desktop computers for 3 years. 2. They (to come) to the Trade Fair last year. 3. If you (to agree) to our terms, we shall arrange free delivery. 4. Look! Ronald Barret (to talk) about the social programme during his visit. 5. If you pay in hard currency, we (to garantee no price increase. 6. Next Tuesday I (to play) golf with my opposite number. 7. Our staff (to increase) steadily since 1988. 8. The Finance Manager gave a customer open account facilities after he (to get) business references from two majer firms. 9. If you shared the advertising costs, we (to assist) you in promoting the product. 10. If you (to settle) a dispute out of court, we would have drawn up an agreement on a new delivery.


Variant 4

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст на русский язык. Ответьте на вопросы после текста


Tractors occupy an important place on the farm as a source of power. On many farms they, together with trucks or trailers, have entirely displaced horses for farm work. An advantage of tractors power over the horse is that tractor can be used continuously for heavy work. In addition to pulling implements like ploughs and cultivators, a tractor may be used with implements for bush-cleaning, ditch-filling (засыпка канав ) and land-levelling (выравнивание). Small tractors from 1 to 10 horse-power, fitted with single- or twin cylinder petrol engines, may be used for garden and orchard work.

Farm tractors maybe divided into two groups: wheeled and track-laying. Wheeled tractors may be further subdivided into standard and row-crop (nponaшная культура) types. Standard wheeled tractors are used for general farm work and do not have the special features associated with row- crop tractors. Row-crop tractors can be used for all ordinary purposes, but in addition they are specially designed for working on root and other row crops.

Track-laying tractors or crawlers have the great advantage that they can be used for heavy loads (rpyзы) on almost any class of land. They areconsiderably more economical in fuel than are wheel machines, but their greater initial cost and their maintenance, particularly that of the tracks, may outweigh (перевесить) this advantage. The crawler is, however, еру more efficient type of tractor and, moreover, can go on the land earlier after rain and so can work a greater number of days per year.

1. Tractors occupy an important place on the farm as a source of power, don't they?

2. What is the advantage of tractors power over the horse?

3. What can tractors be used for on the farm?

4. Small tractors can be used for garden and orchard work, can’t they?

5. Are there two or three main groups of farm tractors?

6. What is the difference between a standard wheeled tractor and row-crop tractor?

7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of track-laying tractors?

2. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в соответствии с правилом согласования времен, и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The customer didn’t understand why the Sellers (to increase) the unit price. 2. He wasn’t sure if they (to pay) them any compensation for the damaged samples. 3. They informed that they (to redesigned) the old model. 4. He told us that he already (to check) in his luggage. 5. She asked if he (to pay) an excess baggage charge. 6. The passengers didn’t know where they (can) collect their luggage. 7. The Custom Officer was interested to know if I (to have) anything to declare. 8. The supplier admitted that they (to have) a lot of orders to handle at that time. 9. The secretary said she (to lose) the price list somewhere in all the other papers. 10. He complained that they (to suffer) from strikes at the airport.

3. Перепишите следующие предложения, употребляя сложное дополнение вместо придаточного дополнительного предложения. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. He thought she would show them her boarding pass. 2. He didn’t expect he would pay duty on the excess. 3. He believes she will book tickets for economy class. 4. They thought that the price was too high. 5. I expect she will come to the Trade Fair. 6. Mrs. Trumen thought they would make an appointment at the end of the month at the latest. 7. I think that I will introduce her to my new boss. 8. He thought they would receive the lot in 3 months. 9. She supposed we would confirm our decision in writing. 10. They think we shall have four weeks for installation.

4. Поставьте глагол в соответствующее время, форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Before we appointed the new chairman our share prices (to be) very high. 2. No doubt, they (not to let) us borrow a new sum of money. 3. How many orders you (to receive) last month? 4. The new model (to be) of high quality. 5. What company you (to work) for? 6. I am afraid we (not to clarify) these details right now. 7. We (to be) partners for a long time. 8. I hoped we (to agree) to 5 % discount. 9. What problem you (to discuss) now? 10. What discount the Seller (to offer) you last time?


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