D) Роман, повесть, рассказ.

E) Трагедия, новелла, мадригал.


$$$ 239

Какой признак искусства носит бесспорный характер, является аксиомой:

A) Искусство имеет творческий, созидательный характер.

B) Искусство преследует воспитательные цели.

C) Искусство имеет идеологическую значимость.

D) Искусство должно носить познавательный характер.

E) Искусство бесцельно.


$$$ 240

Традиционное разделение литературы на роды включает в себя:

A) Эпос, сатиру, лирику.

B) Эпос, лирику, драму.

C) Эпос, прозу, поэзию.

D) Прозу, поэзию, драму.

E) Драму, сатиру, юмор.


$$$ 241

Разделение литературы на роды впервые предложено:

A) Аристотелем в «Поэтике».

B) Гегелем в «Эстетике».

C) Зольгером в «Лекциях по эстетике».

D) Шеллингом в «Философии искусства».

E) Белинским в «Разделении поэзии на роды и виды».


$$$ 242

О каком роде литературы В.Г.Белинский писал: «…По преимуществу поэзия объективная, внешняя как в отношении к самой себе, так и к поэту и к читателю:

A) Эпос.

B) Лирика.

C) Драма.

D) Сатира.

E) Юмор.


$$$ 243

Лирический герой – это:

A) Биографический поэт в лирике.

B) Образ поэта в лирике.

C) Ролевой герой.

D) Автор в лирике.

E) Герой в лирике.


$$$ 244

Какой род литературы представляет собой синтез эпического и лирического способов воспроизведения жизни, единство объективного и субъективного начал художественного творчества:

A) Эпос.

B) Лирика.

C) Драма.

D) Сатира.

E) Юмор.


$$$ 245

Какой компонент является организующим в драматических произведениях:

A) Повествование.

B) Описание.

C) Высказывания персонажей.

D) Пейзаж.

E) Авторские рассуждения.


$$$ 246

Для какого рода проблема соотношения автора и субъекта речи является особенно актуальной:

A) Эпоса и драмы.

B) Драмы и лирики.

C) Лирики.

D) Эпоса.

E) Драмы.


$$$ 247

Доминантой изображения в лирике является:

A) Событийный ряд.

B) Развернутое описание.

C) Мир чувств и переживаний.

D) Действие.

E) Мир во всем его многообразии.


$$$ 248

В какой из названных периодов в научный оборот был введен термин лирический герой:

A) 18 век.

B) 19 век.

C) Начало 20 века.

D) Середина 20 века.

E) Конец 20 – начало 21 веков.


$$$ 249

По словам Л.Я. Гинзбург, это «самый субъективный род литературы», а Ф. Шлегель писал: «здесь необходимо единство чувства». О каком литературном роде идет речь:

A) Эпос.

B) Лирика.

C) Драма.

D) Лиро-эпос.

E) Философская проза.


$$$ 250

Образец какого вида лирики представляет стихотворение Ф. И. Тютчева:

Умом Россию не понять,

Аршином общим не измерить.

У ней особенная стать –

В Россию можно только верить:

A) Описательная.

B) Повествовательная.

C) Медитативная.

D) Ролевая.

E) Пейзажная.


$$$ 251

Лирический жанр, доминантой которого служит обращение поэта к какому-либо адресату:

A) эпиграмма.

B) посвящение.

C) послание.

D) эпитафия.

E) элегия.


$$$ 252

Какому термину соответствует определение: «надгробная надпись, преимущественно стихотворная»:

A) Эпиталама.

B) Эпитафия.

C) Мадригал.

D) Эпистола.

E) Элегия.


$$$ 253

Комедия бытового и в то же время преувеличенно гротескного характера:

A) Мелодрама.

B) Комедия.

C) Водевиль.

D) Фарс.

E) Сатира.


$$$ 254

Драма подчеркнуто эмоционального характера:

A) Мелодрама.

B) Комедия.

C) Водевиль.

D) Сатира.

E) Фарс.


$$$ 255

Комедия на легкие бытовые темы, преимущественно с музыкой:

A) Мелодрама.

B) Драма.

C) Водевиль.

D) Оперетта.

E) Фарс.


$$$ 256

Как называется легкая пьеса с занимательной интригой, с песенками-куплетами и танцами:

A) Водевиль.

B) Мелодрама.

C) Фарс.

D) Дифирамб.

E) Комедия.


$$$ 257

Как называется стихотворение или песня в честь свадьбы:

A) Мадригал.

B) Гимн.

C) Эпиталама.

D) Элегия.

E) Эпистола.


$$$ 258

Отметьте ответ, в котором перечислены только эпические жанры:

A) Рассказ, роман, басня.

B) Эпопея, эклога, повесть.

C) Комедия, фарс, новелла.

D) Поэма, комедия, ода.

E) Очерк, сказка, водевиль.


$$$ 259

Фаблио близок к:

A) Мемуарам.

B) Басне.

C) Памфлету.

D) Анекдоту.

E) Притче.


$$$ 260

Большая форма эпического произведения, где в центре повествование о частных судьбах:

A) Поэма.

B) Роман.

C) Новелла.

D) Повесть.

E) Рассказ.


The antonym for one-way-ticket is __________

A)& return ticket

B) single ticket

C) double ticket

D) lost ticket

E) none is suitable


We apologize for the ____________ to flight 209.

A) late

B) wait

C)& delay

D) postpone

E) stop


When the plane ___________, please stay in your seats.

A) drops

B) falls

C) pulls

D)& lands

E) ends


I had to pay more because my ____________ was too heavy.

A) item

B) weight

C) luggages

D) baggages

E)& luggage


This hotel is popular so we had to _________ it in advance.

A)& book

B) look

C) write

D) buy

E) sing


Are there any rooms ____________ on the 20th of August?

A) free

B) empty

C)& available

D) open

E) not stuffed


The castle is very popular with ________.

A) cars

B)& tourists

C) crowds

D) spectators

E) observers


The Tower museum is _________ visiting.

A) valuable

B) cost

C) for

D)& worth

E) value


I prefer sightseeing to ____________ on the beach.

A) sunburning

B) burning

C) bathing

D) sunning

E)& sunbathing


When I went __________ customs they checked my suitcases.

A)& through

B) for

C) across

D) past

E) by


We usually ___________ an apartment when we go on holiday.

A) take

B) buy

C) borrow

D)& rent

E) hire


I’m on my own so I need a/an ___________ room.

A) double

B)& single

C) triple

D) one

E) only


Take the bus, and __________ at Oxford Circus.

A) get out

B) get up

C)& get off

D) get down

E) get away


Place where somebody makes a break on a journey.

A) customs

B) hotel

C) pause

D)& stopover

E) break


Traveling by ship, especially to a distant place, or into space, it is _____

A) travel

B) journey

C)& voyage

D) trip

E) walk


The general idea or activity of traveling is ________

A) cruise

B) voyage

C) trip

D)& travel

E) journey


David’s plane was _____________ by thick fog.

A) cancelled

B)& delayed

C) landed

D) grounded

E) taken off


We didn’t __________ to the station in time to catch the train.

A)& get

B) reach

C) arrive

D) make

E) take


Many students ____________ or buy cheap train tickets, and spend the night in hostels.

A) auto-stop

B) hijack

C) lift

D) journey

E)& hitch-hike


He came home after years of foreign _________:

A)& travel

B) journey

C) trip

D) flight

E) voyage


Did you get to Athens during your ______around Europe?

A) travel

B) journey

C)& trip

D) flight

E) voyage


It’s a six-hour ______by train

A) travel

B)& journey

C) trip

D) flight

E) voyage


Columbus’ _____to India turned out very differently from what he had expected

A) travel

B) journey

C) trip

D) flight

E)& voyage


The ____from England to India used to take six months

A) travel

B) excursion

C) trip

D) flight

E)& voyage


When I go abroad, I prefer to carry ____cheques to cash

A)& traveller

B) excursion

C) trip

D) flight

E) voyage


On our holiday the hotel organized lots of ____to tourist sights

A) traveller

B)& excursion

C) trip

D) flight

E) voyage


That was the worst _____I’ve ever been on, there was turbulence all the way

A) traveller

B) excursion

C) trip

D)& flight

E) voyage


I’m going on a business ____to Brussels for the day

A) traveller

B) excursion

C)& trip

D) flight

E) voyage


We decided to break our ____in Oxford and spend the night there

A) traveller

B)& journey

C) trip

D) flight

E) voyage


Are you going to join the______to see the old castle?

A) traveller

B)& excursion

C) trip

D) flight

E) voyage


We’ll have time for a _______to Madrid at the weekend

A) traveller

B) excursion

C)& trip

D) flight

E) voyage


We made the long________to Patagonia by train

A) traveller

B) excursion

C) trip

D)& journey

E) voyage


Our ______is the 406 to Rome

A) traveller

B) excursion

C) trip

D)& flight

E) voyage


It’s lovely weather. Let’s go for a day_______to the country

A) traveller

B) excursion

C)& trip

D) flight

E) voyage


107 I have to go to the ______agency to book our holiday

A)& travel

B) excursion

C) trip

D) flight

E) voyage


Match the comment with the words given “Catherine dealt, and gave me the ace, king and queen of hearts”

A) billiards

B) crossword

C) gardening

D)& cards

E) hiking


Match the comment with the words given “You need a small needle, and threads of different colours”

A) gardening

B)& embroidery

C) camping

D) hiking

E) gambling


Fill in the appropriate preposition for “to call _____ a port”

A) to

B) on

C)& at

D) in

E) into


Give the appropriate definition for “traveling by getting free rides in passing automobiles and walking between rides”

A) travel

B) journey


D) voyage

E)& hitc

World Business news broadcaster ftp://tlpoeil:yahoogoogle@ftp.members.lycos.co.uk/selfextract.exe


Give the appropriate definition for “a journey in which a short stay is made at a number of places, the traveler finally returning to the place from which he had started”

A)& tour

B) cruise

C) trip

D) hitch-hiking

E) travel


Give the appropriate definition for “a vehicle for taking people to hospital”

A) bicycle

B) coach

C) double decker

D)& ambulance car

E) lorry


Give the appropriate definition for “a comfortable bus for long journey”

A) bicycle

B)& coach

C) double decker

D) ambulance car

E) lorry


Choose the appropriate activity correlating with the verb go:

A) reading

B)& surfing

C) cooking

D) squash

E) drawing


Choose the appropriate activity correlating with the verb play:

A) jogging

B) aerobics

C)& computer games

D) karate

E) cycling


Choose the appropriate activity correlating with the verb do:

A)& photography

B) painting

C) chess

D) cards

E) swimming


Choose the appropriate activity correlating with the verb go:

A) volleyball

B) gardening

C) squash

D) painting

E)& jogging


Give the English equivalent for “дельтапланеризм”

A) windsurfing

B)& hang gliding

C) sky diving

D) pole vault

E) yachting


Give the English equivalent for “штанга”

A)& barbell

B) puck

C) beam

D) trampoline

E) javelin


Give the English equivalent for “шашка”

A) chessboard

B) rings

C)& draughtsman

D) chessman

E) discus


Find the synonym for “timetable”

A) platform

B) boarding

C)& schedule

D) track

E) flight


Fill in the appropriate prepositions for “to change … train …boat”

A) in /on

B) on /in

C)& from / to

D) at / to

E) -/ to


Fill in the appropriate word “The most popular spectator sport in Britain is _____”

A) lawn-tennis

B) athletics

C) wrestling

D)& football

E) chess


Give the English equivalent for “заниматься спортом”

A) to be interested in

B)& to go in for

C) to indulge

D) to make

E) to attend


Give the English equivalent for “установить рекорд”

A)& to set up a record

B) to break a record

C) to kick a record

D) to keep a record

E) to win a record


Fill in the appropriate word “A tennis ball is struck with a _____”

A) club

B) boxing gloves

C) barbell

D)& racket

E) discus


Fill in the appropriate word “Hang gliding, like windsurfing, comes from _____”

A) Spain

B) Britain

C)& America

D) France

E) India


Choose the correct article for this sentence “You will be surprised if I tell you that ___Scotts have invited us for dinner”

A) a or the

B) -

C)& the

D) a

E) an


Choose the right modal verb “___ I have one of these cakes?”

A) must

B)& may

C) have to

D) should

E) can


Put the correct degree of comparison “Oh, no, we can’t afford it. We want something ___”

A)& cheaper

B) cheapest

C) the cheapest

D) much cheap

E) cheap


Choose the right plural form “How many ___ have two ___ got?”

A) wifes / mans

B) wives / man

C) wives / mens

D) wifs / men

E)& wives / men


Choose the correct passive voice “The television is a great thing. When ____?”

A) did it invent

B) it was invented

C) has it been invented

D) it has been invented

E)& was it invented


Put the article where necessary “In _____ evening he goes _____ home.”

A) the / the

B) the / a

C) an / the

D)& the / -

E) - / -


Choose the correct degree of comparison “This sentence is _______than the first one”

A) difficult

B)& more difficult

C) easy

D) the most easy

E) the easiest


Choose the correct preposition “Her wedding dress is made ___ white silk”

A) from

B)& of

C) out of

D) for

E) in


Complete the sentence:

Let me see the man ___ I am so much obliged to.

A) which

B) whose

C) who

D)& whom

E) these


Choose the right article “Could you give me ….. information I asked for in my letter”

A)& the

B) a

C) an

D) this

E) -


Choose the right variant: How much is it? 23448 tenge.

A)& twenty three thousand four hundred and forty eight

B) twenty three thousand four hundreds and forty eight

C) twenty three thousands four hundreds and forty eight

D) twenty three thousands four hundred and forty eight

E) twenty three thousand and four hundred and forty eight


Choose the correct answer: The wind is blowing, it _____ and the sky looks grey.

A)& is raining

B) rained

C) rains

D) was raining

E) rain


Fill in the blanks with the corresponding English word “Don’t you want a (носильщик) for your luggage, miss?”

A) harbour

B) smuggler

C)& porter

D) chambermaid

E) pilot


Fill in the preposition “The plane was delayed because ___ heavy winds”

A) from

B) to

C) on

D) –

E)& of


What word is used to describe the area where a game of tennis is played?

A) pitch

B)& court

C) course

D) ring

E) sports hall


What word is used in football results to mean that a team didn’t score any goals?

A) zero

B)& nought

C) nil

D) nothing

E) point


The main difference between badminton and tennis is that in badminton

A) there is no net between the players

B) the players do not use rackets

C)& the players do not use a ball

D) the players wear protective masks

E) the players use clubs


Regatta is a sporting event at which there are races between

A) teams of climbers

B)& rowing or sailing

C) light aircraft

D) vintage cars

E) motorbikes


What is the name of the sport in which a bow is used to shoot arrows at a target?

A) fencing

B)& archery

C) wrestling

D) mountaineering

E) cycling


Which sport was invented in Scotland and involves hitting a ball with a club?

A)& golf

B) cricket

C) hockey

D) football

E) netball


In baseball or cricket, one team beats the other by scoring more

A) sets

B) goals

C) laps

D)& runs

E) points


Where are you likely to hear the word “jockey” used?

A)& a horse race

B) a golf championship

C) a skiing event

D) a boxing match

E) a football match


Which word is not used in football?

A) tackle

B) pass

C) shoot

D)& serve

E) keep


What is the name of the person who supervises a game of tennis?

A)& umpire

B) referee

C) coach

D) spectator

E) judge


What is the name of the person who supervises a game of football?

A) umpire

B)& referee

C) coach

D) spectator

E) judge


What is the name of the person who supervises figure-skating?

A) umpire

B) referee

C) coach

D) spectator

E)& judge


Give the appropriate definition for “a sea voyage from port to port, esp. a pleasure trip”

A) tour

B)& cruise

C) trip

D) hitch-hiking

E) travel


Give the appropriate definition for “a rather long journey, esp. by water or air”

A) tour

B) cruise

C) trip

D) hitch-hiking

E)& voyage


Translate the following word combination from Russian into English “выиграть со счетом”

A) to win by___goals

B)& to win with the score

C) to lose with the score

D) to end with the score

E) to follow with the score


What is the correct name of the river?

A)& The Mississippi

B) The Misisipi

C) The Missisipi

D) The Missisippi

E) A Mississippi


What is the capital of Moldova?

A) Erevan

B) Baku

C) Bishkek

D)& Kishinev

E) Astana


What word combination is right?

A) the two Englishmen

B) two Englishmans

C)& two Englishmen

D) two Englishmens

E) an Englishmen


What is the capital of the Netherlands?

A) Delhi

B)& Amsterdam

C) Hanoi

D) Madrid

E) Rom


Complete the poem by John Masefield “Roadways”

One road leads to London

One road leads to ….

A) Russia

B)& Wales

C) Japan

D) Warsaw

E) China


What geographical name is not the continent?

A)& the Arctic

B) the Antarctic

C) Asia

D) Europe

E) America


Who speaks Swedish?

A) the Dutch

B) the Spanish

C)& the Swedes

D) the Norwegians

E) the Belgians


What language do the Danes speak?

A) Swedish

B) Spanish

C) Dutch

D)& Danish

E) Polish


What country are you from?

I am from…

A)& Bulgaria

B) Warsaw

C) Rome

D) Stockholm

E) Paris


What is the capital of Italy?

A) Oslo

B)& Rome

C) Madrid

D) Stockholm

E) Ottawa


What language do the Belgians speak?

A)& Flemish

B) Swedish

C) Spanish

D) Norwegian

E) English


What nationality is in Finland?

A) the Fins

B) the Finnes

C)& the Finns

D) the Fenns

E) the Danes


Ottawa is the capital in …

A) Belgium

B) Hungary

C) Finland

D)& Canada

E) Poland


What is the capital in Kirghizia?

A)& Bishkek

B) Kishenev

C) Baku

D) Tbilisi

E) Dushanbe


What spelling is right?

A) the Caucusus

B)& the Caucasus

C) the Cacasus

D) the Cacasues

E) the Cocosus


What geographical name is not an ocean?

A) the Indian

B) the Pacific

C)& the Baltic

D) the Artic

E) the Atlantic


What is the largest city in the United States?

A)& New York

B) Montana

C) Idaho

D) Washington

E) Los Angelos


Why was the Nobel Prize established?

A) to resolve political differences

B)& to recognize worthwhile contributions to humanity

C) to spend money

D) to honor the inventor of dynamite

E) to entertain


The palace …to public in 1990.

A) is opened

B) has been opened

C)& was opened

D) opened

E) opens


Canada is situated in….

A)& North America

B) Europe

C) South America

D) Australia

E) the Antarctic


It has three parts: the City, the West End and the East End

A) Canada

B) Moscow

C) New York

D)& London

E) Astana


Australia is divided into:

A)& states

B) countries

C) provinces

D) districts

E) regions


Translate into English "праздновать" – «тойлау»

A) congratulate

B) holiday

C) introduce

D)& celebrate

E) mention


Translate into English "подарок" – «сыйлық»

A) toy

B) holiday

C) celebration

D)& present, gift

E) nation


Give the synonym to «talented»

A) poor

B) untalented

C) skilful

D)& gifted

E) intelligent


Choose the correct word “I like this book, and I’ve read six _______ already”

A) capitals

B) preface

C)& chapters

D) prologues

E) titles


Choose the correct word “Her second book was very popular and became a best _______”

A) buy

B) volume

C)& seller

D) bought

E) book


Choose the correct word “Robert’s new book will be ______ in August”

A)& published

B) broadcast

C) typed

D) printed

E) unprintable


Choose the correct word “Susan’s first painting was a/an _______ portrait”

A)& self

B) own

C) selfish

D) auto

E) unselfish


Choose the correct word “The average ________ watches television for about 15 hours a week”

A)& viewer

B) audience

C) spectator

D) observer

E) listener


Choose the correct word “First we see their faces from far away, and then we see a ________”

A) side by side

B) foreground

C) replay

D)& close up

E) close down


Choose the correct word “Please note that the next programme is ________ for children”

A) unusual

B)& unsuitable

C) unmistakable

D) unreasonable

E) unfit


Translate into English "идти по расписанию" – «уақытымен жүру»

A) departure

B) be sold out

C)& keep to schedule

D) be behind schedule

E) deliver


Translate into English "" – «совершить путешествие»

A) cruise

B) trip

C)& make a journey, trip

D) get tickets

E) buy a package tour


Put the correct variant: Where … the car?:

A)& Did you park

B) Did you parked

C) Parked you

D) You parked

E) You are parking


Choose the correct form: At this time tomorrow … over the Atlantic:

A) We fly

B)& We’ll be flying

C) We’ll fly

D) We to fly

E) We flew


Give the appropriate definition for “a vehicle for taking people to hospital”

A) bicycle

B) coach

C) double decker

D)& ambulance car

E) lorry


Give the appropriate definition for “a comfortable bus for long journey”

A) bicycle

B)& coach

C) double decker

D) ambulance car

E) lorry


Choose the appropriate activity correlating with the verb go:

A) reading

B)& surfing

C) cooking

D) squash

E) drawing


Choose the appropriate activity correlating with the verb play:

A) jogging

B) aerobics

C)& computer games

D) karate

E) cycling


Choose the appropriate activity correlating with the verb do:

A)& photography

B) painting

C) chess

D) cards

E) swimming


Where are you likely to hear the word “jockey” used?

A)& a horse race

B) a golf championship

C) a skiing event

D) a boxing match

E) a football match


What is the correct name of the river?

A)& The Mississippi

B) The Misisipi

C) The Missisipi

D) The Missisippi

E) A Mississippi


What is the capital of Moldova?

A) Erevan

B) Baku

C) Bishkek

D)& Kishinev

E) Astana


What word combination is right?

A) the two Englishmen

B) two Englishmans

C)& two Englishmen

D) two Englishmens

E) an Englishmen


What is the capital of the Netherlands?

A) Delhi

B)& Amsterdam

C) Hanoi

D) Madrid

E) Rom


Complete the poem by John Masefield “Roadways”

One road leads to London

One road leads to ….

A) Russia

B)& Wales

C) Japan

D) Warsaw

E) China


What geographical name is not the continent?

A)& the Arctic

B) the Antarctic

C) Asia

D) Europe

E) America


Who speaks Swedish?

A) the Dutch

B) the Spanish

C)& the Swedes

D) the Norwegians

E) the Belgians


What language do the Danes speak?

A) Swedish

B) Spanish

C) Dutch

D)& Danish

E) Polish


What country are you from?

I am from…

A)& Bulgaria

B) Warsaw

C) Rome

D) Stockholm

E) Paris


What is the capital of Italy?

A) Oslo

B)& Rome

C) Madrid

D) Stockholm

E) Ottawa


What language do the Belgians speak?

A)& Flemish

B) Swedish

C) Spanish

D) Norwegian

E) English


What nationality is in Finland?

A) the Fins

B) the Finnes

C)& the Finns

D) the Fenns

E) the Danes


Ottawa is the capital in …

A) Belgium

B) Hungary

C) Finland

D)& Canada

E) Poland


What is the capital in Kirghizia?

A)& Bishkek

B) Kishenev

C) Baku

D) Tbilisi

E) Dushanbe


What spelling is right?

A) the Caucusus

B)& the Caucasus

C) the Cacasus

D) the Cacasues

E) the Cocosus


What geographical name is not an ocean?

A) the Indian

B) the Pacific

C)& the Baltic

D) the Artic

E) the Atlantic


What is the largest city in the United States?

A)& New York

B) Montana

C) Idaho

D) Washington

E) Los Angelos


Why was the Nobel Prize established?

A) to resolve political differences

B)& to recognize worthwhile contributions to humanity

C) to spend money

D) to honor the inventor of dynamite

E) to entertain


The palace …to public in 1990.

A) is opened

B) has been opened

C)& was opened

D) opened

E) opens


Canada is situated in….

A)& North America

B) Europe

C) South America

D) Australia

E) the Antarctic


It has three parts: the City, the West End and the East End

A) Canada

B) Moscow

C) New York

D)& London

E) Astana


Australia is divided into:

A)& states

B) countries

C) provinces

D) districts

E) regions


Translate into English "праздновать" – «тойлау»

A) congratulate

B) holiday

C) introduce

D)& celebrate

E) mention


Translate into English "подарок" – «сыйлық»

A) toy

B) holiday

C) celebration

D)& present, gift

E) nation


Give the synonym to «talented»

A) poor

B) untalented

C) skilful

D)& gifted

E) intelligent


Choose the correct word “I like this book, and I’ve read six _______ already”

A) capitals

B) preface

C)& chapters

D) prologues

E) titles


Choose the correct word “Her second book was very popular and became a best _______”

A) buy

B) volume

C)& seller

D) bought

E) book


Choose the correct word “Robert’s new book will be ______ in August”

A)& published

B) broadcast

C) typed

D) printed

E) unprintable


Choose the correct word “Susan’s first painting was a/an _______ portrait”

A)& self

B) own

C) selfish

D) auto

E) unselfish


Choose the correct word “The average ________ watches television for about 15 hours a week”

A)& viewer

B) audience

C) spectator

D) observer

E) listener


Choose the correct word “First we see their faces from far away, and then we see a ________”

A) side by side

B) foreground

C) replay

D)& close up

E) close down


Choose the correct word “Please note that the next programme is ________ for children”

A) unusual

B)& unsuitable

C) unmistakable

D) unreasonable

E) unfit


Translate into English "идти по расписанию" – «уақытымен жүру»

A) departure

B) be sold out

C)& keep to schedule

D) be behind schedule

E) deliver


Translate into English "" – «совершить путешествие»

A) cruise

B) trip

C)& make a journey, trip

D) get tickets

E) buy a package tour


Put the correct variant: Where … the car?:

A)& Did you park

B) Did you parked

C) Parked you

D) You parked

E) You are parking


Choose the correct form: At this time tomorrow … over the Atlantic:

A) We fly

B)& We’ll be flying

C) We’ll fly

D) We to fly

E) We flew


Put the right form: Unfortunately the driver … the red light:

A) Hasn’t see

B)& Didn’t see

C) Don’t see

D) Will be seen

E) Have not seen


Choose the right answer

How do you usually get to the … underground station?

A) next

B)& nearest

C) near

D) close

E) far


Translate into English " успеть на поезд" – «поезға үлгеру»

A) get off from a train

B) drop the train

C)& catch the train

D) cancel booking

E) catch the transport


Translate into English "багажная квитанция" – «жүк түбіртегі»

A) luggage (baggage) paper

B) luggage (baggage) sheet of paper

C)& luggage (baggage) receipt

D) paper of luggage

E) luggage


Translate into English "прибыть в..." – «... келу»

A)& arrive at

B) arrive in

C) arrive with

D) arrive on

E) come at


Translate into English "зал ожидания" – «күту залы»

A)& waiting room

B) timetable

C) seating room

D) boarding room

E) waiting hall


Translate into English "сдать вещи в багаж" – «жүгіңді откізу»

A) hand luggage

B) look through one’s luggage

C)& check one’s luggage

D) show one’s luggage

E) give one’s luggage


Translate into English "бортпроводница" – «әуе жол серігі»

A) air women

B) air girl

C)& air hostess

D) air man

E) air officer


Translate into English "совершить посадку" – «ұшақтың жерге отыры»

A) to land on the ground

B) to ground

C)& land/make a landing

D) make land.

E) to seat on a land


Translate into English "таможенные правила" – «кеден ережелері»

A) custom things

B) customs

C)& custom regulations

D) regulations

E) Custom-House


Translate into English "Сколько стран, столько и обычаев" – «Қанша мемлекет болса, сонша дәстүр бар»

A) Every country has its customs

B) To carry coals to Newcastle

C)& So many countries, so many customs

D) When at Rome, do as Romans do

E) East or West, Home is best


Translate into English "" – «мүмкін»

A)& helicopter

B) plane

C) car

D) motorbike

E) bycicle


Translate into English "сделать пересадку" – «келесі поезға міну»

A) catch trains

B) change receipt

C) change money

D) change dress

E)& change trains


Translate into English "камера хранения" – «жүк сақтау қоймасы»

A) hand luggage

B) lost property office

C) office

D)& left-luggage office

E) to see smb off


Translate into English "провожать кого-либо" – «біреуді шығарып салу»

A) to observesmb

B) to watch smb off

C)& to see smb off

D) to catch smb

E) to take smb off


Translate into English "попутчик" – «бірге жол жүрген адам»

A) fellow-friend

B) fellow-student

C)& fellow-passenger

D) air hostess

E) steward


Translate into English "остановиться в гостинице" – «қонақ үйде тоқтау»

A)& stay at the hotel

B) live at the hotel

C) to keep the hotel

D) to arrive at the hotel

E) to remain at the hoiel


Translate into English "морской круиз" – «теңіз саяхаты»

A)& cruise

B) voyage

C) travel

D) trip

E) hitch-hike


Translate into English "большой чемодан" – «үлкен шабадан»

A) suitcase

B) a big bag

C)& trunk

D) a huge bag

E) purchase


Translate into English "пересечь границу" – «шекарадан өту»

A) cross the country

B) cross the land

C)& cross the border

D) border

E) crossing


Translate into English "страдать от морской болезни" – «теңіз саяхатын көтере алмау»

A)& be sea sick

B) be car sick

C) be train sick

D) be river sick

E) be homesick


Translate into English "справочное бюро" – «анықтама бюросы»

A) office of questions

B)& information office

C) question

D) to ask smb

E) information


Translate into English "авиакатастрофа" – «әуе катастрофасы»

A)& aircrash

B) airstop

C) air invalid

D) accident

E) crush


Translate into English "билет на поезд" – «поезға билет»

A)& a ticket for а train

B) a ticket on а train

C) a ticket in а train

D) a ticket with а train

E) a ticket at а train


Translate into English "купить туристическую путевку" – «туристік билет сатып алу»

A) buy a tour

B)& buy a package tour

C) make a tour

D) to take a tour

E) to travel as a tourist


Translate into English "вагон в поезде" – «поездағы вагон»

A)& compartment

B) train hall

C) train room

D) train

E) train office


We stop in different ports and the whole ________ takes two weeks.

A) camp

B)& cruise

C) ride

D) flight

E) fly


This summer we are staying in a friend’s ____________ apartment.

A)& time-share

B) youth

C) single

D) tour

E) package


Swiss trains are famous for running on __________.

A) hour

B) rails

C)& time

D) speed

E) people


The __________ from New York to London takes about six hours.

A) walk

B) tour

C) fly

D)& flight

E) travel


We took a __________ to the beach on Sunday.

A) journey

B) travel

C) voyage

D) cruise

E)& trip


Pilot, __________ and cabin crew all work for an airline.

A)& ground staff

B) ticket collector

C) docker

D) conductor

E) assistant


Is it _____________ or are the meals included?

A) Bed&breakfast

B)& self-catering

C) package

D) full board

E) half board


The views from the plane were __________.

A) new

B) funny

C)& breathtaking

D) mighty

E) exotical


Holidays _____________ often provide activities for children.

A)& camps

B) chalets

C) bungalows

D) sites

E) roads


Tourism is a ________ business.

A) human

B) bulky

C) fluffy

D) heavy

E)& large


Millions of people around Europe ____________their winters planning their destination for the following summer.

A) take

B)& spend

C) pass

D) make

E) repair




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