Часть 2 – Решение задачи (максимальный балл – 25)

Вариант Задачи для выполнения Формируемые компетенции
Фамилия студента начинается с буквы «А» по «Е» -I вариант Task 2. Match the words Paragraph 1 1. officially a. End one's link to an organization or group. 2. pull out b. Belonging to the present time; happening or being used or done now. 3. agency c. Showing support of something. 4. favoring d. A department or group that provides a specific service for a government or similar organization. 5. current e. In a formal and public way. 6. biased f. Doing bad or illegal things for money. 7. corrupt g. Very unfair against someone or something. Task 3. TRUE / FALSE: Read the headline. Guess if 8-15 below are true (T) or false (F). 8. The USA and Israel will pull out of UNESCO at the end of January. T / F 9. This is the second time that the USA has pulled out of UNESCO. T / F 10. The USA pulled out because it said UNESCO was biased against Israel.T / F 11. The U.S. ambassador to the U.N. called UNESCO a "cesspool". T / F 12. The USA founded UNESCO after World War I. T / F 13. UNESCO looks after the World Heritage program.T / F 14. The article says UNESCO works to improve education for boys.T / F 15. Israel's envoy to the U.N. said UNESCO works in favor of Israel. T / F Task 4. Multiple choice quiz. 16. At what time did the USA and Israel pull out of UNESCO? a. 6pm b. midnight c. 6am d. noon 17. How many times has the USA now pulled out of UNESCO? a. 5 b. 4 c. 3 d. 2 18. Which country did the USA say UNESCO favored in 1984? a. China b. the U.K. c. the Soviet Union d. Lesotho 19. What is Nikki Haley's job? a. U.S. ambassador to the U.N. b. head of UNESCO c. head of the U.N. d. cultural envoy to UNESCO 20. What did Nikki Haley call UNESCO? a. great b. a cesspool c. outdated d. a force for good 21. When was UNESCO founded? a. after WWII b. after WWI c. before WWI d. 1900 22. What program is UNESCO best known for? a. the World Bank b. IMF c. World Heritage d. WHO 23. Who does UNESCO work to improve the education for? a. girls b. the poor c. university students d. kindergarteners 24. What does UNESCO work to defend? a. borders b. human rights c. global peace d. freedom of the press 25. What is the job of Danny Danon? a. culture secretary b. the head of the U.N. c. the Israeli envoy to the U.N. ОК-5 ОК-7 ОПК-5
Фамилия студента начинается с буквыСЖпо К -II вариант Task 2. Match the words Paragraph 1 1. asylum a. An act of traveling from one place to another. 2. fled b. Agreed to give or allow something requested. 3. granted c. Ran away from a place or situation of danger. 4. greeted d. Clearly and visibly put a design or words on something. 5. journey e. The protection granted by a nation to someone who has left their native country as a political refugee. 6. whisked f. Welcomed someone on meeting someone. 7. emblazoned g. Took or moved someone or something in a particular direction suddenly and quickly. Task 3. TRUE / FALSE: Read the headline. Guess if 8-15 below are true (T) or false (F). 8. The article says the teenager fled Saudi Arabia over three weeks ago. T / F 9. The teenager was met at a Canadian airport by Canada's Prime Minister.T / F 10. The teenager (Rahaf Mohammed) had a long and tiring journey. T / F 11. Rahaf did not smile as she walked through the Canadian airport. T / F 12. Rahaf was detained in Australia while on her way to Bangkok. T / F 13. Rahaf got worldwide attention after posting on Twitter. T / F 14. Relations between Saudi Arabia and Canada are strained. T / F 15. Saudi stopped Saudi airplanes flying to and from Toronto. T / F Task 4. Multiple choice quiz. 16. What is the name of the airport Rahaf arrived at? a) Canada International b) Pearson International Airport c) Maple Leaf International d) Toronto Central 17.Who met Rahaf at the airport? a) a UN official b) schoolchildren c) Canada's Prime Minister d) Canada's Foreign Minister 18.What did Rahaf prefer not to take? a) a taxi b) her luggage c) questions d) a passport 19.Where was Rahaf heading for after leaving the airport? a) her new home b) the Prime Minister's house c) a restaurant d) an ice hockey game 20.What word was written on a hoodie that Rahaf was wearing? a) "Free" b) "Canada" c) "Love" d) "Thanks" 21.Where was Rahaf initially detained? a) Bangkok b) Sydney c) Kuwait d) London 22.What social media platform did Rahaf use to ask for help? a) Reddit b) Facebook c) Twitter d) Instagram 23.What could worsen between Canada and Saudi Arabia? a) relations b) sports links c) investment d) cultural ties 24.Who did Canada want Saudi Arabia to release? a) a writer b) another teenager c) a Canadian d) a human rights activist 25. What did Saudi Arabia freeze? a) investments b) water c) flights to and from Toronto d) Canadian beef ОК-5 ОК-7 ОПК-5
Фамилия студента начинается с буквы «Л» по «П» -III вариант Task 2. Match the words Paragraph 1 1. embarking a. The state of being without or not having enough of something. 2. fleeing b. Beginning a course of action or journey, especially one that is important. 3. battling c. Fighting or struggling to achieve or resist something. 4. lack d. Great in scale or nature. 5. exhaustion e. Expelled a foreigner from a country, typically on the grounds of illegal status or for having committed a crime. 6. epic f. Running away from a place or situation of danger. 7. deported g. A state of extreme physical or mental tiredness. Task 3. TRUE / FALSE: Read the headline. Guess if 8-15 below are true (T) or false (F). 8. Migrants are walking over 7,000km to get to the USA. T / F 9. Migrants are trying to get away from violence in their own countries. T / F 10. A reporter said people had difficulty crossing a river. T / F 11. Many of the migrants have children living in the USA. T / F 12. The USA said the migrants must apply for asylum in Mexico. T / F 13. The US said it will introduce a zero-tolerance policy towards migrants. T / F 14. Donald Trump said Mexican police are successfully stopping the caravan. T / F 15. Donald Trump has cut off foreign aid to Honduras. T / F Task 4. Multiple choice quiz. 16. How many people are in the migrant caravan? a) less than 7,000 b) exactly 7,000 c) more than 7,000 d) around 7,000 17. Which country are the migrants largely from? a) Honduras b) Mexico c) Belize d) Panama 18. What are the migrants fleeing from a lack of in their home countries? a) equal rights b) job opportunities c) corruption d) water 19. Which newspaper reported about the caravan? a) Chicago Tribune b) LA Times c) New York Times d) Washington Post 20. Who do some migrants wants to be reunited with? a) a lifestyle b) colleagues c) their children d) old friends 21.What did the USA say it would stick to? a) applications b) asylum laws c) morals d) IMF regulations 22.What kind of policy does the USA have towards migrants? a) a harsh one b) insurance policy c) a fair policy d) zero tolerance 23.Who did Donald Trump say were unable to stop the caravan? a) migrants b) Mexican police and military c) international lawyers d) US immigration officers 24.Who did Donald Trump say was mixed in the caravan? a) U.S. nationals b) criminals c) reporters d) celebrities 25.What did Donald Trump say he would cut off? a) foreign aid b) part of a wall c) his hair d) his words ОК-5 ОК-7 ОПК-5
Фамилия студента начинается с буквы «Р» по «Т» -IV вариант Task 2. Match the words Paragraph 1 1. soured a. A telegraph message sent by telegraphic wire. 2. cable b. The term of office of a political leader or government. 3. critical c. Made or became unpleasant or difficult. 4. administration d. A small organized dissenting group within a larger one, especially in politics. 5. dysfunctional e. Not operating normally or properly. 6. faction f. Betrayal of trust; deceptive action or nature. 7. treachery g. Expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgments. Task 3. TRUE / FALSE: Read the headline. Guess if 8 -15 below are true (T) or false (F). 8. The article said UK-US relations have soared. T / F 9. Leaked memos were published in a US newspaper in Washington. T / F 10. The UK ambassador said Mr Trump's White House was dysfunctional. T / F 11. Sir Winston Churchill accused the ambassador of treachery. T / F 12. The article suggests the UK has to cultivate its relationship with the US. T / F 13. The ambassador has the backing of the UK Prime Minister. T / F 14. Donald Trump said the ambassador had not served the UK well. T / F 15. Donald Trump said he would deal with the ambassador more carefully. T / F Task 4. Multiple choice quiz. 16.What did the article say had happened to UK-US relations? a) they had seared b) they had soured c) they had soared d) they had sired 17.Where were the leaked memos published? a) in a Washington newspaper b) in a Russian newspaper c) on Wikileaks d) in a British newspaper 18. What did the ambassador say would not become more normal? a) the US administration b) UK-US relations c) diplomacy d) comments 19. What did the ambassador describe as being "incoherent" and "chaotic"? a) UK-US relations b) diplomacy c) Mr. Trump's Iran policy d) Washington 20.What did Sir Winston Churchill's grandson say the leak was an act of? a) spying b) unforgiveable treachery c) rogue nation interference d) contrition 21.What is the friendship between the USA and UK often called? a) the "Special Relationship" b) the "Best Relationship" c) the "Super Relationship" d) the "Atlantic Relationship" 22. What did the article say it needed from the USA? a) cash b) support c) a trade deal d) friendship 23.What did the UK Prime Minister say she had in the ambassador? a) full faith b) money c) confidence d) hopes 24. Who called the leak as being "absolutely unacceptable"? a) the UK Prime Minister's spokesman b) Donald Trump's son-in-law c) the US ambassador to the UK d) Theresa May 25. What did Donald Trump say the ambassador had not done? a) anything wrong b) his homework c) respected the USA d) served the UK well ОК-5 ОК-7 ОПК-5
Фамилия студента начинается с буквы «У» по «Х» -V вариант Task 2. Match the words Paragraph 1 1. entire a. The stressful feeling of having to do something with little time. 2. resigned b. Make changes in something (e.g. a social, political, or economic institution or practice) in order to make it better. 3. welfare c. With no part left out; whole; all. 4. reform d. All the people of a particular town, area, or country. 5. disappointed e. Sad or displeased because someone or something has not done what you wanted or hoped. 6. population f. A period of ten years. 7. decade g. Financial support given to people in need. Task 3. TRUE / FALSE: Read the headline. Guess if 8-15 below are true (T) or false (F). 8. Everyone in Finland's government has retired. T / F 9. Finland's Prime Minister was happy that his government resigned. T / F 10. The population of Finland is getting younger and younger. T / F 11. The government hoped to save up to $3.4 billion next year. T / F 12. Many politicians in Finland thing the government resignation is a mistake. T / F 13. Politicians think the government should have stayed in power until April. T / F 14. The Prime Minister said he had a responsibility to his shoulder and elbow. T / F 15. A politician said the resignation was an example of political responsibility. T / F Task 4. Multiple choice quiz. 16. How much of Finland's government has resigned? a) 99% of it b) 90% of it c) all of it d) half of it 17. How did Finland's Prime Minister feel? a) deeply disappointed b) happy c) hopeful d) excited 18. What is happening to Finland's population? a) it is aging b) it is growing c) it is shrinking d) it is becoming better educated 19. What kind of pressure is the population under? a) high pressure b) financial pressure c) political pressure d) social pressure 20. How much did the government hope to save over the next decade? a) $43 billion b) $4.3 billion c) $34 billion d) $3.4 billion 21.What do many politicians think the government is making? a) an important decision b) a big mistake c) a mess d) a positive change 22. What kind of choice did the Prime Minister say his government had? a) no choice b) a difficult choice c) an important choice d) an easy choice 23. What did the Prime Minister say he would shoulder? a) weight b) the cost c) responsibility d) the burden 24. What party does Antti Kaikkonen belong to? a) the Freedom Party b) the Left Party c) the Communist Party d) the Centre Party 25. What did a senior politician say the resignation was an example of? a) political responsibility b) bad politics c) confusion d) cowardice ОК-5 ОК-7 ОПК-5
Фамилия студента начинается с буквы «Ц»по «Я» -VI вариант Task 2. Match the words Paragraph 1 1. partially a. Money provided, especially by an organization or government, for a particular purpose. 2. due to b. Only in part; to a limited extent. 3. lack c. The state of being without or not having enough of something. 4. funding d. Give official permission for or approval to an undertaking or agent. 5. proposed e. A formal choice between two or more candidates or courses of action, usually via putting a cross in a box on a paper or a show of hands. 6. authorize f. Because of. 7. vote g. Put forward an idea or plan for consideration or discussion by others. Task 3. TRUE / FALSE: Read the headline. Guess if 8-15 below are true (T) or false (F). 8. The U.S. government will totally shut down over Christmas. T / F 9. This is the first time this year that the U.S. government has shut down.T / F 10. Donald Trump wants $5.7 million to build a border wall. T / F 11. Donald Trump said he is prepared for a very long shutdown. T / F 12. The shutdown means Donald Trump won't be in Florida for Xmas. T / F 13. The article says Mr and Mrs Trump will spend Christmas together.T / F 14. There is currently no federal funding for national parks.T / F 15. Over half-a-million federal workers are at home without pay.T / F Task 4. Multiple choice quiz. 16. To what extent will the U.S. government shut down? a) totally b) fifty per cent c) partially d) a slight extent 17. How many times has the government now shut down this year? a) 3 b) 2 c) 4 d) 1 18.How much does President Donald Trump want to build a border wall? a) $5.7 billion b) $5.7 million c) $57 billion d) $7.5 million 19. What did President Trump say he was prepared for? a) 2019 b) a very long shutdown c) to help build the wall d) a Christmas dinner 20. Who does President Trump want to vote for border security? a) the White House b) Mexicans c) Republicans d) Democrats 21.Which of Mr Trump's plans did the article say the shutdown has affected? a) his budgetary plans b) his holiday plans c) his foreign policy plans d) his New Year plans 22. Who will return from Florida? a) the First Lady b) Senators c) President Trump's children d) the Vice-President 23.What has expired in many parts of the federal government? a) passwords b) deadlines c) funding d) a subscription 24. How many workers have to stay at home without pay? a) exactly 400,000 b) over 400,000 c) under 400,000 d) around 400,000 25.What must the Senate reach so workers can go back to work? a) a deal b) a place c) out d) over ОК-5 ОК-7 ОПК-5



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