Prevention of communicable and sexually transmitted diseases


Профилактика инфекционных и венерических заболеваний



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Суслова Л.В.

эл.адрес: luida-kot@mail.ru

Учебная дисциплина: Английский язык. Курс 2


Специальность: 060102 «Акушерское дело»





Prevention of communicable and sexually transmitted diseases


Read the text and translate it. Do the exercises following after the text. Прочитайте, переведите текст на русский язык. Выполните задания после текста.

Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections and usually goes untreated, affecting up to one in ten sexually active young people. It's a bacterial infection, which is usually passed from one person to another during sex. It can live inside cells of the cervix, urethra and rectum and sometimes in the throat and eyes. Chlamydia can also be passed from a pregnant woman to her baby. Chlamydia is often referred to as the 'silent infection' as a person doesn't have any obvious signs. Symptoms can appear one to three weeks after you've come into contact with Chlamydia. Women might notice unusual vaginal discharge, bleeding between periods, pain with sex or when passing urine, lower abdominal pain. Men might notice white, watery discharge from the tip of the penis, pain when passing urine or painful testicles. If the infection is in the eye or rectum, you may experience discomfort, pain or discharge. If you think you might have Chlamydia, it's important to be tested quickly in sexual health clinics. Chlamydia is easy to treat with antibiotics, either as a single dose or longer course for up to two weeks. If complications occur, another treatment might be needed. Without treatment, the infection can spread to other parts of the body causing damage and long-term health problems, including infertility. In women, Chlamydia can cause pelvic inflammatory disease. This can lead to Ectopic pregnancy, blocked fallopian tubes, long-term pelvic pain. In men, Chlamydia can lead to painful infection in the testicles. Rarely, Chlamydia can lead to inflammation of the joints in both men and women. This is known as reactive arthritis. Every time you have a new sexual partner you need to be tested. Remember before having sex, talk to your partner about using condom, it can help you to avoid STIs. (https://yourstdhelp.com/chlamydia.html. Adopted by Suslova L.V.)


cervix- шейка матки

discharge - выделения

infertility – бесплодие

inflammation – воспаление

inside- внутри

joints- суставы

obvious- очевидный

pregnant- беременная

rectum- прямая кишка

sexually transmitted infections- ИППП

silent – скрытая

to affect- поражать

to avoid - избегать

to lead to- вести к

to occur- случаться

to pass передавать

to refer to- относиться к


1. Make plan to the text.Составьте план текста.

2. Answer the questions according to the text. Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту. 1. What is Chlamydia? 2. What is the cause of Chlamydia? 3. Where can an infection live? 4. How can it be passed from one person to another? 5. Why is Chlamydia called the 'silent infection'? 6. What are its symptoms? 7. How can it be tested? 8. How is it treated? 9. What problems can a bacterial infection lead to? 10. How can STIs be avoided?

3. Say whether the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE, write down right sentences from the text. Прочитайте следующие предложения, определите, соответствуют ли они содержанию текста, подтвердите ваш ответ соответствующим предложением из текста. 1. Chlamydia may be identified by the presence of vaginal discharge.2. Aspirin is recommended in treating this infection for some weeks.3. Complicated infection does not require antibiotics.4.Patients with Chlamydia are persons at high risk of developing infertility. 5. A diagnosis of Chlamydia is made only by special tests. 6. Vaccines reduce the incidence of infection. 7. Using condom can help you to avoid Chlamydia.


4. Choose the right form of the verbs in the brackets, read and translate sentences into Russian. Выберите необходимую форму глагола, прочитайте предложение и переведите его на русский язык. 1.If a woman (will notice, notices) unusual vaginal discharge, she (will consult, consults) her gynecologist. 2. Your eyes (are tested, will be tested) if you (have, will have) symptoms of discharge from the eye. 3. If you (think, will think) you have Chlamydia, you (are tested, will be tested) in sexual health clinics. 4. If your partner (uses, will use) condom, he (prevent, will prevent) you from bacterial infection. 5. If a person (comes, come) into contact with Chlamydia, so symptoms (will appear, appear) in three weeks. 6. If a pregnant woman (has, will have) bacterial infection, it (passes, will pass) to her baby.

5. Using the information from the text make recommendations to the patient, see example. Используя информацию из текста, дайте рекомендации пациенту, смотри пример, e.g. Consult your doctor, if you have bleeding between periods.


Read and translate the text. Do the exercises following after it. Прочитайте, переведите текст на русский язык. Выполните задания после него. Vaginitis is an i nflammation of the vagina that results in redness, swelling, itch ing, and i rrita tion of the vaginal tissues. Virtually every woman experiences at least one bout of vaginitis during her lifetime, and most have many more. For a few women, it is an almost constantly r ecurring problem. In vaginitis, the discharge may change in color, consistency, and odor, and it is often accompanied by itching, burning, and other symptoms. Most vaginitis is the result of an infection. The organisms that cause vaginitis sometimes originate in the colon and spread from the vagina to other reproductive organs. Vaginitis also can result from a number of nonspecific circumstances, such as excessive douching, pregnancy, using of birth control pills or antibiotics, diabetes, cuts or other irritations of the vagina. Irritation of the vaginal walls by tampons or of the outside organs by tight clothing also can cause or promote vaginitis. Depending upon the cause, it may wax and wane during the menstrual cycle. Sexual activity and stress may exacerbate the symptoms. Vaginitis does not pose major health problems, but it can be uncomfortable and may indicate a serious underlying disease such as diabetes. Diagnosis is based on examining the genital organs, both external and internal. A pap smear should be done to identify the causative organism of the vaginal discharge. Depending upon the type of vaginitis, drug therapy, douche or vaginal suppositories may also be prescribed. Since many vaginal infections can be transmitted by sexual contact, the woman should ask her doctor about the advisability of treatment for her sexual partner. Self-treatment is not advised until doctor has ruled out other types of infec­tion as a cause of the problem. (https://www.pdrhealth.com/diseases/vaginitis. Adopted by Suslova L.V.)



i nflammation-воспаление

swelling- воспаление

itching - зуд

irritation- раздражение

tissues- ткань

r ecurring- повторяющийся

discharge- выделения

excessive douching- чрезмерное спринцевание

to promote – провоцировать

wax - нарастающий

wane- убывающий

to exacerbate-усугублять

pap smear- мазок

douche- спринцевание



1. Make questions to the following answers. Составьте вопросы к данным ответам. 1. Yes, vaginitis is an i nflammation of the vagina. 2. Yes, every woman experiences at least one bout of vaginitis. 3. Yes, it can result from a number of nonspecific circumstances. 4. Yes, it may wax during the menstrual cycle. 5. Yes, douche may also be prescribed.

2. Say the following expressions in Russian. Study them. Назовите и запомните русский эквивалент следующих английских словосочетаний. I nflammation of the vagina, vaginal tissues, swelling, itch ing of tissues, vaginal d ischarge, result of an infection, spread from the vagina to other reproductive organs, promote vaginitis, health problems, sexual activity, serious disease, external and internal genital organs, to identify the causative organism, may be prescribed, to transmit by sexual contact, self-treatment is not advised, a cause of the problem.


3. Make Conditional I using the right forms of the verbs. Translate the sentences. Раскройте скобки, составьте условные предложения I типа. Предложения переведите. 1.If there (to be) an i nflammation of the vagina you (to get) redness and i rrita tion of the vaginal tissues.2. If you (to have) vaginitis the discharge (to change) in color, consistency and odor.3. If a woman (to use) vaginal deodorants and other sources of chemicals they (to irritate) her vaginal tissue.4. If your partner (to use) a condom he (to protect) you from vaginitis.5. She (to do) a pap smear if a gynecologist (to identify) the causative organism of the vaginal discharge.

4. Make sentences using the following words. Пользуясь таблицей, составьте предложения. What can I do to avoid Vaginitis?

Avoid   can irritate tissue partner is clean
Excessive washing and douching vaginal deodorants clean
Make sure tight-fitting jeans, panty hose that can irritate or trap moisture
Avoid added protection that can irritate the vaginal tissue
Pay attention tampons or pads frequently
Change diaphragms and cause vaginitis
Keep to personal hygiene using a condom
Provide that a sexual but don’t overdo it



Read and translate the following text. Прочитайте и переведите текст: STD is an infectious disease spread from person-to-person through direct body (sexual) contact or contact with infected body fluids which include saliva, urine, blood, vaginal fluids and semen. These fluids can contain germs that spread many infections and diseases to another person during sexual contact. Today there are over 20 recognized Sexually Transmitted Diseases. The major groups of organisms causing STDs are: bacteria responsible for gonorrhea, syphilis; Chlamydia viruses, fungi causing candidiasis, protozoa responsible for trichomoniasis, metazoa causing pediculosis pubis, human papilloma virus (HPV), the human immunodeficiency virus, etc. Human Immunodeficiency Virus is the full term for HIV, which means that it weakens the body's immune system. Like all viruses, HIV cannot grow or reproduce on its own. In order to make new copies of itself it must infect the cells of a living organism. HIV can affect anyone from any part of the world. It is not possible to become infected with HIV from everyday casual contact such as sharing food, shaking hands or touching the same objects. You are only at risk from HIV if you are exposed to infected blood or bodily fluids. Insects cannot transmit HIV. There are no specific symptoms of HIV. You can't become infected with HIV through kissing or through everyday contact such as using the toilet. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. AIDS was first defined in the USA in September 1982. There is no cure for AIDS. Abstinence is encouraged along with partner reduction and condom use as a way of preventing the spread of STDs. (https://www.mayoclinic.com/health/sexually-transmitted-diseases-stds/. Adopted by Suslova L.V.)


Fluid- жидкость

Direct- прямой

Saliva- слюна

Germ- микроб

To cause- вызывать

Responsible for - ответственность за

To weaken- ослаблять

In order to - для того, чтобы

Casual- случайный

To share- разделять

To touch- касаться

To expose-подвергать опасности

To cure – лечить

Abstinence- воздержание

To encourage- способствовать




1. Use the information above, answer the following questions in written form.Используя информацию из текста, письменно ответьте на следующие вопросы: 1. What is HIV?

  1. A virus
  2. A bacterium
  3. A fungus

2. What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?

  1. HIV is a virus and AIDS is a bacterial disease
  2. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS
  3. There is no difference between HIV and AIDS

3. Is there a cure for AIDS?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Only available on prescription

4. Does HIV only affect gay people?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Only gay men
  4. Only gay women

5. Can you get AIDS from sharing the cup of someone with HIV?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Only if you don't wash the cup

6. Can insects transmit HIV?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Only mosquitoes

7. What does HIV stand for?

  1. Human Immunodeficiency Virus
  2. Harmful Intravenous Vaccine
  3. Homosexual Injury Volition

8. What does STD stand for?

  1. Sexually Transmitted Disease
  2. Special Treatment Doctor
  3. Standard Transmission Deficiency

9. When was the term 'AIDS' defined?

  1. 1977
  2. 1982
  3. 1987

10. Which practice puts you most at risk of becoming infected with HIV?

  1. Kissing
  2. Using the same toilet as an infected person
  3. Unprotected vaginal sex

11. What is abstinence?

  1. To refrain from sex
  2. To only have sex with one partner
  3. To lose your virginity


2. Translate the following sentences. Determine the types of the Conditionals. Переведите следующие предложения. Определите типы условных предложений: 1. If the temperature is extremely high viruses will not survive.

2. If the sexual partners had either gonorrhea or chlamydia they would receive treatment for both infections.

3. The HCV-positive patient would not have transmitted this infection to others if he had not donated blood.

4. It would have led to Ectopic pregnancy if she hadn’t treated Chlamydia then.

5. If an insect bit a person, it would not transmit HIV.

6. You won't become infected with HIV if you kiss a HIV positive person.

3. Pick out the appropriate phrases to end the sentences. Translate them into Russian. Выберите соответствующие фразы, чтобы закончить предложения. Переведите их на русский язык. 1. If the human body had no resistance capacity … (a) people would develop any infectious diseases; (b) even direct contacts with infected people would never result in diseases. 2. IfHIV infects the cells of a living organism… (a) it will make new copies of itself; (b) no infectious disease will develop in the human organism. 3. If her partners’ saliva and semen contained germs… (a) she would be infected with HIV;(b)she would spread many infections herself.


4. Make Conditionals I using the right forms of the verbs. Translate the sentences. Раскройте скобки, составьте условные предложения I типа. Предложения переведите. 1.If your GP (to suspect) that you may have STI, he (to refer) you to genitourinary medicine clinic (GUM).2.If you (to want) to be checked for STI you (to send) your own sample to a laboratory by post.

3.If a doctor (to feel) your grains, he (to check) for enlarged lymph nodes.

4. If Jane (to be) prescribed antibiotics the full course of tablets (to be) finished.

5. If Mr. Brown (to stop) taking the medication he (to develop) side-effects.




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