В таблице к каждому слайду я написала начало текста речи.

Useful language.


1. Introducing yourself


If you haven’t been introduced to the audience, the first thing you have to do is to introduce yourself, the organization you represent and the topic of your presentation. This information should be on the title slide.

Good morning (afternoon), ladies and gentlemen. (a formal greeting)

Good morning (afternoon). Thank you all for coming.

I’m …..

I’ll be talking about …

2. Presenting the agenda


The audience need to know what points you are going to cover. Aan articulate plan will make it easier for the listeners to follow your presentation. So, it is a good idea to fix the plan on a slide in a form of a numbered list. Look at the expressions to outline the agenda.


You can see from this slide that I’m going to cover three points.

I’ve put the plan of the presentation on this slide.

At the beginning of the presentation I’ll ….

First, I’m going to outline the problem…

Second, I’d like to …

I’m going to begin with…

Then I’ll move to ….

The next thing to discuss is ….

Then we’ll look at ….

I’ll also go over (the strategy of) ……

Then I’d like to explain …

Next, I’ll consider …

I will also talk about …

Finally, …

As a last point, I’ll ….

3. Changing slides


When you put up a new slide, it means that you intend to move on to a new topic. You should signal this intention with one of the following expressions.


On the next slide you can see ….

This slide shows...

Here is the next slide. It shows…

Let’s look at this slide.

Now let me show you …

Let’s move on and discuss ……

Shall we now turn to …….

Now, we’ll move on to ….

I’d now like to change direction and talk about ….

Now let’s focus on ….

I have explained …. Now let’s talk about….

Let’s look at …, which is (are) on the following slide.


Explaining visuals (schemes)

Пример описания схемы. (составлен и ранее выполненных работ)


I’m going to explain how acid rain is formed. Look at the bottom left-hand corner of the picture. As you see, the main anthropogenic source of SO2, v olatile organic compounds and NOx is industries. There are also natural sources of v olatile organic compounds and NOx.

Emissions of SO2 and NOx are released into the air, where the pollutants are transformed into acid particles that may be transported long distance. These acid particles then fall to the earth as wet and dry deposition and may cause harmful effects on soil, forests, streams and lakes.

So, we have discussed how acid rain forms. Next we will move to ……


Первые три слайда я озвучила на видео. Видео будет размещено в группе в контакте.


Задание: выбрать любые 2 слайда, кроме №1, №2 и №3. Написать полностью текст речи, прорепетировать вслух, как если бы Вы готовились к докладу. Я буду рада, если Вы пришлете голосовые сообщения ВК. Можно работать в ватсап. Мой номер +79219527217

Не забывайте средства связности, которых нет на слайде, но которые должны присутствовать в речи (предложены ниже).

acid rain acidic basic measure measure effect affect substances deposition

В таблице к каждому слайду я написала начало текста речи.

Комментарии по недочетам и ошибкам, которые я нашла в презентации, я выделила желтым и поместила в скобки.

Всегда проверяйте вою презентацию:

1. Заголовок соответствует содержанию слайда. Причем связь очевидна.

2. Маркеры списка, если они не нужны, убираем.

3. Лишние знаки препинания убираем

4. Если Вы копируете фрагмент текста с другого слайда, потом вставляете его в другой текст, проверяйте грамматические формы: все ли согласовано (лицо, число, честь речи).

Slide title Text
  Acid rain Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I am Nataliia Fedorova. I represent Russian State Hydrometeorological University. Today we will talk about acid rain.
  Questions I am going to give answers to the questions about acid rain that have raised the most concern. First of all, we will discuss how we measure acidity and how we can tell: “Is it neutral or is it acidic?”. So the first question I have put on the slide is What’s the pH of normal rain? Acid rain? Second, we will consider how acid rain forms. This is important because if we know the sources of this problem, we can try to solve it. Next we will look into the effects of acid rain. What harm can it do? And finally I will suggest possible measures to lessen the effects of acid rain.
  Normal rain To begin with I am going to explain how acid rain differs from normal. Look at the right side of the slide. It shows a Ph scale, which measures acidity. It runs from 1, which is the most acidic, to 14, the most basic. Neutral substances have a Ph about 6 or 7. The lower a Ph, the more acidic the substance is. But normal rain is naturally slightly acidic with a Ph from 5.6 to 7. Any deposition with a Ph factor below 5.6 is considered to be acidic.
  What is acid rain How does it form (второй заголовок лишний, маркер списка не нужен, так как 1 пункт в списке!!!) Now let us talk about the main features (характеристики) of acid precipitation. First, the particles of acid rain can be taken long distances with the wind. Second, … Finally …   Заметьте, что я слегка перефразирую текст на слайде, однако оставляю ключевые слова, (они подчеркнуты в этом пункте). Слушателю легче следить за ходом Вашей речи, если он, «цепляясь» за ключевые слова, может сопоставить то, что написано на экране со звучащей речью. При этом полностью читать текст с экрана не надо. Производит неприятное впечатление.
  Acid rain Я бы назвала Forms of acid rain   Now I have to point out that acid rain is not always rain. It can take 2 different forms. …….  
  What ever happened to acid rain Be it dry or wet, as we have just seen, why does receive our attention? These pictures show two extremely unpleasant examples. ….
  Acid rain To understand the sources of acid rain we can take a look at this map. Power plants are marked with red dots. … суть в том, что где больше точек, там средняя кислотность осадков выше, карта выглядит более желтой, что означает более низкий ph фактор. So what conclusion does this lead us to? To make a conclusion we will get to the next slide.
  Where does acid rain come from? The main sources of acid rain are on the left…..
  Acid Rain Effects After we have discussed how acid rain forms let us talk about its effects.
  How acid rain affects our lives? (на слайде опечатка effects) Когда готовите презентацию, обязательно проверяйте: опечатки подстерегают Вас в самых неожиданных местах) ….. придумайте сами….



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