Lexical difference between American and British English



Lexical differences of American variant highly extensive on the strength of multiple borrowing from, what was not in British English.


  British variant American variant Explanations
  acclimatize acclimate акклиматизировать
  centre center центр
  up to the time on time Во время
  anticlockwise counterclockwise против часовой стрелки
  yours sincerely sincerely yours с уважением
  pretence pretense Притворство
  analyse analyze Анализировать
  have proned have proven доказано
  (It) behaves behooves ведет себя
  underground Subway метро
  the cinema the movies кинотеатр
  store shop магазин
  pavement sidewalk тротуар
  queue line Очередь
  football soccer футбол
  postman mailman почтальон
  holiday vacation каникулы
  maize corn кукуруза
  autumn fall осень


Also claim attention differences in writing some words in American and British variants of language.

For instance, following:


  British variant American variant Explanations
  honor honour честь
  traveler treveler путешественник
  plough plow плуг
  analyze analyse анализировать
  centre center Центр
  apologies apologize Извенения

A special group should highlight those lexical items which we said no equivalent lexical, those words and stable word combinations that are used in the U.S. and as such, have no lexical equivalents in British English.



  British variant American variant Explanations
  - // - junior high school неполная средняя школа, включающая 7 и 8 или 8 и 9 классы.
  chemist’s drug-store drugstore Аптека, магазин, где наряду с патентованные медицинскими средствами, продаются прохладительные напитки, бутерброды
  - // - rodeo Популярное в Америке соревнование ковбоев в ловле скота с помощью лассо, езде на необъезженных лошадях и т.п.
  - // - beat one’s brarns out Ломать голову над чем-то
  - // - be from Missouri Быть скептиком
  - // - chew the fat Сплетничать
  - // - do a land-office business Иметь много клиентов
  - // - drop the ball Совершить глупую ошибку
  - // - feel like two cents Плохо себя чувствовать
  - // - Johnny-on-the-spot Мальчик на побегушках
  - // - Lately-come-lately Новичок
  - // - Live high off the hog Жить в роскоши.
Non equivalent vocabulary in American
  barman barmard - // - буфетчик в баре буфетчица
  bartender (=barkeeper) - // - отсутствует указание на пол



Probably the major differences between British and American English lies in the choice of vocabulary. Some words mean different things in the two varieties for example:

Mean: (American English - angry, bad humored, British English - not generous, tight fisted)

Rubber: (American English - condom, British English - tool used to erase pencil markings)

There are many more examples (too many for me to list here). If there is a difference in usage, your dictionary will note the different meanings in its definition of the term. Many vocabulary items are also used in one form and not in the other.


  British variant American variant Explanations
  accumulator battery аккумулятор
  banknote b, M банкнота
  barrow pushcart тачка
  biscuit cookie печенье
  braces suspenders подтяжки
  clever smart умный
  coach bus автобус
  company corporation компания
  cram bone up зубрить
  dinner jacket toxedo смокинг


Once again, your dictionary should list whether the term is used in British English or American English.

For a more complete list of the vocabulary differences between British and American English use this British vs. American English vocabulary tool.

There are also a few differences in colloquial style use including the following:


  British variant American variant Explanations
  Toget the smelled head Toget the big head Важничать, зазнаваться
  Enough to make a cat laugh Enough to make a horse laugh Умора, потеха
  Cheese off Tick off Радость
  Get one’s cards Get a pink slip Быть уволенным
  In top gear In high gear На всей скорости
  Devil of work Working devil Трудолюбивый человек.
  He did not eat at all. He did not eat any. Он ни чего не ест
  at the weekend on the weekend На выходных
  Monday to Friday Monday through Friday С понедельника по пятницу
  different from/to different from/than Отличается от
  stay at home stay home Остаться дома
  write to somebody write somebody Писать кому-то


Also we have to pay attention to homonyms. American and British English are both variants of World English. As such, they are more similar than different, especially with "educated" or "scientific" English. Most divergence can be ascribed to differing national histories and cultural development, and the way in which the two national variants have changed correspondingly.


American variant British variant
  I married a homely girl.
ugly a good house-keeper
  The opening of our new play was a bomb!
bad, a failure a great success
  We all had tea and biscuits. ('crumpets' vs 'English muffins', etc.)
a type of bread baked in small round pieces (кексы) SBE crumpet a thin, flat, dry, usually sweet cake (печенье) SAE muffin
  We needed a torch for the dark trail.
a flaming torch факел a small electric lamp that you carry in your hand фонарь SAE flashlight
  Evelyn took a coin out of [his/her] purse.
women's handbag дамская сумочка SBE handbag coin purse кошелек, бумажник SAE change purse
  The committee tabled the motion.
to leave a motion, idea, offer etc to be dealt with it in the future отложить SBE put a motion on the table to suggest a motion etc for other people to consider предложить SAE suggest, propose
  The corn harvest was exceptional this year.
кукуруза SBE maize, sweetcorn зерновые культуры (пшеница, овес, ячмень), зерно
  Pekka was climbing in the lime tree.
a tree on which limes (a kind of lemons) grow дерево, на котором растут лаймы a tree with pleasant-smelling yellow flowers липа SAE linden


Occurrence of new value in a word; use of a synonymous word:[32]



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