Дисциплина «Профессиональный английский язык»

ГМУ Магистры ОЗО 1 курс 2 семестр

Task 1. Read and translate the text:

The British Civil Service

What does the British civil service represent? What is it designed for? Although the British government is essentially political, it depends on a permanent body of officials, the Civil Service, to administer the decisions of ministers and to keep the wheels of government — in the broadest sense — turning. The Civil Service, employing almost 600,000 people, is expected to discharge its possibilities in a politically impartial way.

The British Civil Service has been defined by the following characteristics. First, it is a non-political body. Civil servants are not appointed by political representatives and are disqualified from being elected either to the House of Commons or for the European Assembly. The service is therefore able to serve governments of any political persuasion. Secondly, it is permanent; whereas politicians come and go, the civil service remains. Civil servants enjoy security of tenure and once appointed cannot easily be removed. They advise ministers on policy and it is the minister that is answerable in parliament for government policy. This convention of ministerial responsibility means civil servants remain anonymous, a third characteristic of the service.

The foundations of the civil service were laid in the 19th century. An increase in government business during the nineteenth century demanded a full time service, because the great and increasing body of permanent officers possessing sufficient independence, character, ability and experience to be able to advise, assist, and to some extent to influence those who are from time to time set above them.

This «efficient body of permanent officers» became the civil service of the twentieth century, it established as a career service, in which people are expected to stay for a lifetime.

With lifetime employment, standardized recruitment and mobility between departments, the service developed its own culture and valures. Traditionally civil servants have been highly respected for their sense of public duty, for their honesty, impartiality and judgment. Their training took place within the workplace which encouraged the development of these service-wide values. Consequently, the service was characterized by conformity, uniformity and cohesion.

Перевод текста:

Британская гражданская служба

Что собой представляет Британская гражданская служба? Для чего она создана? Несмотря на то, что Британский парламент преимущественно политический орган, он зависит от постоянной группы должностных лиц, Гражданской службы, которая исполняет решения министров и делает так, чтобы колеса правительства, в самом широком смысле, вращались. Предполагается, что Гражданская служба, в которой работают почти 600000 человек, исполняет свои обязанности политически беспристрастным способом.

Следующие характерные черты присущи Британской гражданской службе. Во-первых, это неполитическая организация. Гражданские служащие не назначаются политическими представителями и лишены права быть избранными в Палату Общин или в Европейскую Ассамблею. Таким образом, эта служба может служить правительствам любых политических убеждений. Во-вторых, она постоянна; в то время как политики приходят и уходят, гражданская служба остается. Гражданские служащие обладают гарантией сохранения постоянной работы и, будучи назначенными на должность, не могут быть легко уволены. Они консультируют министров по политическим вопросам, но только министр несет ответственность перед парламентом за политику правительства. Это условие министерской ответственности означает, что гражданские служащие остаются анонимными, и это третья характерная черта этой службы.

Основы этой гражданской службы были заложены в 19-м веке. Увеличение объема работы правительства в течение девятнадцатого века потребовало создания постоянной службы, потому что значительное и увеличивающееся количество постоянных служащих, обладающих достаточной независимостью, репутацией, компетентностью и опытом и способных советовать, помогать и до некоторой степени влиять на тех, кто время от времени поставлен над ними.

Эта «эффективная группа постоянных служащих» превратилась в гражданскую службу двадцатого века, она была основана как государственная служба, на которой люди, как ожидается, находятся всю жизнь.

С пожизненной занятостью, стандартизированным подбором персонала и перемещением между отделами, эта служба развила собственные культуру и ценности. Традиционно, гражданские служащие пользуются большим уважением за присущее им чувство общественного долга, за честность, беспристрастность и рассудительность. Их обучение проходило на рабочем месте, что послужило стимулом для развития этих корпоративных ценностей. Как результат, эта служба характеризовалась соответствием, единообразием и сплоченностью.

Task 2. Fill in the blanks in these sentences choosing the words from the list below.


1. They allocate large sums for buying new books for the library.

2. The Department never meets deadlines set by the Management.

3. Has he gained enough experience of this type of work?

4. The Hotel falls far short of clients' expectations.

5. The tunnel project has already fallen behind schedule.

6. He hasn't booked the hotel beforehand and now he has to sleep rough in the streets.

7. Our client is on a tight budget, so don't offer him this package holiday.

8. She always tries to set aside enough time for handling irate customers.

a) allocate e) gained

b) set f) sleep

c) meets g) falls

d) tight h) fallen



Task 3. Choose the correct answer and write the letter (a, b, c or d).


1.My brother b) a civil servant.

a) am b) is

c) are d) does


2. He b) a bank clerk.

a) am b) is

c) does d) are

3. I d) my work at 8 o'clock every day.

a) will begin b) am begin

c) begin to d) begin

4. We are busy tonight, we a) our collegues at 9 p.m.

a) are meeting b) met

c) meet d) were meeting

5.Ann a) to Scotland on business next Tuesday.

a) is going b) goes

c) to going d) going

6. When I arrived at the meeting, my friend d) home.

a) will have gone b) goes already

c) has already gone d) had already gone

7. There aren't b) easy ways of learning languages.

a) some b) any

c) few d) no

8. Learning a second language is not the same d) learning a first language.

a) like b) then

c) than d) as

9. Listen to those people. What language a)?

a) do they speak

b) are they speaking

c) are they speak

d) have they spoken

10. Rarely a) such a sunrise.

a) she saw b) has she seen

c) she has seen d) she had seen


Task 4. Complete these sentences with the following words:


bureaucracy / exchange / inflation / interest / investment / labour / domestic / trade / unemployment / incentives

1. The fall in unemployment rate will probably lead to more business investment.

2. Because of the euro-yen exchange rate, Japanese exporters lost huge amounts of money that year.

3. The number of people claiming benefit rose to 945,000, and the interest rate climbed to 5.5%.

4. Prices went up again, and the country’s inflation rate rose to 5.4% last month.

5. Exports have increased considerably, so now our balance of trade is positive again.

6. Our country is now attracting production from companies looking for a highly skilled labour force.

7. The chamber of commerce recommended giving tax incentives to boost private sector investment.

8. The gross domestic product is the standard measure of the overall size of the economy.

9. Too many rules and regulations and too much government bureaucracy in general have a negative impact on trade.

10. The government is trying hard to revive the economy and attract foreign investment.


Task 5. Match the sentence halves to make meaningful sentences.


1. I’m in charge of Marketing e) while our manager is away at the trade fair.

2. As soon as we get the figures we need, c) we’ll complete the report.

3. We can’t open a subsidiary in that country b) until the security conditions have improved.

4. While I’m head of this department, a) there will be massive investment in staff training.

5. Before you take up their offer, d) you should ask for advice.


a there will be massive investment in staff training.

b until the security conditions have improved.

c we’ll complete the report.

d you should ask for advice.

e while our manager is away at the trade fair.


Task 6. Underline the correct form in italics.


1. If he listens / listened to all sides first, he would find it easier to resolve conflicts.

2. He is / will be / would be more popular if he treated people with respect.

3. Would you get involved if you saw / would see two colleagues having an argument?

4. If she wins / will win / would win this contract, she’ll be promoted.

5. Do you think he will / would resign if he doesn’t get a pay increase?


Task 7. Underline the correct verb form in italics.


1. Would you mind working / to work late tonight?

2. He promised reviewing / to review my salary.

3. They suggested investing / to invest in new machinery.

4. I’m sorry but we can’t afford making / to make mistakes like that.

5. Many jobs involve doing / to do the things you don’t enjoy.

6. Would you like playing / to play golf next Sunday?

7. We stopped checking / to check so many items because of the expense.

8. We stopped checking / to check it when I noticed something was wrong.


Task 8. Complete each sentence with a preposition in italics.


For / on / to / with / to


1. We need to agree on the date of the relaunch of our new series.

2. Tom apologised for making so many mistakes in his report.

3. A good manager should listen to suggestions from staff.

4. It was my mistake, I know. I have already apologised to the director.

5. I couldn’t agree with the others that our suppliers were responsible.


Task 9. Read parts of a presentation by a car manufacturer. Underline the correct word in italics.


1. Hello everyone, hello / welcome to my presentation.

2. I’m going to divide my presentation by / into three parts.

3. First, I’ll give / get you an overview of the problem we faced.

4. After that, I’ll talk / say about the ways we approached the new concept.

5. Then, we ’ll introduce /’re introducing you to our new prototype.

6. I’ll be glad to answer any questions at the finally / end of my talk.

7. Let’s start with / on the background to this project.

8. So / As you know, our 1999 model had been successful but it was clear we needed new direction.

9. So to sum / summarise up, it took innovation, setbacks and pioneers to develop what is THE car for the twenty first century.

10. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for to listen / listening and here is….


Task 10. Complete each sentence with a verb in italics.


believe / deal / delegate / invest / respond

1. We invest a lot in training courses for our employees. We know it’s money well spent.

2. Our new manager can deal with problems very effectively.

3. Don’t try to do everything on your own. You should delegate tasks to your assistant more often.

4. Our previous manager didn’t even try to respond to our concerns.

5. When your employees feel that you believe in their abilities, they often start to perform better.



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