The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees the right of education for all citizens.
Education in the country is provided mainly by the state and regulated by the Ministry of Education and Science.
Russia has a unified system of public education. The system comprises the following levels:
- preschool education;
- secondary education, including general compulsory education and vocational secondary education;
- education for the disabled;
- higher education;
- postgraduate education.
At present, Russian higher education is being modernized in line with the Bologna Accords. The Bologna Process is the process of harmonizing and bringing closer the systems of higher education in the European countries. The purpose of the modernization of Russian education is to make Russian academic degree standards and quality standards more comparable and compatible throughout Europe. Russia signed the Bologna Declaration in 2003. In 2007, the country adopted a law that replaces the traditional five-year model of education with a two-stage model: a four-year bachelor degree followed by a two-year master degree.
People can get higher education at universities, academies and specialized institutes. Most higher educational institutions award a bachelor's degree and a master's degree. Some institutes and academies traditionally train specialists and confer diplomas.
According to the principles of the Bologna Declaration, at universities students receive a bachelor's degree after 3-4 years of studies and a master's degree after further 1-2 years of studies.
Russian universities give instruction in sciences and humanities. Students specialize in mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science, geology, geography, biology, philosophy, history, philology, law, economics, management and other fields.
The aim of specialized universities, institutes and academies is to train professionals for different branches of economy and culture. These higher educational establishments specialize in engineering and technology, medicine, pharmaceutics, agriculture, pedagogy and other fields.
Technical universities and polytechnics train students in different branches of science and engineering: mining, metallurgy, machine building, ship building, mechanical engineering science, computer science and engineering, electrical engineering and other forms of related education.
At higher educational establishments the curricula comprise general subjects, including sciences and humanities, and specialized disciplines.
First-year and second-year students take mathematics, physics, chemistry, history, sociology and foreign languages. Senior and under-graduate students study disciplines in certain fields of specialization. Besides obligatory courses, young people can take optional courses.
Exercise 4. Find in the text the equivalents of these words and word combinations.
Право на образование для всех граждан; единая система народного образования; всеобщее обязательное среднее образование; профессиональное образование; Болонская декларация; присуждают степени; готовят специалистов; право; высшие учебные заведения; различные области науки и техники; судостроение; информатика; общеобразовательные предметы; специальные дисциплины.
Exercise 5. Answer the following questions in pairs.
1. What stages does the Russian system of education comprise?
2.What kinds of higher educational establishments are there in Russia?
3. What degrees do higher schools award?
4. What is the aim of specialized universities, institutes and academies?
5. What do the curricula at technical higher schools include?
Exercise 6. Speak about higher education in Russia.
Unit 2. Studies at the Institute
2.1. My Institute
Exercise 1. Answer the questions below.
1. What higher school do you study at?
2. When did you enter the institute?
3. What year are you in?
4. What faculty are you in?
5. What is your future profession?
Exercise 2. Learn the following words and words combinations.
enrollment [In'rqVlmqnt] n = student body ['bPdI] набор, количество (принятых студентов); контингент студентов
standard of teaching ['stxndqd qv'tJCIN] уровень преподавания
to provide [prq'vaId] v обеспечивать
skilled [skIld] а умелый, квалифицированный
teaching staff ['tJCIN 'stRf] профессорско-преподавательский состав
the head of the department [dI'pRtmqnt] заведующий кафедрой
faculty ['fxkqltI] n факультет
extra-mural ['ekstrq'mjuqrql] а заочный или вечерний (о факультете)
dean [dJn] n декан
to involve [In'vPlv] v включать в себя; заключать, содержать; подразумевать
to be involved with быть занятым, заниматься
full-time students ["ful'taIm 'stjHdqnts] студенты дневного отделения
part-time students ["pRt'taIm] студенты заочного или вечернего отделения
to qualify as ['kwPlIfaI qz] присваивать квалификацию
to deliver lectures on smth [dI'lIvq'lekCqz] = to give lectures on smth читать лекции по какому-л. предмету
credit test ['kredIt'test] n зачет
term [tE:m]= semester [sI'mestq] n семестр
grant ['grRnt], scholarship ['skPlqSIp], stipend ['staIpend] n стипендия
the term of tuition [tjH'ISn] срок обучения
Exercise 3. Read and translate the text below.
My Institute
I’m a first-year student of the Shakhty Branch of South Russia State Technical University.
Our institute is situated in the centre of the city. It occupies a big, beautiful five-storied building. There is a green square in front of the institute.
The institute was founded in 1958. It was established for training engineers for different industries of the country. At present it is one of the most important higher schools in the city. Engineers for different branches of industry, economists, lawyers, managers and other specialists are trained at the educational establishment. The high standard of teaching is provided by the skilled teaching staff. The total enrollment is about 5,500 students. The institute is headed by the director.
There are four faculties in the higher educational institution. They are the Faculty of Technology, the Faculty of Humanities and Economics, the Faculty of Extra-mural and Distance Learning and the Faculty of Additional Education. The head of each faculty is the dean. Each faculty has a group of related departments.
The Faculty of Technology consists of the departments of mining, mineral dressing, geology and surveying, construction, technical drawing, mining machines, electrical engineering, physics, automobile engineering and chemistry. The Faculty of Humanities and Economics comprises the departments of economics and law, management, social sciences, foreign languages, and physical training.
The Faculty of Extra-Mural and Distance Learning is involved with part-time students. Some students attend classes twice a week, others use the Internet in their studies and come to the university twice a year. Part-time students combine studies with work.
The Faculty of Additional Education organizes refresher courses and additional courses for graduates of higher schools.
The Department of Economics and Law was established in 1993. Economics students study general sciences, humanities and specialized subjects. They take mathematics, physics, chemistry, technical drawing, and computer science. Students also study social sciences and foreign languages. The qualified lecturers deliver lectures on economics, accounting, advertising, marketing, statistics, logistics and management.
The academic year consists of two terms. The first term starts in September and finishes in December; the second one begins in February and ends in May.
At the end of each term students take credit tests and examinations. The examination periods are in January and June. Those who do well at their exams get grants. Students get professional training in July. They work in offices, banks and mines. The students are on vacation in August.
The term of full-time tuition is five years. After completing the course of training and passing final exams young people are qualified as economists, managers, engineers and lawyers. After graduation from the institute they work in banks, plants, mines and private companies.
The institute has a lot of lecture-halls, computer rooms, well-equipped laboratories, a gymnasium and a sports ground. There is a library and a reading room runs by professional librarians. The institute has photocopying facilities, computers, scanners and printers. Meetings, conferences and concerts are held in the assembly hall.
Exercise 4. Find in the text the equivalents of these words and word combinations.
В память о его основателях; различные отрасли промышленности страны; вузы; в учебном заведении; технологический факультет, гуманитарно-экономический факультет, факультет заочного и дистанционного обучения; факультет дополнительного образования; родственные кафедры; электротехника, автодело, общественные науки; включать; посещать уроки; два раза в неделю; сочетать учебу и работу; учебный год; копировальная техника; актовый зал.
Exercise 5. Answer the following questions in pairs.
1. Where is the institute situated?
2. When was the institute founded?
3. Who heads the institute?
4. How many faculties are there in the institute?
5. What faculties does the institute include?
6. Who heads each faculty?
7. When was the Department of Economics and Law established?
8. Where do economics students get practical training?
9. When do students take examinations and credit tests?
10.Where do young specialists work after graduation?
11.What is your alma mater?
12.How do you feel about being a student here?
Exercise 6. Speak about your institute.
2.2. About myself and my friends
Exercise 1. Answer the questions below.
1. What is your name?
2. How old are you?
3. What do you do?
4. Where do you study?
5. What year are you in?
6. What faculty are you in?
7. What is your speciality?
8. What do you want to become?
Exercise 2. Learn the following words and words combinations?.
secondary school ['sekqndqrI] средняя школа
to finish school with honours = to leave school with honours ['Pnqz] окончить школу с отличием
to enter an institute / university ['entq qn'InstItjHt] поступить в институт / университет
to take economics ["Jkq'nPmIks] изучать экономику
major ['meIGq] n основной предмет специализации; студент, специализирующийся по какому-л. предмету
minor ['maInq] n второстепенный, не основной предмет; а второстепенный; v изучать в качестве второй специальности
speciality ["speSI'xlItI] n специальность; специализация, основное занятие
specialization ["speSqlaI'zeISqn] n специализация
to specialize in smth ['speSqlaIz] = to major in smth специализироваться в какой-л. области
management and administration организация производства и административное управление
to be good at languages / mathematics ['lxNgwIGIz / "mxTI'mxtIks] быть способным к языкам / математике
to support a family [sq'pLt] содержать семью
salary ['sxlqrI] n жалованье, оклад
seminar ['semInR] n семинар
to have an excellent mark in an examination = to get an excellent mark in an examination ['eksqlqnt 'mRk] получать отличную оценку на экзамене
satisfactory ["sxtIs'fxktqrI] а удовлетворительный
term paper ['tE:m 'peIpq] курсовая работа
research [rI'sE:C] n исследовательская работа; а исследовательский; v исследовать
to do research into проводить исследование
researcher [rI'sE:Cq] n исследователь
scientific supervisor ["saIqn'tIfIk 'sjHpqvaIzq] = scientific adviser [qd'vaIzq] научный руководитель
to mix with people [mIks] общаться с людьми
Exercise 3. Read and translate the text below.
University Students
Hello! I'm Valery Kotov. I'm 21. I was born in Shakhty in 1989. I'm not married. I live with my parents and my younger brother. My father is a lawyer. My mother is an accountant. My brother is 10 years old. He goes to school. He is in the fourth form.
I finished secondary school with honours. In 2006 I entered a technical university. I study full time. Now I'm a fourth-year student. I study in the Faculty of Humanities and Economics. I take economics. I'm going to be a manager. My specialization is the Economy of Mining Production and Geological Prospecting. I hope to specialize in management and administration in my final year. I do well at the university and get a grant. My favourite subject is management. I'm good at English, too. After graduation from the university I'd like to work as a manager in a mine or in a bank or in a prosperous private company.
I've got a friend. His name is Alexander Smirnov. He's twenty-four years of age. Alexander is married. He's got a wife and a daughter. Alexander has to support his family. He works as a shop-assistant in a small shop. His salary is not very high. My friend works on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday. His working day begins at 7.30 a.m. and ends at 4.00 p.m. Alexander is a part-time student at our university. He's in his second year. Alexander takes a course in economics. His specialization is Enterprise Management. He goes to the university twice a week: on Wednesday and Saturday. My friend attends lectures, classes and seminars. After each term he sits examinations. He usually has excellent and good marks in all subjects. Alexander is seldom given satisfactory marks in examinations. He never gets bad marks. His term papers are also very good.
I'm sure he will make a good manager. He hopes to get a good job after graduation.
Let me introduce myself. My name is Yelena Maslova. I'm twenty-three years old. I'm from Novocherkassk. I graduated from South Russia State Technical University in 2007. I'm doing a postgraduate course in economics. I study full time. I attend lectures and seminars for postgraduate students. My lecturers and teachers help me to learn modern research methods. I read journals and books on economics and management. My special field is management. It seems very important to me.
The subject of my thesis is Managing Small Business in the Rostov Region. My scientific supervisor is B. V. Petrov, Associate Professor, Candidate of Science (Economics). I dream of defending my thesis and working at the university. I like to mix with people. I'm fond of research work. I want to be a good lecturer.
Exercise 4. Find in the text the equivalents of these words and word combinations.
Студенты, изучающие менеджмент; окончил среднюю школу с отличием; учусь на дневном факультете; изучаю экономику; гуманитарно-экономический факультет; экономика горного производства и геологоразведки; хорошо учусь в университете; продавец; студент-вечерник; управление предприятием; курсовые работы; посещаю лекции и семинары; аспиранты; преподаватели; исследовательские методы.
Exercise 5. Answer the following questions in pairs.
A. 1. How old is Valery Kotov?
2. What does he do?
3. Is Valery a full-time or part-time student?
4. What year is he in?
5. What's his specialization?
6. Does he do well at the university?
B. 1. Where does Alexander Smirnov work?
2. Is his salary high?
3. Has he got a family?
4. Why does he have to combine study with work?
5. Is Alexander in his final year at the university?
6. Is he a good student?
C. 1. Where is Yelena Maslova from?
2. When did she graduate from the university?
3. Why is she doing a post-graduate course?
4. What's the subject of her thesis?
5. Who's her scientific supervisor?
6. What are her plans for the future?
Exercise 6. Speak about yourself.