Напишите на английском языке к тексту 8 вопросов (по 2 каждого типа).

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State and municipal regulation, as it is considered not obliged to touch also to the natural rights of man. They are understood, as a rule, personality rights, is the property of the person from birth: The right to freedom, life, personal integrity, property etc. They are protected as rights of the citizen, the state and municipal authorities. Natural rights are inalienable, but even life itself can be “expropriated” by the verdict of the court: The death penalty exists in many countries. However, natural rights, positive rights, and has long been included in the texts of constitutions.

In practice, the limits of state and municipal administration limited, first, by the disposition of the object of regulation. As mentioned, most phenomena do not lend themselves to state or municipal administration (for example, human thought). Second, the adjustment puts the society itself: Its natural (natural) self-regulation. Society is not a simple system that works according to the rules of synergy. Intervention in natural processes of self-regulation of society (for example, by the creation of the state power of the new system on the basis of theoretical insights), public experiments, changing the very foundations of human existence, formed public morality, lead to the collapse, as shown by the experiment of the countries of totalitarian socialism. So, the regulatory measures used in state and municipal administration, must be such that they, on the one hand, does not violate the natural self-regulation of the community, and with another - allowed to correct deficiencies natural development.

These abilities society (regional team) establish the limits of state and municipal administration. Naturally, at the theoretical level, the heads of the municipality and the rulers of all countries would like to people under their control were better off not spiritually, namely financially.

It is much cheaper it is and the ruling structures: On the one hand is less probability for the manifestation of the dissatisfaction of the society with other more tax revenue. Because of the different personal qualities, ensure all identically equal high income unrealistic.

In any society (regional team) there are public groups and individuals, with lofty claims for a share of the public product, not corresponding to their actual contribution to social production. The feasibility of these requirements depends on how strong “interest groups,” their capacity to influence state and municipal authorities. In the end one or the other person, group of persons United by common interests (for example, the “environment,” a popular figure), a social layer (the financial elite), the public class (for example, entrepreneurs) receive a status that allows you to have privileges that are not relevant to their current role in society. Using its position in those or other segments of the population achieve state not a few important material and other concessions (concessions, an appropriate distribution of budget funds, commercial organizations, representation in power structures where the state owns a stake in, and often in other spheres of life).

They receive a disproportionately small share of the values (in this case we are talking not only about material values, but also about health, education, culture, etc.) and social benefits. If the dominant social stratum distortional assigns such a large proportion, it has the ability to lead to a sharp aggravation of social contradictions.



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Напишите на английском языке к тексту 8 вопросов (по 2 каждого типа).

2.1. Подготовьте на английском языке рассказы (10-12 предложений) на следующие темы:

- Мой родной город

- Моя будущая профессия - государственное и муниципальное управление

- Поступление на государственную службу (на примере)

- Мое путешествие

Составьте два рассказ (или диалога), употребив следующие английские пословицы:

- «Don’t trouble troubles»

- «Two heads are better than one»


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