Образец выполнения контрольной работы

Задание 1.

Nebula (sg) – nebulae (pl)

[‘nebjul ] [‘nebjuli: ]

Задание 2.

1. But, in that moment, an astonishing and vivid experience happened to them. – An abstract noun is modified by descriptive attributes. The indefinite article is used in its aspective function.

2. One might have supposed that in his life enough of the astonishing and the vivid had already happened. – Substantivized adjectives (participles) are used with the definite article in its generic function.

Задание 3.

1. … the house is, … it will be (big, expensive). – Thebigger the house is, the more expensive it will be.

Задание 4.

1. It was three o’clock. The wind had fallen, the moon was shining over the quiet sea.

Was – the Past Indefinite Tense is used to denote a past action, it’s a tense of narration.

Had fallen – the Past Perfect Tense is used to denote a past action preceding some past moment (completed before some definite moment in the past).

Was shining – the Past Continuous Tense is used to denote a past action in its duration, going on at a definite past moment (three o’clock).

Задание 5.

If I were to die … it would be dreadful that you should always think mistakenly of me.

1. were to die – subjunctive II present, used in a subordinate clause of condition to express unreality in the future.

2. would be – the conditional mood present, used in the main clause of a complex sentence, expresses dependent unreality, has present or future reference.

3. should think – the suppositional mood present, expresses a problematic action, not contrary to fact, used after the construction “it is dreadful” (“it would be dreadful”) to express supposition in a subject clause after the introductory “it”.

Задание 6.

1. Let me tell you whose house you’ve come into without (to ask) or (to want). – Let me tell you whose house you’ve come into without being asked or being wanted.

Being asked – gerund, non-perfect, passive (shows, that the person “you” is affected by the action, expressed by the gerund).

2. The house seemed (to leave) long ago. – The house seemed to have been left long ago.


To have been left – infinitive, passive, perfect, non-continuous (common)

The perfect form of the infinitive is used to express an action prior to the action expressed by the finite verb.

The passive form of the infinitive shows that the subject is acted upon.

The Common aspect of the infinitive represents an action as a fact.

Задание 7.

He took care that they should not cheat the natives; he saw that they got a fair reward for their work and their copra and that the traders made no extravagant profit on the wares they sold them. (S. Maugham)


He took he saw



that that


object they should they got… and the traders on the wares object

clause not cheat copra clause

the natives they sold them




A compound-complex sentence; it consists of six clauses: two coordinate clauses, joined asyndetically; three object clauses are joined by the subordinating conjunction “that” and a relative limiting (restrictive) clause joined asyndetically.




Учебно-методические материалы для студентов II-III курсов факультета английского языка (отделение заочного обучения)



Составители: Валентина Ильинична Курышева

Надежда Николаевна Лисенкова



Редакторы: Л.П.Шахрова



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