V2: Тексты на поисковое чтение

S: Прочтите текст. What breaks the proteins in our food into their basic structural units called amino acids?

-: our respiratory system

-: our nervous system

-: our digestive system

-: our cardiovascular system

The role of protein in allergy.

Proteins are fundamental parts of the structure of all living material. A great variety of them make up an essential part of the food we eat. Our digestive apparatus breaks the proteins in our food into their basic structural units, simpler substances called amino acids. These amino acids are then absorbed into our blood, carried around the body, and reassembled into our own individual body protein. It is if you took a brick wall apart down to its individual bricks, transported them to a new location, and then put them together to form a different wall.

Each person’s individual proteins are different from any other person’s. We may call them self- proteins. They are basic to making you yourself. They are very different, too, from bumble- bee protein, or mouse protein, or the protein of corn or egg white, cow’s milk or, indeed, any other protein.

Nevertheless, all these proteins are built of amino acids, just as all brick walls are built of bricks. All living tissue needs about twenty kinds of amino acids from which to build its own kinds of protein.

If instead of amino acids, some undigested protein is absorbed or injected into blood, the body recognizes it as a foreign protein and wants no part of it.

S: Прочтите текст. What are all proteins built of?

-: self-protein

-: bricks

-: skin cells

-: amino acids

The role of protein in allergy.

Proteins are fundamental parts of the structure of all living material. A great variety of them make up an essential part of the food we eat. Our digestive apparatus breaks the proteins in our food into their basic structural units, simpler substances called amino acids. These amino acids are then absorbed into our blood, carried around the body, and reassembled into our own individual body protein. It is if you took a brick wall apart down to its individual bricks, transported them to a new location, and then put them together to form a different wall.

Each person’s individual proteins are different from any other person’s. We may call them self- proteins. They are basic to making you yourself. They are very different, too, from bumble- bee protein, or mouse protein, or the protein of corn or egg white, cow’s milk or, indeed, any other protein.

Nevertheless, all these proteins are built of amino acids, just as all brick walls are built of bricks. All living tissue needs about twenty kinds of amino acids from which to build its own kinds of protein.

If instead of amino acids, some undigested protein is absorbed or injected into blood, the body recognizes it as a foreign protein and wants no part of it.


S: Прочтите текст. What do the motor symptoms of the disease result from?

-: disturbances of the digestive system

-: the death of the cardiac muscle

-: the death of the auditory nerve

-: the death of cells in the region of the midbrain

Parkinson’s Disease.

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system mainly affecting the motor system. Early in the course of the disease, the most obvious symptoms are movement- related; these include shaking, rigidity, slowness of movement and difficulty with walking and gait. Later, thinking and behavioral problems may arise, with dementia commonly occurring in the advanced stages of the disease, and depression being the most common psychiatric symptom. Other symptoms include sensory, sleep, and emotional problems. The main motor symptoms are collectively called «parkinsonian syndrome».

The disease can be either primary or secondary. Primary Parkinson’s disease has no known cause, although some atypical cases have a genetic origin. Secondary parkinsonism is due to known causes like toxins. Many risks and protective factors have been investigated: the clearest evidence is for an increased risk in people exposed to certain pesticides and a reduced risk in tobacco smokers. The motor symptoms of the disease result from the death of cells in the substantia nigra, a region of the midbrain. This results in not enough dopamine in these areas. The reasons for this cell death are poorly understood but involves the build-up of proteins into Lewy bodies in the neurons.


S: Прочтите текст. When does rash appear?

-: the first day

-: the seventh day

-: the third or forth day

-: the fortnight


Measles begins like an ordinary cold that keeps getting worse. The cough becomes more and more severe, the fever rises irregularly, the eyes become bleary and reddened.

The most troublesome symptom is a cough. If there is no cough, it is no measles! The cough is harsh, frequent, persistent, and tiresome.

About the third or fourth day a blotchy, red rash appears. When first noticed the rash is on the face and neck, but it spreads slowly down until often the entire body is covered except from the palms and soles. During this stage the child may seem very ill. Severe measles is no picnic. You will need the doctor’s help.

Two or three days after the rash starts, about the time it reaches the ankles, the patient begins to improve. If, after some improvement, the child seems to be getting worse, you should call the doctor again. Most complications are caused by bacteria and can be controlled by proper use of antibiotics. Because the complications of measles are sometimes more serious than the disease itself, you should not try to see it through on your own. The old idea that light damages the eyes during measles is not true.


S: Прочтите текст.

The most troublesome symptom is...

-: running nose

-: rash

-: cough

-: fever


Measles begins like an ordinary cold that keeps getting worse. The cough becomes more and more severe, the fever rises irregularly, the eyes become bleary and reddened.

The most troublesome symptom is a cough. If there is no cough, it is no measles! The cough is harsh, frequent, persistent, and tiresome.

About the third or fourth day a blotchy, red rash appears. When first noticed the rash is on the face and neck, but it spreads slowly down until often the entire body is covered except from the palms and soles. During this stage the child may seem very ill. Severe measles is no picnic. You will need the doctor’s help.

Two or three days after the rash starts, about the time it reaches the ankles, the patient begins to improve. If, after some improvement, the child seems to be getting worse, you should call the doctor again. Most complications are caused by bacteria and can be controlled by proper use of antibiotics. Because the complications of measles are sometimes more serious than the disease itself, you should not try to see it through on your own. The old idea that light damages the eyes during measles is not true.


S: Прочтите текст.

Condition that has been described for at least five hundred years is ###


Scurvy is a condition that has been described for at least 500 years. In 1753, Sir James Lind demonstrated that the condition could be prevented in British sailors by adding citrus fruits to their diets. Forty years later, Sir Gilbert Blane convinced the admiralty of the British Navy to approve a preventing dietary regimen for sailors. Prior to that, all sea voyages had to be limited to 10 weeks or less to rehabilitate the crews. Scurvy produces characteristic perifollicular hemorrhages and gingival changes as well as hematologic, joint, and cardiac complications.

Scurvy is caused by a prolonged deficiency of vitamin C intake that results in defective collagen synthesis, tissue repair, and synthesis of lipids and proteins. It functions both as a reducing agent and as an antioxidant and is required for many physiologic functions, including metabolism of iron and folic acid, resistance to infection, and integrity of blood vessels.

The clinical manifestations of scurvy are primarily due to abnormal collagen synthesis resulting from a lack of vitamin C. Vitamin C is a cofactor required for the function of several hydroxylases. The absence of vitamin C reduces the function of prolyl hydroxylase, which is required to form hydroproxyline, an amino acid found in collagen but rarely found in other proteins.


S: Прочтите текст. What food could prevent the condition in the 18th century?

-: meat

-: milk

-: vegetables

-: citrus fruits


Scurvy is a condition that has been described for at least 500 years. In 1753, Sir James Lind demonstrated that the condition could be prevented in British sailors by adding citrus fruits to their diets. Forty years later, Sir Gilbert Blane convinced the admiralty of the British Navy to approve a preventing dietary regimen for sailors. Prior to that, all sea voyages had to be limited to 10 weeks or less to rehabilitate the crews. Scurvy produces characteristic perifollicular hemorrhages and gingival changes as well as hematologic, joint, and cardiac complications.

Scurvy is caused by a prolonged deficiency of vitamin C intake that results in defective collagen synthesis, tissue repair, and synthesis of lipids and proteins. It functions both as a reducing agent and as an antioxidant and is required for many physiologic functions, including metabolism of iron and folic acid, resistance to infection, and integrity of blood vessels.

The clinical manifestations of scurvy are primarily due to abnormal collagen synthesis resulting from a lack of vitamin C.Vitamin C is a cofactor required for the function of several hydroxylases. The absence of vitamin C reduces the function of prolyl hydroxylase, which is required to form hydroproxyline, an amino acid found in collagen but rarely found in other proteins.


S: Прочтите текст. What are most complications caused by?

-: bacilli

-: mycobacterium tuberculosis

-: bacteria

-: aerobic microorganisms


Measles begins like an ordinary cold that keeps getting worse. The cough becomes more and more severe, the fever rises irregularly, the eyes become bleary and reddened.

The most troublesome symptom is a cough. If there is no cough, it is no measles! The cough is harsh, frequent, persistent, and tiresome.

About the third or fourth day a blotchy, red rash appears. When first noticed the rash is on the face and neck, but it spreads slowly down until often the entire body is covered except from the palms and soles. During this stage the child may seem very ill. Severe measles is no picnic. You will need the doctor’s help.

Two or three days after the rash starts, about the time it reaches the ankles, the patient begins to improve. If, after some improvement, the child seems to be getting worse, you should call the doctor again. Most complications are caused by bacteria and can be controlled by proper use of antibiotics. Because the complications of measles are sometimes more serious than the disease itself, you should not try to see it through on your own. The old idea that light damages the eyes during measles is not true.

V1.4: Страноведение


S: Закончите предложение.

The United Kingdom is …

-: a Parliamentary Republic

-: a Constitutional Monarchy

-: a Federal State

S: Закончите предложение.

The UK’s flag is called …

-: Union Commonwealth

-: Union Nations

-: Union Jack


S: Закончите предложение.

The UK consists of …

-: 2 parts

-: 3 parts

-: 4 parts

S:Закончите предложение.

The head of the government in the UK is …

-: the Prime Minister

-: the President

-: the Queen

S: Закончите предложение.

Cardiff is the capital of …

-: Scotland

-: Northern Ireland

-: Wales

S: Закончите предложение.

The national bird of the UK is …

-: Robin Redbreast

-: Blackbird

-: Bullfinch

S: Закончите предложение.

Canadian flag is …

-: birch leaf

-: oak leaf

-: maple leaf

S: Закончите предложение.

Canadian national colors are …

-: red and white

-: white and blue

-: red and black


S: Закончите предложение.

The two official languages in Canada are …

-: English and Spanish

-: English and French

-: English and German

S: Закончите предложение.

Canada consists of …

-: states and territories

-: states and provinces

-: provinces and territories


S: Назовите государственный строй Австралии:

-: British Colony

-: a Federal Republic

-: an Independent Federative State

-: a Sovereign State


S: Главой Австралии является

-: the Prime Minister

-: the Queen of Britain

-: the President

-: d. the Governor


S: Национальным гербом Австралии является …

-: kangaroo and wild dog

-: koala and kangaroo

-: kangaroo and ostrich

-: kangaroo and parrot


S: В состав Австралии входит … штатов.

-: 6

-: 8

-: 12

-: 16


S: Столицей Австралии является …

-: Sydney

-: Melbourne

-: Canberra


S: Австралию открыл …

-: Christopher Columbus

-: James Cook

-: Amerigo Vispucci

-: Vasco da Gama


S: Закончите предложение.

The USA consists of … states.

-: 49

-: 50

-: 51


S: Закончите предложение.

Washington, the federal capital, is located in …

-: the state of Washington

-: the state of New York

-: the District of Columbia


S: Закончите предложение.

The American national flag has …

-: 50 stars and 13 stripes

-: 13 stars and 50 stripes

-: 50 stars and 50 stripes


S: Закончите предложение.

The USA Congress consists of …

-: the Supreme Court and the Federal Court

-: the House of Representatives and the Senate

-: the House of Commons and the House of Lords


S: Закончите предложение.

The Declaration of Independence was adopted …

-: on 4 July, 1776

-: on 12 October, 1492

-: on 30 April, 1789


S: Закончите предложение.

The oldest university in the USA is …

-: the University of California

-: Princeton University

-: Harvard University


S: Закончите предложение.

The statue of Liberty is located in …

-: Washington Mall

-: in New York Harbor

-: on New York Broadway


S: Закончите предложение.

The statue of Liberty was created by …

-: Frederic Auguste Bartholdi

-: Frank Lloyd Wright

-: Pierre L’Enfant


S: Закончите предложение.

The United Nations Headquarters are situated in …

-: New York

-: Washington

-: Chicago


S: Что является символом финансовой власти США?

-: Times Square

-: Wall Street

-: Pennsylvania Avenue


S: Что производят в Силиконовой Долине?

-: medical tools

-: steel

-: computers


S: Закончите предложение.

The capital of New Zealand is …

-: Auckland

-: Wellington

-: Queenstown


S: Закончите предложение.

New Zealand is …

-: Parliamentary Republic

-: Capitalist Democracy

-: Constitutional Monarchy


S: Закончите предложение.

The head of the state New Zealand is …

-: the Prime Minister

-: the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain

-: the Governor-general







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