II. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the phrasal verb LOOK. Use the necessary particles.

Study the following information.

Look about / around - осматриваться, обводить глазами что-либо (например, помещение), оглядываться; - искать, подыскивать (что-либо) = look about for 1) Do we have to pay to look around this castle? 2) He was looking about as if he was waiting for somebody. 3) He has been looking about for a better job since Christmas.
Look after - присматривать за кем-либо, ухаживать, заботиться о ком-либо / о чём-либо (= take care of somebody) - быть ответственным за что-либо (за какое-то дело…) - следить глазами за чем-либо 1) When Caroline goes to work, the babysitter looks after the children. 2) This garden seems to have been looked after. (Кажется, что за этим садом присматривают.) 3) I’m leaving you here to look afterthe business until I get back. 4) She was looking after the train as it was leaving the station.
Look ahead смотреть вперёд (в будущее); предвидеть (= think about what is going to happen in the future and make plans) 1) Looking ahead to the future, we can imagine the time when all cars will fly. 2) Looking ahead I see you as a student. 3) Looking ahead, we must expect radical changes to be made in our system of government.
Look at - смотреть на кого-либо (что-либо), взглянуть; - осмотреть что-то или кого-то, с целью выяснить, в чём проблема 1) The twins looked at each other and smiled. 2) Can you look at my car? There’s a strange noise coming from the front wheel.
Look back оглянуться (в прямом смысле и в переносном – в прошлое); вспомнить (= think about something that happened in the past) 1) Never look back, you can’t change the past. 2) When I look back into the past I remember all my mistakes. 3) He looked back and saw his friend entering the shop.
Look down (at / on) смотреть с презрением; смотреть свысока 1) His parents looked down at Anna. 2) Mr Garcia looks down on anyone who hasn’t had a college education.
Look for искать (= search for), подыскивать; пытаться найти что-то или кого-то (= try to find something) 1) I’m looking for Steve – have you seen him? 2) Detectives arestill looking for the escaped prisoner. 3) I look for the house to rent for the whole family.
Look forward to ждать с нетерпением, предвкушать что-либо (= feel pleased and excited about something that is going to happen) 1) I am looking forward to meeting you in London. 2) I am looking forward to Saturday to wear my new dress to the party. 3) I’m looking forward to some warmer weather after this bitter winter.
Look in заглянуть к кому-то, зайти (= visit a person or place for a short time) You should look in to see us, if only for a minute.
Look into исследовать (= investigate), разобраться 1) My mother asked me to look into methods of doing the work quicker. 2) The police will look into the possibilities of embezzlement.
Look on - считать кем-либо, смотреть как на кого-либо; - наблюдать (= watch something without taking part yourself) 1) She looks on him as her son. 2) He’s more than just a friend for her. She looks on him as her little brother. 3) No one helped her. Everyone just looked on her being robbed.
Look out - вести себя осторожно (= watch what is happening and be careful); - выходить (на какую-либо сторону), быть обращённым (куда-либо) 1) Look out! There’s an avalanche! 2) My hotel room looks out across the lake.
Look over осматривать, посмотреть, оглядеться 1) His doctor looked him over quickly and let him go. 2) So I and John started to look over the rest of the fuel trucks.
Look through просматривать (газеты, книги, статьи…) I was looking through the old newspapers the whole day.
Look to обращаться к кому-либо (за чем-либо), рассчитывать на что-либо, надеяться He looked to hear from her. (Он ждал, что она даст о себе знать.)
Look up - искать информацию в книге, словаре или другом источнике информации; - равняться на кого-то, восхищаться, уважать = look up to; - поднять глаза / посмотреть наверх 1) If you don’t know the meaning of the word you can look it up in the dictionary. 2) I looked him up to being so courageous. (Я восхищался его смелостью.)


* Have / take a look

1) Take a good look at the photo and see if you recognize anyone in it. – Посмотри внимательно на эту фотографию, и скажи, узнаёшь ли ты кого-нибудь на ней.

2) Let me have a look at that – I think it’s mine. – Дай мне посмотреть на это – мне кажется, это моё.




I. Match the phrasal verb LOOK with its meanings.

1) look through a) вести себя осторожно

2) look for b) смотреть свысока

3) look back c) просматривать

4) look after d) искать информацию (где-либо)

5) look forward to e) оглянуться; вспомнить

6) look down on f) искать; пытаться найти что-либо

7) look out g) ждать с нетерпением

8) look up h) заботиться о (ком-либо)

II. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the phrasal verb LOOK. Use the necessary particles.

1) I …… the office when my colleagues are away on business.

2) We …… to our holidays. It will be wonderful to get away!

3) I didn’t know the word so I …… it …… in the dictionary.

4) She is always losing her keys and …… them!

5) Customs stopped me and …… all my luggage.

6) We …… the list of applicants and made a shortlist of the six best qualified.

7) I …… on my childhood as the happiest part of my life.

8) He is a bit of a snob and …… people who are not from his social background.


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