Ex.1. Practice the reading.

-ture, -sure

▪ lec ture, fu ture, depar ture, mix ture, expendi ture, struc ture, punc ture, frac ture, manufac ture, crea ture, fix ture, curva ture, fea ture, conjunc ture, adven ture, mois ture;

▪ mea sure, plea sure, lei sure, clo sure, disclo sure, embra sure, trea sure, trea sury;

BUT: sure, ensure, insurance.


▪ incr ea se, conc ea l, m ea n, def ea t, ea ger, tr ea ty, f ea sible, h ea ter, l ea d, r ea sonable, h ea ver, rel ea se, d ea n, d ea ler, l ea ve, ea sy, b ea con, l ea se, m ea ning, r ea ch, tr ea tment, w ea k.

BUT: overhead, headway, tread, ready, steady, spread, instead, treadle, measure, pleasure, weather, meant, heavy; break; really, create, realize.

pay attention to the letters which are not pronounced:

ha l f, wa l k, ta l k, shou l d, cou l d, wou l d, h our, hi gh, hei gh t, strai gh t, fri gh ten, sli gh tly, si gh t, ali gh t, fi gh t, mi gh t, midni gh t, frei gh t, reti gh ten, ou gh t, wei gh t, desi g n, beni g n; si g n, ali g nment, consi g nment, assi g n, w h at, w h eel, w h arf, w h is t le, w rong, w rist, w rite, w rench, ship w re c k, de c k, cli c k, ra c k, re c kon, sto c k, co c kpit, k now, k not, k no c k, k nu c kle, clim b, com b.

Words and word combinations to be remembered
1) to appear –появляться; казаться 2) to approach – приближаться, подходить 3) to arrive – прибывать arrival – прибытие 4) average– средний 5) berth –спальная полка (в вагоне) lower berth –нижняя полка upper berth –верхняя полка 6) bridge– мост 7) to call – называть; вызывать; звонить so-called – так называемый 8)carriage– вагон 9) to carry – перевозить, транспортировать; нести 10)to change – менять, изменять(ся) to change (trains) – делать пересадку change – изменение; пересадка; сдача 11)compartment– купе 12)to connect – соединять, связывать connection– соединение, связь 13)crew –бригада, экипаж locomotive crew –локомотивная бригада train crew –поездная бригада 14) to depart – отправляться departure – отправление 15)destination– место назначения 16)discount– скидка 17)fare(s)– плата за проезд to pay the fare(s) – оплачивать проезд, брать билет(ы) 18)fast– быстрый, скорый 19)heavy –тяжёлый; интенсивный, сильный 20) to improve –улучшать, усовершенствовать improvement – улучшение, усовершенствование 21)junction– железнодорожный узел, узловая станция 22)necessary– необходимый 23)to notice – замечать notice –объявление 24)porter– носильщик 25)to propose – предлагать 26)to serve – служить, обслуживать service – услуга, обслуживание; перевозки 27)suburb– пригород suburban train – пригородный поезд, электричка 28)suitable –подходящий 29)terminal (terminus) – вокзал, конечная станция 30) ticket – билет single ticket – билет “туда” (билет в одном направлении) return ticket – билет “туда и обратно” 31)traffic – движение, перевозки traffic frequency – частота движения traffic jam – пробка на дороге 32) to try –пытаться, пробовать

Mind the prepositions

1) to arrive in (a city, a country) 11) to look for

2) to arrive at (a railway station, an airport) 12) to look forward to

3) to leave for (London) 13)to be in a hurry

4) to depart from (Moscow) for (Samara) 14) to be at somebody’s disposal

5) to get on (the train, the bus, etc.) 15) at the railway station (airport)

6) to get off (the train, the bus, etc.) 16) to see somebody off

7) to get to 17)to take notice of

8) to go by (train, bus, car, etc.) 18) a ticket for (the 12 o'clock train)

9) to transfer from (bus) to (train) 19) a ticket (a train) to (Moscow)

10) to look at 20) on the train


Ex.2. Choose the word having an opposite meaning to:

1) expensive a) enormous; b) dear; c) cheap; d) suitable

2) fast a) rapid; b) quick; c) swift; d) slow

3) heavy a) light; b) intense; c) necessary; d) busy

4) low a) tall; b) average; c) high; d) small

5) frequently a) often; b) rarely; c) numerous; d) seldom

6) major a) large; b) small; c) main; d) minor

7) a stopping train a) a direct train; b) a local train; c) an express train; d) a fast train

8) to arrive a) to approach; b) to go; c) to depart; d) to appear

9) to get on a) to leave; b) to enter; c) to get into; d) to get off

10) to see off a) to look at; b) to meet; c) to get off; d) to part

11) to appear a) to arrive; b) to approach; c) to disappear; d) to suggest


Ex.3. Translate the words from the column A and find their synonyms in column B (do it in written form).


1) booking-office a) car/ coach

2) to buy a ticket ahead of time b) comfortable (comfort)

3) carriage c) to link/ to join

4) to carry d) commuter train/ local train

5) conductor e) trunk

6) to connect f) rapid/ quick/ swift

7) convenient (convenience) g) direct train

8) dining car h) to offer/ to suggest

9) fast i) to board a train/ to take a train

10) to get to j) to reach

11) to get on the train k) rush hour

12) information bureau l) restaurant car

13) long distance train m) sleeper train

14) baggage n) ticket-office

15) peak hour o) to buy a ticket beforehand/ in advance

16) to propose p) enquiry office

17) railway q) railroad

18) return ticket r) attendant

19) single ticket s) one-way ticket

20) suburban train t) to transport

21) suitcase u) round-trip ticket

22) through train v) luggage


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