Read the information and discuss it. Make at least 10 questions and ask your friends.


pass проездной

to take a nap — поспать, вздремнуть to chat — поболтать fare — стоимость, плата за проезд $over — покрытие, зона действия


More than 240,000 Kilometers for you. Enjoy every journey in mod­ern, high-tech and fast trains. Train travel in Europe is comfortable, re­laxing and efficient. You can admire the passing scenery, enjoy a meal, take a nap or chat with your fellow travellers. You will arrive on time, rested, refreshed and right in the heart of town where most European train Stations are located.

Explore all Europe by train with Euro Railways. From high speed trains (TGV) to the romantic trains that run in the countryside. Here you Can find information on some options of passes:

Choosing the right pass and the right fare

In accordance with your itinerary, age, trip duration and number of persons travelling together you will find the best option for your Euro­pean Rail Trip.

Saver fare when travel 2 or more persons,

Senior fares for older than 60 years

Youth fares under 26 years old.


Children between 4 and 11 years old pay half adult.

Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса

Multi Countries Passes

Multi Countries Duration Cover Fares (from US$)
Saver Senior Youth
Eurail Select any 5 days within 2 months 3, 4 or 5 countries   n/a  
Eurail Flexipass 10 days within 2 months 17 countries   n/a  
Eurail 15 consecutives days 17 countries   n/a  
Brit Rail + Ireland any 5 days within 1 month UK + Ireland   n/a n/a
ScanRail Flexipass any 5 days within 2 months Scandinavia      
European East Pass any 5 days within 1 month European East   n/a n/a
Balkan Flexipass any 5 days within 1 month Balkans Countries      
Benelux Flexipass any 5 days within 1 month Belgium, Neth, Lux   n/a  


Low Season Fare (Jan, Feb, Nov, Dec)

Multi Countries Duration Cover Fares (from US$)
Saver Senior Youth
Brit Rail Classic (25 % off) 4 consecutives days United Kingdom      
Brit Rail Flexipass (25 % off) any 4 days within 2 months United Kingdom      


There are also two countries passes and one country passes. For more information call...

Translate into English.



Европейские высокоскоростные фирменные поезда — это InterCityExpress, соединяющий крупнейшие мегаполисы Германии, французские Thalis и TGV, итальянский EuroStar (не путать с

Unit 4. Travelling By Train

EuroStar, соединяющим Британские острова с Европой), испанс­кий Thalgo и другие.

Здесь скорость и комфорт еще выше, но единого для всех стран стандарта нет. Так, например, роскошный немецкий красавец — серебристый InterCityExpress — предлагает пассажирам первого класса наушники для прослушивания музыки, видео и свежие га­зеты, а также закуски и напитки из бара, но уже за отдельную пла­ту. А вот скромный французский Thalis обязательно вкусно накор­мит своих VIP-пассажиров, которые решили, например, проехать Поездом из Кельна в Париж. За сменой блюд 4 часа поездки про­летят незаметно... И вы уже в Париже!

Choose the right word from the list below. Mind the forms of the verbs. Translate the story.


Once Mark Twain, the___________________ American writer, was trav­elling in France. He was going by ___________________________________ to Dijon. That af­ternoon he was very tired and_________________________ to sleep. So he asked the

________________ to wake him up and put him off the train when they

________________ Dijon.

"I shall____________ • protest," he said to the conductor, "be­cause I am a heavy sleeper, but do not pay any__________________ to

that. Put me off the train anyway."

A few minutes later Mark Twain _____________________________ to sleep. Lat­er, when he woke up, it was___________________________ and the train was already

in Paris. He understood that the conductor had forgotten to

________________ him in Dijon. He was very angry. He ran up to the

conductor and_________________ to shout at him. "I have never been


so__________________ in my life", he said. The conductor looked at

him calmly, "You are hot__________________________ so angry as the Ameri­can whom I put off the train in Dijon."

Night, angry, conductor; attention, train, famous, to go, to reach, half, probably, to begin, to wake up, to want.


Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса




Read, translate, memorize and dramatize the dialogue




Hello, Mr. Blake. Wfe're are not late, are we? Hello, Jane. No, you're not late. I was a bit early. When does the train leave?

It leaves at four twenty-seven (4.27). We don't need to hur­ry; we'll be able to catch it. Is it an express? No, it's a stopping train. Shall I buy the tickets, Mr. Blake? Oh, yes, I forgot about them. There's the booking-office. Do you know how much the fare is? Seventy-five pence for a single ticket and one pound fifty for a return. But ask for a weekend return. That might be cheaper. And ask for a time-table, too. You'll need it on Sunday.

All right. I'll meet you at the entrance to the platform. Which platform is ours?

Platform sixteen. I'll take your suitcase. Which one's yours? That one's mine.

Hurry up. The train leaves at four twenty-seven. (4.27)

From platform sixteen?

Jane: Mr. Blake: Jane: Mr. Blake: Jane: Mr. Blake: Jane: Mr. Blake: Jane: Mr. Blake:
Jane: Mr. Blake: Jane: Mr. Blake: Jane: Mr. Blake:




Role play.

Student A Student В
L You are a passenger who has just got on a train. You see an empty seat next to a passenger in the third row. Ask if you can take that seat. L You are a passenger on a train. The seat next to you is empty, but you keep it for your friend who is going to join you at the next stop. Tell the other passenger about it.
2. You are a passenger Ask the con­ductor on the train about the fa­cilities and services you can use, and if they are free or not. 2. You are a conductor on the InterCityExpress. Tell your pas­senger about facilities and servic­es they can use on the train.


Swap roles.

Unit 4. Travelling By Train

32. Discuss:

1. Why people travel by train.

2. What things you need to do to make your train trip comfortable and enjoying.

33. Speak about... your last train trip.

34. Write an essay on the topic "My Unforgettable Journey by Train". Use as many words from the unit as possible.


1. You are a manager at a travel agency. Advertise on a railway com­pany your agency works with. Give information about routes, destina­tions, prices, discounts, special offers and so on. Make a presentation for your customers.


2. You are a travel agent. Your client wants to travel in Europe by train. Make up an itinerary for him. Describe trains and rail system in Europe (choose any country), its advantages and disadvantages. Present the in­formation to your client. Make your presentation attractive and infor­mative.


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