Active vocabulary of the lesson
Verbs: determine, perceive, leave, impact, alter, transform, deal with, adjust, alter, master, imagine, define, imply, exist, categorize, indicate, correspond to, recognize, identify, affect, emphasize.
Nouns: root, shape, layout, mood, software, tool, creation, circle, square, triangle, curve, dimension, opacity, width, height, depth, seashell, petal, insect, cube, sphere, cone, snowflakes,
perception, boundaries, contour, volume.
Adjectives: countless, successful, soft, curved, rounded, sharp, angled, current, useful, complex, limitless, dimensional, asymmetrical, organic, visual, consistent.
Adverbs: properly, differently, significantly, ultimately, typically, naturally, visually, commonly, daily, essentially.
Shapes are at the root of graphic design. They are figures and forms that make up logos, illustrations and countless other elements in all types of designs. Using shapes properly is one of the keys to successful graphic design. The form, colour, size and other characteristics for the shapes in a layout can determine its mood and message. Soft, curved and rounded shapes are perceived differently than sharp, angled shapes. The “white space” or negative space left between shapes will also significantly impact a design. Experimentation and altering of shapes within a design can ultimately lead to the desired result.
Current graphics software has transformed the way graphic designers can deal with shapes. Adobe Illustrator is the most useful tool for shape creation and manipulation. Simple shapes such as circles, squares and triangles can be created with a click and drag of the mouse. Adjusting lines and curves using the tools in Illustrator and similar programs can create more complex shapes, of limitless dimensions. Colours, patterns, opacity and other characteristics of shapes can easily be altered.
It is important for designers to master the shape tools within their favourite software, as almost any shape that can be imagined can now be created. Form and shape are areas or masses which define objects in space. Form and shape imply space; indeed they cannot exist without space.
There are various ways to categorize form and shape. Form and shape can be thought of as either two dimensional or three dimensional. Two dimensional form has width and height. It can also create the illusion of three dimension objects. Three dimensional shape has depth as well as width and height. Form and shape can also be described as either organic or geometric. Organic forms such as these snow-covered boulders typically are irregular in outline, and often asymmetrical. Organic forms are most often thought of as naturally occurring. Shape is an area enclosed by a line. It visually describes an object. It is two-dimensional with height and width. Shapes can be geometric with straight edges and angels, such as squares, rectangles, or triangles or circles; or they can be organic with irregular and curvilinear lines. Organic shapes are found in nature-seashells, flower petals, insects, animals, people! Form looks like a three-dimensional shape. The object looks as if it has height, width and depth. Artists use shading to create the illusion of form. The shading indicates depth by creating shadows.
Geometric forms are those which correspond to named regular shapes, such as squares, rectangles, circles, cubes, spheres, cones, and other regular forms. Architecture is usually composed of geometric forms. These forms are most often thought of as constructed or made. However, not all made objects are geometric; many designed forms have irregular contours.
Nor are all naturally occurring objects organic; snowflakes and soap bubbles are among many geometric forms found in nature. There are some other terms commonly used to describe form and shape in composition; these have to do with what kind of representations the forms have. If we can recognize everyday objects and environments, we refer to the images as being realistic, or naturalistic. However, if the images are difficult or impossible to identify in terms of our normal, daily visual experience, we may refer to the images as abstract.
Our perception of shape and form are affected by several factors. The position or viewpoint from which we see an object will emphasize or obscure certain features, and therefore affect the impression it makes. The character and source of light also changes the perceived character of the object. Lighting in a photographic portrait, for example, can make the subject look older, younger, dramatic, or rather abstract. Value (the relative lightness or darkness of a colour) can also define form. Strong contrasts in value within a composition may define the boundaries of forms.
Gradations of value, or shading, can also create the illusion of contour and volume. In the same way, hue contrasts and gradations can also define forms. Form may also be defined by change in texture, even when hue and value remain essentially consistent. However, most typically, form is defined by a combination of these factors. Forms and shapes can be thought of as positive or negative. In a two dimensional composition, the objects constitute the positive forms, while the background is the negative space. The effective placement of objects in relation to the surrounding negative space is essential for success in composition. Some artists play with the reversal of positive and negative space to create complex illusions.