Part 1. Application for Credit






Для развития навыков чтения литературы по специальности





На заседании кафедры

Иностранных языков и перевода

Протокол № от




Методические указания для развития навыков чтения литературы по теме «БАНКИ И ДЕНЬГИ». / Сост.: Кечеджи О.В. – Мариуполь, ПГТУ, 2004 г.



Данные методические указания предназначены для студентов V курса специальности «Перевод» по дисциплине «Аспектный перевод» (Банковское дело). Указания состоят из четырех разделов и двух приложений. Методические указания включают в себя банковскую лексику; тексты по данной дисциплине; видео урок; денежные единицы стран мира и список сокращений, принятых в деловой документации.

Методические указания предназначены для изучения банковской лексики, навыков перевода тематических текстов и документации.



Составители: О.В. Кечеджи, преп.


Отв. за выпуск: Л.Н. Лазаренко, к.п.н., доцент



Watch the Video “ The Bank”



Watch the whole video and say the correct answer.


a) The bank - opposite the department store.

- next to

- in front of


b) Paola changes - money.

- traveller’s cheques.


c) Paola finds her passport - in her bag.

- in her pocket.

- in David’s pocket.


d) Paola - shows her passport to David.

- Doesn’t show


e) The bank clerk gives Paola - f 100

- f 200

- f 1000

Exercise 2.

Put the words in the conversation in the correct order.


Paola: me, is, excuse, bank, here, near, there, is?

Man: opposite, street, in, yes, department, there’s, store, one, big, Milsom, the.

Paola: street, Milsom, where’s?

Man: first, the, right, the, take, left, second, then.


Exercise 3.

Fill in the gaps in the conversation.


Clerk:___________would you like__________cash, in tens or twenties?

Paola: Twenties,_________________.

Clerk: That’s twenty,_________, sixty,___________, one _________pounds. And there’s your receipt.


Clerk: Thank you.

Paola: Good. I__________________ those jeans now.



Exercise 4.

Tick the correct verb.


Paola and David (arrive, leave) in town. Paola wants to (buy, shop) some jeans. But first, she wants to (find, change) some traveller’s cheques, so she (asks, tells) the way to a bank.

At the bank Paola (gives, takes) the traveller’s cheques to the clerk. The clerk (says, asks) her to (sign, write) them. Paola can’t (say, remember) what “sign” means.

Then Paola can’t (get, find) her passport. She (sees, checks) her pocket and her bag. Finally, she finds it in her bag, and the clerk (gives, asks) her the money.



Unit One

Active Vocabulary


Account – счет

Accountant – бухгалтер

Board of directors – совет директоров

Current account – текущий счет

Deposit account – депозитный счет

Depositor – вкладчик

Dividend- дивиденд

Draw upon an account – снимать со счета

Interest – процент, процентный доход

Joint stock – акционерный капитал

Loan – ссуда, заем, кредит

Profit – прибыль

Reserve – резерв, запас

Run the bank – управлять банком

Shares –акции

Shareholder – акционер

Statement – выписка из банковского счета

Standing order – постоянное поручение клиента банку




Student: Who really owns the bank?

Banker: The stockholders own it. In the beginning, they put up the necessary capital and were granted a charter from the government.

S.: Are the members of the board of directors stockholders?

B.: Oh, yes. They’re chosen by the other stockholders to operate the bank.

S.: And the board hires the president and the vice-president to manage it?

B.: That’s right. Along with the cashier, the teller and the clerical workers.

S.: I guess most of your work has to do with checking and savings account and making loans.

B.: Yes. But we invest money too. Planning the bank’s investments is also very important.

S.: Do you divide all the profits among the stockholders?

B.: Not all of them. The stockholders receive regular dividends. But some of our earning are held in reserve accounts.

S.: I suppose that would be necessary.

B.: Here’s copy of our last published statement. You see, the reserves are shown here as surplus and undivided profits.



Questions on the dialogue:


1. Who owns the bank?

2. How does a bank start?

3. Who chooses the board?

4. What’s the board’s task?

5. Who hires the employees?

6. What are the bank’s main activities?

7. How are the profits distributed?

8. How are the stockholders kept informed?



The Structure and Functions of a Bank.


The English commercial banks have branches in all the major towns and a similar structure and mode of working is common to them all. The owners are the shareholders. At the outset they provide the necessary capital. They are all organized on the joint stock principle and registered public companies.

The Chairman and Board of Directors are elected by the ordinary shareholders at the Annual General Meeting and are responsible for the efficient management of the bank. The Board is concerned with the overall policy of the bank and major decisions which put that policy into effect.

The Board will appoint a Managing Director who is directly responsible to them and a member of the Board. They will also appoint the most senior executives who in turn appoint the rest of the clerical staff who will be responsible in different capacities for the day to day running of the bank.

The essence of a bank’s activities is the collection of deposits through current and deposit account and the use of these funds to provide loans or funds for investment. The current account is the one commonly held and is drawn upon by cheques and standing orders. The deposit account is more in the nature of a savings account. The pattern of investments which a bank decide upon is crucial because, on the one hand, the bank must use the funds wisely to make a profit and, on the other, funds must be available for depositors to withdraw when they wish to do so.

At the end of each business year the Directors recommend and the Annual General Meeting decides how much of the profit should be distribute to the shareholders as dividend, and how much should be retained in the business. In preparation for the Annual General Meeting, a bank publishes its Report and Accounts. These must be sent to every shareholder and are also available for anyone with an interest in the affairs of the bank. From the published accounts shareholders can easily determine the total profits the bank has earned and how much is available for distribution.



Questions on the text:


1. Who owns the English commercial bank?

2. How does a bank start?

3. Who chooses the Board?

4. What is the Board’s task?

5. Who hires the employees?

6. What are the bank’s main activities?

7. How are the profits distributed?

8. How are the shareholders kept informed?


Find proper definitions.


1.Capital a) a sum of money to a shareholder out of profits in relation to

2.Dividend his investment

3.Deposit account b) an account in a bank from which money can be drawn by

4.Retained profits cheque

5.Current account c) profits not paid out as dividends and added to the surplus

d) the money value of the shareholders stake in the bank or


e) an account in a bank on which the depositor receive interest


Exercise 2.

Choose the right answer:

1. The people who decide the general policy of the bank are:

a) shareholders,

b) the board of directors,

c) the executive staff.


2. The bank’s financial position can be discovered from:

a) a report,

b) an announcement,

c) a statement.


3. Bank profits kept back for later use are:

a) withdrawals,

b) surplus,

c) retained profits.


4. Earnings remaining after all the expenses of a business activity have been paid are:

a) dividend,

b) capital,

c) profit.


5. Money which one person allows another to use for a specified time and which will then be returned is:

a) investment,

b) loan,

c) interest.


Exercise 3.

Using the information in the passage, say what is true and what is false. Correct the false sentences.


1. Members of the Board of Directors are shareholders.

2. All the shareholders participate in running the bank.

3. All the bank’s profits are divided among the shareholders.

4. All the retained profits of the bank belong to the shareholders.

5. The reserves are shown in the statement as retained.

Exercise 4.

Find synonyms for the following. Use a dictionary whenever necessary:


To own to appoint

To run to distribute

To collect to receive



Exercise 5.

Fill in the blanks with proper words or phrases:

1. The board appoints the … and the ….

2. An employee in a bank who pays out and receives money is called a ….

3. The Board of Directors is elected by the ….

4. The Board may distribute … to the shareholders out of the profits once or twice a year.

5. The … may be high even after all the bank’s expenses are paid.

6. A bank will need to seek approval for a large … to a customer.

7. The Board will discuss the bank’s … in other businesses.



Unit Two

Active vocabulary

Accept a bill акцептовать вексель

Bank draft банковская тратта

Bank money order банковский денежный перевод

Bank note, note, bill (US) банкнота

Bearer предъявитель, держатель

Bill of exchange переводной вексель

Cash получать наличные, обналичивать

Cashier’s check кассирский чек

Certified check удостоверенный чек

Certify заверять, удостоверять

Cheque, check чек

Traveller’s cheque дорожный чек

Creditor кредитор

Credit standing кредитоспособность

Currency денежное обращение, деньги, валюта

Denomination достоинство, ценность, деноминация

Discount a bill дисконтировать вексель

Endorse/indorse индонсировать, делать передаточную надпись

Forms of exchange формы обмена

Honour a bill акцептовать вексель

Identification идентификация ценных бумаг

In lieu of вместо

Issue выпускать в обращение

Legal tender законное платежное средство

Mature наступать (о сроке платежа)

Negotiable отчуждаемый, передаваемый

Payee ремитент, получатель платежа по кредитным обязательствам

Payer плательщик по кредитным обязательствам

Sight draft вексель на предъявителя



Read the dialogue.


Student: The bank must use just about every form of exchange in a day’s work.

Cashier: Just about. Of course, we constantly handle coins and bills of every denomination.

S.: They’re what you call legal tender.

C.: Yes. Or currency. A nation’s currency is its legal tender.

S.: But a check isn’t legal tender.

C.: No. However checks are a very common form of exchange, and they are generally accepted in lieu of currency.

S.: Are traveller’s checks currency?

C.: Not in a strict sense. But they’re immediately negotiable everywhere. For instance, even merchants will cash them under most circumstances.

S.: The bearer need only present proper identification.

C.: That’s right.

S.: Well, what’s a bank note? Is that currency?

C.: Definitely. Bank notes are issued by the banks of the Federal Reserve System, and they’re legal tender just as silver certificates are.

S.: That’s what I thought. But getting back to checks, why are bank drafts sometimes preferred over checks?

C.: Well, in the case of a check, the party who signs it is the only one who guarantees payment. But a bank draft is issued and guaranteed by a bank.

S.: Is that true of cashier’s checks, too?

C.: Yes. And also of certified checks and bank money orders.

S.: What about sight drafts?

C.: Now, sight drafts are different. They’re form of request for payment through a bank.



Questions on the dialogue:


1. What forms of exchange are called legal tender?

2. Why are checks a common form of exchange?

3. How are treveller’s checks useful?

4. Which banks in the USA may issue bank notes?

5. What is the difference between a check and a bank draft?

6. What do cashier’s checks, certified checks and bank drafts have in common?

7. How do sight drafts differ?



Currency and other Forms of Exchange.


The work of bank centres around money and financial services. Virtually and activity involving money or advice about financial matters is undertaken by all the commercial banks. The immediate service offered by the bank is the receipt for deposit of coins, notes and cheques and the cashing of cheques, through current accounts. Coins and notes in circulation have the status of “legal tender” that is to say they must be taken in payment of a debt although the extend to which this applies in the case of coins is deliberately restricted for the sake of convenience.

The most common means of payment, particularly for significant sums of money, is the cheque since it is both safer and more convenient than using cash. However, it is not legal tender and creditors can refuse to accept it if they wish. Normally both nations cheques and traveller’s cheques are readily negotiable if the bearer has some means of proving his identity and the creditor can be sure that the cheque will be “honoured”. To assist the use of cheques banks now provide their customers with bankers cards which, when used in association with a cheque, will guarantee it up to a stated maximum. If a customer wishes to make payments of large amounts of money by cheque and is not known to the creditor, then he may obtain a “certified cheque” from his bank. Such a cheque is signed by the bank and therefore payment is guaranteed.

Those trading overseas, or in conditions where there may be a significant time lapse between sending out goods and their receipt by the customer, may use a Bill of Exchange as a means of payment. This is really a post dated cheque which assures the creditor payment but also gives the buyer opportunity to inspect the goods before the transaction is completed. Those whose credit standing is unknown may have to get the Bill “accepted” before a creditor will take it. Such a process guarantees payment and most work of this kind is undertaken by the merchant banks. Because Bills are post dated creditors may have to wait some time for their money. They can overcome this problem by endorsing the Bill and then either discounting it with a Discount House or a bank or passing it on to another trader in settlement of a debt of their own. By the time it comes to maturity a Bill may have passed through several hands and on each occasion it must be endorsed. The commercial banks participate in this activity in two ways: in part by lending money to the discount houses and in part by discounting bills for their own customers.



Questions on the text:


1. What forms of money are called legal tender?

2. Why are cheques a common form of exchange?

3. What is the main purpose of a banker’s card?

4. What is the special features of a certified cheque?

5. What is the main use of a Bill of Exchange?

6. Why does a Bill sometimes have to be “accepted”?

7. In which two ways might a creditor who needed the money dispose of a Bill?



Exercise 1.

Choose the right answer:


1. “We constantly handle coins and bills” means:

a) cash them under most circumstances,

b) deal with them,

c) receive them.


2. “ Bills of every denomination” denote:

a) bank notes of different values,

b) bank notes of various sizes,

c) other means of exchange.


3. “Legal tender” is:

a) A type of paper currency,

b) A requirement to accept in settlement of a debt,

c) Money guaranteed by a government.


4. “Both cheques and traveller’s cheques are readily accepted” means:

a) able to be given to another party,

b) certified by the bank that funds are available,

c) endorsed by an officer of the bank.


5. “The cheque will be honoured” means:

a) that it will be readily accepted by creditors,

b) that it will be treated with respect,

c) that the bank will be ready to cash it.


6. “A bearer” is:

a) a person who is named as payee on the exchange document,

b) an officer of the bank who endorses the cheque,

c) the person offering the exchange document and demanding payment.



Exercise 2.

Say what is true and what is false. Correct the false sentences:


1. Coins and bills of every denomination are called legal tender.

2. Cheques arq rarely accepted in lieu of currency.

3. To cash a traveller’s cheque the bearer need only present proper identification.

4. Bills of Exchange are not legal tender.

5. A cheque is always guaranteed by a bank.

6. Certified cheques are always guaranteed by a bank.



Exercise 3.

Fill in the blanks with proper words of phrases:


Bank note honoured

Bearer identification

Coins issued

Currency traveller’s cheques


1. While travelling I do not like to carry large amounts of ….

2. I prefer to have … which are immediately negotiable.

3. Traveller’s cheques are … in different denominations.

4. To cash the treveller’s cheque the … should present proper identification.

5. However, there are merchants who will not accept traveller’s cheques even though you present proper….

6. I collect … of every denomination.


Unit Three


Active Vocabulary

Active account активный депозитный счет

Accrue накапливать

Balance сальдировать, подводить итог, закрывать счета

Cancel a cheque аннулировать чек

Compound interest сложные проценты

Credit кредитовать

Debit дебетовать

Deposit вклад, депозит, задаток

Fund запас, резерв, фонд

Genuine подлинный, неподдельный

Insurance страхование

Insure against страховать(ся)

Interest on bank credit процент по банковскому кредиту

Joint account совместный счет

Ledger бухгалтерская книга

Liquid ликвидный

Maturity срок платежа

Notice извещение, уведомление

Outstanding 1) выпущенный в обращение

2) не предъявленный к платежу, задолженный

Overdraft овердрафт, превышение кредитного лимита

Overdraw допускать овердрафт, превышать кредитный лимит

Passbook банковская расчетная книжка, депозитная книжка,

сберегательная книжка

Per annum ежегодно

Principal 1) номинал векселя

2) капитал

3) основной должник

Posting проводка

Rate of interest процентная ставка

Reconcile выверять счет

Commission комиссионный счет

Service charge ----------“------------

Term срок выполнения обязательств

Time certificate срочный сертификат

Transferable переводной




Read the dialogue.


Cashier: Now this is the checking account ledger. Each page is a record of a customer’s deposits and withdrawals.

Student: And you give a copy of this to the customer.

C.: That’s right. That’s his statement, which he receives with all his cancelled checks. Then he reconciles it with his own records.

S.: This one is a joint account, isn’t it? And pretty active.

C.: Yes, it is.

S.: What’s this debit?

C.: That’s our service charge.

S.: I notice an overdraft here in April.

C.: I’m afraid we’ve had to remind this customer and his wife several times that they must keep a sufficient balance to cover all outstanding checks.

S.: Will I have to learn to recognize all our customers signature.

C.: Yes, you will. Any check we cash must have a genuine signature. But we keep a file of them that you can refer to.

S.: Will I be doing any posting of this ledger?

C.: No, I’m afraid. Not till you are employed in our bank.

S.: Well, suppose one has some funds on hand, I’m wondering whether he ought to put them in a savings account.

C.: It’s good idea, if he wants to keep his investment fairly liquid. And he might also think of a time deposit.

S.: What’s the difference?

C.: Well, first of all, his time deposit is for a specified term, but he can make withdrawals from his savings account at any time, although as much as thirty days’ notice of withdrawal may be required.

S.: Do they draw the same rate of interest?

C.: The bank pats the maximum 4% per annum at maturity on a one year time certificate. Interest on a saving account accrues at the rate of 3%.

S.: How do you figure the interest on a savings account?

C.: It’s compounded and credited to the account semi-annually.

S.: You mean added to the principal?

C.: Yes. And we issue each customer a passbook on his saving account in which each deposit and withdrawal is entered.

S.: Is either type of account transferable?

C.: Only time certificates.

S.: Are these deposits insured?

C.: Yes. We’re a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.



Questions on the dialogue:


1. What is a checking account ledger?

2. Why does the bank send a copy of the statement with all checks cancelled to every customer?

3. Are service charges debited or credited to an account?

4. What happens when a cashier notices an overdraft on somebody’s account?

5. What does a teller have to do before he cashes a check?

6. What advice would you offer to a customer who has some funds on hands?

7. Why is it profitable to deposit your funds for a specified term?

8. How is the interest on a savings account figure?

9. Which type of account is transferable?

10. How are customer’s deposits protected?



Depositing Money with a Bank.


There are two general reasons for using a bank account. The first and most common is the convenience and safety provided by a current account at a bank. The second is that small and perhaps regular surpluses are available to be saved, and for this purpose a bank provides deposits accounts.

A deposit account will not offer a high rate of interest and would not be the best way to save large sums of money for any long period of time, but it is designed to make saving simple, convenient and safe. It is especially appropriate for those who may save small amounts from time to time without any planned regularity or for those who wish to save for a particular purpose in the immediate future, for example for annual holidays or for the purchase of a major item such as a car.

Most customers of a bank who have opened a deposit account will also have a current account and this makes the transfer of amounts of money from one to the other an easy matter. Regular payments into a deposit account can be made through a standing order to the bank who will automatically transfer the agreed amount according to your instructions. Other payments are made on standard forms but it is most convenient and provides a useful record if the depositor uses a paying in book. Interest is calculated every six months and added to the account. The rate of interest varies from time to time and is publicly advertised in any bank. Because the bank uses money deposited with them to lend to others it normally requires about seven days notice of intention to withdraw money from a deposit account, but unless there is a heavy demand for money they are not likely to insist on this and cash is often immediately available to those who wish to withdraw it. There is an assumption that such notice was given and you would lose seven day’s interest on the money.

The increasing need for security and the use of computers in wage payments have combined to make it more common to have a bank account than to be without one. This kind of account is a current one and its most common use is a single regular payment in either a weekly wage or a monthly salary and regular payments out to meet the normal everyday expenses. Most payments are still made by cheque although the use, of the standing order or the direct debit is becoming very common. It is normally expected that a current account will remain in balance and customers who regularly maintain an agreed minimum balance are often given the services of the bank without charge. In general, however, charges are made which vary with the size of the balance, the amount of use of the bank’s services and the number of transactions. If the account is overdrawn a further charge, which is interest on the overdrawn amount, is also made.

Overdrafts are not permitted automatically and anything other than a small temporary overdraft would have to be by agreement with the bank manager. Such a facility is often useful particularly when there is a short term disbalance between income and expenditure. On the other hand, since money in a current account does not attract interest, it is not a good idea to maintain large cash balances, these would be better transferred to a deposit account or to an alternative form of saving.



Questions on the text:

1. What are the two main reasons for opening a bank account?

2. Which type of account is used by those who wish to save?

3. What kind of saving is this type of account most suited to?

4. What is a standing order?

5. Why does a bank sometimes need notice of intention to withdraw money from saving account?

6. What is the most common use of current account?

7. Why are some customers not charged for the facility of a current account?

8. Why is it not a good idea to retain large balance in a current account?



Exercise 1

Find proper definitions.


TERMS 1. Debit 2. Balance 3. Overdraft 4. Compound 5. Maturity 6. Principal 7. Charge 8. Rate of interest DEFINITIONS a) the unpaid balance or portion of a loan or investment on which the interest is figured b) an amount by which withdrawals are greater than the balance in an account c) the point at which a loan or investment is due d) the amount which has to be paid for the use of a bank’s services by a current account holder e) a figure in the ledger indicating a withdrawal or a change f) the amount remaining in an account g) figure interest on the principal plus any accrued interest h) the amount per hundred pounds which is added to the balance of a deposit account


Exercise 2.

Choose the right answer:


1. “a current account” is:

a) one which is available for the time being,

b) one in which savings are held,

c) one which is used all the time for day-to-day transactions.


2. “a canceled cheque” means:

a) worthless cheque,

b) stamped to indicate that payment has been made,

c) crossed cheque.


3. “a genuine signature” is:

a) a person’s name written by himself,

b) a person’s name written correctly,

c) legible signature.


4. “an outstanding cheque” means:

a) unpaid cheque,

b) written but not yet presented for payment,

c) overdue cheque.


5. “a deposit account” is:

a) one from which regular payments are made,

b) one in which savings are held,

c) one from which withdrawals can be made by cheque.


6. “rate of interest” is:

a) the percentage of each unit of money paid for its use,

b) rate of profitability,

c) portion of an investment on which the interest is calculated.

7. “an overdraft” is:

a) an amount by which the balance in a current account exceeds the value of a cheque drawn from it,

b) an amount by which the value of a cheque exceeds the balance in the current account,

c) an excessive balance in a current account.



Exercise 3.

Say what is true and what is false. Correct the sentences:


1. The teller has to learn to recognize all customers’ signatures.

2. If you want to keep your investment fairly liquid, put it in a deposit account.

3. You cannot make withdrawals from your deposit account.

4. Interest is paid by the bank on both current account and deposit account.

5. Withdrawals are made from a deposit account by cheque or standing order.

6. Money is easily transferable from a current account to a deposit account.

7. The arte of interest on deposit account is fixed.

8. It is easier to get money out of a deposit account than it is from a current account.



Exercise 4.

Fill in the blanks:


Mr. Collins and his wife have a current account in both their names. They have a …. They both work and put money into the account. They both make …. Sometimes they get mixed up about the amount of money they have removed from their account. They get confused about their …. Once or twice the amount remaining in their account has become too low. They have had too small a …. The next cheque they wrote was for more money than they had in their account. They had an …. The only way they could restore the balance was to get a record of their deposits and withdrawals from the bank. So they asked for a …. They also had the cheques which had been stamped to indicate that payment had been made. They had their … cheques. Then they added up the cheques that had been written but had not been paid by the bank yet. They totaled their … cheques. They also subtracted from their balance the bank charges and interest on the …. Finally they managed to make their records agree with the bank’s statement. They … their account.


Unit Four

Active Vocabulary:


Amortize 1) погашать долг в рассрочку

2) обеспечивать постепенную выплату займа

Repaid by annual installments выплаченный в рассрочку

Appraise оценивать, определять стоимость

Assets имущество, достояние, средства, активы, фонды

Fixed assets основные средства, основные фонды

Current assets текущие активы

Balance sheet балансовый отчет

Chattel движимое имущество

Chattel mortgage (US) ипотечный кредит

Clear осуществлять клиринг векселей, чеков;

выплачивать по чеку клиента

Collateral security имущественное обеспечение, обеспечение ценными


Collateral обеспечение, залог

Debt долг, задолженность, обязательство

Deed документ, скрепленный подписью и печатью

Discount 1) дисконт, учет векселей

2) процент скидки

Encumbrance закладная, долг, обязательство

Equity 1) маржа

2) доля акционера в капитале

3) обыкновенная акция

Estate имущество, состояние

Estimate 1) оценивать

2) подсчитывать

3) составлять смету

Holding 1) владелец акциями

2) пакет акций

Holdings вклады

Indebtedness задолженность

Instalment 1) очередной взнос

2) частичный платеж

Legal charge законная плата

Liabilities денежные обязательства

Liquidate ликвидировать, погашать

Mortgage ипотека, залог; закладная

Net value,

Net worth (US) чистая стоимость компании; собственный капитал

Obligation долговое обязательство; облигация

Pledge закладывать

Property 1) собственность

2) имущество

Real estate (US) недвижимость

Retire погашать долговое обязательство

Securities ценные бумаги, фонды

Title право собственности

Trust 1) траст, доверительный фонд

2) кредит \ давать в кредит

Trust deed (US) акт учреждения доверительной собственности




Read the dialogue.


Part 1. Application for Credit


Banker: Our discount committee is still discussing your application for credit. I wonder if you’d mind giving us some more information about certain items shown on your balance sheet.

Customer: Not at all.

B.: Is the mortgage on your fixed assets being amortized?

C.: Yes. We’re making semi-annual payment on this obligation.

B.: Your balance sheet show some indebtedness. Are any of your assets pledged as security?

C.: No. That’s just an open note.

B.: Would your company be willing to pledge part of its current assets as collateral security to our loan?

C.: We wouldn’t object to that. Part of this money will be used to retire preset debts and part to expand our operations. Then we can immediately being to liquidate this new liability.

B.: I think we’d better prefer that arrangement




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