Read and learn the words given below.

Certification свидетельство License лицензия, патент Reference рекомендация Screening process процесс отсева, отбора To be confident быть самоуверенным To be favored пользоваться преимуществом To be in charge of отвечать за что-либо To clarify smth прояснить что-либо To face smth сталкиваться с чем-либо To fail потерпеть неудачу To follow up преследовать упорно; доводить до конца To hire нанимать To improve улучшать To market skills рекламировать навыки To master skills усовершенствовать навыки To summarize суммировать To work under some conditions работать при каких-либо условиях


Match the English words with the Russian equivalents.

1) company name 2) job title 3) to handle references 4) employment agency 5) extra copy 6) advertised job opening 7) current position 8) career path 9) transferable skills 10) executive recruiter a) карьерный путь b) нынешняя должность c) объявление о вакансии d) дополнительная копия e) вручать рекомендации f) название компании g) агентство по найму h) название работы i) профессиональные навыки j) старший вербовщик


Complete the chart with the words. Translate the words into Russian, learn them by heart.

Verb Noun Adjective Adverb

2.4 Fill in the blanks in the text 5 Steps to Resume Success with the words from the box.

benefit; hire; achievements; specific tips; skills; relevant; improve; summarize; experience; screening process; desired job; versions; earned; leadership qualities




Listed below are some ___1___ that will get your resume successfully through the ___2___ and make it more appealing to potential employers.

There are 5 steps to resume success.


One of the easiest ways to ___3___ your resume is to ___4___ your qualifications at the top of the page. This keyword-based profile should position you for your ___5___ and focus on your job target's "core competencies"

and critical keywords. When this summary is done right, your resume will not only be keyword optimized, but it will "sell" you more effectively to the human reader. If you have a diverse background, you'll ___6___ by preparing different ___7___ of your resume – each one aimed toward a different job target. Most employers prefer to ___8___ specialists, not "jacks-of-all-trades," so edit your resume accordingly. When deciding whether a particular item should be included, ask yourself: "Is this information ___9___? Does it verify or support my ability to contribute to an employer's operation?" If not, take it out.


Since you only have a few moments to get potential employers' attention, the sequence of your information is critical. For example, if you have recently ___10___ a college degree, your "Education" section should be placed near the top of the page. If your education is less impressive than your ___11___, place it at the bottom. If you have limited experience, you may want to include volunteer work or other activities that demonstrate organizational ability, ___12___, and other transferable job ___13___.


Your resume should prominently highlight ___14___ and awards related to your career or recent academic performance. Employers are naturally attracted to high achievers (i.e., those who are willing to "go the extra mile"), so don't hesitate to describe your accomplishments or involvement in special projects. If there was ever a time to toot your own horn, this is it!

Resume Strategy

Deciding which type of resume is best for you can be a difficult task.

Resume Production

Resume writing is similar to other forms of writing: it requires proper planning, editing, rewriting, proofreading and more editing. Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts! After you've completed the writing and editing, doublecheck all data, run it through a spelling checker and make sure the format is consistent. The next step is design and layout – and whether you like it or not, appearance does count! To ensure optimum readability, the resume should be expertly typeset in a professional, distinctive format.



2.5 Read the text Types of Resume and translate the words in the brackets from Russian into English.


The CHRONOLOGICAL RESUME is the standard, traditional format. It focuses primarily on employment history and presents your (1. Опыт работы) in reverse chronological order. This type of resume is ideal if your job listings are impressive, your employment history is linear, and your (2. нынешнее положение) is directly related to your (3. карьерный путь). Because of their straightforward nature, chronological resumes are typically favored by (4. вербовщик) and (5. менеджеры по найму на работу).

FUNCTIONAL RESUMES focus on transferable skills and deemphasize individual positions, job (6. обязанности) and employment dates. Functional styles are frequently used by (7. те, кто ищут работу) who have "holes" in their work history or want to make a career change. Their use should be (8. тщательно) weighed, though, as some employers consider them "less credible" than traditional resumes with a blow-by-blow employment history.

For many, the best approach is a COMBINATION RESUME with a functional summary and a chronological work history. This strategy is advantageous for most job seekers – and if done properly, allows employers to quickly see how your background qualifies you for the position. A combination resume also provides additional (9. гибкость) if you have multiple objectives, as the summary can be rewritten and "slanted" toward the (10. навыки) you want to emphasize.



3.1 Look through the text Resume Strategies and find the English equivalents to the Russian phrases in the text.

1) будущий работодатель; 2) усовершенстовать резюме; 3) руководство; 4) агентство по найму; 5) дополнительные усилия; 6) массовая отправка по почте; 7) принятый стандарт; 8) окупиться; 9) быть вежливым, обходительным; 10) написать заявление; 11) преодолевать трудности устройства на работу; 12) получит ответ.



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