Negotiation is one of the most common approaches used ____1___ and manage disputes. It is also the major building block for many other alternative dispute resolution procedures.
Negotiation ___2___ between spouses, parents and children, managers and staff, employers and employees, professionals and clients, within and between organizations and between agencies and the public. Negotiation is a ___3___ in which two or more people voluntarily discuss their differences and attempt to reach a ___4___ on their common concerns. Negotiation requires participants to ___5___ about which they differ, educate each other about their needs and interests, generate possible settlement options and ___6___ of the final agreement. Successful negotiations generally result in some kind of ___7___ or promise being made by the negotiators to each other. The exchange may be tangible (such as money, a commitment of time or a particular behavior) or intangible (such as an agreement to change an attitude or ___8___, or make an apology).
Negotiation is the ___9___ that people redefine an old relationship that is not working to their satisfaction or establish a new relationship where none existed before. Because negotiation is such a common ___10___, it is in everyone's interest to become familiar with negotiating dynamics and skills. This section is designed to introduce basic concepts of negotiation and to present ___11___ and ___12___ that generally produce more efficient and productive problem solving.
2.5 Read the text Why Negotiate and translate the words given in the brackets into English.
Negotiation is something that we do all the time and is not only used for business purposes. For example, we use it in our social lives perhaps for deciding a time to meet, or where to go on a rainy day.
Negotiation is usually considered as a compromise (1. улаживать, разрешать вопрос) or issue to benefit ourselves as much as possible.
Communication is always the link that will be used to negotiate the issue/argument whether it is (2. лицом к лицу), on the telephone or in writing. Remember, negotiation is not always between two people: it can involve several members from two (3. стороны).
There are many reasons why you may want to negotiate and there are several (4.способов) to approach it.
If your reason for negotiation is seen as ‘beating’ the opposition, it is known as ‘Distributive negotiation’. This way, you must be prepared to use (5. тактика убеждения) and you may not end up with maximum benefit. This is because your agreement is not being directed to a certain (6. компромисс) and both parties are looking for a different (7. результат, исход).
Should you feel your negotiation is much more ‘friendly’ with both parties aiming (8. достигнуть соглашения), it is known as ‘Integrative negotiation’. This way usually brings an outcome where you will both (9.
выигрывать) highly.
Negotiation, in a business context, can be used for selling, purchasing, staff (e.g. contracts), borrowing (e.g. loans) and transactions, along with anything else that you feel are (10. применимый, приемлемый) for your business.
Complete each sentence with the words from the words in capitals.
These rules keep the value during negotiating. | |
1. Rationality. It is necessary to be self-controlled. ___1___ emotions negatively affect negotiating process and ___2___ of acceptance of ___3___ decision. REASON 2. Understanding. The ___4___ to the point of view of the partner limits opportunities of development of ___5___ acceptable decisions. 3. Dialogue. If your partners do not show the big interest, nevertheless try to lead with them ___6___. It will allow to keep and improve attitudes. 4. Reliability. The false information ___7___ force of the ___8___, and also adversely influences reputation. 5. Avoid teaching tone. It is ___9___ to teach the partner. The basic method – belief. 6. Acceptance. Try to accept other party and be opened to learn something new from the partner. The optimal day for ___10___ are Thursday. The most ___11___ time of day – in half an hour – hour after a dinner when ideas on meal do not distract from the ___12___ of business matters. The favorable environment for negotiations can be created, depending on the circumstances, at your office, ___13___ of the partner or in a neutral territory. The success of negotiations in much is defined by skill to ask questions and to receive exhaustive answers to them. | CONTROL ABLE ATTENTION MUTUAL CONSULT WEAK ARGUE ADMISS NEGOTIATE FAVOUR DECIDE REPRESENT |