Include – включать в себя
According to the rank – в соответствии со званием
To be responsible for – отвечать за
Experienced – опытный
Skilled – умелый
Well-qualified – высококвалифицированный
Head – глава
Replace – заменять
Perform duties – исполнять обязанности
Keep watch – нести вахту
Navigating bridge – рулевой (капитанский) мостик
Relieve each other of watch – сменять друг друга на вахте
Define the ship’s position – определять местоположение судна
Plot the ship’s course on chart – прокладывать курс судна на карте
Take bearings – брать пеленги
Radio-communications – радиосвязь
Keep – держать, хранить
Hull – корпус
Hold – трюм
Tackle=rigging - тали, такелаж
Consist of – состоять из
Maintain – обслуживать
Repair – ремонтировать
Food preparation – приготовление пищи
Cleanliness – чистота
Personnel – штат, персонал
To meet the requirements – отвечать требованиям
There are following departments on board ships: the deck department, the engine department, and the catering department.
The deck department include s navigator s, radio-officer s, a boatswain, sailor s and a doctor. We call navigators according to their rank on board ship: the Master (Captain), the Chief Officer (Chief Mate), the Second Officer (Second Mate), the Third Officer (Third Mate).
The Master is responsible for the ship, her cargo and the crew. He must be an experienced navigator.
The Chief Officer is the Master’s main assistant and the head of the Deck Department. He must be always ready to replace the Master and perform his duties.
All the navigators must keep watch on the navigating bridge. They may not leave it when on watch. The navigators relieve each other of watch. Every navigator must know how to define the ship’s position, plot her course on the chart and take bearings.
Radio officers keep watch in the radio-room and are responsible for radio-communications.
A Boatswain and sailors must keep the ship’s hull, holds and tackle in good condition.
The engine department consists of the Chief Engineer, the Second and Third Engineers, some motormen and electrician s. They keep watch in the engine room and must maintain and repair its equipment.
The catering department includes the Chief cook, the stewards and messboys. Their responsibilities are: food preparation and service, general accommodation area cleanliness. They work under the guidance of Master. On passenger ships, the catering department will have more personnel to meet the requirements of passengers.
The main body of the ship is hull. The hull has 3 main parts. The front part is the bow, the opposite end is the stern, the part in between is midships.
The lowermost part of the hull is the bottom, the part topping the hull is the deck. As the ship moves ahead when looking in the direction of her motion, that side of the ship to the right hand is the starboard side and to the left is the port side. The part of the hull below water is the ship’s underwater body. Vertical walls going across and along the hull form a number of watertight compartment s. These walls are bulkhead s.
The hull contains the engine room, cargo space s and a number of tanks. Opening s provid ing access to each hold are hatch es. The raised part of the bow is the forecastle and the raised part of the stern is the poop.
Cargo vessels have cargo handling facilities for loading and unloading the cargo. On deck these are cranes, winch es, derrick s.
The structure of a vessel above deck level is a superstructure. It provides additional accommodation s. There is a navigating bridge on the top of it. The bridge has 2 wing s and in between them is a wheel-house.
Watchman:Good morning, sir. Can I help you? I’m watchman Ivanov. And who are you? Newcomer:Morning. I’m Port State Control officer. I need your Master. Is he in? Watchman: Yes, he is in. But first will you show me your Id. Card, please. Newcomer: Here you are. Watchman: That’s all right. Will you put your signature in our register/visitors’ book? Newcomer: Where shall I sign? Watchman: Sign here, please. Wait a bit. I’ll call for our Master. Master: Hello! What’s up? Watchman:Master, here’s the Port State Control Officer. He wants to see you. Will you come to the gangway, please. Master: OK. Coming. | Матрос:Доброе утро, сэр. Могу я вам помочь? Я вахтенный матрос Иванов. Кто вы? Посетитель:Доброе утро. Я офицер портконтроля. Мне нужен ваш капитан. Он здесь? Матрос: Да. Но сначала покажите мне ваше удостоверение, пожалуйста. Посетитель: Вот оно. Матрос: Хорошо. Будьте добры, распишитесь в нашем журнале посетителей. Посетитель: Где мне расписаться? Матрос: Распишитесь здесь, пожалуйста. Подождите минуту. Я позвоню капитану. Капитан: Алло! В чем дело? Матрос: Капитан, здесь офицер портконтроля. Он хочет вас видеть. Пройдите к трапу, пожалуйста. Капитан: Хорошо. Иду. |